Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Outro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | Huh? What's going on? You really thought you could fight me with that? It looked like a pathetic dance to me. あっれー? なになに? 今のでアタシと戦ってたつもりなのかー?? 無様な踊りにしか見えなかったってぇーの。 |
Generic | The powerful and the weak... A person like you must need pain to understand things. If you still haven't learned your lesson, then I'll just inflict more pain onto you until you get it. 強者と弱者……、オマエみたいなのは痛みで教えてやらないと解らないだろうからな。まだ理解できないっていうなら、その |
Generic | You're annoying. Stop moving. If I miss, it'll ruin the aesthetic of my masterpiece's beauty. 鬱陶しいから無駄に動くなーってんだ。狙いが逸れるとアタシの芸術的な傷痕、その美しさが半減するだろーが。 |
Generic | That was dangerous. Who'd go all out against a weak girl like me? A normal person would die under those circumstances. Seriously. 危っなー。か弱い乙女相手にマジでかかって来るかねー。そんなの普通に死ぬわ。死ぬってーの。 |
Generic | I'm sorry my hand reaches so far. You were a perfect target. 生憎、この「手」は遠い所にまで「届く」モンでね。良いマトだったよ。 |
Generic | Wooo, this is amazing! Goodbye, human me! This is my dream! The ultimate! Abilities! Of the In-Birth! くー~、ヤッパすっごい! さよなら人間のアタシ!! コレこそずーっと憧れていた、夢の! 最強の! 能力!! |
Generic | Hard to dodge, with the damage just piling on. Once engulfed by it, your future is sealed. Now you understand how annoying this weapon is? Gosh... Moony is amazing. 躱しにくい上に蓄積する |
Generic | Sleepy time already? Lame... Seriously, even little kids stay up longer than
you. |
Generic | A whip doesn't deal fatal wounds, but rather an infinity of pain. You lie down to unbearable agony, while your will to stand gets chiseled away. ムチって武器は、致命傷を与えない代わりに無限の苦痛を与える。 耐えがたい痛みで地に伏せ、立ち上がる気力さえも枯れ果てるってワケよ。 |
Generic | Do you understand how fast this whip is moving? It's impossible to spot it with the human eye. この切っ先がどれくらいの速度で動いてるか理解してるぅ? 人間の眼で追える速度じゃないんだってーの。 |
Generic | Your pointless amount of experience is what cost you your life. The rogue movements of a whip goes beyond what you can comprehend. Must be tough to try and read through things. 場数は無駄に踏んでるみたいだけれど、その経験が命取り。 ムチの不規則な動きはその一歩先を行く。なまじ読めるってのは難儀なモンだ。 |
Generic | Now, I've got get this out of the way. "Call Me Queen". I had to say it first, since there's a chance you could lose by ring out, and I'd never get to actually say it. "一応お約束として言っておこうか。『 |
Generic | Holy water, a knife, a cross, and an adze... I don't need those. Now I can defeat vampires with these powers. 聖水、ナイフ、十字架、手斧……。んなモンなくたって今のアタシだったら、 |
VS Male | Your scars... how amazing. A battle wound is a man's medal, isn't it? Hahaha. You want some more medals to take home? その全身の切り傷、擦り傷……、鮮やかなこったねぇ。 戦いの傷は男の勲章ってね。あはは、もう少し持って帰らせたげようかぁ? |
VS Female | The marks of cuts and scratches on your body do look amazing, but I do try my best to not leave any permanent scars on a woman. その全身の切り傷、擦り傷……、鮮やかなこったねぇ。 これでも女相手には痕にならないよう、気を遣ってんだよぉ? |
VS Nanase | I'm sure you know. You'd better not open that big mouth of yours... It's a little-known trick to live a long life, got it? 解ってるよな。『余計なこと』は喋るな……、長生きする秘訣だぞ……? |
VS Eltnum | H-hey! We're going to get entwined! STOP IT! Stop hitting me! AH?! MOOONNYYYY! "オ、オイ! オマエ! 絡まるだろ! やめろって! ぶつけるなって!! あぁっ!? ムーーニーーー!! |
VS Hilda | Goodbye, beautiful lady... I'm sure you could tell I would have loved to have your life, given that I enjoy whipping others. OHOHOHO. Am I right? さよなら、ステキなオネーサマ……。ムチを使う者として貴女のように生きたいもの。おーほっほっほってね。 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Did you seriously think you'd slip by me? このアタシが見逃すとでも? |
Arrival sequence2 | You're up against the great Phonon. Prepare yourself. フォノン様がお相手だ 覚悟しな |
Arrival sequence3 | ...Sheesh, you're annoying. …ったく やかましい |
Arrival sequence4 | C'mon, Muni. Let's go. いくよ ムーニー |
Arrival sequence5 | I... I'll make a flower of blood bloom! ち…血の華…咲かせてやる |
Arrival sequence6 | This is a real pain... but I'm out of options. かったるいけど やるしかないな |
Arrival sequence (Nanase) |
Nanase: Oh! Senpai! Phonon: Watch what you say, will you...? ナナセ「あー先輩!」 フォノン「余計なことは喋るなよぉ…?」 |
Arrival sequence (Tsurugi) |
Tsurugi: This is a perfect chance! Strut your stuff for me. Phonon: Ugh, talk about sweaty. Just don't cry when you lose. ツルギ「良い機会だ お前の実力 見せてくれよ」 フォノン「暑苦しいヤロウだ あとで泣くなよ~?」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | You can still keep going, right? まだ行けるよな? |
Round win2 | You're not a very big deal, huh? なんだ 大したことねーな |
Round win3 | Okay! Feeling good! よぅし 良い感じ~ |
Round win (Nanase) |
I'll give you a few more welts to remember me by... もう少し叩いて念入りに記憶を… |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Hmph. Small fry. ふん 雑魚だな |
Set win2 | Don't you forget my name! アタシの名 刻んどきな |
Set win3 | You're all show. 見かけ倒しなやつ |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Ha ha! That was close. ははっ 危なかったわ |
Set win (Easy victory) |
Thanks for wimping out on me. 大したこと無くて助かったわ~ |
Set win (Nanase) |
Maybe I should finish you off, just in case... 念のため 息の根止めとくか…… |
Set win (Tsurugi) |
Yeah! Did you see my skills?! っしゃあ! 見たか アタシの実力! |
Victory | |
General wins1 | Huh? I can't believe how easy that was! Is all that training I've been doing lately paying off? I guess I'll keep bashing away like this! おや? 最近ちょっと修行してたから、強くなっちゃったかぁ~アタシィ? なんだか楽勝で拍子抜けだ。次もこの調子で、バシバシ倒すぞぉ~! |
General wins2 | See? You learned a lot there, didn't you? I know I got a little rough, but don't sweat it! Consider it a hefty tuition fee. Pick your battles more carefully next time! 荒っぽくなったが、まぁ許しな。手痛い授業料ってヤツだからさ。 な? 学習できて良かったろ? 次は相手を見て、ケンカ売んだぞ~? |
General wins3 | That was practically child's play! You're the child, of course. It's pretty adorable, seeing you learn something for the first time. 『児戯にも等しい』ってよく言うだろ、あの心境だよ。 まるで習い事を始めた |
General wins4 | Ever had something so fast and precise zooming at you from such a long distance? Can't get close, can you? It takes a lot of hard work getting to this level! W-Well, really, it does most of the work itself... こーんな長いモノが、この速さと、この正確さで襲って来るんだ。 どうよ? 近づけないだろ? 苦労したんだ~、この ま、まぁ大体 |
General wins5 | A whip doesn't hurt you the way that a fist or a blade does. If you resist too much, it'll flay off your skin, shave off your muscles, and wrap all the way around your bones! ムチの痛みってのは、叩かれるのとも、斬られるのとも異なるからなぁ。 無駄に抗ってると、皮が裂け、肉が削げ、骨に巻き付いちまうぞ……? |
General wins6 | You thought I couldn't reach you if you kept your distance, huh? Too bad. You thought wrong. これだけ離れれば届かない……、なーんて考えてたみたいだけれどさ。 残っ念、届くんだよなぁ~。 |
General wins7 | You thought getting way up in my personal space would do the trick? Nope. Wrong. You're the only one dumb enough to make that mistake. Near, far--don't even try to find a distance I can't hit from! まーたその『懐に入れば』理論か。無駄だよ。無駄。無駄無駄。 近づかれたら無力~、なんてお前にだけ都合の良いことさ。 普通に考えりゃないだろ。ない。ないって。ありえないっつーの。 |
General wins8 | This thing here can easily crush a soda can from three or four meters away. You know what that means, right? It means there's no safe space for you anywhere in front of me! 教えといてやる。3~4m離れた空き缶くらいなら、簡単に潰せるんだよ この意味解るだろ? 私の前に立ったら安全な場所なんてないのさ……。 |
General wins9 | This city is human turf. I can't have beasts like you roaming around. So, learned your lesson? Sorry, beast. When words don't work, the whip does the talking. 『 それを解らせてやったまでだ。言葉通じない |
General wins10 | Wellll... Compared to everyone else I've run into, I'd say you're pretty okay. Look at me, becoming a real veteran over here! Man, I am adulting like hell right now! ま~、アンタも程々に強かったけど、今までの これが所謂『場数を踏んできた』ってヤツ? アタシって大人だよな……。 |
General wins11 | A clash of powers! My inevitable victory! Is this fun, or what?! I dunno what I was so worried about at first-- I'm so glad I became an In-Birth! In-Births for the win! 最初は不安だったけど、やっぱりなって良かったー! 『 |
General wins12 | Let's call it a day. I'm pretty beat, too. To tell you the truth, using this thing kinda hurts my wrist. 'Course, that's all your fault, you know. はい、お疲れ。こっちも疲れたわ。 これ意外と手首に負担がかかってさ。……お前のせいだかんな? |
General wins13 | Heh! As long as I can get a nice, fun win, I'm happy. Fun's what winning is all about, right? What else is there? I just don't get it. へっ、気分良く勝てりゃ、それで良いんだよ。 ……っつーかさ、それ以外に勝つ意味ってあんの? 不思議なヤツ……。 |
Specific wins1 | All right, seriously. Please get the hell away from me. I don't want anyone thinking I have anything to do with you. アタシは、アンタの そういう意味で、マジ本気でちょっと近寄らないで欲しいわ……。 |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | Hey, lady... I actually thought you looked pretty cool, you know. If only you could take this a little more seriously... As it is, you're kind of wrecking my whole dream, here! おねーさん……、アンタさ。見た感じは結構カッコ良いんだからさぁ。 真面目にやれよな~、ったく。アタシの夢と希望を打ち砕くなっての!! |
(Applicable:Hilda) | |
Specific wins3 | Hmmm... It seems like she still remembers a little bit of the past. Maybe if I hit her harder, she'll forget it all... コイツ……、まーだ微妙に過去の記憶が残ってるみたいだな……。 もう少し強くこう……。思い切りガツーンとやれば、消えるか……? |
(Applicable:Nanase) | |
Specific wins4 | Yes, yes, yes! I did it! I won! Ahhh, sweet, sweet victory! Anyway, now that that's settled, no more chasing me around, got it? やったやった~! アタシの勝ちじゃん! いやー、気分良いなぁ~♪ ま、そういうワケで先輩。これでもう追いかけて来たりすんなよな? |
(Applicable:Tsurugi) | |
Specific wins5 | Wait a sec, I just took down the strongest being in existence... That makes me... the SUPER-STRONGEST! Woo hoo! How d'you like THAT?! Look at me now, Nanase! 『最強の存在』を倒した私……、それはつまり、超・最・強だぁーー!♪★ やったー! どうよどうよー? ナナセーー! 見てるかーー!? |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins6 | Tch... Clear eyes, straightforward personality, stuck-up face... I just can't stand it! Don't you get tired of being goody-two-shoes all the time? I mean, villains are way, way cooler, aren't they? へっ、嫌いだね。そのお上品な顔。曇りない 良い子ちゃんなんて飽き飽きだろ。『 |
(Applicable:Orie,Vatista,Nanase,Wagner,Londrekia,Akatsuki) | |
Specific wins7 | Heh... Scheming eyes, rotten personality, sneering face... I can get behind that. I've always considered taking up a career in villainy... I just don't know if I can fully commit, you know? へっ、嫌いじゃないね。そのツラ、濁った目。腐った性根。 あたしも本質は |
(Applicable:Carmine,Hilda,Byakuya,Uzuki) |