UNIPEDIA (UNIぺディア) was a series of flash-animated shorts that told slightly more detailed information about the series' characters. In this series, Linne and Vatista talk about the cast members and reveal things that weren't shown in the Arcade Mode stories.
They make a point to note at the start of each episode how their personalities can be "slightly different" from what they are in the actual game.
On November 10th 2017, all the episodes were updated from FLASH format into modern HTML5 format.[1]
LINNE: I see that a risky project has started once again. The commemorative first episode is the introduction of our protagonist, Hyde.
VATISTA: Let us hope that we'll even have a second episode...
LINNE: We have no voices because of the circumstances surrounding both budget and scheduling. That just means, we get to talk about a bit more risky topics.
LINNE: Well then, talking of Hyde... the sword he holds gathers all the attention, but here we're not obligated to answer such trivial questions.
VATISTA: . . . .
LINNE: Hyde was grown in a completely normal family. Both of his parents got appointed to a work abroad, so Hyde's currently living by himself. Wald and I are also lodging over his place.
LINNE: It's just pure fantasy how Wald manages to live in a modern Japanese house, considering his size.
VATISTA: In the official setting, it seems to be "canon" that later I will also be living there with you... What a relief.
LINNE: Geez, I can't really relax when something this dangerous lives in the same house.
LINNE: We got no complains from the previous episode and move on to the second episode. There probably just weren't enough viewers to even complain...
LINNE: The topic this time seems to be Linne. It's about me. How embarrassing.
VATISTA: Princess of the Night Blade... Circle of Transmigration... Indulgence Weaponry... Your background is well wrapped behind all of these...
LINNE: I am aware of that. Well, let's quickly summarize the details about my body.
LINNE: My brother, Kuon, has body that doesn't age.
LINNE: As our names point out, we siblings were test subjects for abilities, and also the only ones who succeeded in those.
LINNE: Formally, the Secret Arts of Transmigration is a parasitism of consciousness. It's more like that the previous host of the body will "recall" the memories of Princess of the Night Blade.
LINNE: Meaning, that this body also once belonged to a girl I don't even know...
LINNE: I coexist with the original personality but... It's quite a cruel story for those dozens of bodies I've lived my years in.
VATISTA: Does this mean, you usually attend to an elementary school?
LINNE: . . . .
LINNE: Lately the school lunch has been so tasty... Well then, see you next week.
LINNE: Well then, let's get back to the business. This time we'll talk about Wald, huh. I'd like to skip this topic.
VATISTA: ...What a bother considering no one is interested in him.
LINNE: Yeah. Well, this is still our job, so let's introduce him already.
LINNE: Wald was originally a member of the Licht Kreis. Hundreds of years ago, during the age before the strict regulations were set.
LINNE: Under the instructions from Adelheid, the Licht Kreis attacked calling it an "investigation". The Night Blade endured through it. Both sides were equal in strength. Battle continued intensely.
VATISTA: It's written in the setting, that I was awake and standing during that time as well.
LINNE: That's right. During that battle, Wald met with my brother, Kuon, and admired his chivalry. He betrayed the Licht Kreis to join the Night Blade.
LINNE: Because of that, Adelheit though that "Men cannot be trusted" and changed the Licht Kreis into a female organization. Fate really is a ridiculous thing...
VATISTA: The reason for the current harem state of the Licht Kreis is that old man with claws. Everyone, be sure to thank him for that.
LINNE: How unusual. We actually talked about some serious stuff. See you next week.
LINNE: This week it's Kuu, huh. He is the one that stays beside me during the fighting scenes.
VATISTA: …Lewd Beast
LINNE: No, that's not true! Kuu is a mysterious lifeform who accompanies the activities of this body.
LINNE: If you watch carefully you can spot within the game that, you can deduce that the pattern that stretches around its body is identical to what Merkava has, and they both can be classified as Voids.
VATISTA: The pattern on my body is a brighter one...
LINNE: Yes. That's the pattern and radiance of those who differ from humans.
LINNE: Kuu originally had a name "Kubiki" and it got that name from Kuon.
LINNE: What that was supposed to mean... Well, you can pretty much guess it from the sound of it.
VATISTA: Everyone was definitely expecting more "Lewd Beast" related topics...
LINNE: Unfortunately, at the moment it isn't forcing me to make contract or anything... Well, that's all for this week. See ya.
LINNE: This week we have Orie... Huh? It seems like we've forgotten about someone... Oh, well. Whatever.
VATISTA: You're totally moving along on as you please...
LINNE: Background of the organization Orie belongs to, the Licht Kreis, is just as we previously explained.
LINNE: Executors of the Licht Kreis operate in the groups of four people. Mika the meat shield vanguard, Kaguya the rearguard's firepower and Lex the information responsible are Orie's teammates.
LINNE: Orie herself has a balanced abilities of a versatile team leader, and she's in the so-called position of a ”hero”.
VATISTA: About their school uniforms, but... We have a lot of questions about what they wear in the school...
LINNE: Four of them go to the Licht Kreis' elite school of ladies, but currently only Orie attends Hyde's school as an exchange student.
LINNE: But that's actually her mission from the Licht Kreis to infiltrate and investigate. I have to say that's somewhat troublesome behavior for an organization of justice.
VATISTA: "Fifth Executor" means she's the fifth strongest within them...?
LINNE: Yes, but that's not completely correct. It's equivalent to a single line on an abacus, so it's simply means that she has the "strength of 5th level".
LINNE: Setting says that the first place Adelheid holds is immobile. Zenith of the 2nd highest rank has substantial highest rank. 3rd ranked died and the place is currently vacant.
LINNE: 4th ranked is the killer of 3rd, Wagner. There's also another one. And from the 5th rank it suddenly loosens and there's a dozens of them.
VATISTA: The explanation of the Licht Kreis... is so long.
LINNE: Surely the development staff have long dreamed of this organization of females... Well then, we'll see you again next week.
LINNE: This week it's Gordeau. He is a guy shrouded in mystery who originally worked on the top of that hooligan fighting force, Amnesia, together with Hilda and Chaos.
VATISTA: They say that his friend was killed...
LINNE: Ah, you mean Bob (temporary name). There isn't any plot twists like "He's actually alive" coming so they hadn't prepared an official name for him.
VATISTA: . . .
LINNE: Bob (temp.) pursued the status of a Re-Birth just like Hilda. But he was consumed by the power of EXS and became a Void.
LINNE: Then, the Crimson Knight, "Void Hunter" Wagner of the Licht Kreis happened to arrive on the scene and finished off Bob (temp.).
LINNE: Gordeau was enraged, but he'd already run out of strength during his fight with Void-formed Bob (temp.) and Wagner got away.
LINNE: He understands that Wagner's way to deal with the situation was right, but if he doesn't give her a good beating as a revenge for Bob (temp.), the hazy feelings within him won't settle down... What a bothersome guy.
LINNE: And during the most recent Night he goes to stop Hilda who's walking the same path and gathering huge amount of EXS... That about sums it up.
VATISTA: This person doesn't look like a student... Everyone must be overflowing with curiosity about this person's everyday life.
LINNE: In the official setting, there's written that he works as a bartender... Interesting, a very fitting job.
LINNE: I'm sure Amnesia is funding it with their money they make by... Whoa, seems that someone's here. Well, see you next week!
LINNE: This time we have Chaos. He's a friend of Gordeau from the last week. He's the man standing in the position of "He's going to be the next character added to the game".
LINNE: Just as I said last week, he's one of the leaders of Amnesia. He appeared suddenly after Bob (temporary name) was killed.
LINNE: His weapon is the Chaos Code which he holds in his hand. He can materialize the Void Beast, "Azhi Dahaka" from it.
LINNE: Too bad that these are just wild ideas written in the setting. Well then, see ya next week.
VATISTA: . . .
LINNE: . . . . .
VATISTA: This ended too soon. We haven't heard enough about him. What about his relationship with Gordeau or his relationship with Gordeau (important).
LINNE: About that, huh... What a bother. Officially Gordeau has left the Amnesia, so in public they aren't acting like friends.
LINNE: Not to mention Chaos' lifestyle includes Gordeau partly living in his room. Seriously, it's not good to just live in other person's house.
VATISTA: You're one to talk...
LINNE: On the contrary, Chaos' is feeling very comfortable over the Amnesia and rarely returns to his own room. So the two of them really don't meet often.
VATISTA: Too bad...
LINNE: Chaos doesn't really have his own goal, but currently he's focused on helping Gordeau and Hilda. Search for the Crimson Knight and expansing the influence of the Amnesia.
LINNE: He doesn't like fighting with his own body and usually just participates in planning. Only a small portion of the members have a clear grasp what Chaos' ability is.
LINNE: That pretty much sums up his relation with Gordeau. Well then, this time it's over. See ya!
LINNE: This week we have Merkava. It's that ominous creature.
VATISTA: What a gentleman...
LINNE He's a despicable beast who devours EXS from others. He's a rare being who possesses a will of human.
LINNE: While he was alive, he was... a man, probably. Well, just like his body has changed, so has his voice. It's still too early to discard the possibility that he could be a girl.
LINNE: During the bright time of the day. He's taking shelter in the Hollow Night... In short, another world, but I don't know the details. Wouldn't you know more about that?
VATISTA: Protected by the security. All the information related to specimen preservation is considered a secret, thus preventing the access.
LINNE: What a bother. Like I mentioned before, the pattern on his body is called the Curse Commandment, and it's a technique which converts EXS into an ability.
LINNE: It's like veins stretching around his body and transporting EXS and FLS.
VATISTA: I have that as well...
LINNE: Yes. It's weird that it stretches on the top of your clothes... Origins of this technique is a deep mystery that even the Night Blade hasn't solved.
LINNE: If we had understood that, we would be able to build an Autonomisomething like you...
VATISTA: Autonomic Nerve... I'd really appreciate if you'd remember it already.
LINNE: His previous life or that Orie's taking revenge on him for eating her parents? We're going talk about those from now on, right?
VATISTA: Orie's father himself did... Wait, where is the punchline...
LINNE: Well, this project, which continuance was doubted a lot, has managed to reach its 10th episode. About the topic of this week... There's a picture of Vatista above me... So, you're the topic.
LINNE: I have here a handful of topics like "naked little girl" and others, but... Geez, I'm getting worried about Japan's future.
VATISTA: I completely agree...
LINNE: Hey, you're not in a place to say that. To explain why she was naked, girls like her originally didn't have the need to wear something like clothes.
LINNE: It's not too different from that how Merkava aimlessly wanders around all the time.
LINNE: I mean that for them, the ultimate Golems who were created with the lost technology, there was no concept of cold protection or bashfulness.
VATISTA: Princess of the Night Blade, that's incorrect. The concept of bashfulness has existed within Autonomic Nerves from the beginning.
VATISTA: Although, its values and vectors are considerably different from what the humans have. *blush*
LINNE: ...I-is that so? That's the first time I've heard about that. I'll try to keep that in mind.
LINNE: There seems to be a lot of questions, like "Where is her missing wing?" ... Should we reveal this? I'll leave it up to you.
VATISTA: ...Revealing that directly has not been permitted. I'll give two hints. These clothes are not something I created.
VATISTA: And as I previously mentioned, years ago during the Licht Kreis' invasion I seem to have met with the Night Blade. That's all...
LINNE: You seem, huh... So you can't recall that anymore.
VATISTA: Yes... At the start of a mission, all the memories that are judged to be irrelevant to my actions during the mission will be set as an "oblivion information" and accessing them becomes difficult.
VATISTA: When time passes and that information is once again considered important, I might be permitted to remember "that"...
LINNE: Humans are difficult creatures, but so are you who were created by humans.
VATISTA: Let us end today's conversation. We'll meet again after 604800 seconds.... *waving arm*
LINNE: This time we have Seth... Things get complicated when related to this guy.
LINNE: Seth is a personification of the current Night Blade. Live as a part of the Night Blade, die as a part of the Night Blade. Geez, how very anachronistic...
LINNE: The reason for the Night Blade's ruin was a betrayal by a man who was the start of Seth's lineage.
VATISTA: ...I was also awake during that time.
LINNE: Yes. That's the reason why Seth is carrying out his job as a descendant of the Night Blade.
LINNE: The reason why he's called the "Assassin" is because the things he has done for the Night Blade. It isn't anything self-styled.
VATISTA: . . .
LINNE: By destroying the Vessels of inexperienced ones and violent ones, he temporarily seals off their abilities. It's also one of the Night Blade's duties to protect the order within the ability-users.
VATISTA: ...We have a lot of questions about his daggers.
LINNE: Oh, those. "Indulgence of Elimination" was originally entrusted to me. For a reason (”while I was out of town” is more accurate) they ended up in Seth's possession.
LINNE: Just like they name says, within that treasure sword lies a power opposite to that of Hyde's "Indulgence of Insulation". It's possessed with a terrible power, but I don't know all the details.
VATISTA: His school and private life also interests me...
LINNE: It's even more difficult to image Seth going to school, than Carmine going to school... but he's a high-school student on a year lower class than Hyde.
LINNE: That's all. People say that "Hasn't UNIpedia gotten a lot longer lately?" so let's end this around here. See ya!
LINNE: This time we have the last character from default characters, Yuzuriha.
LINNE: Yuzuriha's family lineage was originally people of the Night Blade. During the time from the "Licht Kreis Wars" to the Night Blade's demise, they got tired of fighting and left us.
LINNE: After that, they passed down their knowledge and techniques for some degree. Yuzuriha usually plays dumb about those things.
VATISTA: ...She's actually a smart person.
LINNE: After leaving the Night Blade, they've still been involved in protecting others from the Void as priests, while they lived keeping a dojo of sword fighting.
LINNE: And around the time Hyde was in elementary school, he went to that dojo to learn sword fighting. For a short while.
VATISTA: ...How is her relationship with Hyde currently?
LINNE: Such a troublesome topic... That's how the two of them got to know each other, but few years later their relationship became awkward after a "certain incident".
LINNE: Since then... those few years from middle school to the present. Especially Hyde seems to evade her and the relationship hasn't gotten better. They are in estrangement.
VATISTA: ...More details about this "certain incident".
LINNE: I can't say, so just imagine.
VATISTA: . . .
LINNE: Well, it was a youthful indiscretion. Yuzuriha's carefree nature has made it so that she doesn't mind that anymore.
LINNE: On the other hand, Hyde still feels complicated. He's acting formal and pretending not know her. Pretending to be calm. Isn't he just cute...
VATISTA: How difficult. I can't make a good judgment until I understand what this "certain incident" is. I really need more details...
LINNE: Well, I'll tell if we happen to have a chance for that at some point. See you next week!!
LINNE: Well, this time we have Hilda who supposedly serve as the boss character. It's troublesome she doesn't have even a bit of dignity as the boss...
LINNE: From the beginning Hilda was blessed with a huge talent as an ability-user. Even for someone like me who has lived for ages, seeing something of that caliber is really rare.
VATISTA: ...I agree with you on that.
LINNE: Using that power she made themselves known to the underground world in such a short time. Now she rules the ability-user group, Amnesia, as their leader.
LINNE: Although, since Amnesia is a rising influence, when you compare it to big and old organization, like the Licht Kreis, its organizational capability is still something pretty cute.
LINNE: Even though they may be small, their vigor and fast movements make them terrifying. They've quickly made their name known and already spread fear to their surroundings.
LINNE: Hilda is the person standing on the top of those people. It just feels like they are only singing praises for a luck-pusher...
VATISTA: . . .
LINNE: Well, if hearing that gets her to a good mood, isn't it a good thing then? Is there anything else?
VATISTA: Something that everyone wonders, but no one dares to ask... How old is the "Glittering Darkness"?
LINNE: Hmm. I often see her being called a "hag", but the numbers written in the official setting say she's only two years older than Yuzuriha. How fresh.
VATISTA: ...Development staff has split into two groups and they keep on debating whether she really is a hag or not.
LINNE: Well, if we're talking about the number of lived years, then the two us here are...