Under Night In-Birth Wiki


Situation Line
Arrival sequence1 Stay outta my way, or I'll erase you!
Arrival sequence2 Your EXS looks sooo yummy!
Arrival sequence3 How 'bout I give you an up close and personal tour of Hell?
オメーにも見せてやろうか? 地獄ってやつをよぉ!
Arrival sequence4 Don't think you can oppose me and get away unscathed!
Arrival sequence
Hyde: Yeesh. Y'know what the scariest thing about you is? You almost look human.
Uzuki: Hee hee hee! Lemme free your soul from that vessel for you!
ハイド「怖ぇな 形だけは人間なのが尚更だ」
ウヅキ「ヒッヒッヒ お前の魂もその器から解放してやろう」
Arrival sequence
Orie: This one makes bedfellows with death!
Uzuki: Uh, rude much? We're only friends!
オリエ「これが 死を連れ添う者……!」
ウヅキ「失礼な こいつらはトモダチだよ」
Arrival sequence
Uzuki: Don'tcha see? We were fated to end up this way.
Hilda: How kind of fate to include your crushing defeat.
ウヅキ「な? こうなるのは運命なんだよ」
ヒルダ「貴方が敗れるところまでが ね」
Arrival sequence
Uzuki: Secrets... Conspiracies... I don't mind 'em, y'know.
Chaos: The feeling's mutual. I don't mind you, either.
ウヅキ「隠し事 企み事… 嫌いじゃねぇがな」
ケイアス「同感だ 僕もキミのことは嫌いじゃない」
Arrival sequence
Enkidu: None would find fault with you for losing to me as I am now.
Uzuki: Pfft! As if anybody'd find fault with me anyway!
エンキドゥ「今の俺が相手なら 咎める者もなかろう」
ウヅキ「んなモン 最初からねぇよ」
Arrival sequence
Kuon: I'll endeavor to entertain you.
Uzuki: Then I hope you're ready to scream your head off!
クオン「楽しんで貰えるよう 努めるよ」
ウヅキ「そりゃ テメェの悲鳴次第だなぁ」
Outro (Round Win)
Round win1 Get up. Playing dead won't work on me.
立てよ 死んだフリなんざ通じねえっつうの
Round win2 Ha! How pathetic!
ふん ざまぁねえなぁ!
Round win3 You're done already? Boooring.
もう終わりかぁ? つまんねぇなぁ
Outro (Match Win)
Set win1 Kee hee hee hee hee! I'll be taking that EXS!
キシシシシ その『顕現』いただくぜぇ
Set win2 Hyaa ha ha! Written your death poem yet?
ヒャッヒャッヒャ 辞世の句は決まったかぁ?
Set win3 Lessee here... How to cook you...
さ~て どう料理してやろうかねぇ……
Set win4 You really don't live up to all the talk.
なんだ 口ほどにもねえなぁ
Set win
(Narrow victory)
Eee hee hee hee! You sure made me work for this.
イッヒッヒッヒ 手間ぁかけさせてくれたなぁ
Set win
(Easy victory)
How'd you survive this long with skills that sorry?
Set win
Aw, what's the matter? Had enough, Paradox?
なんだなんだぁ? こんなもんかよパラドクスぅ?
General wins1 Kee hee hee! Just your luck you'd run into the one and only Black
Monger! So what kinda burial do you want? Cremation? Embalming?
Ooh, how about a sky burial?
キッシッシ……! この『夜』に『葬儀屋』と出会ったが最後だってね。
General wins2 Welcome to the world of nightmares! You better get to know the undead--
like regular corpses, but they devour flesh and mourn for all eternity!
You'll be joining 'em soon enough, so play nice...
仲良くしろよ? 今日からオマエもお仲間なんだからさ……。
General wins3 Eee ha ha ha ha! You haven't got a single bone in ya!
C'mon, pick a nice, thick, sturdy one from my collection!
アヒャヒャヒャヒャ! 『骨』のない相手(ヤツ)だなぁ、まるで張り合いのない。
General wins4 Well, you managed to piss me off a bit. That's worth some credit.
Tell you what, I'll treat you to a nice, cozy funeral. Deal?
Rest in peace, now...
General wins5 Eee hee hee hee heeee! I love torturing weaklings!
But this one's all broken now... so it's off to find our next prey!
I'm sure it'll be even more fun!
イーッヒッヒッヒッヒッ! 弱っちいのをいたぶるのって楽しいよねぇ~♪
さ、次の獲物を探そっとー♪ きっとも~っと楽しいぞぉー!!
General wins6 Whoa, I can't believe you're still breathing after that last hit.
I thought it'd send you flying over the Styx for sure.
Guess you're tougher than I thought...
General wins7 Sheesh, you're so annoying.
If only you'd just accepted your defeat, you wouldn't have had to go
through all that pain... and I wouldn't have had to get all serious!
General wins8 Learned your lesson? This is what a real Night fight looks like.
Countless hands reaching out of the darkness... Grabbing you, entangling
you... Dragging you into the Abyss... Now, rest in pain! Hyaaa ha ha ha!
思い知ったかい……? これが『夜』の戦いだ。
General wins9 Sorry, but it's time for you to die. Can't let you stick around on this
side for too long, y'know! Here, lemme give you a little push...
Specific wins1 Whoa, now... My precious minions almost got purified by a nasty ray
of beautiful light... No doubt about it, you're my worst enemy yet.
Specific wins2 Man, this lady's so strong in the most random ways...
No way is someone like that gonna pass on properly.
I bet she's already fighting demons down in Hell.
大人しく成仏すんのか、これ? 地獄の鬼共相手に戦ってそうだよな。
Specific wins3 Something about your voice really throws me off...
Keep your mouth shut, will ya? You're getting on my nerves.
Specific wins4 Sure, your fighting style's interesting, but don'tcha think it's a
little dated? Eh, never mind. Hard to care when you're about to be
mincemeat anyway.
Specific wins5 Kee hee hee hee, what's the matter? Gimmicks not your thing?
Yeesh, you're so stuck up. There're some of us out here who can only
walk the dim alleyways of the world, y'know! Don't you forget it!
キヒヒヒッ、こういう汚ったねぇ手段()はやっぱ苦手か? お上品だねぇ。
Specific wins6 Hmmm... So that was a so-called "inhuman," huh? Pretty crazy power.
You're tellin' me I got lumped in to that category? Pfft. Rude.
Specific wins7 Sure, you guys may have helped me out a bit, but that doesn't mean I'm
gonna let you through here. Tell you what, I'll let you keep your life.
Pretty nice of me, huh? Anyway, it's been fun. Smell ya later.


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