Under Night In-Birth Wiki
UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st] Extra Sound Track



Release Date:

September 1st, 2015


Original Soundtrack, Vocal

Publish Format:


Media Format:

Digital Download

Release Price:

Standalone: 450 JPY
Bundle: 2800 JPY




Tedokon Yuuki, sho


Yumiko Yoshinari

UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st] Extra Sound Track contains three new songs included in the arcade version of Exe:Late[st].

It was sold as a standalone release as well as bundled with the previous soundtrack.


# Title Description Length
01 End of Dawn -short mix- Console opening 1:26
02 Sound of Night Wind Phonon's theme 1:37
03 Mutual Situation Hyde VS Seth theme 0:12

Comment from the Composer, Raito[]

Thank you for buying UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st] OST.
About one year after the PS3 release of Exe:Late, we have made the arcade players wait for long.

Within the harsh industry where a release might be finished within a year of their release on the "mainstream game console" smartphones, a "2D fighting game" like UNI might seem anachronistic, but it has somehow continued for three years on almost legacy-like platforms, arcades and consoles.

Lately, I've been thinking that as a game-maker the most important thing is to create the feeling of a world with conviction. It's seems like something that goes without saying, but when I have personally witnessed the mobage industry's prosperity and elimination during these last few years, it makes me think that plain and inconspicuous stubborn craftsmen, like at the ones at French-Bread, are not that bad.

After the international version of UNI released in February this year, I've been talking with a lot of overseas fans through SNS. I feel like UNI is making the preparations for the next big leap.

We also have the encouraging support from Arc System Works, so I think from now on our footwork will become lighter. I'd like to make our target: "not running out of opponents". After all, it's not a versus fighting game without an opponent. All of our staff will do their best to increase the number of UNI players in the nearby arcades, over the county and around the world.

Narita's orders for Phonon's BGM were "evil-sounding", "mature" and "cool & sick". In this song, I went all-out with synth but without having too fast tempo, and with a melody full of movement.

Hyde VS Seth BGM is song where the melodies of Hyde's and Seth's BGM entwine alternately with the image of "both offense and defense". As always, "sho" did the guitars and except for guitar phrase of the basic melody I left everything in his hands. I only play keyboard, so if I make orders for the whole track, then people usually won't be able show off how good the guitar can sound. In these situations, "specialist knows the best" as they say.

Last time with Exe:Late I wrote a note that typically releases for this kind of music forbid the distribution of copies. However, you have bought this soundtrack with your own money so I do not mind if you send an MP3 to your friend to make them listen UNI. By all means, please spread the world of UNI.

If there are any questions, please contact to the following mail address.
Please keep on supporting UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH in the future as well!

UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st] OST お買い上げありがとうございます。PS3版エクセレイトから約1年、アーケード版大変長らくお待たせしました。







前回のエクセレイトサントラのnoteでも書きましたが、このような音源販売では通常、コピーを配布することを禁じるものですが、この音源は、お金を出してこのサントラを買って下さったあなたが、ご友人にUNI聴いてほしいと思ってMP3を送ることはかまいません。 ぜひ、UNIの世界を広げて下さい。


Comment from the Producer, Narita Nobuya[]

Congratulations on the release of new UNI Soundtrack and thank you for your purchase. At times like these, I think it is truly a miraculous thing that a brand-new and original title can keep on continuing. I want to repeat that this is all thanks to the everyone's strong support.

Related to the songs, now that I look at it we sure have created many tracks. Only memories left in my mind are the struggles from early development days. But from Exe:Late and the addition of Chaos' track, the verification process for the musics became smoother and I handed down an instant "OK"s. In a certain sense, it has become a bit boring (lol).

I now see how important it is that the production team is able to mutually recognize and understand the game's world and atmosphere. I really have come to realize how difficult it is to create an original title.

Regarding to UNI, during the loketests we got opinions like "(I think that) it should continue a little longer". I'm currently plotting all kinds of things so that we can answer those "Which character would you like to be added?" requests. Please look forward to what we have in store. ...I'm full of feelings like "Who was it that put this question here?" But I will make something happen! I hope that we can have your support in the future as well.




UNIの方も「もうちょっとだけ続く(と嬉しい)んじゃよ」ということで、ロケテアンケートの際にご意見頂きました「登場して欲しいキャラ」に応えるべく、現在もいろいろ企んでおりますので引き続きご期待頂ければと思います。…僕は「誰だよこの質問設置したヤツ」という気持ちでいっぱいですけどね! なんとかしますけど! 今後ともよろしくお願いします。


Opening themes
Ending themes