Road to the Under Night… | |
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Information | |
Name | Road to the Under Night… |
Belongs to | Hilda |
Number | 22 |
Chapters | 2 |
Participants | Hilda Chaos Gordeau ??? |
Story | |
Previous | A Reluctant Hero |
Road to the Under Night… (alternatively titled as Under the Night…) is the twenty-third and final Chronicle Mode Scenario.
Chapter 1[]
Hilda: Chaos should have finished taking care of where the Abyss would appear, and the set-up of the Altar.
Everything is finally in place.
(Tomorrow is the Hollow Night. I will become a Re-birth and wait for the coming of the Immortalization…)
Wait… What am I getting so excited about? I'm not a kid eagerly waiting for a field trip day…
This took so long… Not that I put any effort to it.
I looked around to absorb my surroundings. Oh look… The person who actually put in the effort is coming this way.
Chaos: How are things, Hilda? Not that you're physically working or anything, though. I believe there is no real purpose of your being here now.
Hilda: Well, how about you then, Chaos? Are you finished?
Chaos: Of course, though setting up the Altar is a bit of a mystery. Logic, meaning, its source… All mysteries. Makes this quite challenging. Something like this would usually be called "magic."
Hilda: Mmm… Sounds so dreamy and cute.
Chaos: It would have been better if you didn't drag me into this… In any case, I'm done here. I would love to leave now.
There's nothing for me to do tomorrow, and unless something unexpected happens, I'd like to be at home to pursue my studies on the Night Blade and Licht Kreis.
Hilda: Oh, but I was going to call Gordeau here. Say, why don't you move a muscle tomorrow for a bit of exercise?
Chaos: No, thanks. Ah, and I'd appreciate it if you'd keep Gordeau away from this. I don't want anything to be disrupted. Also, give my regards to Enkidu.
Hilda: What a party-pooper… Well, take it easy, then. I'll visit you once I become a Re-birth, okay?
Chaos: Great. So, worst case scenario, a Void will come to visit me.
Hilda: Stop it with that bad mojo! You just wait and see!
With that, my dear tactician left with a smile.
Knowing him, he'll probably show up anyway, though a bit late. He really needs to be more sociable…
Hilda: (Well, nothing left for me to do here now. I don't want anyone to think I'm excited like some kid, so I'd better leave and stay put for the remainder of the day.
(I'll be going now, my dear Altar of Light and Darkness. See you again tomorrow during the Night.)
My ride back with a only a couple of guards by my side.
I don't need the extra coverage…
Hilda: (I don't mind walking to keep my physique up.)
Then again, it does feel good to be treated like a VIP.
On this drive back to my temporary residence.
So clean and open. I hate it…
Hilda: (Whoever has the luxury of living at a place like this deserves to be slapped.)
I went into my room to shower and wash away the tension.
Afterward, I opened the sliding door to the veranda to bring in some air.
The night air was so enticing that I couldn't help but go outside to greet it.
The place wasn't a huge skyrise, but the night views were spectacular. If anything, this was the one part of this place that I liked.
Hilda: (I guess I should be grateful for having this place prepared for me.)
I looked down at the city below and saw the city lights.
The lights brought back memories…
Hilda: Tomorrow can't come soon enough. It took so long…
Maybe it wasn't that long of a wait, but it felt long just waiting in anticipation of the things to come.
"Memories" isn't really the best word, I suppose. It wasn't as though I had anything worth being a "memory" to me.
The only "memories" I had were of bringing death to others as Paradox…
Hilda: (This mysterious power… The power of EXS… Things certainly have changed since I gained this power…)
(Those men in suits who appeared in front of me said they would invest into research of my power…)
(They did supply this place and what was needed to keep Amnesia afloat, so I'll be a nice little girl to them, but…)
It's so boring just sitting around being monitored.
(They are great patrons with how much they provide, but their seriousness makes everything so stuffy…)
(All I want to do is play and have some fun. Having them around makes me feel like I'm working for them.)
(Well, if I just assume this was all work, then being a cute girl to them isn't all that bad, I suppose.)
EXS is such a strange and mysterious power. It's not made obvious, but there are a lot of people who come to me to talk about it from the shadows.
So long as I'm no lab rat, then all is good. I mean, everyone is getting something in return.
Hilda: I just want to use whatever means I have to have fun. Really, that's all I want. Heh, heh…
But to have "fun," I need to have power. Without power, there isn't much fun in anything.
I'm really not invested in all this research…
I'm even doubtful the research will yield anything with how unstable EXS is during the Night.
It's unlikely they'll figure anything out about this power…
Hilda: (I wonder the rumor is true, of the research facility that was destroyed after capturing a Void.)
In such a short span of time, more have been getting involved with the Night. It used to be a place where only EXS-users could play.
I guess it was just a matter of time until people without it would get involved…
Hilda: This power is really what makes everything fun, after all.
We will change everything about this age…
It delights me to high heaven, just thinking about it.
Hilda: I should thank whomever created the Night and began its activities.
Really… Who started all this? And for what purpose? I wonder if I'll ever know…
The silence of the night drew me further into the dark.
Then the cold brought me back to reality. I'd better go back in. This is too much thinking for one day.
I looked at the clock inside. This late already? Gazing into the night always makes me lose track of time.
Hilda: Now, then… He should be coming shortly. I'd better talk to him a bit about tomorrow…
Chapter 2[]
I returned to the room only to notice a presence approaching.
A light knock… After a slight pause, the door opened slowly…
Hilda: Hello there, Gordeau. It's been awhile, hasn't it?
Gordeau: Hilda… Why'd you want me here? Aren't you supposed to be busy, prepping for tomorrow?
He dropped himself onto my sofa without permission.
I held a glass in hand, and sat in front of him.
Hilda: Come now, I'm not that busy, you know? In fact, I'm just about finished.
Gordeau: Huh, that quick, eh? Chaos must have been preparing everything for you.
Hilda: My, you're so intuitive!
Well, it's not like there's a lot to prepare for… All I do is give orders, and let others do the work.
Gordeau: So, now you're spending your time holding a glass in hand, eh? Very befitting of someone of your evil stature…
Hilda: Well then, why don't you enjoy this time with me?
I handed him a glass and an open bottle.
Gordeau: Accepting this makes me a cohort in crime, right?
Gordeau added some ice, then poured the drink into the glass.
Hilda: Again, quite intuitive.
Gordeau: I can read you like a book, you know?
He lifted his glass to his lips.
Gordeau: So, why'd you want me here again? You'd probably do better asking Chaos or Enkidu if you want something done.
Hilda: Now what's with the cold shoulder? Enkidu is a bit too serious for my tastes, and Chaos wouldn't move a muscle in the name of labor.
Gordeau: Sounds about right if the job you're asking for isn't serious…
Hilda: That's why I'm asking you, my number one lovey. You know exactly what I want, don't you?
Gordeau: Yeah… Forgot this was how you roll. Mind you, you need to be clairvoyant to know what you're thinking.
Hilda: I knew you understood. Now, how about some practice? Guess what I'm going to say next.
Gordeau: You've gotta be kidding me…
Gordeau stared into my eyes.
Soon enough, he sighed, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth.
Gordeau: Let's see… Calling me out here a day before the big event… You want me to return to Amnesia and help you tomorrow. At least that's what I would expect you'd call me here for.
Hilda: I knew you'd be able to tell! How impressive!
Gordeau: Yeah, whatever. I guess reading you doesn't require clairvoyance…
Hilda: Well, let me ask you again… Tomorrow is my very special day, and I want you to come back to Amnesia.
It's not like you wanted to leave in the first place, right? It isn't like you to be so attached to something that happened so long ago.
It's already been half a year since then, hasn't it…
Gordeau: I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't just treat it like something of the past. It's my fault for bringing him to the Night…
I wasn't able to do anything back then. This isn't something I can just sweep under the rug…
He looked away from me with a frown on his face.
Hilda: Not that I don't understand how you feel, but… I suppose I'd think the same way if I were in your shoes.
Gordeau: You really need to be in my position to know how I feel. Before that happened, I pretty much thought things happened because of the choices you made.
Hilda: Which is why you left Amnesia, right? Yet you're still wandering the Night looking for that Crimson Knight character.
Gordeau: Did you hear that from Chaos?
His frown was stern. I shook my head in denial.
Hilda: (Someone like him is easy to trace through rumors…)
Gordeau continued to speak.
Gordeau: I have to go into the Night to find that bastard myself. There's no way I would let someone else do that for me.
Mind you, it's not like I'm the type to hang around waiting for someone to find something for me.
Hilda: I don't really care about how you feel. All I care is that you're still wandering the Night. Just come back to Amnesia already.
Gordeau: Uh, I think it's important to know how I feel… In fact, that's the most important thing to consider.
Hilda: Oh, pooh…
Gordeau: Hm, but you're right about one thing. Things aren't going to change by doing things alone. I guess working with you is more efficient.
It's also probably true that nothing will change, even if I do find the Crimson Knight. I know myself that beating the shit out of them isn't going to do anything.
Hilda: But you have to do something, don't you? Guys can be so tediously bothersome…
Gordeau: It's not like Roger wants this to happen. I'm doing this just for myself.
Hilda: I know you don't really want to return for good. So why not do what Chaos said before?
Come back to Amnesia as, not a member, but as a mercenary. That would do, wouldn't it?
Mercenary or not, it'll at least give him a cushion to fall back on when returning to Amnesia.
Chaos did say that bringing him back as a mercenary would make it easier for Gordeau…
Gordeau: I appreciate your offer, but…
Hilda: Your power in exchange for information on the Crimson Knight. Not bad as a reward, is it?
Gordeau: You're only going to regret bringing a sap like me back on the payroll.
Hilda: It'll be fine. We'll squeeze the information out of the members of Licht Kreis one at a time. I'm sure hearing more on the Crimson Knight will give you that drive you need.
Gordeau: Just to make sure, you'd better not do anything to Licht Kreis outside of the Night. I sure hope you're not that stupid…
Hilda: Oh, my. Do you think I'd do such a criminal thing as bullying people in broad daylight? That is so below me.
Gordeau: Uh, I said what I said because it's you we're talking about…
Hilda: Don't worry. We only do what we do under the Night.
Of course, that doesn't mean we won't move outside of it.
I mean, I did give my regards to that young Insulator boy before…
Of course, Gordeau doesn't have to know that.
Gordeau: Hey…
Hilda: Oh, come now. Stop glaring. I was just joking.
Gordeau: I can only imagine the expression on Chaos's face each time he sees you…
Gordeau took another sip of his drink.
I refilled his glass, then took a breath.
Hilda: In any case, tomorrow's Night is going to be a battle that I absolutely cannot lose.
I need you to go out there and go full throttle, so that you can disperse all those idiots trying to stop me.
Gordeau: You're making it sound too easy…
Hilda: The Crimson Knight came to suppress the Bankikai. The same could be said for tomorrow as well…
Licht Kreis seeks to control EXS. If so, the bigger the bait, the greater the odds of dragging out the Crimson Knight. Wouldn't you say it's worth it, being out there?
I prefer having grand parties full of life. Unless, of course, you don't mind my taking down the Crimson Knight ahead of you without your knowledge.
Gordeau: You're not giving me a choice…
Hilda: So? What do you say?
Gordeau: …
Hilda: …
Gordeau: I suppose I should be out there to make sure your Vessel isn't consumed…
Hilda: Hm? What are you talking about?
Gordeau: Fine… I'll help you out.
Hilda: What a wise choice!
Gordeau: This may as well be the time for me to put an end to everything.
Like Chaos said, I need to go and find out where Roger disappeared to. I might as well have someone help me out.
Hilda: Oh, my. You can count on me.
Gordeau: I'll help you if you help me. I'll promise you that I'll do more than my fair share as a mercenary tomorrow.
Hilda: That's what I wanted to hear. Oh, but if you show any signs of cowardice… you know what will happen, right?
Gordeau: "Cowardice," huh? That's an embarrassing thought. I've been facing low-level grunts recently, so maybe we should fight to get me back in shape. What do you say, Paradox?
My Greed is a bit hard to control. I can't assure you'll see the Night tomorrow…
I can see the dullness of his eyes. The eyes of a killer… Mmm… How wonderful. I wouldn't like it any other way.
Hilda: How scary… You're serious, aren't you?
Gordeau: Seriously joking.
Hilda: Heh, heh… How sweet of you. Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, my dear mercenary.
Gordeau: Don't worry about it. So, are we done here? Gotta go back and prepare myself. You'd better get some rest, Hilda.
Hilda: Of all the people to tell me that…
Gordeau: C'mon, cool down a bit. It's just that I don't want to see any more people I know turn into a Void.
Hilda: Hmph… That should be the least of your concerns.
Gordeau: Rest assured. If you ever become a Void, I'll make sure to end you nice and quick.
Hilda: I was hoping you'd say you'll save me, not "end" me. Some people…
Gordeau: You think I'd say that to you?
Hilda: I want to become a Re-birth. Turning into a Void is way below my standards, so if that ever happens, you're more than welcome to cut me down as you please.
Gordeau: Yeah, I know. I'm going to make sure no one ever has to go through what Roger went through. Don't you worry, I'll stop you then for sure…
Hilda: What? Mumbling to yourself again?
Gordeau: Oh, nothing. Well, see ya later…
With that said, he turned his back toward me. Before stepping out, he turned around…
Gordeau: Oh, yeah… Before I go…
Hilda: I know.
Gordeau: I was waiting for our "guest" to appear, but I guess that won't happen until I leave.
Not that you'd lose, but… I doubt your special guest will harm you.
Give that evil-doer my regards will ya'?
He turned around, waving his hand as he started to walk.
I sat back on my sofa, and watched Gordeau as he left the room.
Hilda: I finally convinced Gordeau, and now this… The eye of the Night is a bit too busy for my tastes.
The room should be empty besides me.
Yet, there's a presence in the room…
Someone is in hiding.
Gordeau is right. Whoever is hiding is "evil." Someone with malicious intent.
To think there would be someone else like me in this room…
Hilda: (I thought I could feel someone watching me, and I guess I was right. Now, if only that someone would come out…)
(It's not my style to search the room, cluelessly… This would be embarrassing if no one's here, but…)
A particular line used quite often in movies.
A very cliche line that I've always wanted to use…
Hilda: I know you're there… Why don't you come out already?
(Mmm… I've always wanted to say that.)
???: …
I'm surprised you knew I was here…
Hilda: (Oh, my… Someone else was really here?)
What a heart-stopping way to show yourself.
From the door where Gordeau left came a shadow slowly taking form of… a child?
This better not be some apparition…
A robe covered the face and body of my guest.
I caught a glimpse of my guest's face… A young boy? Maybe as old as a grade-school student…
???: The person here earlier was quite formidable, being able to sense my presence, but I can see you're no different…
Hilda: Why, thank you. Of course, I only made it seem like I knew you were here. I had no clue where you were.
???: Hm… "Here" and "where" are not the right terms to use. You could sense I was looking, but you wouldn't know "where" I was, as I wasn't "here."
Hilda: Ugh… The way you speak is quite annoying… So, who are you anyway? It's rude to be in a lady's room without the proper formalities.
???: Hm… Now is not the time for me to introduce myself. After all, our meeting here should not have happened.
Ugh… No… I can't stand this… His holier-than-thou attitude is really getting to me…
Hilda: So, you won't tell me your name, and you say we shouldn't have met. Fine… Well, who sent you here, then?
???: Sent me…? I don't work for anyone. I move on my own accord and will. You know I speak the truth, Paradox…
Hilda: Yes, to a certain degree…
I suppose my powers let me tell whether someone is speaking the truth. Or, at least that's how I feel.
In any case, I can't let him walk all over me with his words.
I'm guessing that he's here to irk me to high heaven, so that I become an insomniac…
Hilda: So, what does my little guest want from a beautiful lady like myself in the middle of the night, hm?
???: I simply wanted to talk. An exchange of words. Or rather, I came to offer information, though it may sound… aggressive.
Hilda: You really are a bother, you know that? If you have something to say, say it already. I feel good tonight, so I'm willing to hear you out.
Of course, if you bore me, I may just kill you…
I created a small spear in the palm of my hand. I figured this would scare him a bit.
???: How amusing. Well, I suppose I should watch what I say.
I plucked a grape from a bowl, and took a sip from my glass. I offered him some grapes, but he refused and continued to speak.
???: So, let me say this… Paradox, you are quite known as being the greatest witch of this time.
Hilda: Mmm… I like what I'm hearing.
???: As a witch, you seek the seat of a Re-birth.
The power of a Re-birth can only be contained in an equally powerful Vessel, thus transforming your mortal body into that of a Void. You do know this, yes?
Hilda: Yes…
Becoming a Re-birth is similar to becoming a Void. You maintain your human form while turning into a Void on the inside.
???: A word of advice… Stop while you still can.
Hilda: (Of all the things to say… I'm only going through this because I know the risks involved in becoming the greatest there is…)
The biggest risk involved is becoming a Void. I had heard many stories of those consumed by their EXS.
Actually, those were the only stories I heard, since no one had successfully become a Re-birth before.
???: Are you after power, or eternal life?
Hilda: I wouldn't mind having both, but I might as well shoot to being the strongest. I suppose I want power that would make those of the Night grovel at my feet.
Yes, I want the power to destroy all related to the Night. It would be quite entertaining seeing those in despair. If anything, eternal life is simply icing on the cake.
Eternal life with eternal youth would be sublime. But, it sounds so drab to say it, so I guess what I said should do.
???: Your answer personifies you well… Whatever the reason, I hope you will measure the value of your current life with what you are longing for.
Hilda: All you're doing is trying to convince me to stop. Let me guess… You're jealous that I'm going to become a Re-birth with the next coming of the Night?
???: No… I take no issue with you attaining such heights. I only share with you my words of wisdom as your senior, so to speak.
Hilda: …
(My senior…? Wait… Could he be… a Re-birth? Why would someone like that come to me?)
I doubt he's here to praise me…
I can tell he wants me to stop, but does he think I'm going to become a Void? The insolence…
Hilda: (Asking him for details feels like I'm succumbing to him… I'll just fake it as if I know what he's talking about.)
Heh, heh… Is that so…?
Not that I know what he's talking about…
Hilda: Words of wisdom? Is there something to worry about here?
I will become a Re-birth using this Vessel. No manifestation can consume me now.
???: All who seek to become a Re-birth say the same thing. But controlling the powers to come is not so easy. By the time one sees reality, it is too late.
Only the Hollow God can control such power. It is something impossible for both me and you.
Hilda: I didn't expect my dear senior to be so humble. You make it sound like someone is helping you control your power.
???: Indeed. I only exist because of another's will. I am merely a puppet created by the Hollow God.
Hilda: Hmph… If we're talking about controlling power, I've been doing that all along. I still have a lot more in me to handle what's to come, you know?
This is fact. If it's simply about containing the power, that's entirely doable.
???: Maybe now, but I believe you can already feel the side effects of the EXS growing within you.
Hilda: …
(How does he know that…?)
???: As expected… The darkness that lies deep within your body as a Re-birth already knows this.
Hilda: …
???: Most do not feel or even notice anything, despite possessing the power of EXS within them.
The feeling of hunger, excitement, violence… Wanton destruction, brutality, and joy… You hold all these within you.
Hilda: Oh…?
Correct. The only reason I created Amnesia was to feel the rush of excitement and joy from battles.
The existence of light and darkness… A scorching field spreading deep within me…
They tell me to fight, destroy, kill…
Hilda: (I was the only one to have sensed this corruption inside me. So, their EXS was too weak for them to reach my level…)
???: Yes… What you feel inside is the very nature of Voids. You also understand that you will lose every part of yourself in order to gain the power you currently seek.
That desire within you is no different from one turning into a Void…
Listening to him speak was drying my throat. I gulped down what was left in my glass.
This child speaks the truth… A fearsome truth… That he is a senior to me is probably truth as well…
Hilda: (But that's not my concern now. Who is he, and why did he come? I can't fully trust him until I find those things out…)
Well, not that I don't have a guess as to who he is. If he's who I think he is, then that's another problem in itself.
Of all the times for him to come and ruin the eve of my glory. He will pay dearly for this…
???: Containing your power is already adversely affecting you. You are drowning yourself in joy from battles. Consider what will happen to you if the power of the Abyss flows into you…
Hilda: (That will destroy any Vessel…)
If it's just about power flowing into my Vessel then I can still take a lot more.
Hilda: (What about my mind? What will happen to it? Despite my concern, there's a side of me that's finding this somewhat enjoyable, as if I were looking forward to it.)
???: The greater the power, the deeper and murkier it becomes. Once your soul is consumed, your soul will be tainted, never to return.
The only thing that will remain from the mire of your powers…
…Will not be you, but another existence of yourself.
Hilda: …
???: A being driven by hunger, madness… This is what it means to become an In-birth, then a Re-birth. This will mean your very doom in the form of death and disappearance.
You do know that you have another existence inside you, don't you…
I knew it from quite a while back…
I could feel something inside me. A different "me." As if another personality suddenly emerged.
My nickname, "Paradox," was quite fitting in that sense.
It became my name because I felt like something was coming from inside me, becoming a different "me."
???: Your body will become a Void, and your mind a different being. Your current existence will fade away and disappear altogether.
Your humanity will be replaced by a violent creature that will replace your very existence.
Yes, a true "inverse," so to speak…
Someone who already went through it all began calling those with the power of EXS, "Inverses"…
Hilda: …Or rather, an "In-birth."
???: You know the famous story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde… A story of suffering between two different personas.
Similar to the story, we each hold a beast within our bodies that seeks to burst out of its cage.
It is as if it is going through a "re-birth"… All will return to nothing. Yes, to you, a world where you no longer exist.
So, I ask you again… Paradox, will you still continue down this path?
That was so long.
I felt something inside me from before, but hearing it from him put things in a different light.
I kept thinking about how I may become a Void, or maybe that I would die, but that wasn't the case.
Another version of me replacing myself…
Hilda: Hmph… Thank you for such an enlightening speech. I assume you think I'm going to be swayed by your words?
???: All I want is for you to live.
Hilda: No matter what anyone says, my will and my way isn't going to change in the slightest.
Of course, I am a bit scared after hearing that, but no use worrying about something that hasn't happened yet.
I mean, this way I can show you who really is the useless one in this room. Get the hint?
???: I see. How very unfortunate. I didn't want a splendid pawn like you to fall to grave danger, but so be it.
Hilda: Mind your own business, will you? The way you call me a pawn is quite lacking in tact. Now then, if you're done, I'd like to politely ask you to leave. Now…
Oh, and I'll keep your identity to myself, dear child. After all, I have some here who would frown if they find out I had some personal time with you.
It's no surprise that my idiot of a tactician would set something up like this. To think he pulled strings behind my back…
Hilda: Or then again, being that my guest here is a mere illusion created through EXS, this wouldn't count as me having personal time with you, now would it?
???: I have no idea what you are prattling on about.
We smiled at each other. How unnerving… Just go away already.
???: I see your resolve. That is something I admire, and you are an important cog to me. I didn't expect you to simply listen and obey what I would say as well.
Hilda: If you knew that, then don't ruin my day like this…
???: Hahaha! I only came to introduce myself to someone doing their best in preparation for the Night to come. I look forward to your gaining greater power from the child of darkness.
Truth be told, I didn't want a precious pawn like yourself to cause trouble. That would be quite unbearable. Which is why I hoped you would understand my reasoning.
Still going at it… I glare back at him with disgust. Look at his smile… What a brat.
???: Now then, my time has come. I will be leaving.
Hilda: Thank goodness. It's way past your bedtime, you know?
???: I will take your word. Goodbye, Paradox… May you seek the depth of the Abyss under the dark Night.
"Sistema Celeste"… Will soon come to fruition…
He mumbled something, then began to disappear into a red and black mist.
Wait… Isn't this what happens when you destroy a Void?
The child's body slowly faded, and then disappears into nothing.
Finally, I had the room to myself again.
I am alone, right?
I looked around and sensed no one else in the room anymore.
Hilda: I guess he really disappeared…
The mist dispersed with his presence.
Hilda: (I have to hand it to him… He left me with a shiver in my spine. That's no way to introduce yourself to a lady…)
This is way too much to stomach, but in short, I guess he was trying to pick a fight with me? The absolute gall…
He was no ordinary child for sure… He also wasn't lying or exaggerating, either…
But he wasn't being straight, and he was hiding something. That simply means he's up to something.
But what?
Hilda: (He came to stop me from becoming a Re-birth. No… He came to stop me from failing to become a Re-birth.)
My turning into a Void would be an inconvenience to him? What is he planning…?
(What did he mean when he said that he didn't want me to cause trouble? To whom? Someone with power? What if I defeated that someone along the way?)
(This is way too much to think about…)
Re-birth… I hate to say this before the grand day ahead, but there's a lot more behind it than I think.
Even so, there's no turning back. Becoming a Void would only prove that I wasn't meant to become a Re-birth.
Hilda: Another me taking my place…
That would mean both spirit and soul. It reminds me of what happened before, with someone else…
Hilda: Roger… You weren't particularly close to me, but I guess I can avenge you, so rest in peace.
Hilda: (The Night to come will mark the beginning of a new era for Amnesia.)
I will seal the Princess of the Night Blade, and gain the Insulator from that boy to become a Re-birth.
We have the actors and actresses, and the stage is set. Nothing anyone does will stop this play from opening.
Hilda: No one can defeat me. No can stop Paradox. Never.
Heh, heh… Heh, heh, heh… Ahahahaha! How delightful!
The legend of Paradox will be ushered in by the Night.
Hilda: The story of the In-births gathering under the Night will begin then…
Arcade Mode | |
Chronicle Mode |