This is the script for Uzuki's Arcade Mode story.
Uzuki: All right! The time has come! J.J.! Tempest! We're taking off! Say bye-bye to Amnesia, 'cause we're outta here!
J.J.: Are we really leaving, Miss Uzuki?
Tempest: Kyoo hoo hoo hoo…
Uzuki: Course we're leaving! If we pass up this opportunity, we'll never get another chance for a rebellion! It's perfect timing! We're aiming straight for the Paradox! Oh, she is going down!
What're we supposed to do, sit around on standby forever? Who came up with this whole "Amnesia Eighth Legion" deal, anyway? We don't even do anything!
I'm only here 'cause it sounded like fun. We're not here to obey anybody's orders! Miss me with all that "loyalty" business. If doing what you want's treason, then call me Benedict Arnold!
Even that wench Hilda said it herself--she wanted "interesting people." Well, we're gonna get REAL interesting up in here! Kyaa ha ha ha ha!
Now disperse! Go wreak some havoc! When you've wreaked enough, rendezvous at the Abyss!
J.J.: Yes, Miss Uzuki. I'll make the pretty little flowers bloom.
Tempest: Kyoo hoo hoo hoo…
Stage 3[]
Vatista: Halt, bearer of an abnormal EXS. Detecting threat level… Maximum. Are you a Void or a human?
Uzuki: What is this puny little thing? Some kinda new decoy or something? (It picked up on my true nature in an instant, so whatever it is, it's got a decent nose on it…)
Vatista: "Puny little thing" is an unprecedented classification. My appearance seems to confuse you, which is a human trait. Your mannerisms also do not match those of a Void. May I consider you human?
Uzuki: Course you can! Do I look like a monster to you? As I think you already guessed, my power's way closer to an FLS. Don't take it personally, though. A lot of people get it twisted.
Vatista: Yes. I will not take it personally at all. However, I cannot ignore your unusual nature. Target marked as a rare case; subject to close monitoring.
Uzuki: Geez, it's not like I'm Bigfoot or something…
Vatista: As you have implied, EXS and FLS are nearly identical. There are a number of In-Births like yourself who exhibit ambiguous signatures.
However, your FLS is a total Void. There is no ambiguity in it whatsoever.
Voids seek to become human. The stronger the Void, the closer it comes to attaining human form. Their ultimate form is humanity. I cannot reject the possibility that you are an abnormal and exceptional Void.
Uzuki: Like I said, I'm not a Void! Listen, why don'tcha? Any more than that's a long story that I'm too lazy to explain…
Vatista: In that case, I have no choice. Ordinarily, I am directed to avoid engaging dangerous individuals in combat when able… but this time, I will challenge you as a means of evaluating your true nature.
Uzuki: So you wanna beat the truth outta me, huh? Fine, I accept your challenge… but if you wanna talk about "abnormal," take a good look in the mirror first, sister!
Vatista: Yes. I do not deny your observation. However, it is not relevant to the matter at hand. I will explain once my evaluation is complete.
Uzuki: Sure, sure. Don't sweat it. If you wanna tell your life story, find someone who cares!
Stage 9[]
Uzuki: Eee hee hee hee! Oh, Hiiildaaa! Come out, come out, wherever you aaare! Uzuki's here to kick your ass, so quit hiding!
(Hilda appears)
Hilda: Oh, my. If it isn't the Black Monger. There's no need to yell. I knew you'd show up eventually… You've kept me waiting, you know.
Those eyes of yours… They look friendly at first, but I've seen them enough to read them. You're ready to pounce at any moment. I always did love your eyes.
Uzuki: …Ugh. You should know I don't have eyes for women who can't keep their heads screwed on straight.
Hilda: My, my. You're really one to talk there, aren't you? We've both lost something that was valuable to us. We really ought to try to get along better.
Uzuki: The hell? Don't lump me in with you, you Re-Birth-obsessed witch. I may have lost something plenty valuable, but I'll pass on this particular pity party.
Hilda: So sad… But if you insist, then I retract your invitation. Go on, then. If you think you can kick my ass, kick away.
I've always been oh-so-curious about your true nature… Are you a Void? Or a Re-Birth? Or something close?
Uzuki: Seems like you've got me all figured out already. It's kind of an embarrassing story--not one I feel like sharing.
So if you wanna hear more, you'll have to force it out of me with whatever skill you've got. I came here to see what you look like with a face soaked in tears and I'm not leaving 'til I get it.
Hilda: Oh, goodie. Then we'll resume our conversation after this. I can't wait… The gloves are coming off for you…
Uzuki: Pfft… Gotta hand it to this ignorant wench, her power levels are off the charts. God, what a pain in the ass… but at least it's for the last time.
Okay, then! Here I come! You'll make fine flesh and blood for my dark magic… even though you'll be a pile of bones when I'm done.
Final Stage[]
Kuon: To be honest, I'm quite surprised. I was aware that the Paradox was nearby, and naturally, I was prepared to fight her…
Uzuki: Kee hee hee hee hee… Surprised ya? That makes all the trouble it took to get here worthwhile. All I wanted was to kick Hilda's ass… I totally blanked on this bastard!
I don't know what your whole deal's supposed to be. You wanna open the doors to hell and end the world? Something like that?
Kuon: Right… Going to "hell," as you put it, is my goal. In the process, I'll open a rift that will let demons come into this world and devour it.
Uzuki: Eee hee hee hee… That's great news, 'cause it means I can kill you without thinking twice! I'm getting sick of always being the bad guy. I've been meaning to try saving the world one of these days.
Kuon: You've certainly got enough power to play the part of savior. You look as if you're on the brink of being consumed by your power, yet you're stable… You're quite the intriguing type.
Uzuki: "On the brink of being consumed by my power"? Don't overthink it! It's already swallowed me whole, and now I'm real buddy-buddy with it! Ah ha ha haa!
…Anyway, let's quit the small talk. It's time for your last dance. Here's hoping you don't have any regrets, chief!
Kuon: I will fulfill my wish. I have no need for regrets.
Uzuki: Cocky little bastard, ain'tcha? You're just like Hilda, but I'm not complaining… 'cause that's what I call a real villain!
Uzuki: Welp, there you have it, Mister Aeon. You put up a good fight and all, but honestly, compared to the Paradox? I just can't help thinking you're lacking in tenacity.
(My power Manifests those who recognize death… those who have experienced death… those who have returned from the dead. See? I'm on a completely different level…)
(You didn't stand a chance against yours truly… The one and only Uzuki.)
(J.J. and Tempest arrive)
J.J.: How beautiful… Thank you for gracing my eyes with such a lovely fight, Miss Uzuki…
Tempest: Kyoo hoo hoo hoo…
Uzuki: J.J.! You're alive! And Tempest… Well, I guess you can't exactly die, can ya? Ha… Ha ha ha ha…
Everyone made it here alive. Good… Very good… Now the whole world knows not to mess with us! But aww, now that the world's saved, our fun rebellion's all over.
There's no reason to keep doing all this, either. You're all dismissed. Go on, go find something to do that's not such a pain in the ass. Do whatever you want. That's what I'm gonna do.
J.J.: Yes! You're brilliant, Miss Uzuki!
Tempest: Kyoo hoo hoo hoo…
Uzuki: You guys… Heh. You really don't have anything better to do? Losers. Fine, fine. Come along if you want. Lessee, next stop… Hmm… How 'bout the first district of hell?
Uzuki: Don't blame me if you start wishing you'd picked a nice, normal death! If you're okay with that, then c'mon! Follow me!
(Ending theme: Close your eyes)
Arcade Mode | |
Chronicle Mode |