Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | Wroaagh! Pulverize! グオオオオォォ! 粉!砕!! |
Generic | Now ready yourself. Wroaagh! 覚悟を決めろ…ウオオオォ |
Outro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Werfen Erschlagen | Tremble in fear... Burn to ash! 打ち震えるがいい… 灰燼に |
Werfen Erschlagen | Can you handle this... Verfen Erschlagen! これに耐えきれるか! ヴェルフェンエルシュラーゲン! |
Katastrophe | The heavens, the earth, the sea and the sky... shall tremble before my wrath! Katastrophe! 天・地・激・震!怒りを受け焦土と化せぃ! カタストローフェ! |
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | I feel I should compliment you on fighting so well, despite your stature. But in battle, strength is everything. You need to train harder. その矮小な身体でよく頑張ったと褒めてやろう。だが、戦いは |
Generic | What a cheap trick, child... But your tricks are no match for my might! 小癪な小童が小賢しい事をしよるわ……。いくら策を練ろうと我が肉体の前には無力だということがまだ解らぬか |
Generic | Though I don't know the reason that you fight, I can sense your determination. You'll eventually defeat me, despite your noodly arms. 理由は知らぬが貴様の身体からは溢れているな、戦いに赴き殉ずる覚悟が。気に入ったぞ! 巡らせるが良い、その細腕で勝利する術をな。 |
Generic | You're lighter than I expected. I thought I was going to throw you clear across the country... 存外軽すぎるな。撫でただけで地平まで飛ぶ勢いだったぞ? |
Generic | To go beyond this point, you will need to discard your humanity and harden your heart. To pass here, you must slay the demon before you. ここより先は人としての生を捨て鬼と化さねば辿り着けぬ場所。踏み入る事を許されるは、この鬼を倒した者のみよ……。 |
Generic | I will use my claws to rip apart anything in my path. Nothing can stand against them. 我が剛爪は全てを引き裂くのだ。この |
Generic | I'm going to enjoy this. Warriors of your caliber are rare. Despite the chaos that it brings, it is times like these that I appreciate the Hollow Night. 愉しませてくれる。貴様のような |
Generic | You scurry around like an insect, but you were doomed the moment you faced me. Your body learned that lesson, even if your mind didn't. いかに |
Generic | I can tell you've trained hard... You are a worthy opponent. If it weren't for this "Night," we would have never met. 中々に鍛えられた体躯。余程の武人とお見受けする。我ら出会うがこの忌まわしき夜でなくば、良き |
VS Linne | Princess of the Night Blade... No, Linne... On the battlefield, you are still a child. I told you that you needed to eat more and train your body. Don't you give me that look... This is why you'll never be strong. 夜刀の姫……いや、リンネよ。戦にかけては、まだまだ小娘の域を出ぬなぁ。常日頃言っているであろう。もっとメシを食い、我のような肉体を築けと。なんだその厭そうな顔は……。だからお前は強くなれんのだ。 |
VS Mika | You're overflowing with power. Pretty rare for this generation. I like you. You can visit me anytime. I will always be down to battle those fiery fists... この時代に珍しく力溢れる小娘よ、気に入ったわ。またいつでも来るが良い。その熱き両拳、いつでも受けようぞ……。 |
VS Enkidu | Though you are my enemy, I commend you on your strength. I didn't know warriors like you still existed. I thought this generation was made up of all scrawny, naive, feather-headed fighters, but I see there's still some fun left. 敵ながら |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Gwoooh! Break! Smash! グオオオオォォ! 粉! 砕!! |
Arrival sequence2 | Prepare yourself... Uooohhh! 覚悟を決めろ…ウオオオォ |
Arrival sequence (Hyde) |
Waldstein: Hmm. Looks like you've grown a bit. Hyde: Sure have. And I've got you to thank for it. ワレンシュタイン「ふん 一丁前の顔になりおったな」 ハイド「あんたのお陰だ 礼を言うぜ」 |
Arrival sequence (Linne) |
Linne: It's been a while since I had a serious fight. Waldstein: Hmph. At least this might be a little enjoyable... リンネ「真剣勝負は 久しいな」 ワレンシュタイン「ふん 少しは楽しめそうか……?」 |
Arrival sequence (Seth) |
Waldstein: What can you cut with those slender arms? Seth: The chains that bind me, for starters... ワレンシュタイン「その細き腕で なにが斬れようよ」 セト「己を縛る鎖 断ち切れるさ……」 |
Arrival sequence (Mika) |
Waldstein: Let's allow the immense powers we've kept hidden to do the talking. Mika: Sounds good! We both speak fluent fist! ワレンシュタイン「秘められし強大なパワー 存分に語り合おうぞ」 ミカ「良かろう! 我らが共通言語 拳でな!」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Waldstein: I'll have you accept my fists! Kuon: Ah... Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, my friend. ワレンシュタイン「この拳 受け取って貰うぞ!」 クオン「あぁ 待たせてしまったね 我が友よ」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Stand up! さぁ立て! |
Round win2 | Do you understand the difference in our strength now? 理解できたか 力の差を |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | ...I'm surprised you survived for this long. …これでよく生き延びてこられたものだ |
Set win2 | There's nothing my claws can't rend! 我が『爪』で切り裂けぬものなどない! |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Heh. That was an exciting, heated battle. フッ 胸躍る熱き戦いであった |
Set win (Easy victory) |
Hmph. Boring. フン つまらん |
Set win (Man) |
Not quite, boy. 惜しかったな 小僧 |
Set win (Woman) |
Not quite, girl. 惜しかったな 小娘 |
Set win (Merkava,Vatista) |
Not quite, inhuman one. 惜しかったな 人外の者 |
Set win (Hyde,Linne) |
Heh... You're still green. フ…まだまだ未熟よのお |
Victory | |
General wins1 | My name is Hekatoncheir. That's the only name of mine an unthinking corpse needs to know. 我が名は『 想いの砕けた |
General wins2 | Be hit and be shredded! Be caught and be crushed! My body and my claws are honed for this purpose! Now... To find a trash can to throw you in... 当たれば切り裂き、掴めば捻り潰す。これが我が肉体と鉄爪の どれ……、このまま屑籠へと投げ捨ててくれよう……。 |
General wins3 | That was fairly entertaining, I must say. A decent time-killer, if you will... ……まぁ、中々に楽しめたと言っておこうか。暇つぶし程度には、な。 |
General wins4 | Hmph... You're lacking in power, technique, and spirit. But you may yet be able to survive in the Night... in another hundred years or so! ふん……、その程度の この『夜』に立ち向かおうなど、文字通り百年早いわ。出直せぃ!! |
General wins5 | The slightest misjudgment or delay would've been the end of me... A truly exciting battle. I thought I'd abandoned my warrior spirit long ago, but you've shown me that some still remains inside me. 武人の魂などとうに捨てた筈であったが、まだこの身に |
General wins6 | No good... Something that I'd put to sleep is beginning to awaken. If we should meet each other beyond the Night--in the next world-- I will ask you for another duel. いかんなぁ……。寝かしつけた『 『夜』の向こう、次なる『世』で巡り会うことがあれば、手合わせ願おう。 |
General wins7 | If nothing else, I can commend you for fighting a fight that you'd have no business winning. An unwavering will can turn the tide of battle. One mistake and I might have even lost... 勝ち目のない戦いに、よく立ち向かった。そこだけは褒めてやろう。 挫けぬ意志が戦況を覆す。1つ |
General wins8 | Keh heh heh... What a wonderful fight for our lives! I didn't think you'd manage to back me into a corner like that. A pleasant surprise indeed! クックック……。素晴らしい戦い、凄まじい命の ここまで追い詰められるとは思っていなかったわ。嬉しい誤算よ……っ! |
General wins9 | To have struggled so much against the likes of you... My mind must have grown weaker. These must be the final days of a man who has abandoned his warrior spirit... and become little more than flesh and fist. これしきの相手に苦戦をするとは、我が心も弱くなったものよ。 『武』の心を失い、ただ拳を振るうだけとなった『 |
General wins10 | All-conquering power? Untouchable speed? Impenetrable technique? Pah. To hell with them. Now you know they're nothing but fantasy. Get hit? Get caught? You die. Nothing can withstand this pressure! ……ふん、小賢しい。そんなものは空論であると、今し方実感したであろう。 当たったら『 |
Specific wins1 | Child... I've seen you through to your end. Most impressive! I must admit my judgment was clouded. Now, may the fine, fierce warrior within you rest in peace... 小僧……。貴様の散り際、しかと見届けたぞ。 見事なり! 我が目の曇りであったと、認めねばなるまいな。 猛き武人の魂よ、安らかに眠るが良い……。 |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | My apologies, Princess. This old soldier will settle your affairs, five hundred years in the making... It's been a fine journey for all this time. Farewell. すまぬな、『姫』よ。 長き間、貴様との旅もまぁ悪くはなかった……。さらばだ……。 |
(Applicable:Linne) | |
Specific wins3 | The strength of a blade isn't only in its sharpness, but also in how it resists being broken. The essence of strength comes in many forms... Looking at you, that's plain to see. I thank the fates that I met you. 『刀』の強さとは斬れ味だけではない、折れにくいこともまた強さ。 強さの本質とは多様よ……。お主を見ているとそう思わされる。 この男に出会わせてくれた運命に、感謝をしよう……。 |
(Applicable:Gordeau) | |
Specific wins4 | That brat had sure grown strong... Time turns a boy into a man and a man into a soldier. Those who stay stagnant can only rot away. Hmph... I never should've lived this long... あの 流れる時が『童』を『戦士』に変える。淀みて流れぬ者は腐るのみ。 フン……、長生きなどするものではないわ……。 |
(Applicable:Seth) | |
Specific wins5 | O, true warrior of modern times! I'm proud to have crossed fists with you here at the end... My body may wilt, but this feeling will stay carved into my very soul forever... 現代に生きる真なる武人よ。 最後に、お主のような男と『拳』を交えたことを、誇りに思うぞ。 我が身は程なく朽ちようとも、この想いは魂に刻もう……。 |
(Applicable:Enkidu) | |
Specific wins6 | Hmm... Not bad, boy. Not bad at all. You've got the muscle, the grit, and the destructive power... and all of them in spades. If I have one regret, it's that I didn't meet you a little sooner... ほぉ……。これはなかなかに見所のある小僧よ。 筋力、腕力、パワー、それに破壊力……。どれをとっても素晴らしい逸材。 しかし惜しい。もう少し早く出会いたかったものだ……。 |
(Applicable:Tsurugi) | |
Specific wins7 | Heh... What a delightful child. As eccentric as you may be, you're undeniably a warrior. That hope you clutch in your fists... Do not lose it! ふん……、愉快な小娘よ。異質ながらお主も『武人』。 その両拳に込められた願い……。絶やすでないぞ……っ! |
(Applicable:Mika) | |
Specific wins8 | Your movement was rather sluggish. Not yet accustomed to real flesh? As long as you're like this, no number of victories will bear fruit. I look forward to the day when we can truly settle our score. 本当の『肉体』には未だ慣れぬのか……? 動きが今ひとつだな。 そのようなお前に幾ら勝利しようと無意味よ。 貴様との真の決着、その時が来るのを楽しみにしているぞ……。 |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins9 | Girl of the Licht Kreis... Give Adelheid a message for me. Tell her I haven't forgotten our promise... but that I cannot fulfill it. Please. A last wish is a last wish, even coming from a traitor. 『 「お主との約束、忘れていない」とな。「だが、果たせそうにない」とも。 裏切り者が言えた義理ではないが、この老いぼれの最後の願い。頼んだぞ……。 |
(Applicable:Orie,Wagner,Mika,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins10 | Listen up! I am an accomplice of Aeon whose true family is the Night Blade! No matter who you are, if you get in my way, you'd better prepare to hear your last rites! 聞けぃ! 我は『 邪魔立てする者あれば、誰であろうと『 |
(Not Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins11 | These iron claws are favored by the gods of war themselves! They can fell giant trees! What chance does your human flesh stand? この『剛鉄爪』は巨木をも薙ぎ倒す。 『人』の身で受け切る事など、到底不可能な代物よ……っ!! |
(Not Applicable:Merkava,Vatista,Kuon) |