Under Night In-Birth Wiki

This page contains transcripts from the concept art both shown in external material such as the UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Start-up Navi and seen within the Gallery of UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late cl-r, featuring details and settings that were eventually changed during the development.

Science Fiction Setting[]

The original science-fiction setting that was proposed sometime before 2010. Londrekia and Phonon are members of the base cast, and Orie has yet to be created. Zohar and Azel were originally planned to have been playable, but were scrapped for one reason or another.


Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (appears to be in his early twenties)
Ability: None
Weapon: Grim Daze (A sentient sword with a will of its own)
Fighting Style: A slightly tricky to learn but balanced style
Character Attributes: The gloomy protagonist
Traits: Man with a lost past, doesn't show much emotion, is identical to a mysterious person named "Jekyll"
Reason for fighting: To rescue Linne, to reclaim his past, to learn about his true identity, to return to a certain place (= his original body, Jekyll).

■ Main Story
People are born with mysterious abilities known only as "Worth".

Some have the ability to create fire to boil water, others can apply further durability to tools and so forth... These abilities are helpful in daily life, but there are also abilities used more for combat purposes. All humans can wield these abilities and they have spread into the general public, even influencing politics and society. Discrimination is prominent because of varying abilities and their strength, and there is a huge gap in the standard of living, creating an environment in which conflict can start from the smallest of sparks.

In this society of Worth supremacy, very rarely are people born without any abilities. These people, the non-wielders or "Worthless", who cannot live like everyone else in the world, are completely shunned from society. Several Worthless, who have become tired of the suffocating feeling of being oppressed caused by a perceived inferiority, detach themselves from the common folk and live in villages made of a strange "Metal" that acts as a sort of antimatter of Worth. To the rest of society, these villages are referred to as "villages of trash who use Metal", or "Metal Trash Villages" for short.

■ Hyde's Story
Eight years ago. Two children were fleeing from something in the rain... Hyde and Reincarnation (Linne) both fled into a nearby Metal Trash Village. The village chief, Waldstein, hides the children from whatever was pursuing them and they survive the ordeal. After that, they settle down into the village.

Time passes. Hyde and Linne grow up and begin to learn more about how their world works. During their time in the Metal Trash Village, Waldstein teaches them how to wield Metal as well as some basic sword techniques as a way of self-defense. Hyde and Linne live several years in peace in the village. One day, however, the village is raided by strange creatures (=Merkava).

They struggle against Merkava's stretchable limbs and soft body, which is immune to the effects of Metal. In the ensuing struggle, a mysterious sword wills itself into Hyde's hand. Hyde takes the sentient sword, who calls itself Grim Daze, into his arms and somehow manages to fight back against the invaders. However,
he's taken down by a surprise attack, and Linne is captured and taken away.

Their peaceful everyday life in the village was no more. After Linne's kidnapping, Hyde starts to suffer from frequent headaches, and a sense of irritation wells up from within. His mind keeps forming images of "somewhere", somewhere he should never return to. To find the truth behind his existence, and to rescue Linne, Hyde takes up Grim Daze and the two of them leave the Metal Trash Village behind.


性別 男
年齢 年齢不詳(外見的に20歳前後)
能力 なし
武器 グリムデイズ(意思を持つ剣)
戦闘スタイル ややクセのあるバランス型
キャラ属性 根暗主人公
特徴 過去を失った男、感情希薄、ジキルという人物と瓜二つ
参戦理由 リンネを助ける、過去を取り戻し、自分が何者かを知る、ある場所へ戻ろうとする(=本体であるジキルの元)

■ メインストーリー



■ ハイドストーリー





Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (appears to be around seven years old)
Ability: Reincarnation (Rebirth)
Weapon: None
Fighting Style: Sticks close to Hyde

■ Setting Memo:
- Very close to permanence. A rare "rebirth" category Worth. Has the ability to heal others. However, the user must receive whatever the person healed was affected by.

"Project Reincarnation"
- A rebirth project which "Ouroboros", an organization which represents circulation, is researching. They conduct selection and training of those who wield rebirth Worth-abilities. Aiming ultimately to resurrect whatever has long perished.

- Origin of the nickname = "Rein ne...?" Hyde didn't properly catch her name when Reincarnation introduced herself, so he ended up calling her "Linne".
- She doesn't have any real name and is often referred by the name given to Ouroboros' project (Reincarnation). Calls herself "Reincarnation" when introducing herself.

Refers to a target with a new type or a very rare type of Worth.


リンカネーション (ネイティブワース)
性別 女
年齢 年齢不詳 (外見的に7歳前後)
能力 リンカネーション(再生) 武器 なし
戦闘スタイル ハイドにくっついてく

■ 設定メモ


・呼び名の由来=「りん・・・ねー・・・?」 リンカネーションと言ってるがよく聞き取れなかったので、りんね?という流れ。



LINNE (Worthless)
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Ability: None
Weapon: Self-made longsword & platinum dagger (Learned blacksmithing from Wald)
Fighting Style: Speed & Multihit
Character Attributes: Girl
Traits: Plain, Poor, Positive

■ Story Memo
Gets captured when Merkava attacks the Metal Trash Village (1st battle). Plans to escape from Ouroboros HQ

■ Setting Memo
- This is Linne's grown-up appearance after 8 years. Her rebirth Worth has been sealed and she spends her days as a Worthless.

"Black Longsword"
- She crafted a black longsword for self-protection. The appearance projects the black sword (Grim Daze) used by a person (Jekyll) who protected her long ago. It has excellent reach, but is heavy and lacks in maneuverability.

"Platinum Dagger"
- A dagger that's light and easy to wield. Works well in close range attacks. Can unleash rapid rush of attacks

■ Action Image
- Forward leaning posture and the speed that comes from maneuverability of her light body.
The handy dagger unleashes fast attacks. She uses her full weight when swinging the long sword.
- The damage dealt by a single attacks is quite small, but she can do long combos to deal good total damage.


リンネ (ワースレス)
性別 女
年齢 15歳
能力 なし 武器 自作した黒鉄の長剣&白金の短剣(ワレンから鍛冶を教わる)
戦闘スタイル スピード&手数
キャラ属性 少女
特徴 地味・貧しい・前向き

■ ストーリーメモ
鉄クズ町に襲来したメルカヴァに捕獲される(1戦目) ウロボロス内部から脱出を図る。

■ 設定メモ



■ アクションイメージ


WALDSTEIN (Worthless)
Gender: Male
Age: Over 60 years old
Ability: None
Weapon: Self-made Arms (Artificial arms were made by an expert)
Fighting Style: Power & Reach & Mid-range Throws
Character Attributes: Huge + Gramps
Traits: Powerful but kind at heart, poor, chief of the village
Reason for Joining: Learned that Linne is involved in something, and heads to rescue

■ Story Memo
Hilda and Merkava come to the village to search for Reincarnation and capture her. Tries to save her, but is interrupted by Merkava (1st Battle). During that time, Hilda takes Linne with her and leaves. After the battle, he heads to rescue Linne

■ Setting Memo
Chief of the village of non-ability wielders (Metal Trash Village). Is of old age and looks very old. Knowledgeable and pretty intelligent, but his savage fighting style gives many an impression of a berserker. Waldstein himself isn't belligerent, and only fights for village and people dear to him. He lost both his arms on a young age and uses artificial arms. During battles, he wears snake skin looking arms with huge claws. He takes abandoned children and people with no relatives to the village and lives with them. Village's chief was like a father to him. He's like a foster parent to Hyde and Linne. He sheltered them, and taught them knowledge and how to wield metal weapons.

■ Action Image
Mainly attacks with the iron claws on his arms. Boasts overwhelming power and reach. Long-range throws (but don't hit if you're too close). Pressing the ability button when attacking let's him land hits without flinching from enemy attacks


ワレンシュタイン (ワースレス)
性別 男
年齢 60歳前後
能力 なし
武器 自作のアーム(義手自体は専門家により製作されたもの)
戦闘スタイル パワー&リーチ&中距離投げ
キャラ属性 デカキャラ+爺
特徴 気は優しく力持ち・貧乏・集落の長
参戦理由 リンネが何かに巻き込まれたことを知り、救出に向かう

■ ストーリーメモ

■ 設定メモ

■ アクションイメージ


Carmine is just an alias -Forcefully Manifested Ability-user (Term not yet finalized)-
Gender: Male
Age: 26 years old
Ability: Blood Spike (Blood Crystalization)
Weapon: None
Fighting Style: All-Rounder with Limitations
Character Attributes: Pessimistic
Traits: Isn't normally tainted in blood (White hair, normal eyes)
Reason for Joining: Quickly runs out of blood and turns anemic. Wanders around the town in search for blood.

■ Setting Memo:

"Blood Crystal"
- His Worth let's him to solidify his own blood. It isn't useful in everyday life, but can be utilized in combat. Drawbacks of this ability include poor blood circulation, general lack of blood and so on. He needs to regularly replenish blood.

"Rumors of the Vampire"
- He lives in the Old Town (Carmine Lake) and collects blood from those who visit the place.

■ Action Image:
"Blood Crystalization"
- When you press the ability button at the same time with his normal attacks, the effect changes. This improves the attacks properties such as range and hitbox. Some attacks change their behavior. On the other hand, this causes a risk with a penalty in addition to consumption of blood gauge.

- Blood used to create blood crystals dissolves in a short time and is left on the ground. (=Setting). It's possible to create blood crystal it again (=Remote Crystalization)

- Blood left on the ground returns to Carmien after some time. It's possible to collect the blood when you want. Then a separate action will happen, leaving you wide open


カーマインは異名 強制発現能力者(名称考え中)
性別 男
年齢 26歳
能力 ブラッドスパイク (Blood Spike 血晶化)
武器 なし
戦闘スタイル 制限つきオールラウンダー
キャラ属性 ダウン系
特徴 普段は流血なし(白髪・普通の眼)
参戦理由 すぐ血が足りなくなってしまい貧血状態になるので血を求めて街を徘徊する

■ 設定メモ

■ アクションイメージ
・通常攻撃と同時に能力ボタンを押すことでエフェクトが変化。性能面においても判定 範囲などが概ね上方修正され、なかには挙動が変化する技もある。反面、リスクとして発生 もどりにペナルティを受けるほか、専用の血液ゲージが減少する


CHEMETI (Native Worth)
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Ability: Wave Conductor
Weapon: Whip Animated-Tool
Fighting Style: Technical Stance Follow-ups
Character Attributes: Sadistic Girl
Traits: Somewhat sadistic, moody, rough language, loves animals, ordinary person
Reason for Joining: Her non-wielder brother, Gordeau, goes missing leaving his beloved black snake (Animated-Tool that turns to a staff) behind, so Chemeti heads to search for him.

■ Setting Memo:

"Wave Conductor"
- Has a Worth which controls waveforms. Can be used for a musical performance with low power, if used at full power, it can lead to destruction of objects.

"Eyesight and hearing"
- She exceeds in hearing, but lacks in eyesight. Uses glasses depending on the situation. (Makes her expressions softer)
- When using glasses to strengthen her eyesight, eyesight's importance increases in her evaluation criteria of things.
She usually wears glasses to make her daily life more convenient and to restrict her excess hearing ability. During battles, she removes the glasses to fully utilize her abilities.
- She uses rough language. Sometimes even banned words, but she has technique to insert self-made *beep* sound.

■ Action Image
- When battle starts, her snake turns to a whip
- When she isn't in the stance, she moves around holding the whip folded in her hand.
- Ability attacks by her waveform Worth are her main attacks.
- Physical attacks become available once she takes a stance with the whip. However, all movement is sealed during the stance.
- There are two types of stances. Switching between the two stances allows you to do follow-up moves.
-While being in the whip stance and using waveform Worth (pressing attack and ability button), you can bestow the effects of waveforms to her whip attacks.


シュメティ ネイティブワース
性別 女
年齢 18歳
能力 ウェィブコンダクター (波形奏者)
武器 鞭のアニメーテッドツール
戦闘スタイル テクニカル 構え 派生
キャラ属性 S娘
特徴 ややサディスティック・気分屋・言葉使いが悪い・動物好き・一般人
参戦理由 非能力者だった兄ゴルドーが大切にしていたペットの黒蛇(杖に変化するアニメーテッドツール)を残し

■ 設定メモ

■ アクションイメージ


ZOHAR (Zohar of Bending) -???-
Gender: Female
Age: 21 years old
Ability: Bend Sinister (Spacial Distortion)
Weapon: None
Fighting Style: Set-up & Warp
Character Attributes: Crazy
Traits: exclusion, lacks common sense, anthropophobia
Reason for Joining: Escapes from refugee camp. She can't control her Worth ability which injures those who get close to her.

■ Setting Memo:
"Spacial Distortion"
- Worth of distortion. Distorts the targets within her sight.

"Sudden Ability Manifestation"
- Originally a non-wielder, but a Worth suddenly manifested because of her mental illness.
She hasn't yet learned how to control her ability.

- Constantly avoids looking at her opponent. Sometimes takes a glance (Has a hitbox)

■ Action Image
- Her normal attacks are physical attacks like pushing the opponent away and "arm grabbing force out".
- Her ability activates immediately once the opponent is in her sight. (Can be Ability Guarded, undecided if Physical Guard works)
- Maintain some distance from the opponent while setting-up the spacial distortions.
- Deals damage when touching the opponent (Can be Ability Guarded, undecided if Physical Guard works)
- Bending doesn't just deal damage, but can also bend her surrounding allowing her to leap from place to place (warp).
- Phrases during attacking "Bend!" "Break!"


ゾハル (湾曲のゾハル)-???-
性別 女
年齢 21歳
能力 ベンドシニスター (空間湾曲)
武器 なし
戦闘スタイル 設置&ワープ
キャラ属性 電波
特徴 排他的・常識欠如・対人恐怖症
参戦理由 収容所から脱走。抑制の効かないワースが近寄る者を傷つける

■ 設定メモ
・常に相手から眼をそらす。たまにチラッと相手を見る( 攻撃判定あり)

■ アクションイメージ


MERCEDES (Native Worth)
Gender: Male
Age: 14 years old
Ability: Stereography (Physical Manifestation)
Weapon: None
Fighting Style: Traps & Tricky
Character Attributes: Shota
Traits: Cowardly, ordinary person
Reason for Joining: Learned about the Worth of rebirth, so he heads to Central to bring his parents back to life

■ Setting Memo
"Physical Manifestation"
- Using a sketchbook as an intermediary, he can materialize images that pop up in his head.
- Mass, size and materials are recreated according to his cognition
- Using a canvas as an intermediary tool, he can set up the image to a place.
- Because his ability is weak, he can only maintain a manifested image for a short period.

- Not aggressive and tries to avoid battles when possible. Only fights when it's unavoidable (opponent attacks him or fight is inevitable)
- Carmine (aggressive), Zohar (indiscriminate), Merkava at Ouroboros' Rearing Plant (Attacks all intruders)

■ Action Image
- Run around and use manifestation
- Forward movement is slow, backwards movement is fast.
- Main attacks are done by physical manifestation. Normal attacks also make things appear from the sketchbook.
- Can rip pages from the sketchbook and leave them on the ground. This allows him to use remote control manifestation. However, there is a limit to the pages.


メルセデス ネイティブワース
性別 男
年齢 14歳
能力 ステレオグラフィ (立体具現化)
武器 なし
戦闘スタイル トラップ&トリッキー
キャラ属性 ショタ
特徴 臆病・一般人
参戦理由 再生のワースの存在を知り、両親を生き返らせてもらうためにセントラルへ向かう

■ 設定メモ

■ アクションイメージ


LONDREKIA (Native Worth)
Gender: Male
Age: 19 years old
Ability: Vanishing Ray (Divine Punishment)
Weapon: Ruler
Fighting Style: All-rounder
Character Attributes: Justice, rival
Traits: Positive, honor student
Reason for Joining: Reclaiming Reincarnation

■ Setting Memo:
"Divine Punishment"
-Worth that controls the rays of divine light

-Cavalier working directly to the Central. Unified by the white vestments.

-A light, thin, easy-to-wield double-edged rapier. The edge is more suited for thrusting than slashing.

-His aura has calm composure like an honor student without a piece of sarcasm (In a positive way)

-Doesn't know that the use of Reincarnation comes with a self-sacrifice

■ Action Image
- At close range, thrusts with his rapier are the main attack method. It's not exactly a rapier. It's a thin, double-edged sword that can also be used for slashing.
- Agile spacing and linear offense. Has several rushing moves.
- Divine punishment rays = takes a stance like shooting arrows = super fast projectile = Divine Arrow = visually looks more like a ray than arrow
- When thrusting, you can activate the ability (by pressing attack and ability buttons) and apply the ability effect to his normal attacks.
- Effect is a light of cold color


ロンドレキア ネイティブワース
性別 男
年齢 19歳
能力 バニシングレイ (神罰)
武器 ルーラー(突剣)
戦闘スタイル 万能
キャラ属性 正義・ライバル
特徴 前向き・優等生
参戦理由 リンカネーションを連れ戻す

■ 設定メモ

■ アクションイメージ


HILDA (Hilda of Glittering Darkness) -Native Worth-
Gender: Female
Age: 29 years old
Ability: Brighted Gloom
Fighting Style: Long-range shooting
Character Attributes: ill-natured lady
Traits: Robe that's black and white separated from the middle, bountiful hair, over-confident
Reason for Joining: Chasing the man who let Reincarnation to escape and bringing her back

■ Story Memo
Appears in Metal Trash Village with several Merkavas: "Refer to the data and find the man who let Reincarnation escape. You can eliminate those who get in the way for all that I care."
Discovers a grown-up Reincarnation (Linne), takes her by a surprise and captures her.

■ Setting Memo:
"Glittering Darkness"
- Yin and yang - the Worth that can control the elements of light and darkness. Circulation can cause qualitative changes for yin and yang

- An Executor working directly for the research institution "Ouroboros", one of the Central Foundations. Has been granted the legal rights for the use of force in order to eliminate those who resist

■ Action Image
-Most of her moves change depending depth of the current attribute (light side or dark side)
-Her own mobility is extremely poor. Mainly uses long-range ability attacks and requires spacing so that the opponent doesn't get too close. Bad at close range combat.
-Normal attacks are also long-ranged ability attacks. She has no physical attacks. (=All up to the effects)
-Attacks can have effect on the environment (background). Like by the changing the depth of light and dark, you can make the background nearly dark.


ヒルダ (まばゆき闇のヒルダ) ネイティブワース
性別 女
年齢 29歳
能力 ブライテッドグルーム (眩(まばゆ)き闇)
戦闘スタイル 遠距離シューティング
キャラ属性 性悪お姉
特徴 中心で白黒に分かれたドレス風のローブ・盛りヘアー・自身過剰
参戦理由 リンカネーションを逃がした男を追うとともにリンカネーションを回収する

■ ストーリーメモ

■ 設定メモ
・光と影 陽と陰の相反する属性を作用させることが可能なワース。循環律とも言い、陰陽の質的な変化である

■ アクションイメージ
・技の多くはそのときの属性(光寄り 闇寄り)深度により変化


Gender: Male
Age: ??? (Looks around 25 years old)
Ability: Energy Steal (Drain)
Weapon: None
Fighting Style: Close-range Throws & Slashing with His Claws
Character Attributes: Cool, gentleman
Traits: Quiet behavior with a sense of intimidation. Slow mobility.
Reason for Joining:

■ Setting Memo:
- Stabbing his claws into the opponent allows him to drain physical abilities (Attack power, defense power, HP etc.) and apply them to himself.
- Different from Carmine, he is the very image of a real vampire
- However, he is not a natural-born vampire, but just a regular ability-user.

- An Executor working directly for the research institution "Ouroboros", one of the Central Foundations. Has been granted the legal rights for the use of force in order to eliminate those who resist

...but I'm feeling there are too many Ouroboros members (not to mention they're all after Reincarnation) That's why I might change him to a natural-born vampire (actually maintaining his life by using the drain ability) that the Ouroboros is targeting.

■ Action Image
- Has many attacks suited for close-range combat. Is bad at middle and long range combat
- Slashing with is claws and stabbing the claws to use drain (throw) and his main attack methods.
- Doesn't like to make relentless movements, so his moving speed is slow.


ディアス・バルトロメウス  ネイティブワース
性別 男
年齢 ??歳 (外見25歳前後)
能力 エナジースティール (吸収)
武器 なし
戦闘スタイル 近接投げ&爪による斬撃
キャラ属性 クール・紳士
特徴 物腰静かで威圧感のある感じ・移動速度遅い

■ 設定メモ


■ アクションイメージ


Automatic Nerve Circuit, Vatista -Engineered Simulant-
Gender: Female-type
Age: -
Ability: None
Weapon: Optic weapons, heavy weaponry
Fighting Style: Long-distance shooting & close-range physical attacks
Character Attributes: Mecha
Traits: Flight unit, transformation
Reason for Joining: Mechanical weapon created during Ouroboros' research process. Absolute compliance to orders and automatically operates to complete her mission.

■ Setting Memo:
"Engineered Simulant"
-Engineering-based Rebirth
-Unit to hunt criminal wielders. Her body is made of the "metal" which obstructs the use of Worth abilities. Mainly attacks using heavy weaponry.
-"Vatista" is a standard title for the machine-base. They have no concept of gender.

■ Action Image
- High mobility because of her variability and transformations
- High firepower because of the heavy weaponry build within her body
- On close-range, knifes and strikes are her main attack methods.
- No parody features are planned to be included


自律神経回路 バティスタ  工学シミュラント
性別 女性型
年齢 ー
能力 無し
武器 光学兵器・重火器
戦闘スタイル 遠距離射撃&近接物理攻撃
キャラ属性 メカ
特徴 飛行ユニット・変形
参戦理由 ウロボロスが研究過程で生み出した機械兵器。絶対命令を厳守し、目的に向けて自律行動する

■ 設定メモ

■ アクションイメージ
・変化 可変による高い機動性


Automatic Nerve Circuit Merkava -Biological Simulant-
Gender: Male-type
Age: -
Ability: None
Weapon: Soft body
Fighting Style: Mid-range strikes and throws
Character Attributes: Unorthodox
Traits: Stretchable limbs, coils around, quadrupedal (when crouching)
Reason for Joining: Biological weapon created during Ouroboros' research process. Complies to orders and automatically operates to complete his mission.

■ Story Memo:
Player: Several of them come to attack the Metal Trash Village with Hilda. Wald strikes back. (When Merkava's the player character, he is one of the several brought with Hilda)
CPU: Within Ouroboros one Merkava comes falling from the rearing plant in the skies above the plaza, leading to combat

■ Setting Memo:
"Biological Simulant"
- Biological weapon that was implanted with snake's genes
- Compared to the engineered simulants, these are much better for mass-production cost-wise
- Anti-nonwielder Suppression Unit.However, they're plenty prepared to fight wielders as well. Can expect very all-round movements from them.
- His whole body is soft and thus has high resistance to the damage deal by normal weapons.
-"Merkava" is a standard title for the biological-base. They have no concept of gender.

■ Action Image
-Light attacks slap with his noodle arms. You can change where he hits with the heavier attacks? (Inflated mouth and such appear)
-Pressing the ability button while jumping allows him to grow wings from his arms and flight. (Should it have an exclusive meter)


自律神経回路 メルカヴァ  生体シミュラント
性別 男性型
年齢 ー
能力 なし
武器 軟体
戦闘スタイル 中距離打撃&投げ
キャラ属性 イロモノ
特徴 全身が伸びる・からみつく・4足歩行(しゃがみ時)
参戦理由 ウロボロスが研究過程で生み出した生物兵器。命令を厳守し、目的に向けて自律行動する

■ ストーリーメモ
・プレイヤー: ヒルダとともに鉄クズ町に数体で襲撃 ワレンが迎撃(プレイヤーキャラの場合、このうちの一個体となる)
・CPU: ウロボロス内部で広場上空の養育プラントから1体降下、交戦

■ 設定メモ

■ アクションイメージ


JEKYLL -Native Worth- (Liberal)
Ability: Hide Behind (Creates duplicates of himself)

■ Setting Memo:
-The protagonist Hyde is duplicate created with Jekyll's ability.
-Jekyll creates a duplicate Hyde using his ability and ordered it to protect Reincarnation in his stead. Letting them escape from the Central.


ジキル ネイティブワース(リベラル)
能力 ハイド・ビハインド(自身の複製体を生成する)

■ 設定メモ

Project Proposal[]


The project proposal in the Gallery Mode is dated June 28th 2010, so it's from a little over two years before the original release came out. The game is referred in the concept poster as "VOID RED ~The Unknown Actor~".

Most of the playable characters are visually very close to their final versions, but the plot is very different. In the main visual, Hilda is shown with an army of Merkavas. Yuzuriha and Seth are also missing from the main visual.


The protagonist of the story.

While coming back from school with his childhood friend Ageha(temp.), they encounter a girl with dual blades fighting against a strangle-looking being. The being fighting against the girl notices Hyde and Ageha, switches its target to them and starts to attack.

Hyde puts his life on the line to protect Ageha, but takes a hit on his left hand. They barely escape the situation with the help of dual-bladed girl. After that day, Hyde starts to encounter strange-looking beings more often.

Normally he wouldn't have paid attention, but just before the strange-looking beings appear before him, an unpleasant feeling wells up from his heart. The feeling of something encroaching his mind. At the same time, his left hand starts to ache.

On that hand, he was grasping a single dark red blade that kept wailing...








Ageha (temp.)
Hyde's childhood friend

While coming back from school, she and Hyde were dragged into the "Void World".
She returned back to reality without noticeable changes.

She is worried about Hyde getting involved in something big...






She looks like a young girl, but the tone of her voice is rather logical.
In truth, she is female researcher who stored her ego into a nearby girl in a form of Seed, just before she was encroached and vanished from reality because of her own Void Cells went berserk.

This series of events caused by her underling Hilda(Glittering Darkness) who made it look like an accident. After Linne vanished (her original body before she attached her ego to a new body), Hilda went into hiding. Linne acts to put an end to Hilda's rampage and to stop further expansion of the "Void World".

On one day, while fighting a pure-blooded Void, she ends up saving an uninvited guest (Hyde) who had slipped into the Void World. The story begins here.






The Red Origin(CARMINE-PRIMAL) (Carmine)
The first person to be recorded as Void-infected.
Has an ability called "Blood Spike" which lets him to harden his own blood.
Due to the nature of his ability, he needs to extract blood from other people.

He was held in custody at the laboratory, but escaped and used cognition alteration to hide into the "Void World".


原初の赤(カーマイン・プライマル) (カーマイン)



Autonomic Nerve Circuit, Vatista
A mechanical doll with a with an autonomic nerve circuits created based on the nerve structure of humans. Because her nerve circuit were so similar to human, she was infected by Voids changing her outward appearance to look more like a human. As she has just been born, her appearance is very young.




Hyde's classmate and the class president.
An intelligent black-haired woman with calm demeanor and an attractive face and figure​.
However, her real identity is...
An Executor of the Licht Kreis, an organization which recognizes Voids and tries to eliminate them.
She wields "Avatar" which is held inside a huge coffin.




A special Void that has taken an unique appearance.
They attack Void-infected people in order to gather "Seeds".
There exists several of them. Simulants of the Holder.
Someone seems to be controlling their actions...




A very capable Void-infected who acts with the Glittering Darkness.
He wields a sickle bigger than himself and the ability to rend apart the air. His battle prowess and ability have gained much praise being the best around this region.
He is gathering information about the organization called the "Licht Kreis".




"Glittering Darkness"
A female researcher seeking the powers hidden behind the mysterious phenomenon called "Void".
Personality-wise she is spiteful, possessive and very cruel.
Other Void-infected pale in comparison to the Capacity that she has.
She controls the army of Merkavas that gather Seeds for her to amplify her strength even further.



Sub-Characters (準キャラクター)


A quiet girl who doesn't stand out. She attends the same school as the protagonist. A Void-infected. Her ability is the "Bend Sinister" which lets her distort the things within her sight. Her encroachment was incomplete, so she was held in custody and got medical treatments. But she got agitated and fled the laboratory. Barely any of her ego is left and her struggle against complete encroachment is only a matter of time.




Time Slasher(Jekyll)
Attends the same school as Hyde. An intellectual male student dedicated to studying.
He's interested in the existence of Voids and is researching them based on his own theory.




A young boy from Germany.
His hobby is a collection of butterfly illustrations he draws.
He came to Japan to find a butterfly that lives in the world of Voids, but...




Xuthus (Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio Xuthus is called "ageha-chou" in Japanese)
Ageha(temp.) transforms after being infected by Void Cells because of Hilda's schemes. Ageha hid a high Void Cell adaptability within herself. It was the ultimate recreation of the power "Glittering Darkness" had been seeking. (She and Hyde getting dragged into the "Void World" was conducted by her own high adaptability). Her mind was completely lost as she was taken over by the Void. As a complete Void, she encroaches her way into the real world in total silence...


クストゥス パピリオ・クストゥス(Papilio Xuthus)とはアゲハチョウの意。

Start-up Navi Character Concepts[]

Scrapped Setting[]


Scrap hyde

Story was orignally a science-fiction fantasy. It took place in a fantasy world where swords, guns and superpowers were the main weapons. Story was about Hyde and a much younger Linne travelling around the world in order to hunt down the Voids. The only organization that appeared in this plot was the Night Blade.

Game's producer mentions that they had already planned some really dark plot twists for the story.


Hyde was originally much older and his personality was also cooler and more serious. Hyde had met with a very young girl, Linne and decided to protect her. Character designer compares the basic idea of the story to "Lone Wolf and a Cub" where a grown man protects a child on their travels.

Scrapped Characters[]

Chemeti (シュメティ)[]

Scrap chemeti

Character designer's comment from Mook:
"You read it as 'Chemeti'. This character was based on idea that Kamone from the development staff gave. Her hearing ability was extremely good, but on the other side her eyesight was low and her eyes were always squinted. She also possessed quite a sharp tongue and highly sadistic personality. Her pet snake would transform into a whip and she was also granted the ability to control waveforms. With those two in her use, she would have whipped her opponents (supposedly). There were certains reasons why she ended up being scrapped."

According to the text on concept sprites, Chemeti's pet snake was called Moony (むーにー)

The game's producer mentioned during a UStream broadcast held on October 10th 2014 that if they overcame certain problems, they surely could bring Chemeti back and add her into the game. And eventually, on May 15th 2015 Arc System Works announced that Chemeti would be added to the game as Phonon.

Mercedes (メルセデス)[]

Scrap mercedes

Character designer's comment from Mook:
"Mercedes a.k.a. Mer-chan. At first, he was very shy and timid. His style was to always flee... But how does that work for a fighting game character? So, he was changed into a very cheerful kid. He could materialize things he drew into his sketchbook and fight with them... But he was scrapped because of the adult's circumstances. And yes, Mercedes was obviously a boy..."

Londrekia (ロンドレキア)[]

Scrap londrekia

Character designer's comment from Mook:
"His deep blue hair gathers the attention. He has a really strong sense of justice and a serious personality. He is an Executor from the Licht Kreis and wields rapier as his weapon......Huh? Sounds similar to someone? You could call him Orie's predecessor or something. Back then we didn't have that many female characters, but wanted to have more of them. Londrekia's existence was inherited and re-designed into Orie. By the way, his cowlick remains the same."

Character designer's comment from an interview:
"An old habit of mine made me to put some dark elements into Londrekia's backstory. He was representing justice, but was burdened by the deep darkness within him. He fought using an enslaved Void that was covered in restraiments and kept hidden in a coffin. Eye for an eye, Void for a Void... His policy was to revenge by dealing the same damage that the victim had taken. But that would've contradicted with the reason why I created Orie..... Original concept was to have a straight-forward justice character."

Eventually, Londrekia finally appeared in UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st]'s Chronicle Mode, albeit with a heavy redesign. After seven years, Londrekia finally became playable in UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late cl-r.

Dias (ディアス)[]

Scrap dias

Mook only reveals his name and refers to him as a "scrapped character". Everything else about him is unknown. Considering he wields a dragon, he could be some sort of predecessor of Chaos, but there is no confirmation.

Unnamed Licht Kreis member[]

Scrap licht

"Maybe the character in the right corner is a member of Licht Kreis?", is all that is mentioned of this character in the Start-up Navi.
They carry a sword that has Licht Kreis' emblem on it, so a conclusion such as that makes sense.



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