This is the script for Seth's Arcade Mode stories.
Seth: (Not this cursed "Night" again…)
(How many nights have passed since I began working to meet the demands of my clients? Killing without thought always looking over one shoulder…)
(It's almost like a curse imposed upon me by this wretched night. Every time this Night falls, I feel as if the chains that bind me grow heavier.)
(But now that the Princess of the Night Blade has shown herself once more, all of that ends today.)
(The floating princess, Linne, said to wander this place… And her companion, the one who wields the Insulator. If tonight is what you're wishing for, I'll kill you myself.)
(Longing for the days of the past… To think that I'd be the one to take her life. How truly ironic. Is this what fate holds for the wielder of the "Eliminators?")
It seems that I must once again ask you to bear this burden with me…
Stage 3[]
Nanase: Hey, you there. I wanna ask you something.
Seth: A child…? I have no business with you. Go away…
Nanase: Whoa, what the heck--?! An emo kid? Sorry for annoying you, but I'll make it quick. I'm looking for someone about your age. His name's Hyde Kido. You know him?
Seth: Hyde… Kido…
Never heard of him…
Nanase: Hold up! What was with that pause?! Your face went from "Maybe" to "Nevermind." You do know something, don't you? You totally do! Tell me what you know about him!
Seth: *Grunt*…
Nanase: Tell me! C'mon! Argh! Hey, are you even listening to me? Hellooo?
Seth: Yes, I am listening to you. But, please… Do not come any closer. This is why I hate dealing with children. It's irritating.
Nanase: What the hell's wrong with you? How dare you call a lady like me a child! Besides… We're like the same age, right?
Seth: Physically, perhaps… But mentally, I beg to differ.
As for your question… If you really want an answer, you will have to defeat me first. That is the unwritten rule of the Hollow Night, one I fear I must teach you as a newcomer.
Nanase: So that's all I gotta do? Easy-peasy. I'm gonna beat the snot out of you! And after I do, you better tell me everything you know! Promise?!
Seth: Ah… I think you will do well enough for a warm-up tonight… Don't worry, I'll be sure to hold back.
A child who thinks herself a woman… And one who has just become an In-birth, no less. It would be immature of me to use my full strength against you.
Stage 6[]
(While wandering around the Hollow Night, Hyde Kido is attacked from out of nowhere)
Hyde: Gah! Who're you!? And what the hell was that for?! That's dangerous!
(Seth appears)
Seth: The companion of the Princess of the Night Blade, the "Wild Card." And the abominable Insulator. There's no mistaking it…
Hyde: Princess…? Are you talking about Linne? Who are you? And why are you so interested in my sword?
Seth: Why introduce myself to someone who is about to become a corpse?
Hyde: Heh… I guess I'll just have to persuade you to spill the beans, then. And I can be VERY persuasive. Especially with THIS, which you seem to hate!
Seth: You're little more than a new hatchling first discovering their EXS powers. Know your place! Mewling children like you are the reason we assassins even exist.
Hyde: That's supposed to be my line. Looks like you're the one causing trouble here. That's why, on behalf of the Night Blade and Linne, I'm going to stop you!
Seth: Night Blade, huh?… I never thought I'd hear that name again. As for that being "your line," I'm afraid I have to disagree.
For I, too, am descended from the Night Blade, and carry with me the burden of my sins…
Stage 9[]
Seth: It has been a long time, Linne, Princess of the Night Blade. I had a feeling that if I came to the Abyss at the heart of the Hollow Night, I'd find you. Still, I'm surprised to see you're actually here.
Linne: Seth. Heh, heh. The last time I saw you, we were about the same height. You sure have grown. But seeing as you've tracked me down, this isn't a cause for celebration, is it?
So, Kuon… You've started moving again, have you?
Seth: Kuon… That name no longer means anything to me. I'm here for my own reasons. I will take the Insulator and release us all from this. Finally, this nightmare will be over.
Linne: You're still going on about that? Granted, it's been a while since I began looking for a solution, but passing the curse to someone else is not an option. I'll carry on until the end.
And are you really going to bring up the fall of the Night Blade again? Pathetic… So what if you were next in line to the throne? There's no reason why you should feel guilty anymore.
Seth: The same could be said about your sibling rivalry. I'd think my taking the fall would be in your and Kuon's best interests. This burden is too much for your small shoulders. Why don't you rest now?
I will end your life and free you from the shackles that torment you. Die once again by these blades, Princess of the Night Blade. The cycle of death and rebirth ends for you tonight.
Final Stage[]
Linne (off-screen): Hey, what's going on here? Explain yourself.
(Linne is shown wrapped up in a futon with her head visible and hanging from a tree, courtesy of Seth.)
Linne: Waking up hanging from a tree… What is the meaning of this?
Seth: Killing you back there would have served no purpose, as only your body would have died. You'd have just moved on to another host, resolving nothing. So for now, hang tight. We'll talk afterward.
Linne: Wait… Where are you going?! How dare you leave like this!
Seth: I'm going to go clean up this mess… This will be the last Hollow Night. Now, stay quiet and await my return.
I can't exactly bring you face-to-face with her, now can I?
(Scene changes to the Altar of Light and Dark, just as Seth arrives)
Hilda: Oh, my… You're that famous assassin lurking on this side of the world, aren't you? Now, what's gotten into you? It's not very assassin-like to storm through the front doors…
Seth: It has always been the mission of the Night Blade to hunt down and kill any Void that disturbs this place. What did you call them again…? EXS and In-births?
I am not sure what you are after… But I cannot allow you to continue provoking Kuon… It is time to seal the Abyss and put an end to the Hollow Night. I may as well deal with you while I'm here.
Hilda: You may as well? Deal with ME? HAHAHAHA. What a hilarious idea. You may have defeated a few bottom-feeders, but you don't stand a chance against Paradox!
You know… There have been rookies like you in the past. You get famous ever so slightly and think you're a hotshot.
I think some education would do you a world of good. I'll show you which one of us belongs on top.
Seth: I think some education would do you a world of good. I'll show you which one of us belongs on top.
Seth: (…You dare call yourself the Vessel of Re-birth with that measly power of yours…? While you were indeed strong, your pointless theatrics doomed you… This was hardly worth my time.)
(Behavior, recognition, insight, reaction time… Those who have come this far on instinct alone, how frail they are for not walking the line between life and death.)
(Retrieving the Insulator. Apprehending the Princess of the Night Blade. And finally, disposing of Paradox. I've completed every mission assigned to me.)
Finally… It's all over.
(Scene cuts to Linne still wrapped up and hanging from a tree)
Linne: The energy I felt earlier… As if something really powerful just suddenly disappeared. Does that mean that Paradox was defeated…?
(Seth appears)
Seth: Yeah…
Linne: So what are you going to do now, Seth? Continue to fight for the Night Blade while your doubt eats away at you?
Seth: …Linne, come with me.
Linne: Why not… I put my pride on the line fighting you, and you won. I'll come along. Maybe you'll uncover the secrets of Kuon's and my seals. As to what happens to the Night Blade, I'll leave it to you.
Seth: Nothing… is going to change. The sins that you've carried for so long will just become my own. Those who have finished playing their parts should just sit back and watch the play unfold.
But let's try to change things anyway. Move beyond the stagnant history and the endless crimes committed by the Night Blade.
Linne: Seth… Yes, this generation should be shaped by those born into it. Phantoms of the past like Kuon and myself should stay there… So, free us from our curse.
Which brings me to my next point, Seth…
Seth: Which is…?
Linne: Since this is supposed to be a dramatic scene, why don't you let me down from here…?
Seth: …
(Seth walks off)
Linne: H-Hey, wait! Seth, don't leave me like this! I'm a princess!
(Ending theme: Heart beat breaker)
Seth: Linne… It's time you handed over your Power of Sealing, just like you promised. Aeon's decided that tonight will be the end of time. I'm going to stop him.
Linne: Time sure flies… Well, it was settled the moment you beat me, so at this point there's nothing I can say except this: I wonder if you're really capable of carrying this burden.
…Not that it concerns a long-lost spirit like me. It's all up to you now, Seth…
Seth: Right…
(Linne transfers her Power of Sealing to Seth)
Kgh… So this is half of the Power of Sealing? Linne… Did you really carry this weight… this heat… for centuries?
Linne: Hmph… It does take… some getting used to… Owww! Be a little more gentle, will you…?
The Power of Sealing acts as my stabilizer. I won't last long without it. Here's hoping you make it back before I shrivel away.
Seth: Everything I've done has built up to this Night. Princess of the Night Blade… have I grown strong enough to protect you?
Linne: Yes… You were such a small boy… but now you've grown big, strong, and reliable.
Seth: …Heh. Is that so? That's all I needed to hear. Now I'll go put an end to the horrible history of the Night Blade…
(…and sever the chain that binds you, Princess…)
Stage 3[]
Vatista: That blade in your hand is the Indulgence of Elimination. Your body has an abnormally high level of EXS as well. Who are you?
Seth: Huh. Not just anyone would recognize this. Who are you, little girl? Is this some kind of trap?
Vatista: I am not a little girl, nor any other type of human. I am Vatista, an Autonomic Nerve. I have been ordered to protect the Night and the EXS.
Seth: I've heard of that before… So she's some kind of doll, then…
Vatista: Data scan and verification complete. Indulgence Weapon confirmed. And the Hemicorpus of Sealing. I see. The Eliminator; the one to seal the Night and destroy it.
Seth: I don't know anything about this thing myself. All I want is to settle the score with Aeon, the one who's wreaking havoc on the Night. I'm sure your goals aren't much different. Let me handle it.
Vatista: Yes, it is true that leaving the matter to you has a higher projected probability of success. However, adjusting for your current state, I cannot determine whether it is safe to let you proceed any further.
Seth: Then you'll just have to test me for yourself. See if you think I'm capable of defeating Aeon.
Vatista: Your failure is likely to result in the end of the world. Do you still wish to proceed?
Seth: Of course. I don't care what happens to the world. I'm doing this for myself, the Night Blade, and the princess. That's all.
Vatista: Understood. Then we must settle this matter via combat. If you cannot overcome me, you certainly cannot overcome Aeon. I cannot leave the fate of this world in the hands of an incapable human being.
Seth: Pretty harsh words for a doll. Fine, then. I can't leave the fate of the world in the hands of a toy.
I don't have much time left… Better get this over with quickly!
Stage 6[]
Chaos: Ah. I didn't expect to run into you again here. I suppose we must be tied to each other by fate. Don't you agree, Seth the Assassin?
Seth: First of all… can you remind me who you are, again? I, for one, don't feel the slightest bit tied to you…
Chaos: Tsk tsk, that's pretty cold. Though, to be fair, I was the one who suggested we act like total strangers if we met on the streets. But it's only the two of us now. You can drop the act.
Seth: Hmph… Who's acting? We ARE total strangers. What I'd like to know is, why are you still playing errand boy?
Chaos: Ha ha, you have a point. The deal we made over those twin blades of yours is done. But it would be a shame to end our relationship there, don't you agree? …Hey, where are you going? Listen to me for once!
Fine, fine. Here's the thing. You were looking so gloomy that, even from a distance, it's hard to watch. So I thought that I owe you the kindness of stopping you here, for old time's sake.
I'm curious as to whether the rest of the task can be left up to you. I'm not sure that you can accomplish it. Here are my suppositions, based on objective observation of your current state:
1. For some reason, you are not currently in optimal condition.
2. You have a purpose which you are under great pressure to fulfill.
3. You must fulfill it before anyone else, causing you light anxiety.
Well? I don't think I'm too far off. Am I? With so many factors working against you, you must understand why I would want to stop you. Why don't you make this easier on yourself and let Amnesia handle it?
Seth: Heh. I guess my "calm, composed" act wasn't as good as I thought. After you've said all that, I really can't back down now, can I? You still owe me for a lot of hard labor. I'm ready to file my invoice.
Chaos: Great, then it was worth it to stop you here. Honestly, I'd hoped I wouldn't have to fight you, but it's for your own good. I'll be glad to confirm whether you're capable of proceeding any further or not.
Seth: Right. I'll prove it to you--and use these twin blades that you gave me to do it. I'll show you that this assassin can put an end to an Aeon.
Final Stage[]
Seth: Finally… I made it… I'm at your door… Come on out, Kuon the Aeon!
Don't tell me… Are you really running and hiding from a wounded soldier like me?
(Kuon appears)
Kuon: …On the contrary. I've been anxiously awaiting your arrival.
I'm glad to see a fellow Night Blade here. I see you've brought me the Indulgence Weapon that I'll need… along with Linne's Power of Sealing.
Seth: Brought it to you? Only if you can take it away from me.
Kuon: I see you have no intention of simply handing it over… Ah, well. I expected as much. You do look like you're in a lot of pain. If I keep running, you might collapse on your own… but that's not what I want.
An infinite amonunt of EXS flows from the Night's Abyss and into me. Don't think for a second that simply borrowing half of the Power of Sealing will be enough to defeat me.
Seth: Right back at you. Don't think that a lot of EXS will be enough to beat me.
I borrowed this power from Linne herself. I can't afford to lose this battle…
Here it is. The final hour you've been waiting for. Get ready to fall under my twin blades, Kuon… Or should I call you the Curse of the Night Blade?
Kuon: "Curse," you say? You're not wrong. It's been like a foul mud weighing down my legs for ages… Are you the one to wash it away, dweller of the present?
Seth: I will save the princess… I'll save Linne. And I'll save you, too, Kuon. That's my final duty as a Night Blade!
Seth: Now you fully understand the power of an Indulgence Weapon. It seals and destroys… It signals the end. As a Re-Birth, did you think you were an exception?
Time to end this. The Power of Sealing, the long history of the Night Blade… All of these sins… I'll bear them all right now!
Eliminator, here's your final task! Strip away the Power of Sealing from his body and put it in my Vessel!
(Kuon's Power of Sealing is transferred into Seth, leaving him reeling)
(Grrrgh… I can feel the great EXS flowing into me… It's so heavy… and hot… and ominous!)
(Two Powers of Sealing… The cyclical and the eternal… Trying to hold them both inside me is… reckless…)
(Can I withstand it, or will I also become a Void…? Ngh… No, it doesn't matter anyway… No matter what happens to me, I will see this through!)
Isn't that right… Linne?
???: There you are! I finally found you!
Do you have any idea how long it took me to get here?
(Just then, a teenage yet familiar-looking schoolgirl in a yellow hoodie approaches Seth)
Steady, now… No running. It'll only cause more trouble if you do.
Seth: …
What? Are you here to laugh at me for becoming a Void and falling into darkness or something?
???: Of course not… I've come to say thanks. And to welcome you back.
And to pay back what I owe you. And to scold a whining child.
…And to bring back your head. Just shut up and take Eliminator, will you?
I told you before, didn't I? I have nothing but gratitude for you. So to show you that gratitude, I'm going to cut you down.
Whether this is the end or just a new beginning is all up to you. You're not gonna say no, are you?
Seth: Good point… At this rate, it's just a matter of time before I lose my personhood.
Fine, then. If you're the one to change my destiny, then I accept… your gratitude…
???: Good. Now let's go home--to where you originally came from. The long, dark Night is gone and the skies are clear…
???: You don't have to burden yourself with it anymore…
(Ending theme: Peace of Mind)
Arcade Mode | |
Chronicle Mode |