Under Night In-Birth Wiki
Arcade Script

This is the script for Orie's Arcade Mode stories.



Orie: This instance of the Hollow Night contains far more EXS than normal…

As an Executor of Licht Kreis, I have concealed my identity, infiltrated the campus, and investigated any anomalies under Zenith's orders. I have also charted the surrounding areas, though it did take quite a bit longer than I expected…

Though the Night Blade once called this region home, they have since dwindled in significance. The few remaining members, said to be Re-births, have been inactive as an organization. Given this absence of activity, it should be acceptable to leave them be.

A larger problem is this new group, "Amnesia." A band of power-wielders assembled by the exceptionally powerful Paradox. With their combined powers, they have rapidly expanded and have left a number of innocent victims in their wake.

Paradox's primary goal is to obtain the body of a Re-birth. She also seeks vengeance against the Licht Kreis.

*Sigh* I admit that, in our pursuit of justice, we have rubbed some people the wrong way… I've been telling the others to avoid missions that may cause undue friction.

That Paradox seeks to become a Re-birth… This is something I cannot ignore. If it is true, tonight will be when Amnesia makes their move, when countless In-births will gather, and the Abyss will be opened…

Which is why on this Hollow Night, I will fulfill my role as an Executor of Licht Kreis, bring Paradox's evil deeds to light, and put an end to them once and for all.

Stage 3[]

???: Hey, look over there! It's a member of the Licht Kreis.

???: Will you stop… It's rude to point like that.

Orie: Two In-births… A boy and girl, wearing school uniforms… According to my intel, that would make the two of you… Well, it would make the boy the one known as "the Predator."

Byakuya: Whoa. Guess I'm famous.

Orie: And you would be Sephirot, who went missing a while ago. What reason do you two have for wandering around this place?

Byakuya: Hm? What're you talking about? Ohhh. So that's what your name was, huh?

Tsukuyomi: …You didn't have to go to the trouble. Licht Kreis has always been known for their hard workers. It interests me how you could obtain all this information.

Orie: Do not underestimate Licht Kreis's intelligence network. Although for you, it was merely a wild guess on my part.

Tsukuyomi: Hmph. Well, if you already know that much, then surely you're aware that the Tree of Life no longer contains any power…?

Orie: I've heard, but until I confirm it for myself, I cannot just let you walk free, even if you are a "Zero Vessel," as you claim.

Not only that, but a powerful EXS user was responsible for a major incident recently. This is why the Licht Kreis must keep watch. You are obligated to tell us what you know!

Byakuya: Hey, let's just eat this one. She's being a real pain in the ass.

Tsukuyomi: …You're right, Byakuya. She definitely knows more than she should. Go ahead and devour her. Just be sure that you don't leave any trace of her remains.

Orie: I suppose conflict was inevitable. Very well, if a fight will settle matters, so much the better. However, I have another mission tonight. It is unfortunate that I won't be able to turn you both in afterward.

Byakuya: Oh? So you think you can beat us? Or rather, me?

Orie: To be honest, you're hardly worth worrying about. Especially compared to the road I have traveled, and the objective I must fulfill tonight…

Stage 6[]

Hyde: O-Orie, is that you? What are you doing here, and in that get-up? (Crap, this isn't good… I'd better change the subject or she'll figure it all out.)

Orie: H-Hyde…?! I was about to ask you the same thing… And what are you doing with that big sword? (Should I change the subject…? No, no, no, no, There's no way I could now!)

Hyde: I was just… Training! Yeah, that's it! I was just practicing my swing! One, two… One, two… See? Heh, heh, heh…

Orie: U-Um… Your explanation is pretty transparent, Kido. That blade… It's the Insulator everyone has been talking about, isn't it?

There is no need to hide it… It was you all along, wasn't it? The one who has been following the Princess of the Night Blade.

Hyde: Hahaha… And you're with… Licht Kreis, was it? You guys sure are familiar with this place. Oh well, there's no use in hiding it if you already know.

Orie: Listen closely… Letting you go is now out of the question, even if it is you. The Night Blade may be a neutral faction now, but it appears that the "Princess" and several others have evolved into Re-births. Until I learn more about their motives, anyone allied with them is a threat. No matter the reasons of your affiliation, I must ask you to withdraw.

Hyde: Hold on a sec, Orie… Linne's not all that bad.

Orie: …I know. But I cannot allow you to make that decision on our behalf. Licht Kreis must take her and your sword into custody. Whether it is good or evil will be determined then.

Please, Hyde, you have to understand… I don't want to see you in any more danger!

Stage 9[]

Hilda: As expected of the Hollow Night. A neverending parade of power-wielders. Judging by your stuffy attire, you must be a member of Licht Kreis. Perfect. I was getting bored of dealing with weaklings. You'd better show me you're worth my time.

Orie: You must be Paradox, the leader of Amnesia… I am Orie Valadier… Fifth Executor of Licht Kreis. As one who dares to replace order with chaos, prepare yourself to feel the wrath of the hammer of justice!

Hilda: Fifth? Valadier? Never heard of you. Though I confess that, in a group as big as Licht Kreis, only a few of you are worth noting. Adelheid, Zenith, and Wagner… That's really about it.

Especially the red one, Wagner… She's been giving all of us an incredibly hard time. I was hoping she'd show up tonight so I could be the one to personally send her to Hell. Anyways, I have no interest, business, or any grudge against a girl like you.

Orie: So, you do not consider me a threat…? True, I may not stand a chance against someone who strives to become a Re-birth. But as a member of the Licht Kreis, it is my duty to see you punished, even if it means my death.

Hilda: Wow, aren't WE little Miss Perfect? "Even if it means my death"? Don't worry, I won't let you be killed so easily. Even pawns such as yourself must play a role in this game.

I need you alive so you can deliver a message to the Licht Kreis. It's an important role, you know? Being a messenger… And running away in fear is MUCH better than dying, isn't it?! HAHAHA!

Orie: Immortality, In-births, and the power of EXS… None of these things are to be taken lightly. Power will manifest itself this Night and bring about the Void, and more victims will fall…

I swear on the memories of my mother and father… And on behalf of my wounded soul… I will see to it that this night shall be your last!

Final Stage[]

Hilda: Only the fifth, and yet… you still have that much power? It seems I have underestimated you and Licht Kreis. Perhaps you're capable of providing some entertainment, after all.

Orie: You were a formidable foe, Paradox. As a Vessel yearning to become a Re-birth, I expected nothing less. If not for your hubris, you might have won. Now, submit to the judgment of the Licht Kreis.

(All of a sudden, a rather unusual talking Void enters the scene)

???: That's enough, child of Licht Kreis. I marked this woman as my prey first. It'd be troublesome if you were to take her away.

Hilda: Huh?! A Void?! *Grunt*... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

(The screen turns red as Merkava devours Hilda)

Merkava: Is this…? Ah, the delicious EXS power of a Vessel who sought to become a Re-birth. Such a thing makes even a monster like myself tremble with excitement… Oh, the bliss…

Orie: (What the--?! Even though Paradox was wounded, to have been taken down like that in an instant… And that voice… It feels more like a stream of consciousness than speech. Could it be--?!)

The embodiment of the void… If you can understand me, answer my questions! Are there others like you? Those that can understand human speech.

Merkava: There is no need for me to answer you… However, after such a delicious meal, I seem to be in a good mood. Quite some time has passed since I became a monster, but I have never seen others like me. Satisfied, child of Licht Kreis?

Orie: Yes… You answer is sufficient, I suppose. I do have one other question for you. Ten years ago, when I was still a child, did you… kill my parents?

Merkava: Now, that I will not answer. But something has occurred to me… You defeated that wench, which means you must be just as delicious. Are you willing to risk your life for the answer to your query?

Orie: You wretched creature… Very well, if that is what it will take to get the truth out of you, then so be it. On behalf of those the Void have consumed, including my parents, I will defeat you!


Merkava: …Well done, child of Licht Kreis. I shall give you whatever time remains to me, before I am consumed by the Hollow Night.

Orie: I only have one question. The Void that killed my parents ten years ago… Was it you?

Merkava: I must choose my words with care… Because if I told you that I can't remember the faces of my victims, I am certain it would only anger you.

However, I am a Void cursed with consciousness… And as I said, I have never encountered another like myself. Therefore, it could very well been my fangs that ended the lives of your parents.

While this monstrous form is not so bad… I have sought freedom in death. Perhaps it was fate that brought us together. Could you do me the favor of ending my life by your hand?

Orie: There is no need to ask… I had already made plans to kill every Void I met. Sentimentality will not keep me from ensuring that no others will suffer as I have.

Farewell, remnant of an In-birth. Despite becoming a Void, you managed to retain your humanity… For that, I shall honor your memory, and your suffering, for the rest of my days.

(The screen turns red)


Orie: The Hollow Night will soon fade into the dawn, and tonight's battles will soon end.

(For years, I lived for the moment I could avenge my parents… And before me appeared a sentient Void, Merkava… A beast who hunted humans… and embodied the last days of an In-birth.)

(...But in the end, I wasn't able to deliver the final blow. Perhaps I'm ill-equipped to be an Executioner of the Licht Kreis.)

(The last remnants of his humanity, as well as his profound sadness… Caused me to stay my blade… Memories of a previous life…? Emotions…? What was that warmth I felt…?)

(There is no point in dwelling on this any longer… Once I am sure that you were the one that killed my parents, the next time we meet, I put an end to your existence, Merkava…)

I've finished my duties for today. Why am I so tired tonight…?

Ed ori

Orie's UNI1 Ending CG.

Orie: Now… It's time to return to Licht Kreis. Kaguya, Mika, Lex… Back to my comrades…

(Ending theme: Heart beat breaker)



Orie: Haah… Haah… I have to hurry!

I've come to this city in search of one man and one man only: Kuon the Aeon. He's responsible for this whole mess, and this is the Night when he'll surely make his move…

Licht Kreis leadership's decision on this matter is… unacceptable. As much as I hate to disobey orders, I can't abide by such a strategy.

I had no choice but to put my foot down… and now everyone must be suffering for my selfishness. Maybe I should turn around and regroup with the others…

…No! I can't afford any regrets! I have to walk the path I chose to the very end!

"If you cannot follow orders, then follow your heart. Wield your sword for yourself and for your own truth." Princess Adelheid said so long ago…

That settles it. I'll get to the Abyss before anyone! And then I'll put an end to all of this… before Erika lays down her life!

Kido… My dear classmates… My friends in Licht Kreis… Everyone in this city… No, everyone in the world! I vow to save you all!

Stage 3[]

Chaos: Ah, this is the second time I've run into you in the Night… Or perhaps it's been even more times than that. What say you, milady of Licht Kreis?

Orie: Wait! I know you! You're that thief…!

Chaos: Ha ha ha! I do feel bad for last time. I lost my way, and I'll apologize for that. Perhaps we can let bygones be bygones and dispense with this "thief" business?

Orie: Wh-What are you saying? How could I ever forgive you?! …Though I suppose I've distanced myself from Licht Kreis for now, so I can't really press you too hard about it…

Chaos: Hmm? "For now"? It sounds like there's some drama afoot. Let me guess: your colleagues excluded you after a bit of a falling out, so now you're taking matters into your own hands. Am I close?

Orie: …Ngh… L-Let's just say you're not too far off.

Chaos: Another brilliant deduction by yours truly. So, what do you say? Now that you're off Licht Kreis' hook, there's nothing to hold you back. How would you like to join us in Amne--

Orie: No. Thank. You. Of all the Nights to have such nerve! We're enemies, for crying out loud!

Chaos: Oh, I'm aware. But just because you've joined an organization is no reason to stay tied down forever. So our first bosses are enemies--that doesn't mean we have to be. Walk away. Follow your purpose.

As much as I hate to poop the proverbial party, I have to get going. What about you? I don't know what obligations you have left with Licht Kreis, but will you choose to fight me once again?

Orie: Of course. I'll see you retired right here, right now. I have my orders from Licht Kreis, but more importantly, the Immortalize will be catastrophic. I can't leave the fate of the world in your hands.

Chaos: For my part, I don't want you going any further than this, either. My people have their own purposes to achieve just ahead… I can't have you distracting them, can I?

Orie: I suppose not. It sounds like both of us need to settle this here. And there's one more duty I must fulfill on this final Night: I'll have you return that book you stole!

Chaos: Stole…? That's not how I remember it. I won this through honest negotiation. If you have any objection to that, we'll discuss it after our battle!

Stage 9[]

Wagner: Hmph… You're the last person I wanted to see tonight. It appears fate and irony are playmates.

Orie: Erika! Good… I made it in time…

Wagner: In time for what? Whether you're here or not makes no difference. Whatever happens, I will only move forward.

Orie: Licht Kreis' plan is to send you to the Abyss alone--only to throw you in along with the Eternal One. Is that really what you want…?

I… I couldn't accept it. That's why I had to act on my own, even if meant leaving Licht Kreis. I believe that Princess Adelheid entrusted me with saving you.

Wagner: You've really gone too far out of your way for me, haven't you? I am the sword of Licht Kreis. What can one protect, if they fear that their sword may break? You'd think the same in my position, I'm sure.

Orie: It! Doesn't! Matter! I won't let you go all on your own! Never! Never, never, never, never ever! If you don't want to go along with me, at least let me go ahead as a decoy.

Wagner: This is why I find you annoying. If one of us must be sacrificed, then I am the one. You have many friends who would mourn you. I knew this would happen someday, and thus made no friends to mourn.

Orie: There are plenty of people waiting for you to return! And I can tell you at least one who would mourn if you died--me! I'd be very, very, very sad! I promise!

Wagner: What…? You? You'd be sad for me…? No… You'd… H-Hmph! Talking to you is nothing but a waste of time and breath!

There's only one way to settle our differences. I've always wanted to set things straight with you. Once that's done with, I might reconsider your plan.

Orie: Remember those were your words, not mine. All right, let's settle the score between us once and for all. The ante will be the right of command! If I win, you listen to me.

For the only path to victory that I see requires your cooperation…

Final Stage[]

Wagner: Ngh… All right, I'll keep my word. I lost, so I'll do as you command. Now, tell me. What should I do?

Orie: Thank you, Erika. Time is of the essence, so listen closely! Don't worry. It's quite simple, actually. First, close your eyes. Good. Now, unbutton your jacket… Right. Now, carefully…

Wagner: Wh-What's gotten into you?! What in the world are you--Kyaaaaugh! S-Stop it, will you! Aiieee!

(Later, at the Abyss…)

Kuon: Well, well. I certainly didn't expect to see such a flighty young girl show up here before me. Then again… I've never been one to be fooled by outside appearances…

Orie: I'm sure. The one who stands before you is none other than a steadfast Vessel for a will of steel. Know that I will be the strongest opponent you face tonight.

Kuon: I thank you for the kind warning, and I'll take heed of it. But I'm afraid it's too late. The lid has come off of the pot of hell, and I don't have the time to waste playing with you.

Soon I will go over to the other side of the Night and mark the beginning of the Immortalize… The end of this world.

Orie: Obviously, I won't allow such a thing. You plan to use the infinite EXS erupting from the Abyss to break through the wall of the Night? Licht Kreis are prepared to die to put the lid back on and stop you!

Kuon: "Put the lid back on"? "Stop me"? That's impossible. If you can choose one of those things, you might have a chance…

Orie: Sure. One of them.

???: Yes… He's right. One indeed. With my flames, I'll block off the pit of Night…

(Wagner appears)

Wagner: Hmph. Loathe as I am to say it, I'll leave Aeon to you. Consider this your final mission. Don't fail me, Orie.

Orie: Same to you, Erika! Don't mess this up! You're the only one with the EXS powerful enough to close up that giant pit--I wouldn't stand a chance. I'm counting on you!

(Wagner heads off towards her assigned task)

Kuon: Ah, so you brought an ally? I wondered where your confidence came from. But the longer you stay together, the more the Noise between you weakens your EXS. How will you beat me without your full strength?

Orie: I made a big gamble… but it seems like the bet paid off. All I have to do now is use whatever power I have left to defeat you!

Kuon: You're not suffering any adverse effects from the Noise… How can that be? Are you drawing power from the Abyss, just like I am? …No, you're not… Wait… It can't be…?!

Orie: I think you've guessed it. As reckless as it may be, I've linked my Vessel to hers. One wrong step, and both of our Vessels would have shattered.

Right after I came to this country, she and I connected through our EXS. Now I've found the exact rhythm at which we can link without interference. I thought it might work if I applied it…

Admittedly, as methodical as I'd like it to sound, there's no way we could have practiced or prepared for this in reality. It's just a bit of reckless improvisation based on a whim.

Please don't judge me for the less-than-theoretically-sound approach. With the survival of the world on the line, I didn't have time to fret over scientific rigor.

Kuon: Judge you? You have both imagination and the skill to realize it--not to mention the courage to execute it on the field of battle. I'd never judge you for that. Rather, I quite admire it.

I'll finish you off quickly and head to the pit to catch up with your ally. As much as I admire your ingenuity, you have to learn that weak powers can only remain weak, no matter how much of them you gather…


Kuon: Impressive, Licht Kreis girl… With a single strike, you've pierced my life… my Vessel… my existence… What's this? Anger? Resentment? Sorrow? No… It's benevolence… Compassion, even…

Soon, I'll disappear… along with my Power of Sealing. And it seems like your ally has succeeded in closing the pit of the Night… You two have won. This world will stay at peace…

Orie: Yes… It's not MY victory, but OURS, for I couldn't have done it with my powers alone. I am here now because of the people of Licht Kreis, and because of all of my friends.

You've been defeated by the combined will of many people… Their will, and the fates that surround it. Now go, Aeon. I pray that your soul finds peace…

Kuon: Fate, you say? In that case, I have no choice but to give up… Those that the times no longer need are resigned to disappear… Please… tell the princess… Tell Linne… what happened…

Orie: I will… I'll tell her as soon as I see her. You have my word.


(Moments after Kuon's passing…)

Orie: It's… finally over… The dark legacy that spread through this land for ages since the Night Blade took root…

It may not be a happy ending, but their wishes take many forms and transcend time… I hope and believe that it wasn't all in vain.

Now, then… Even though the constant fighting may be over, I must keep moving forward. I've got to return to Licht Kreis and file my report!

I'll also have to formally apologize for acting on my own… I'm sure I'm headed straight for Lady Silvaria's famous SSR Punishment Room… Am I really going to follow in Mika's footsteps there?

Oh! I wonder if Erika is all right… I'd better find her quickly. Though knowing her, I'm sure she'll pop up somewhere with a line like, "If you thought that would kill me, you're sorely mistaken!" Hee hee…

I really should be going… In exchange for my temporary freedom, I swore to return home as soon as the mission was over. I'm sure the Licht Kreis members staying behind will handle everything else around here.

I wish I could say one last goodbye to everyone at school… I'll be back in town once everything is sorted out again. I promise. See you later, everybody…

You too, Kido… Goodbye…


Hyde: Aw… It's been aaages since the Night ended. I can't believe Harada just up and went home all of a sudden, no goodbye or nothing! Pretty sad, huh? I kinda miss her…

Linne: Listen to yourself. What could possibly have changed if she'd stayed behind? Do you really think you two would get along if she had?

Hyde: Uh… Well, I mean…

Linne: Without the Night in common, there's not even a tiny sliver of a chance that a beautiful young lady like her would give you the time of day! You're just a lousy, average--no, make that below-average--student.

Hyde: Aw, man, twist the knife a little harder, why don'cha? That hurt my feelings, you know! My fee-fees! You've robbed me of my adolescent purity! And all my hopes and dreams! Give 'em back, now!

…'Sides, now that the Night's over with, what're YOU still doing here? You're the one who shoulda gone home, not Harada! Get over here!

Linne: Owww! Noogies aren't going to change anything! The eternal Power of Sealing is gone, so time's on the move again. I'm too lazy to handle all the paperwork, so I'm stuck here for now.

I'll be gone, too, eventually. But you'll have to bear with me until then. What's the matter? Don't you want to see me grow and develop, hmm?

Hyde: What the--? I mean--! What're you--?! HELL no, you idiot! Of course not! Gross! You're just a little brat!

Linne: Heh heh heh. You're way too easy to tease. Oh… Speak of the devil…

Hyde: Huh? What devil? Did you say something?

Linne: Give me a break… You really haven't noticed?

Hyde: …Noticed what?

Linne: You really aren't too quick on the uptake, are you? It looks like the one you've been waiting for is here.

Hyde: The one I've been waiting for…? Wait, did I order something on Annagon and forget it again? Hunh. What the hell did I order, anyway…?


Ha ha ha… Ha ha… Ohh… The heroine returns, huh?


Orie's UNI2 Ending CG.

Hyde: Welcome back, Harada…

(Ending theme: Peace of Mind)


  • In Orie's original arcade route and everywhere else before UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late cl-r , Orie's last name is incorrectly translated as "Valadier" instead of "Ballardiae".
  • Orie mistakenly refers to Linne as a Re-Birth, despite her curse of reincarnation differing from it.
  • While not present in the official English localization, Orie refers to Hyde by his title of Unknown Actor during her pre-battle conversation with him.
  • Orie's original arcade route is the only one where Hilda is slain but not by the character chosen at the beginning.
  • Orie's original arcade route marks Kaguya's first and only in-game appearance until UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes, as well as Mika and Lex's first appearances.


Story Transcripts
Arcade Mode
Chronicle Mode