Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | Alright, get ready! よぉーし、覚悟なさーい! |
Generic | Oh my, you're willing to go? ほほ~う、やる気だね? |
Generic | You better be ready to fight me! お相手……願いましょうか! |
Outro | ||
Generic | Hey, you still alive in there? おーい、生きてるー? |
Generic | Easy win! ら、く、しょう! |
Generic | And thus, the darkness was banished! かくして! 闇は消え去ったのであった! |
Generic | I think you that was pretty good. 結構がんばったほうかな~ |
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | What's the matter? どうしたどうした~ |
Generic | I'm ready whenever! かかってきなさい~! |
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Secret Art: Luster Birth | Let's go Ayame! Evil shall fall! いくよーあやめちゃん! 悪・即・ざぁ~ん |
Ultimate Art: Bloody Fate | Dual Moon's One Blade Drawing Style Form Zero Ultimate Art: Bloody Fate 双月一刀流抜刀術 零之型 秘奥義:命紅 |
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | So, what'd you think...? The feel of my beloved sword, Ayame? She's killed a bunch of Voids over the years. I'd warn against blinking when she's around! どうだった? 代々幾多の虚無を葬って来た我が愛刀あやめちゃんの切れ味☆ ぼーっとしてると、3枚に下ろすぞー? |
Generic | Whoa, whoa... People used to talk about razor-thin margins back in the day... If I'd hesitated at all, I'd have been a goner by now. あぶないあぶない。まさに紙一重の勝負って、昔の人はよく言ったものねー。最後んとこで迷いが見えなきゃあたしの方が負けてたかもねぇ。 |
Generic | One thing's certain... Victory goes to the one who's the most desperate to get it. If you aren't in love with life, you've got zero chance of winning! いつだってそう、勝負を決めるのは『どれだけ必死になれるか』だかんね。生きることに執着がないってのは、勝つことに執着がないのと同じだよ。 |
Generic | Man, what was with all those openings? It was like you WANTED me to cut you up! Never pass up an opportunity to strike, and then when you do it, do it quickly. Just the basics of fighting, you know. それじゃ隙だらけだってば。斬って下さいって言ってるようなもんだよ。一瞬の隙を逃さずにその一点を斬り貫く、居合いの本質ってヤツだね。 |
Generic | Aw, what a shame! It's like you couldn't focus... You really suck with the spotlight shining down on you, huh? Well, I have to admit, it was entertaining. Thanks for saving me from boredom. うーん残念! 集中力が足りないって言うのかなー、本番に弱いタイプ? ま、面白い勝負だったし良い退屈凌ぎにはなったかな。 |
Generic | You did quite well, considering I was your opponent... You should be proud of the results. このあたし相手によく頑張ったんじゃない? 胸を張って良い結果だよ。 |
Generic | Once again, I've cut down something worthless... Hee, hee, hee, just kidding... まーたつまんないもの斬っちゃった~……なーんてね☆ |
Generic | Masters of my style can cut through steel... No, really! You should feel lucky you were only up against a newbie like me. 居合の剣は斬鉄の剣ってね。達人は鉄くらい簡単に斬っちゃうんだから。あたしみたいな |
Generic | Damn it... It's fine to kick up a ruckus and all, just don't do it while I'm around. If you gotta pick a fight, could you do it somewhere else? まったく……。暴れんのは良いけど、あたしに面倒かけないでよねぇ? ケンカとかそういうのは隣の街まで行ってやんなさい、迷惑なんだから! |
VS Hyde | You sure have a lot of power. Shame you don't know how to use it. You're like a cute little birdie, just learning how to fly. I'm excited to train you! |
Extremely Rare | Hm? Engaging...? Of course, I engage enemies all the time. What're you trying to say?! Hahaha! "ん? こんにゃくぅ? 切れるよ? もー、なに言ってんのかなー☆ |
General | Wow, you really caused a hell of a mess here, didn't you? But you messed with the wrong person this time. I'm the guardian of this place, after all! With Ayame, I can't lose! おーおー、派手にやってくれるじゃない。心意気は買うけど相手が悪かったね。腐ってもこの地域一帯の守護者を名乗る身、 |
General | Did you see my beloved Ayame in action? Her speed! Her reach! Her power! No one can escape her eye! あたしの |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Awriiight! Get ready! よぉーし 覚悟なさーい! |
Arrival sequence2 | Here's a challenge... Please accept! お相手……願いましょうか! |
Arrival sequence3 | Sheesh... You're not gonna let me win easily, are you? やれやれ……楽には勝たせてもらえなさそうだ |
Arrival sequence4 | I like that look in your eyes... C'mon, let's go! いい目してるねぇ… オーケーはじめましょう! |
Arrival sequence5 | I've already thrown away all doubt. 迷いなんてものは もう捨てたからね |
Arrival sequence (Seth) |
Yuzuriha: Looks like your doubts are gone. Seth: Heh. Like I had any left in the first place. ユズリハ「迷い 消えたみたいだね」 セト「ふっ 今の俺に迷いなど……」 |
Arrival sequence (Wagner) |
Wagner: I ask for a bout, samurai. Yuzuriha: Very well! I accept your challenge! ワーグナー「侍よ 手合わせ願おう」 ユズリハ「よろしい 受けて立ちましょう!」 |
Arrival sequence (Tsurugi) |
Tsurugi: Speed and range... Can I even get close? Yuzuriha: Power and defense, huh? This is gonna be a tough one. ツルギ「リーチとスピード… 近づけるかおい…?」 ユズリハ「パワーと防御…か こりゃ苦労しそうだ」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Kuon: Stagnation is death. To live is to change, is it not? Yuzuriha: That's why I'm gonna change things up! Your fate included! クオン「淀みは死 生きるとは変わること だったね」 ユズリハ「だから変える アンタの運命も」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Easy win! らっくしょう~! |
Round win2 | And thus! Darkness was vanquished! かくして! 闇は消え去ったのであった! |
Round win3 | Awright! Doing great! よっし 絶好調! |
Round win4 | Welp, that about does it! ま こーんなところよねぇ~ |
Round win5 | Know your role! Ha ha, just kidding! 身の程を知るが良い…! なーんちゃって☆ |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Heeey! You still alive? おーい 生きてるー? |
Set win2 | Learn your lesson and give up, okay? これに懲りたら もうやめときなよ? |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
I'd say you tried harder than most. 結構がんばった方かな~ |
Set win (Easy victory) |
I-I wonder if I overdid it... や やりすぎちゃったかしら…… |
Set win (Hyde) |
Look at you, growing so much! I love to see it! うんうん 立派になったねえ お姉さん嬉しいっ! |
Set win (Linne,Seth) |
Just leave everything else to me! あとはあたしにどーんと任せなさいっ! |
Victory | |
General wins1 | Mwa ha ha ha ha, who d'you think I am? Uh, actually, don't think about it that much. I'm not that big a deal. Seriously. Just forget all about me, 'kay? ふっふっふ。このあたしを誰だと心得る~。 あ、いえ。大した者じゃないから、むしろ忘れて下さって結構ですけどっ! |
General wins2 | Weird. I'm readin' the hesitation in your heart loud and clear. I never thought hesitation could leave you so vulnerable... Huh! Hate to think that was me 'til just recently... 不思議なモンだ。あんたの心の『迷い』、今のあたしにはハッキリ見える。 迷うことってのは、こんなにもスキだらけだったんだねぇ。 いやいや、こないだまでの自分が恥ずかしい……。 |
General wins3 | It takes a little finesse to get within range of a proper iai. If you can't time your breath just right and get with the rhythm, you'll end up sliced like toast! 『居合いの間合い』ってのは、入るのにちょっとしたコツが要るのよね。 この呼吸&リズムをきっちり読み切らないと、斬り刻まれるだけだぞぉ~★ |
General wins4 | You stiffened up a bit just 'cause I'm swingin' a sword, huh? Well, there's your problem! You weren't givin' everything you got! ズバリ! 本来の『 |
General wins5 | Your neutral is outstandin', and your technique and energy aren't too shabby either! I sure hope there aren't too many more like you out here in the Night... 中々に素晴らしい立ち回り。技術も気迫も申し分ない♪ あんたみたいなのが、大勢『 |
General wins6 | Oogh.... I didn't think you'd make it this far. I better start takin' my training more seriously, or else one of these days I might not be able to win... ぐぬぬぬ……。よ、よもや、ここまで追い詰められようとは。 あたしもそろそろ真面目に特訓しないと、勝てない時代が来そうだわ……。 |
General wins7 | I keep tellin' you, stop comin' around in the Night! Or else you're just gonna end up gettin' hurt! ...Wait, don't tell me you're actually TRYIN' to get hurt! だーかーらー、言ってんでしょぉ? 痛い目見るだけなんだから、『 ……はっ!? ま、ま、まさかあんた、『痛い目』が目的なの……? |
General wins8 | Learned your lesson? Then go on home already. I swear, I could be the nicest person in the whole world, but there's still a limit to how many times I'm gonna let you off easy. ほらほら、解ったんならもう帰んなってば。 幾らあたしが優しくても、見逃す回数には限度ってモンがあんだかんね~? |
General wins9 | Don't gimme that scary look. Your feelings're written all over your face, and that makes your moves super predictable! See, there you go! You're gettin' angry again! That's my point! そう怖い顔しなさんな。感情が顔に出ると、動きが丸解りになるよぉ? あ、ほら。さらに怒った。それがダメなんだってば~、もう~! |
General wins10 (Rare) |
Huh? Konjac? Yeah, I could cut through that, no problem. Why? Kind of a weird question, don't you think? え? だから、コンニャクくらい斬れるって。なんの話なのそれ……? |
Specific wins1 | All right, Hyde, that settles it! Whooo, there's a big ol' hunk of hesitation that just melted right out of me! The spring's back in my step! ……さて、ハイドきゅん。これで『決着』だね。 あたしの中に残ってた、大きめの迷いが今消えた。心が軽くなったよ♪ |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | Hey, Linne! I missed you! Tsk, poor girl... I know this isn't how you wanted all this to go down, but you can leave the rest to me! Hang on, I'm gonna go clean up this mess! リンネちゃーん♪ 会いたかったよぉ~。お こんな結果になっちゃったけど、あとはあたしに任せなさいっ! ……んじゃ、ちょっと行って片付けてくるっ! |
(Applicable:Linne) | |
Specific wins3 | Now that settles it, Sethy! Not that we were on bad terms or anything. Anyway, since the loser's gotta follow the winner's orders... You an' me are gonna be BFFs for life now! Hope you're ready for it! セトきゅんとも決着~。って、別になんかあったワケじゃないけど。 ま、勝者に従うってことで、これからあたしと仲良し地獄……。覚悟なさい♪ |
(Applicable:Seth) | |
Specific wins4 | Hmmm. So you're the so-called Aeon, huh? I guess it doesn't matter now. Whatever they call you, you're the one causin' all the chaos, so I had to cut you down. And I'll do it again if I have to, y'hear? ふーん、あんたが『永劫』か。まぁそれ自体はどうでもいっかな。 騒ぎの元凶だから斬ったけど、これで滅さないなら何度でもやっちゃうかんね? |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins5 | How many times do I have to say it?! Stop! Fighting! So! Late! At! Night! You nutjobs are just makin' more work for ME, y'know! だから~、こんなときまでケンカして! この暴れるの大好き人間どもめ! あたしの仕事を! 増やすなってのよ! もうっ!! |
(Applicable:Waldstein,Carmine,Gordeau,Hilda,Byakuya,Enkidu,Uzuki) | |
Specific wins6 | You know what they say: if you're gonna come after a sword-swinger bare-handed, you better be at three times their level! Overestimated yourself a little there, didn'tcha? 知ってるでしょ? 『 |
(Applicable:Akatsuki,Enkidu) | |
Specific wins7 | When it comes to the Night, this isn't my first rodeo. The difference between you and me is simple: experience! So don't sweat it too much, y'hear? あたしは『夜』に関しちゃ、それなりに長いからねぇ。 この勝敗は、単に |
(Not Applicable:Linne,Waldstein,Kuon) | |
Specific wins8 | We can't let any of these young'uns beat us just yet-- now can we, Ayame? まだまだ、若い『 |
(Not Applicable:Merkava,Vatista) |