Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | Begone, if you value your life. 命が惜しければ邪魔をするな。 |
Generic | Resistance is futile. 無駄な抵抗はよせ |
Generic | Someone like you... Hmph... お前ごときが…フン! |
Generic | Enough talk. Get ready. 能書きはいい。構えろ。 |
Outro | ||
Generic | The burden I shoulder is far greater. 背負ったものの差だ。 |
Generic | This is all you're capable of? この程度で終わりか。 |
Generic | How anticlimatic... 拍子抜けだ |
Generic | The Night... is far from over. 夜はまだ…終わらない。 |
Generic | Hesitation only dulls your decisions. …迷いは判断を鈍らす |
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | Isn't it about time to go all-out? …そろそろ本気を見せたらどうだ |
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Chained Nefarious | Sleep in eternal darkness! This is the end... Elimination! 常しえの闇で眠れ! 終わらせる… 最後だ… 絶! |
Chained Nefarious | I'll finish this. This is the end... Elimination! 終わらせる… 最後だ… 絶! |
Distant Frontier | Walk forth to the ever-approaching horizon. Distant Frontier! 歩み立つがい良い、揺らぎ迫る境界… 境界のディスタント! |
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | I warned you about this... It doesn't look like you'll be moving much. Did you think I was joking with you? 言ったはずだ『止まって見える』と――。冗談だとでも思っていたようだな。 |
Generic | Leave... And never appear before me again. 消えろ……、そして二度と俺の前にその姿を現すな。 |
Generic | Don't take your loss too hard... There's no skill that will allow to you to escape the wrath of my blade. 気に病むことなどない。この対なる刃から逃れる術などないのだから。 |
Generic | "Assassin." The perfect title for one like me, doomed to do all the dirty work. |
Generic | Pathetic... So you were just another incompetent fool with no idea how to wield power? くだらない……。お前も |
Generic | You fight like a complete amateur. How boring. 素人丸出しの緩慢な動きだ、欠伸が出る……。 |
Generic | We aren't all that different, you and I... We're cut from the same cloth. And l may well be the next to fall... お前も俺もさして変わりはしない、同じ路傍の石さ。次にそうして横たわり棄てられるのは俺かも知れないのだから。 |
Generic | Though I may fall, this body belongs to the Hollow Night... Protecting the order of this place is my destiny. I cannot be bested by a manifestation who's only just learned to use EXS. 墜ちても闇に属する身、『虚ろの夜』の秩序を守るが |
VS Weapon Wielders | Is swinging that giant weapon around the only thing you know how to do? A weapon serves no purpose unless you can actually hit something with it. 巨大な獲物を振り回すだけが能か。当たらなければ意味を成さないものと知れ。 |
Perfect Victory | Blink and it goes dark... Chase, and you cannot find... Follow a shadow, the owner disappears. How does it feel to lose to an opponent far superior to you? Humiliating...? Torturous...? 瞬けば眩み、追えども失い、辿る先にその影は無し。どうだ……? 触れもしない相手との戦いというのは無力なものだろう。 |
VS Hyde | Disappointing... The person who's supposed to be helping the Princess of the Night Blade is so pathetically weak. Insulator... I will let you keep your life... Please, take care of Linne. ……夜刀の姫に荷担するお前がこの程度というのは残念だ、『 |
VS Hyde (Rare) | I forgot to mention the name given to these blades of mine... The Eliminator... Like your weapon, they have the ability to kill even an Eternal... A blade of Indulgence entrusted to a criminal. 言っていなかったな。この双剣、真の名を『 |
VS Linne | Linne, the Princess of betrayals... I need you to come with me... To put an end to everything. 裏切りの姫、リンネ。俺と一緒に来て貰おう。全てを……終わらせるためにな。 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | If you value your life, stay out of my way. 命が惜しければ邪魔をするな |
Arrival sequence2 | Resistance is useless. 無駄な抵抗はよせ |
Arrival sequence3 | Cut the advertisement. Get ready. 能書きはいい 構えろ |
Arrival sequence (Hyde) |
Hyde: Welp, I guess we gotta settle things, anyway. Seth: I think it's clear there's no need... ハイド「ま 決着はつけなくちゃいけねぇよな」 セト「解りきったことだ 必要なかろう……」 |
Arrival sequence (Linne) |
Seth: We talked about this. I'm the one who's supposed to go, remember? Linne: Ah, when you live long enough, you start to forget things. セト「俺が行くという約束 覚えていないか…?」 リンネ「あぁ 長生きすると物忘れが な」 |
Arrival sequence (Waldstein) |
Waldstein: What can you cut with those slender arms? Seth: The chains that bind me, for starters... ワレンシュタイン「その細き腕で なにが斬れようよ」 セト「己を縛る鎖 断ち切れるさ……」 |
Arrival sequence (Yuzuriha) |
Yuzuriha: Looks like your doubts are gone. Seth: Heh. Like I had any left in the first place. ユズリハ「迷い 消えたみたいだね」 セト「ふっ 今の俺に迷いなど……」 |
Arrival sequence (Chaos) |
Chaos: Last chance. Want to join forces with us again? Seth: Heh. A shattered plate can never be put back together. ケイアス「どうだい? 再び手を組む最後のチャンス」 セト「フッ 割れた皿は元には戻るまい……」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Seth: I've been waiting for this moment, Aeon! Kuon: As have I. And now all the players are assembled. セト「このときを 待ち兼ねたぞ……『永劫』!」 クオン「僕もだ 役者が揃う この瞬間をね……」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Finished already? この程度で終わりか |
Round win2 | How anticlimactic. 拍子抜けだ |
Round win3 | ...Your doubts dull your judgment. …迷いは判断を鈍らす |
Round win (Hyde)1 |
That's what all your big talk was about? それでよく大口を叩けたものだ |
Round win (Hyde)2 |
Stand up. You think this ends with just words? 立て 口だけで終わるつもりか? |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | This is the difference in the burdens we bear. 背負ったものの差だ |
Set win2 | The Night and its causality... I'll put an end to it all. 終わらせる…この夜の『因果』 そのすべてを |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
This is indulgence. All things come to an end. これが『免罪』 『死(おわり)』に例外はない… |
Set win (Easy victory) |
Know that resistance is pointless. 抵抗など無駄と知れ |
Set win (Hyde) |
Sleep there until this is all over. そこで寝ていろ すべてが終わるまでな |
Set win (Linne) |
No need to fight anymore. I'll settle everything... もう闘わなくていい 俺がすべての決着をつける… |
Set win (Kuon) |
Sleep now. I'll carry your sins with me, too. もう眠れ…お前の『罪』も俺が背負って進もう… |
Victory | |
General wins1 | Sound, light, time-- I share none of it with you. We exist in different worlds. 音も、光も、時間も。 貴様とは何1つ共有していまい。存在する『世界』が異なる――。 |
General wins2 | This blade is manifested from darkness. Nothing can stop it. Even if you see it coming, there's no avoiding it. 例え |
General wins3 | No matter who I face, I will cut them down-- especially if they are an In-Birth. That is the law of the Night. 相手が誰であろうと それが『 |
General wins4 | You tried to strike somewhere so unexpected, I nearly panicked. It was almost effective. Your target is over here. 戦いの最中、あまりに見当違いな場所を狙われ、逆に困惑した。 お前の相手は |
General wins5 | I wouldn't be so ungracious as to expose a corpse to the Night. I made a vow to myself and to my blade never to do that. 『夜』にて屍を晒す。そのような無様な真似は出来ぬのでな。 この『 |
General wins6 (Rare) |
My name is Seth. The present of the Night Blade is in my hands. It is my fate to bear the weight of the final Night. I will end it, mark my words. 我が名セト。『夜刀』たる存在の『 『 |
General wins7 | No ordinary man can attain speeds untrackable by the human eye, but it isn't necessary--not when you can simply sneak beyond your target's awareness instead. Not that just any idiot could pull that off. 人の目に追えぬ動き。そんなものが常人に可能な訳がない。 意識の外に忍び、潜むだけだ。それが愚鈍な者にも可能だとは言わぬがな。 |
General wins8 | It seems you got hung up on my title of "assassin" and assumed that I can only strike from blind spots. Rest assured, I am always ready to face you head on, away from others' prying eyes... 『 気配を消し死角から一突き、それしか出来ぬとでも思われていたか。 人目無き場所で |
General wins9 | I'm sorry to have driven you to such desperate measures. Thanks to you, I've taken a rather painful hit. Vanity casts an unsightly shadow... I have a long way to go. 捨て身の奇策とは恐れ入る、お陰で少々手痛い 慢心が無様な隙を呼ぶ。俺もまだまだの様だな……。 |
General wins10 | I may look like I'm okay... but rest assured, you've wounded me considerably. なに、安心しろ……。 こうして強がって立ってはいるが、こちらもそれなりに重傷だ……。 |
General wins11 | It's pointless. No matter how hard you fight back, your fangs simply can't reach me. 幾ら足掻こうと無駄だ。お前の |
General wins12 | I'm accustomed to dirty work. Go ahead and mock me, if that makes you feel better. 汚れ仕事には慣れている。悔しいのなら、気の済むまで蔑むが良い。 |
Specific wins1 | It's clear now which one of us is better suited to proceed. I will destroy the gates of hell. Make yourself useful and clean up the mess. 『 地獄の扉は俺が滅しよう。後の雑用はお前が片付けておけ……。 |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | I'm sure that it doesn't bear repeating at this point... but Princess of the Night Blade, I hereby claim the burden that you've carried thus far. 今更、改めて語る事もなかろうな……。 『夜刀の姫』よ。お前の背負ってきた重荷は俺が持とう……。 |
(Applicable:Linne) | |
Specific wins3 | Look at me now, Waldstein. Look well, Hekatoncheir. Now do you see me as a warrior? You've lived for too long. Stay here and bear witness to the end. どうだ、今の俺を『武人』と見てくれるか。『 お前も永く生き過ぎた者。ここで終わりを見届けるが良い……。 |
(Applicable:Waldstein) | |
Specific wins4 | I refuse to let someone who abandoned the Night Blade clean up after us. Use that sword for your own good, just as I use mine for my own. 『夜刀』より別れた その刀は己のために振るうと良い。俺がそうしているようにな……。 |
(Applicable:Yuzuriha) | |
Specific wins5 | Our little spy game has been fun, but it's time to put the toys away. This thing has served its purpose, and now I must return it to its rightful owner. Obstruct me no more. 仲良し これから『 |
(Applicable:Chaos) | |
Specific wins6 | I will cut through the ancient chain of destiny that you've left me. After long aeons, the affairs of the past are laid to rest here. Allow the Night Blade to finish the job. 貴様より 永き |
(Applicable:Kuon) |