This is the script for Yuzuriha's Arcade Mode stories.
Yuzuriha: Ah, it's so dank here… Just thinking about it is doing a number on my nerves.
How long has it been since the "Night" was this intense? I thought I'd just kinda watch over everyone, but I guess it's not an option this time around.
What the…? There's some weird presence coming from over there… Like, something just manifested… Dang it, what's going on? What a pain in the ass.
Aumuda… Osorosh…? Nah, that's not it, either… That Para-something organization's prolly doing something even the Princess can't handle, even with that little boytoy of hers, Hyde.
Dang, it's such a chore to be able to sense these things. That reminds me… Where'd I put my cute lil' sword? Hey, Ayame? Where are you?
There you are! Ayame, I know you don't want to go into a scary place like the Hollow Night, do you? Uh-huh. Yup, I'd rather be sleeping too, and… I know, I know…
But, we don't have a choice… What a drag… Well, I did eat all of my rice crackers and there isn't anything on TV. Guess I'll kill some time and do some shopping while I'm at it.
Yeah, I feel like this is gonna be a really fun night tonight!
Stage 3[]
???: Young girl… Can I ask you a question?
(Waldstein appears)
Yuzuriha: Huh? Wh-Whoa! Dang it, a monster! Begone, foul beast! Begone, evil one! Begone, rotten ogre! Begone… um… meanie!
Waldstein: Urgh, stop with this fuss. It's obvious you're not afraid of me. Not in the slightest.
Yuzuriha: Whoops! I think I just got a little carried away there. Heh… Hey, you know what smartphones are, right? Lemme me take a quick pic, okay? "Check out this old guy! #creepy #preparetobescared"
Waldstein: With all of the powerful In-births roaming around, your tool there is probably going to become a "brick." You are quite puzzling, but I accept the challenge your "pic" represents!
Yuzuriha: Huh…? Huh?! Really?! No way! You're kidding, right? My phone, Felia, is a goner?! And I just bought her, too! (※Brick… Electronic devices that have been rendered unusable!)
Waldstein: Hmph. To think I approached you because I thought you were a warrior… You are just a buffoon. I misjudged you. The weapon you carry must be weeping in shame right now.
Yuzuriha: Ayame… crying? (C'mon, I'm the one who wants to cry here. I mean, my phone went ka-put, after all.)
Waldstein: Exactly. Your precious little Ayame, if that is what it's called, is reacting to the doubt in your mind. Isn't that right, Path of the Divine…
Yuzuriha: Looks like that age of yours matches what you know… Well, I'd better take this fight seriously. So, who are you? And you can spare me the details of your life story.
Waldstein: Hahaha! But of course! On a night such as this, the fewer words said, the better. And there are other opponents with which to enjoy myself?
Yuzuriha: Enjoy, you say? Did you have to go there? Because my job is to take out anyone enjoying the chaos here. Tell you what, if you promise to be a good boy, I'll let things slide this time.
Waldstein: Be a good boy? Well, I'm going to need your help to reform. I'm pretty sure you know what I mean. Heh, heh, heh…
Yuzuriha: Figured as much. The burden fate has put upon my family since antiquity… The reason for our existence is oh-so very close. I guess it's impossible to ignore at this point.
Waldstein: Hahaha! That right! That's exactly what I wanted to hear from you! So, warrior… I mean, little girl with doubt in her eyes, what is your name?
Yuzuriha: I am the guardian of this land. The name, Yuzuriha, wielder of the Dual Moons… And, you are Waldstein, Hecatoncheir of the Night Blade. I challenge you to a duel, to ascertain your identity.
Waldstein: Your blade and your title bring back memories… You existed alongside us, shining down on us like the moon… We have yet to settle the battle waged from eons past…
So, now…
Little girl…
…Will you be the harbinger of the end?!
Stage 6[]
Seth: That sword… Your appearance… You must be the one.
Yuzuriha: Hm? What's up? Those eyes pretty much say it all. You're not a normal guy, are you?
Seth: Perhaps you're familiar with the "Night Blade."
Yuzuriha: Oh, I get it! You know all about my ancestry, right? Well, you should've just said so.
Seth: Your lineage ran from their fate, turning against their oath. You, who have chosen peace, what brings you to the Hollow Night?
Yuzuriha: Heh, well after watching everyone have so much fun, I decided to join the party! Oh, for the record, the people you're talking about are long gone now, so don't try to pin their stuff on me, got it?
Seth: …
Yuzuriha: Hey, what happened back then has nothing to do with me. You're getting yourself a bit too carried away with ancient history. Oh, and all this "fate" and "law" stuff are so old.
Seriously, get with the times! Everything's better than before! Like this, for example. A smartphone, I just got it! Oh, wait… Do you even know what this is?
Seth: A long time ago…
Yuzuriha: You heard me right. You're afraid of change, so you stubbornly cling to your old ways. Guys like you are better off just staying put in the mountains where there's no cell coverage.
Seth: Perhaps you're right…
Yuzuriha: You said it! Now then, let Big Sis' here slice up those chains weighing you down in the past! I'm sure you'll have a different perspective of things once I'm done!
Stage 9[]
Yuzuriha: Hm… That look of yours… I feel like I've seen you before… Um, Triangle, was it? Or was it Soft Slice? Ham Cutlet and Rice! That's it!
Orie: Licht Kreis… Guardian, now is not the time to behave in this childish manner. This is the Abyss of the Hollow Night. Paradox's altar is nearby. I believe you already know this.
Yuzuriha: Heh, heh! Sorry! I honestly couldn't remember.
Orie: Your apology is not necessary. If anything, I am simply amazed… That aside, I assume you are here to stop Paradox. If so, might I ask for your assistance in defeating this great evil?
Yuzuriha: Oh no, I'm not here for that. I just came to take a breather. I'm no hero of justice, and I have no obligation to help you out.
Orie: Your words are baffling, to say the least… But if you have no intention of stopping Paradox, then I cannot let you proceed, even if you are a guardian.
Yuzuriha: Well now, no need to be so scary. Um, but let me say this… I've heard you folks are causing trouble and abusing the manifestations. So yeah, I've got a bone to pick with you as well.
Orie: I see… Though it is not my will, it seems I have no choice but to cross blades with you. How disappointing to know that this had to happen after you broke free of the Night Blade.
Yuzuriha: C'mon now, it's not as bad as you think. In fact, I accept your challenge! This is a prime opportunity to see which one's better… Your rapier, or my dear Ayame.
Licht Kreis, the very reason I left, is now my opponent? Huh, fate sure can be a fickle mistress…
Final Stage[]
Hilda: My goodness, just how many guests will I be forced to entertain? And just when I took out a large one… Ah, allow me to welcome you to the Altar of Light and Darkness, dear visitor.
Yuzuriha: Hold on… Is that Hyde and the Princess of the Night Blade there on the ground? They're still alive, right?
Hilda: How rude… So, you know this boy? He and I have different views and our share of hurdles, but I'd never kill someone simply because of that. I actually like those two, so I even offered them a chance to join me.
Yuzuriha: You know, you're surprisingly normal… I'm actually happy to know that we might be able to talk this out…
Hilda: Of course, they are my guests of sacrifice, so I couldn't just let them die, now could I? And if I do kill them, I'll be sure to make it as slow and painful as possible…
Yuzuriha: Okay, I take back what I said… No ways am I gonna be able to talk sense into you…
Hilda: Indeed. So, what now, Miss Knight in Shining Armor? Whatever you do, it won't involve saving these two. Or, do you think you can stand up to the great Paradox?
Yuzuriha: Hmm… What to do…
I mean, beating you won't be much of a problem. But, carrying those two back is going to be a major pain.
Hilda: Unbelievable… Your demeanor is quite irritating, you know? Let me skewer your limbs and pin you up like a specimen! Then we'll see how well you can keep that composure!
Yuzuriha: The Hollow Night… It clouds people's minds and ruins our progress. A night when light doesn't shine… A place no child should wander, and… I'd never lose to a lost child like you.
May as well finish my last big job here with a bang. Ayame, let's go!
Hilda: Impossible… I am the Vessel for Re-Birth… I can't…
Yuzuriha: I made it so you can't use EXS for a while. That should teach you a lesson or two, so you better stay put.
Hilda: This… This makes no sense… How could someone so strong be roaming aimlessly without any motive?
Yuzuriha: My family was connected to the Night Blade. But, we kind of hated everything about it, so we bailed. Our status, our wealth… We gave up everything. All I have left is Ayame.
You know, I hate stuff that's force-fed on the spoon of "fate." It's so old school and pointless. But, that aside, you know what a smartphone is? It's super cool…
Hilda: You don't need to explain that to me!
Yuzuriha: Uh, okay… Heh, heh… So, anyway… I think people need to be able to change and move with the times, you know?
Sure, I kinda ignore this "fate" thingy, but I still do what I can to keep the place nice and quiet-like. I have to show my ancestors something, right? So, I'm on anyone's back if they cause a ruckus around here.
I'm not really your enemy, and I'm not an ally of the Night Blade, either. So please tell the fake Sleeping Beauty over there that I'm not her friend, and I hate it when things go sideways.
Linne: …
Yuzuriha: Well, now that everything's settled, I think it's time to wrap things up here. See ya, pretty lady. I suggest you don't do anything dangerous like this again.
Yuzuriha: The Hollow Night and the Night Blade… God, I hate moldy traditions. I can see why my ancestors bolted from all that B.S. But, how long will I be able to say it's got nothing to do with me?
Yuzuriha: I'm not gonna turn my back, and I'll keep moving forward without any doubts. I already decided when my mom gave me Ayame that I'd use it to cut down anyone who disturbed the peace around here.
Welp, time to jump into a nice, hot bath. Thank the gods this chore of a night is over… Ah, before I forget, I need to stop by the store and pick up some rice crackers first.
(Ending theme: Heart beat breaker)
(Standing outside her family's sacred shrine…)
Yuzuriha: Well, looks like the worst Night's arrived. I always feel off whenever Night falls, but this one's got me feelin' a special kinda queasy.
Guess I couldn't stick around with Hyde, Seth, or Linne in the end. Everyone's goin' their separate ways.
An' here I was gettin' along with everyone pretty nicely for a while, as somethin' of a Night Blade myself…
A Dual Moon, workin' for the Night Blade after cuttin' ties with 'em years ago… Don't that beat all? Not that any of 'em would notice, but it's a pretty big deal to me. 'Least I know Linne gets it, too!
Now then, lessee which one of us takes down that Aeon brat first! See y'all at the goal line…
(Hiroha appears)
Hiroha: Oh, hey there, Yuzu! What's up? Isn't it a bit early for you to be heading out?
Yuzuriha: Oh, hey, Sis! I guess so… What with it bein' the final Night an' all, I figured I'd head out early just in case somethin' major happens.
Hiroha: You don't say? That's mighty respectable. So how's Ayame holding up these days?
Yuzuriha: Huh? Ayame's doin' just fine. What're you askin' for? …Lemme guess. You were playin' around with her and you think you mighta broke her, is that it?
Hiroha: Oh, you know I can't lift anything that heavy! Anyway, if Ayame's okay, I'm okay. She's getting old, so be gentle with her, you hear?
And take care of yourself too, Yuzu. Now, get out there and sever those cursed chains that bind us.
Yuzuriha: Huh… Yeah, I guess it makes sense that you knew, since you're my predecessor an' all. Hey, you DO know this is supposed to be YOUR job, right? 'Sides, you sure don't seem all that bound up, anyway!
Hiroha: Aw, cut me some slack, Yuzu! Whenever I think back to the past, my chest starts hurting… I'm afraid my Vessel's gonna break again…
Yuzuriha: Oh, here we go again! Y'know what, I'll handle this one anyway. Once I've got everythin' taken care of, I bet that'll be the end of your phantom pains, too. Hold down the fort while I'm out, 'kay?
(Yuzuriha runs off towards the Night)
Hiroha: Sure thing! Stay safe!
You hear me, Yuzu? Stay safe… Keep a sharp eye on her for me, Ayame.
Stage 3[]
Wagner: Oh… Oh! Such poise… You must be… a real Japanese samurai!
Yuzuriha: Huh? Uh, s-sure. Wagahai wa samurai de gozaru! …'Least I think I got that right. Enh, details, details. So, err… I guess that must make ya some kinda knight.
Wagner: A knight, you say? Sure, I'll take that, samurai. How fortunate for me to make such a fascinating acquaintance, even on a Night so dire… God truly works in mysterious ways…
…No, no, no, this Night is exceptionally dire! Knight or not, it's no Night for such nonsense!
Yuzuriha: You got that right. You're with Licht Kreis, aren't ya? In that case, ya can't afford to play around!
Wagner: Indeed… A pity. Here I finally found a real samurai… and one of us must cut the other down.
Yuzuriha: Yep! Thanks, Captain Obvious. The strongest one gets to keep goin'. No muss, no fuss, minimal casualties.
Wagner: You're quick to understand--just as I'd expect of a fellow traveler on the path of the sword. In that case, let's get down to battle. Do me the honor of drawing your blade.
Yuzuriha: Oh, don't worry 'bout that. She'll come out when she's good an' ready. Speakin' of ready, I'm all good to go when you are, Lady Knight.
Wagner: Ah, I've heard of this style, where the blade stays sheathed… It's "kiai," yes? Or no, "moai," that's it. My mother told me legends of eastern sword techniques. I look forward to seeing how they measure up.
Yuzuriha: (annoyed) Iai! It's called iai! C'mon, get your head on straight!
Anyway, I'll do my best not to let ya down! Wow, this is like some kinda MMA tournament! Pretty excitin', huh?
Stage 6[]
Tsurugi: …
Yuzuriha: Huh? What're you lookin' at? There somethin' on my face? Or d'we know each other from somewhere?
Tsurugi: No, I'm sorry… It's nothing. Here, let me introduce myself. My name's Tsurugi, and I'm a member of the EFG. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Yuzuriha: EFG, huh? Gotcha. So what're you doin' out here in the Night? And what's with the super-polite greeting? You're not gonna ask me for a favor or somethin', are ya?
Tsurugi: There's only one thing I'd ask from you: a battle. Your blade versus my shield. Simple as that. I want to know which one comes out on top.
Yuzuriha: Ah ha ha… And here I was, thinkin' you had ulterior motives. You're really just lookin' for a fight, huh? That's a rare sight nowadays. Figured you were another chump tryin' to pick me up.
Tsurugi: Well, I'm not exactly picking a fight purely for its own sake. Something about how calm you seem caught my eye. Nothing wrong with being calm, but I can't help thinking you're being a bit careless.
One's stance says it all. It brings your intent to light. The best way to see someone's true, honest nature is through battle. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that, though!
Yuzuriha: Gotcha. Yeah, fair enough. I see what you're tryin' to say. Sure, I've got some time on my hands. I'll play with ya for a spell.
Tsurugi: Oh! I like the sound of that. If we let our fists do the talking, we'll understand each other in no time. Talking things out is too much work. That's the type of person you are, right? That's cool--so am I!
Yuzuriha: Huh? C'mon, now, you're just makin' me sound like some kinda airhead! That's no way to talk to a lady, ya know!
Tsurugi: Whoops, looks like we got off on the wrong foot… Ha ha ha! Too bad… I'll just have to spend ten years or so working on my etiquette and try again. What do you say, is it a date?
Yuzuriha: Ugh, you're unflappable, huh? You sure don't look like you think it's "too bad" at all!
Final Stage[]
Yuzuriha: Comin' through! Boom! Bang! Sha-bam!
Kuon: You're a courageous young lady to barge in like that. I appreciate your earnestness. Will you tell me your name?
Yuzuriha: Uh, it's Yuzuriha. Y'know, practitioner of the Dual Moon One Blade Drawing Style? Ringin' any bells? Triggerin' anything upstairs? No?
Kuon: Heh… I see. So you're one of them. You're right… To be completely honest, that name does remind me of quite a bit of unpleasantness. But, alas, it doesn't bother me.
Our fight against the revolutionaries arose from differences of belief. I don't intend to label them the "bad guys" and us the "good guys." So if you want to "trigger" me, you'll have to try harder than that.
Yuzuriha: Now there's a surprise. I always thought you guys hated our guts. I gotta say, it's pretty weird talkin' to an ancestor like this.
Kuon: …I wouldn't say I'm your "ancestor"--for more reasons than one. But if it makes things more convenient, I'll take it.
Yuzuriha: Ah ha ha, fair enough. Ancestor's just a metaphor, anyway, seein' as ya can trace a path from the root of the curse of Aeon all the way to the present day.
We got a connection, but it ain't some ordinary, physical thing. It's the battle with you an' everythin' that came after. That big, fat, nasty curse that refuses to be cut off. That's our connection right there.
And I've crawled through a long, dark tunnel to get here and cut that connection in half. Now I know why Ayame was forged with such a long blade. She's gotta be long to cut through that huge, ongoin' curse.
Kuon: "Curse," you say? I suppose that is the essence of what I've become. But you won't simply wipe me out so easily. Ghosts linger on for a reason, you know…
Yuzuriha: Yeah, I know. This Night's when our ideas themselves butt heads. Whoever wins gets to stick around.
Kuon: That goes without saying. Either you'll wipe me out or I'll swallow everything up. The power behind our intentions will decide. Come at me with everything you've got, Dual Moon swordswoman.
Yuzuriha: You got it, ancestor. And thanks. Now get ready to say goodbye…
Kuon: A Dual Moon swordswoman… Heir to the revolution… If I should perish under anyone, it would be you…
Yuzuriha: Yeah… You've been pretty patient, huh? Sorry for keepin' ya at work all these years. I guess someone shoulda come along and ended it sooner.
You've just been driftin' around aimlessly until my turn came up and I decided to end it, huh? Sorry, but hey, better late than never!
But hey--how's about quittin' this whole Immortalize thing? This world ain't so bad, you know. Ever seen one of these? They call this here a "smartphone"…
Kuon: There's nothing more I can say… I was blinded and consumed by resentment. I blamed everything on another version of myself, the one inside of me, and cast everything aside…
This body and Vessel… are at their limits. If I can ask one final favor… Would you draw the curtain…?
Yuzuriha: If… If that'll save ya…
Kuon: Yes… Please…
Yuzuriha: …
(Though reluctant, Yuzuriha lands the finishing blow to Kuon, killing him)
So long, Kuon the Aeon…
It's over, Ayame… It's really, really over. Let's go home. Everyone's waitin' for us.
(Hyde arrives at the Abyss)
Hyde: Hey, Yuzu! …Aw, maaan! You already finished him off? Geez, you're scary when you go all out…
Yuzuriha: Ha ha ha, 'course I am! So, Hydey, are ya next in line? Hmm?
Hyde: S-Stop it! We'll, uh… You know… One of these days! Just gimme a little more time, will ya? I-I mean… Please give me more time…
Yuzuriha: Kee hee hee hee… Adorable, ain'tcha?
(Linne arrives)
Linne: You did it, Yuzuriha.
Yuzuriha: Sure did! Piece of cake! Can ya count on me, or what? …I dunno if we ended up with the best future for you, though.
The long history of the Night Blade's finally over. Not that it's gonna solve every last problem, but at least we yanked out the root of it all. The Sealin', I mean. So maybe we can let the past be the past, y'know?
Linne: You're right… I'm sorry for making you worry so much. And I'm sorry for my brother, too…
Yuzuriha: Aw, don't sweat it! No matter who stands in our way, me an' Ayame'll slash right through 'em--
(Ayame suddenly breaks)
Huh…? N-No way! Ayame's all busted! Even her sheath's totaled… Aw, no, no, no… I guess I just pushed ya too hard, huh, old girl?
(Ayamegatana Kamiji-no-Homare. Ayame for short. As long as I am tall, and handed down at my shrine for generations.)
(Ayame was a real killer. She sliced her way through Night after Night, takin' down foes and keepin' the peace… I think. I hope. Pretty sure. Prolly. Definitely.)
(And now she's finally retired, right after destroyin' Aeon… What's it mean, Ayame? Were you forged to keep the Night back, too? I guess every key's got its keyhole…)
I wouldn't have made it all the way here without your protection. Thank you… Now, go on an' rest in peace…
In peace…
Hiroha: Thank you, Ayame, for protecting her… I knew giving my Vessel to save you was the right call.
(About a year ago, during the calamity that destroyed the divine vessel Kamiji-no-Homare, Ayame and I fought a way-powerful Void… and Ayame broke. It took all of my EXS--my Vessel itself--to restore her blade…)
Maybe Yuzu can't hear Ayame's voice just yet. They say a katana's made not to protect shrines, but precious people… I've been through a lotta pain, but for Yuzu's sake, it's all worth it.
Anyway, I have to get going now… Starting tomorrow, Yuzu, the others, and I all have new lives ahead of us.
(Back at the Abyss…)
Yuzuriha: In peace…
…Wait, I can't have you restin' in peace like that! You're a ceremonial sword, y'know! D'you have any idea what a big deal that is? You're not just a sword, you're a symbol! Ya can't just break on me!
What'm I supposed to do, replace ya with a replica? Nothin' doin'! I'll just glue ya together for now until I think of a way to fix ya! You're not headin' for retirement just yet!
Hiroha: …
What?! Y-You want me to restore her AGAIN? I'm gonna totally shrivel away this time…
(Ending theme: Peace of Mind)
Arcade Mode | |
Chronicle Mode |