Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | Curse your luck, I'll be your opponent 出会った不運を呪うがいい |
Generic | I'll finish this in an instant 一瞬で片付けてやる |
Generic | Want to test yourself against my flames? 我が炎、試してみるか? |
Generic | I'll demonstrate how to wield the EXS |
VS Orie | Let's settle this, honor student 決着を付けようか、優等生 |
VS Orie | Time for a pleasant tea party 楽しいお茶会の始まりだ |
VS Gordeau | Very well. Come at me with all you've got いいだろう、全力で来い。 |
VS Merkava | To think you'd appear before the "Void Hunter" この『虚無狩り』の前に姿を現すとは |
Round Win | ||
Generic | Get up. Next, I'll turn you to ash. 立て。次は灰にしてやる。 |
Generic | Is that all you've got? お前の本気はそんなものか? |
Generic | The result is same, no matter how many times you try 何度立ち上がっても同じだ |
VS Orie | What's the matter, honor student? Is that all? どうした優等生、もう終わりか? |
VS Gordeau | Satisfied now? You'll be seeing your friend again very soon 満足したか?すぐに友の後を追わせてやる |
Outro | ||
Generic | Can you see the difference in strength now? 私との実力差、理解できたか? |
Generic | So you didn't have what it takes to reach me... お前もまた届かぬ者であったか |
Generic | In the end, that's all you can manage... How boring. 所詮この程度か…つまらん |
Generic | I burn down all who stand in my way. That's all. 立ち塞がる者はすべて焼き払う。それだけだ。 |
Generic | The In-Birth of this country are too weak. 弱すぎるな。この国の |
Generic | Teaching manners is such a bother. 躾というのも面倒なものだな |
Time Up Lose | ||
Generic | For the likes of you...! お前如きに…! |
Generic | The time's up? No one told me. 時間切れだと?聞いていないぞ… |
Generic | Urgh, how annoying... ええい、忌々しい… |
Generic | Hmph, you're a master at cowardice. ふん、逃げ足は一人前ということか |
Preparing for Next Round | ||
Generic | How did... this happen? なんだと…この私が? |
Generic | I let a mere dog best me...? 犬ごときに遅れをとっただと…? |
Idle | ||
Generic | A lowly dog dares to make ME wait? 犬の分際で待たせるつもりか? |
Generic | How about you start attacking? さっさと来たらどうだ? |
Guard | ||
Blocking a Weak Attack | What's that? 何だそれは |
Blocking a Weak Attack | Boring つまらん |
Blocking a Middle Attack | Impudent 小癪な |
Blocking a Strong Attack | That's all? その程度か? |
Blocking a Strong Attack | Not bad 悪くはない |
Blocking an Overhead | Obvious 見え見えだ |
Blocking an Overhead | Too slow ぬるいぞ |
Blocking an Overhead | Boring つまらん |
Blocking Wrong Direction | Kyaah!? きゃあっ!? |
Blocking Wrong Direction | No way...! そんなっ…! |
Shield | There! ここだ! |
Shield | Not bad at all 悪くないぞ |
Shield | I see through your moves 見えている |
GRD Break | What the--!? なんだと!? |
GRD Break | Filthy dog! この犬が! |
Recovery | Is that all? それで終わりか? |
Recovery | Payback time 反撃開始だ |
Recovery | I won't let you やらせはしない |
Wake-up | We're just starting ここからだ |
Wake-up | Don't underestimate me 侮るなよ |
Wake-up | Filthy dog...! この犬が…! |
Wake-up (Low Health) | Eeih! ええいっ! |
Wake-up (Low Health) | No mercy...! 許さんぞ…! |
Wake-up (Low Health) | Damn you! こいつ! |
System | ||
Throw Success | I've got you! 捕まえたぞ |
Throw Success | Ignite! 燃えつきろ! |
Throw Miss | Wha--! なっ |
Throw Miss | I failed 間違っ |
Throw Escape | Don't touch me 触れるな |
Throw Escape | How nasty 汚らわしい |
Guard Thrust | Get off! 離れろ! |
Concentration | Even hotter! もっと熱く! |
Concentration | EXS... |
Chain Shift | Here! ここだ! |
Chain Shift Cancel | Continuing! 続くぞ! |
Chain Shift Cancel | Not over yet! まだだっ! |
Veil Off | I'll show you! 見せてやる! |
Veil Off | This is the end! 終わりだ! |
Specials | ||
Kugel Blitz | Piercing! 貫く! |
Kugel Blitz | Penetrating! 穿つ! |
Kugel Blitz | There! そこっ! |
EX Kugel Blitz | Kugel Blitz! クーゲルブリッツ! |
Kugel Blitz | Blast away! 吹き飛べ! |
Sturm Schlag | Coming from above! 上からだ! |
Sturm Schlag | Pierce the earth! 地を穿つ! |
EX Sturm Schlag | Sturm Schlag シュトルムシュラーク! |
Zerlegen | Dance! 舞え! |
Zerlegen | Zerlegen ツェアレーゲン! |
Lohen Schneide | Sword! |
Lohen Schneide | Envelop! 纏え! |
Lohen Garde | Ancile! アンキレー! |
Lohen Garde | Shine! 輝け! |
EX Lohen Garde | Crimson Flames! 紅蓮の炎よ! |
Wackenroder (A ver.) | Hrrgh! はぁーっ! |
Wackenroder (A ver.) | Fly! 飛べ! |
Wackenroder (B ver.) | Soar! 舞い上がれっ! |
Wackenroder (B ver.) | Scorch them! 焼き払う! |
EX Wackenroder | Wackenroder! バッケンローダー! |
Sturm Brecher (A ver.) | Scatter! 蹴散らす! |
Sturm Brecher (A ver.) | Driving through! 駆ける! |
Sturm Brecher (B ver.) | Flatten them! 押し潰す! |
Sturm Brecher (B ver.) | Out of the way! 邪魔だっ! |
EX Sturm Brecher | Sturm Brecher! シュトルムブレハ! |
Filthy Dog! | There そらっ |
Filthy Dog! | Lick 舐めろ |
Filthy Dog! | Filthy Dog! この犬が! |
Filthy Dog! | Burning quite nicely よく燃えるな |
Infinite Worth | ||
Hitze Vogel | This will end it! Hitze Vogel これで終わりだ!ヒッツェフォーゲル! |
Megiddo Ausserst Groesse | I bid you farewell... I'm the sword of Licht Kreis. Bathing in light, banishing darkness... The very proof of it. The heavenly flame... Megiddo Ausserst Groesse! ここに終わりを告げよう。 |
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | Hmph, I have many visitors on this Night. There's barely any time to rest. ふん、来客の多い夜だ。休む暇もない。 |
Generic | Who's next? You better not bore me. 次は誰だ。退屈させるなよ。 |
Generic | Your numbers make no difference. I'll burn all of you! 何人来ようが同じ事。焼き払うのみ! |
Generic | You should stop. At my level, the opponent's strength doesn't matter. 止めておけ、このレベルでは誰が来ても同じだ。 |
Generic | Great. I'm finally done with the warm-up. 良いぞ、ようやくこちらも調子が出てきた所だ。 |
Victory | ||
Generic | I am the sword of the Licht Kreis, the Flame Tyrant, Erika Wagner. You must step over my corpse if you wish to move forward. 『 |
Generic | Even for someone just born, you've displayed a notable lack of forethought. I suppose it can't be helped, considering you hail from an isolated island with a homogeneous culture. But, then again... I've also heard this country has mobilized enough strength to evolve on its own. |
Generic | Now do you understand? This is how you use the powers of the manifestation. It would be impossible for me to fall to the likes like you. 解ったか。『顕現』の力とはこのように使うのだ。お前如きに後れを取ることなど、万が一にもあり得ぬ……。 |
Generic | You thought I was just some little girl? This is the power of the manifestation that my clan will be inheriting, so don't you dare think you can defy these flames. 小娘だと思い侮ったか? 『顕現』の力は意志なる力。永きに受け継がれる我が一族、その赤熱の意志に抗おうなど考えぬことだ。 |
Generic | You're still too weak, aren't you... Unfortunately, I will have to turn you into ashes. お前もまた届かぬ者であったか。残念だが灰と化せ……。 |
Generic | Everything is for controlling and managing manifestations. If you plan on using this for evil, I'll just have to nip that right in the bud. 全ては『顕現』の管理と統制のため。悪用を目論むのなら、その芽詰むまで。 |
Generic | Don't tell me I've gone too far... It's comparable to expecting a vase won't be broken when you leave the kids to play. これでやり過ぎだと言われてもな……。この国で呼ばれる『 |
Generic | Those dull eyes, as if you've only ever lurked under the ground. What kind of life must you lead to look like that... 地の底を這い回るような濁った目。どのように生きれば、そんな目をするのであろうな……。 |
Generic | Speak no more. My flames shall purify your body. I'm certain you'll go straight to the other side... もう喋るな。清浄なる我が『炎』で清められたその肉体。直に迎えが来るであろう……。 |
Generic | What am I supposed to learn from battling people like you? Damn that Adelheid. Maybe she's lived so long that she's starting to go senile. Sakurai, Murayama. Get ready, we're moving on. このような連中との戦いから一体何を学べというのか。『 |
VS Orie | What's the matter, honor student? This is reality, where naivete is punished. Or... don't tell me you were going to say you went easy on me? どうした優等生。これが『実戦』だ。綺麗事など一欠片も通じぬ、な。……それとも、この後に及び『手を抜いた』などと言いはしまいな? |
VS Gordeau | Revenge for a friend, huh. I sense a surge of anger. Almost overflowing. However, under such circumstances, what makes you think you could fight at your true potential? If you care for your life, go and train some more. I will send you to the Netherworld when time comes. 友の仇。沸き上がる怒りの情。溢れんばかりであったぞ。だが、そのような荒ぶる心情で、まともな戦など出来るはずもなかろう……。我が命欲しくば出直せ。然るべき時にその命、冥府へと運ぼう。 |
VS Hilda | At the end of the day, what could be expected from this place? I suppose what I've seen is the extent of the famous In-Births here. Almost not worth my time, after coming all this way. 所詮は極東の島国。この界隈で最も名の売れた『 |
VS Londrekia | So, the so-called "secret weapon" of the Ritter Schild thought too greatly of himself and came out meddling in affairs one shouldn't. Now, I believe you understand clearly, you all are just but a mere shadow of us, the Licht Kreis. Cower and tremble in the dark, and stay that way. |
VS Hyde | You loud and classless child... I hate dealing with your kind the most! さ、 |
VS Merkava | Void, you are despicable... Never show yourself to me ever again. 穢らわしい『虚無』が……。二度と我が前に姿を |
VS Licht Kreis | I told you I was fine alone. You're a fellow member of the Licht Kreis, but I have no intention of working together more than the absolute minimum. Now, walk away. ……ここは私1人で十分だと言ってあるはずだ。同じ『 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Curse your misfortune, that you ran into me. 出会った不運を呪うがいい |
Arrival sequence2 | I'll finish you in mere moments. 一瞬で片付けてやる |
Arrival sequence3 | Will you put my flame to the test? 我が炎 試してみるか? |
Arrival sequence4 | I'll show you how EXS should be used. 顕現の使い方を教えてやろう |
Arrival sequence5 | So here we are. Your luck must be as bad as mine. 私と出会うなど お前も運が悪いな |
Arrival sequence (Hyde) |
Wagner: Heh. It looks like you just can't forget me. Hyde: H-Hey! Don't say stuff that people might get twisted! ワーグナー「フッ 余程私の事が忘れられぬと見える」 ハイド「誤解されるようなこと言うなよ!!」 |
Arrival sequence (Orie)1 |
Wagner: It seems we've got our chance without a need for schemes. Shall we? Orie: Indeed, though I admit I'm a bit reluctant. ワーグナー「謀らずとも機は熟したようだな」 オリエ「えぇ 少し不本意だけれどね」 |
Arrival sequence (Orie)2 |
Wagner: Time to settle our old score. Let's go, honor student. Orie: Indeed, though I admit I'm a bit reluctant. ワーグナー「あのときの決着だ いくぞ優等生」 オリエ「えぇ 少し不本意だけれどね」 |
Arrival sequence (Gordeau)1 |
Gordeau: So we finally meet, Flame Tyrant. Wagner: Very well. Give me everything you've got. ゴルドー「ようやく出会えたな 紅騎士よ」 ワーグナー「いいだろう 全力で来い」 |
Arrival sequence (Gordeau)2 |
Gordeau: Give me just a little of your time. Wagner: Very well. Give me everything you've got. ゴルドー「ま 少しばかりつきあえよ」 ワーグナー「いいだろう 全力で来い」 |
Arrival sequence (Gordeau)3 |
Gordeau: I know this won't change anything, but... Wagner: Cut the tedious talk. If you're going to fight, fight. ゴルドー「何も変わらねぇことは解ってるんだがな…」 ワーグナー「御託はいい さっさと来たらどうだ?」 |
Arrival sequence (Merkava) |
Bold of you to show yourself before the Void Hunter. この『虚無狩り』の前に姿を現すとは |
Arrival sequence (Yuzuriha) |
Wagner: I ask for a bout, samurai. Yuzuriha: Very well! I accept your challenge! ワーグナー「侍よ 手合わせ願おう」 ユズリハ「よろしい 受けて立ちましょう!」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Stand up. I'll burn you to ash next. 立て 次は灰にしてやる |
Round win2 | Is that all you can seriously muster? お前の本気はそんなものか? |
Round win3 | Face me as many times as you like. The result will be the same. 何度立ち上がっても同じだ |
Round win (Orie) |
What's wrong, honor student? Finished already? どうした優等生 もう終わりか? |
Round win (Gordeau) |
Satisfied yet? I'll send you after your friends right away. 満足したか? すぐに友の後を追わせてやる |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Does that make the difference in our capabilities clear enough for you? 私との実力差 理解できたか? |
Set win2 | Yet another one who fails to deliver. お前もまた 届かぬ者であったか |
Set win3 | All this disciplining is starting to get tedious. 躾というのも面倒なものだな |
Set win4 | You're too weak. Just like everyone else around here. 弱すぎるな この辺りの者達は |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Any who stand against me will burn. That's all. 立ち塞がる者はすべて焼き払う それだけだ |
Set win (Easy victory) |
Is that all you've got? How dull. 所詮この程度か…つまらん |
Set win (Orie) |
Hmph. This result is only natural, Orie Ballardiae. フッ 当然の結果だなオリエ・バラーディアよ |
Set win (Gordeau) |
Sorry, but I can't give my life up to you. すまんな この命 くれてやるわけにはいかんのだ |
Victory | |
General wins1 | You've finally realized, in the moment of your cremation, that there is one person with whom you shouldn't have picked a fight. A pity that clouds of ash cannot feel regret. 決して、 まぁ、舞い散る『灰』には後悔も出来ぬだろうがな……。 |
General wins2 | Who do you think stands before you? None other than the strongest sword in the arsenal of Licht Kreis. I didn't think you'd last even a minute, but you actually put up a commendable fight. Well done. お前は、眼前に立つ 1分と持つまいと思っていたが、中々の善戦だったな……。褒めてやろう。 |
General wins3 | Heh. Not bad at all, though I should mention I'm incomplete with my Aegis sealed away like this. ...T-True, it's my own fault that I'm forbidden from it, so I can't make any excuses... ふっ……、『 ……ま、まぁ、我が失態が原因で『 偉そうな事を言えた義理ではないのだが……。 |
General wins4 | They may not look flashy, but there are no surer weapons than a proven offense and a solid defense. As long as I stay light on my feet and deflect what I can, my flames take care of the rest. 堅実なる『 軽く凌ぎ、程々に払い除けるだけで良い。 |
General wins5 | It's wrong of me to expect any fulfillment from this mere pest extermination. My sword weeps from boredom... It makes me wonder what I'm even doing here in the Far East... ただの『害獣駆除』に、やり甲斐など求めておらぬさ。 だが、こうまで低レベルであると悲しくはなる。 この様な東の果てたる地まで、なんのために駆り出されているのかとな。 |
General wins6 | What have I done? My temper must have gotten the best of me. That's proof that your skills are decent enough. Be proud. 私としたことが。少しばかり これもお前の腕が立つ証拠。誇って良いぞ……。 |
General wins7 | What a pathetic victory... I only won because I remained standing the longest. I must train and hone my skills much further... For the victory of Licht Kreis. ……なんとも無様な勝利だ。結果として長く立っていただけでしかない。 もっと磨き、もっと研がねばならぬな。我らが『勝利』のために……。 |
General wins8 | You've burned out already? That was fast. A rotten tree in the winter air would have burned longer than you. もう燃え尽きたか……。早いな。 冬場の枯れ木でも、もう少し暖が取れるものだぞ……? |
General wins9 | It must be rather hot--especially for one with only a half-baked EXS with which to fight back. Worry not. The flames will only engulf you for a little while longer. Soon, you'll be at ease. 熱かろうな。生半可に『 なに、もう暫くそのまま |
General wins10 | Face reality. No matter how many times we do this, you have no chance of winning. Or are you telling me you're too pitiful to understand that? 現実を見ろ。幾度やろうとお前に勝ちの目など、万に一つも無い。 それが理解できぬ程、愚かではなかろう……? |
General wins11 | I loathe your expression. It's the face of one who cannot accept defeat. Don't look at me with those eyes. You're going to make me want to pray. 気に入らぬ そんな目で私を見ないでくれ。本気で折りたくなってしまうのでな……。 |
Specific wins1 | This marks the end of your long involvement with Licht Kreis. I'll personally deliver the news of your demise to Adelheid. That's the least I can do. 貴様と『 『 |
(Applicable:Waldstein) | |
Specific wins2 | Once this mission is over, I'll never see you again. I'll be free of our fatal bond at last. I feel relieved. この任務が終われば、再び会うことはなかろう。 お前との腐れ縁。これで終わりだと思うと……、……清々するさ。 |
(Applicable:Orie) | |
Specific wins3 | It seems you've come to your senses somewhat. You move much better than you did before... but still not well enough to claim my life. I need it to defeat Aeon, after all. どうやら少しは頭が冷えたようだな……。遙かにマシな動きになったぞ。 それでもお前に我が命はやれぬ。 |
(Applicable:Gordeau) | |
Specific wins4 | It seems you've abandoned both your post and your pride. I almost didn't recognize you, but you've made it worth my while to come here. Your EXS is worthy of the strongest. これでこそ私が出向いた甲斐があった。最強に相応しい『 |
(Applicable:Hilda) | |
Specific wins5 | You remind me so much of Orie, it almost makes me sick to my stomach. The two of you aren't siblings, are you? ホントにお前は、 |
(Applicable:Londrekia) | |
Specific wins6 | Turn to ash and return to the Night on the wind, Eternal One. As long as I exist, no god will hear your prayers. 灰と化し、風に舞う この『 |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins7 | This is the Night, not your class field day! And I am certainly no babysitter! Can't you schoolboys settle down and act like adults?! ここは『夜』! 学校ではないのだぞ! 少しは遊び気分を改めぬかっ……! こ、これだから男子児童の相手など……っ!! |
(Applicable:Hyde,Tsurugi) | |
Specific wins8 | Given your skills, you should have known you had no chance at victory. Especially if you're too scared to bare your claws. 実力の知れたお前達であれば、私に勝てぬ事くらい容易に理解できよう。 ……その隠された『爪』を披露する気がないのなら、尚更のことだ。 |
(Applicable:Mika,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins9 | So, was that "bushido," then? The famous art of embracing death? Simply being able to learn it proves your advantageous resolve. How frightening... そ、それがこの国で、死ぬことと同義であるとされる『 相応の覚悟を相手に誇示する『 |
(Applicable:Yuzuriha,Enkidu,Akatsuki) | |
Specific wins10 | Ah. I assumed only the uncivilized rabble would be out here in this chaotic Night, but it seems you have a decent grasp of etiquette. I expected only distasteful mudslinging, so I'm glad to be mistaken. ほぉ……。この混沌たる『夜』。 無法者ばかりかと思っていたが、少しは礼節を弁えた者も存在するか。 後味の悪い泥仕合ばかりであると覚悟していたが、嬉しい誤算だ。 |
(Applicable:Linne,Yuzuriha,Nanase,Enkidu,Tsurugi,Eltnum,Akatsuki) | |
Specific wins11 | I expected more from a famous Named One. Please don't disappoint me like that again. 少しは名を馳せたであろう『 あまり私を失望させるな……。 |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins12 | Licht Kreis. Flame Tyrant. You shall remember these names... And pray you don't hear them again, lest they become synonymous with your death. 『 2度目の関わり……、それは貴様の『死』を意味するのだからな。 |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins13 | Indeed, I am the Flame Tyrant, Erika Wagner. I've gotten word that my Licht Kreis sisters have been causing a great deal of trouble in these parts... I must apologize for that. 如何にも。私が『 聞けば、この地の者達には『 まずはそれに関し、しっかりと礼をせねばな……。 |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins14 | I underestimated your level. If every battle I fought were like that one, I wouldn't last for long. Misreading your opponent's power is an amateur mistake... I must reflect on this. 敵の戦力を見誤るなど三流……、猛省せねばなるまい。 |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins15 | Don't blame me. This is just another part of my mission as an Executor of Licht Kreis. Consider it an honor that you're worth defeating. That, you can be happy about. 悪く思うな。これも『 倒すに値するだけの『 |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins16 | I may not like the part, but I am the Fourth Executor--a truly high rank within Licht Kreis. Now do you understand the difference between me and one who fights to keep themselves amused? これでも『 遊びでやっている者との |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins17 | You've got an interesting body, to say the least. What are you made of? I'll let you live for now, more out of curiosity than anything else. But if you cause any more trouble, you won't get another chance. 面白い存在だな。その 興味 |
(Applicable:Uzuki) |