Under Night In-Birth Wiki


Situation Line
Arrival sequence1 All right! Here goes!
おっしゃぁ! 行くぜ!
Arrival sequence2 C'mon! Let's fight!
よし! ケンカしようぜ!
Arrival sequence3 Awright, let's hook this rookie up with some hard training!
いっちょこの若輩者に ドぎつい稽古お願いしましょうか!
Arrival sequence4 Blockin' my way, huh? Guess I've got no choice but to knock you out!
邪魔するってんならしょうがねえ ぶん殴る!
Arrival sequence
Hyde: Tch. Can't believe I'm stuck with you, apparently.
Tsurugi: I guess we're bound by the red string of fate!
ハイド「呆れた腐れ縁だな ったく」
ツルギ「運命の赤い糸 って言うんだよ」
Arrival sequence
Tsurugi: Speed and range... Can I even get close?
Yuzuriha: Power and defense, huh? This is gonna be a tough one.
ツルギ「リーチとスピード… 近づけるかおい…?」
ユズリハ「パワーと防御…か こりゃ苦労しそうだ」
Arrival sequence
Tsurugi: This is a perfect chance! Strut your stuff for me.
Phonon: Ugh, talk about sweaty. Just don't cry when you lose.
ツルギ「良い機会だ お前の実力 見せてくれよ」
フォノン「暑苦しいヤロウだ あとで泣くなよ~?」
Outro (Round Win)
Round win1 All right! That's a win!
おしっ 一本いただき!
Round win2 Heh heh! I'm not gonna lose a fist fight!
へへっ 殴り合いなら負けねえよ
Round win3 Hold up! You're getting way too careless!
おいおい 油断しすぎだぜ?
Outro (Match Win)
Set win1 Awright! Score one for justice!
よっしゃぁ! 正義は勝つ!
Set win2 Y'know what they say: there's no defense like a good offense!
攻撃は最大の防御 ってね
Set win3 How 'bout that? Did my fists get the message across?
どうだい? 俺の拳は響くだろ?
Set win4 Thanks. That was a good match.
お疲れさん 良い勝負だったぜ
Set win
(Narrow victory)
Nice fight! Let's do this again sometime!
ナイスファイトだ! またやろうぜ!
Set win
(Easy victory)
Sometimes a match just comes down to luck. These things happen.
勝負は時の運ってね こういうこともあるさ
Set win
That was a heated fight! I won't lose the next one, either!
熱いケンカだったな! 次も負けねえぜ!
General wins1 Whatever evil you're plotting, you're never gonna pull it off!
I'll protect everyone with my shield if it's the last thing I do!
General wins2 You know what happens when an unstoppable force meets an
immovable object? Well, I'll tell you what happens if that object is
my shield! You're gonna see one stopped-ass force, that's for sure!
General wins3 I don't need any fancy-pants weapons to take down an opponent!
Just gimme something hard and heavy and I'm good to go!
堅く重いモンでドカーンと殴るっ! それだけで良いんだよ……。
General wins4 What cuts off your line of sight, screws up your sense of distance,
and makes you feel helpless when your attacks can't get past it?
That's right, a shield! This thing's for winning, not just defending!
どうだ? 『盾』って武具は、相手にすると意外に厄介だろ?
General wins5 What's wrong, boss? Is that really all you've got?
Look, I'm pretty tough. You know you don't have to hold back like that!
おっと、どうした大将? アンタの実力、そんなもんなワケないだろう?
General wins6 This shield right here is like a hard, thick castle rampart!
Attacks like yours just won't break through!
Why don't you try bringing a cannon next time? Ha ha ha!
なんなら、大砲でも持ってきてみるか? はっはっはっ……。
General wins7 Yeesh, I went a little overboard... Hey, can you stand up?
You're aiight, aren'tcha? Ugh, Prez Sakaki's gonna kill me for sure.
He's such a strait-laced guy... Aw, man, this blows...
うっわ、思いっきりやっちまった! おい、立てるか? 大丈夫か?
General wins8 Phew, close call. Made it by a hair. You aiight?
The pain from getting struck by something heavy creeps up on you later.
Don't try to just walk it off. Get some real rest, you hear me?
平気か? 鈍器(おもいもん)の衝撃って後から来るからよ。しばらく寝てた方が良いぜ?
Specific wins1 Sup, Kido? Glad you're as lively as usual.
Looks like you took the L this time.
If you got a problem with that, we'll talk later, yeah?
Specific wins2 I dunno what kind of Princess you're supposed to be, but if you're
gonna run around swinging swords all Night long, then I'm gonna be
there to stop you. See ya 'round...
Specific wins3 Holy--! Y-You actually brought a cannon?!
Watch where you aim that thing! I'm not ready to die!
うおっ!? マ、マジで大砲持って来やがったよ、この()……。
死ぬからやめろよな! 人に向けて撃つのっ!!
Specific wins4 I told you before, right? If we run into each other in the Night, it's
on sight, no mercy. Welp, I hate to do this to you, but...
C'mon, Komatsu. Get her tied up and take her back home.
言ったよな……? 『夜』で出会ったら容赦はしないって。
Specific wins5 You've got pretty decent skills for someone your age. You go to school
around here? Anyway, if you're just here to look around, I'd get lost
if I were you. There's scarier dudes than me out here, for real.
Specific wins6 Whew... You're too fast for me to keep up with.
If my instincts weren't so sharp, I would've lost for sure!
You've got a pretty versatile set of moves, too. Sweet.
Specific wins7 Ouch, man... If you can hurt me this bad through a shield,
I'd hate to take you on without it. Talk about a powerhouse.
How's a big beast like you even fit into a Night like this?
Specific wins8 I'm from a group of student vigilantes who've awakened to their true
powers! We're called the EFG! It stands for... Uh... Look, I'll tell
you what it stands for later! I hope you'll sign up. See ya!
はっはっは! キミの入団、心待ちにしているぞっ! それじゃな!!
(Not Applicable:Nanase,Phonon,Tsurugi)


Hyde · Linne · Waldstein · Carmine · Orie · Gordeau · Merkava · Vatista · Seth · Yuzuriha · Hilda · Chaos · Nanase · Byakuya · Phonon · Mika · Wagner · Enkidu · Londrekia · Tsurugi · Kaguya · Kuon · Uzuki · Ogre · Izumi · Eltnum · Akatsuki