Under Night In-Birth Wiki
Arcade Script

This is the script for Nanase's Arcade Mode stories.



Nanase: It's been almost two weeks since that horrible incident...

Hyde Kido! I am going to make him PAY for toying with my body like this!

According to rumors, he's stalking some poor, innocent girl. He probably has some dirt on her and is taking advantage of it… Making her do all sorts of terrible things…

ARGH! Hyde, you damn, dirty pervert! You foul, rude, disgusting foe! The enemy of all women! I'll never forgive you! No matter where he's hiding, I vow to find him and deliver justice with my own hands!

Hey, wait…

I-It sounds like I'm chasing after him…! No, that's not what I'm doing at all! I just want to see him on his knees, begging for mercy. Then I'll stomp on his head and MAKE him apologize!

If I don't do that… I'll never feel avenged! It's time for him to find out what it feels like to have his body defiled.

That's right… I will get it back. My pure, virginal body!

Stage 1[]

Nanase: Whoa! You look like a little doll… But with those frilly ruffles… She doesn't match the description of the girl Hyde's with.

Vatista: As is clearly obvious, I am without accompaniment. My mission requires discretion.

Nanase: Is that so? But if you're here alone, you should be more careful… There are some pretty bad people lurking around. A cutie like you could be abducted in the blink of an eye.

Oh, nononono! What would happen to you after that is too horrible for a child to hear. Just, no! You can't go any further! Promise me, okay?!

Vatista: I do not understand what you're attempting to convey. However, I am well aware that there are many enemies ahead. I have not forgotten my training… As long as the In-births are relatively weak, they shouldn't pose much of a problem.

Nanase: I see… Well, that's nice to know. Hey, have you heard of a scoundrel by the name of Hyde Kido?

Vatista: Hyde Kido… Searching database. One result. I recently encountered him while naked. He spoke passionately of things like, "Put on clothes," "I need you to," "I'm worried about your dignity," and so forth. I assume this is the Hyde Kido you are searching for?

Nanase: Wha-Wha-Wha-WHAAAAAAAT?!

(In that moment, Nanase imagines a scene where Hyde encounters a naked Vatista for his own "purposes"…)

Hyde (in Nanase's imagination): Hey, just shut up and put on these DEVIANT, SUGGESTIVE clothes! I need you… to satisfy my lust. Stay quiet and do what I say! Heh, heh, heh… Aw, look at you dressed like this. I'm worried how much longer your dignity will last….

(The scene flashes back to reality, with Nanase blushing and acting flustered over her wild thoughts)

Nanase: Y-You were naked and he told you to put on suggestive clothes… And he was worried about your dignity afterwards? But he was the one who told you to--!

Vatista: Your face is bright red. Are you running at a higher temperature than normal? It seems like you are processing a great deal of information. I did not think humans experienced load times…

Nanase: I won't… Won't… F…f…

Vatista: You won't…F--?


Vatista: What an overwhelming display of anger. Is this "Hyde" person truly that evil? I did not sense that vibe from him when we met… I must recalibrate my impression of him.

However, while I have no obligation to that man, it'd be troublesome if I were to be defeated here. And I assume there is no room for discussion or compromise in this situation, correct?

Nanase: What the heck?! Don't tell me you're going to take this side in all this…?!

Vatista: Unfortunately, you lack the capacity to look at matters objectively. Conversing with such a person is a waste of effort. If you intend to obstruct Hyde's or my progress here, I will stop you.

Nanase: How dare he…?! He threatened, then brainwashed, a poor innocent little girl! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF, HYDE!

I will defeat you, and exact revenge for what you did to this poor little girl! And then I will reclaim the torch of dignity you so cruelly took from me!

Stage 3[]

Nanase: What are you thinking, little girl…? It's dangerous to walk around this place by yourself… Hold on. You're… You're the one Hyde forced to follow him around, aren't you?!

Linne: It's dangerous for a girl to be wandering around alone? Wouldn't that apply to you as well? Which means… You're the one has been relentlessly pursuing Hyde, correct?

Nanase: Wh-wh-WHAT?! Relentlessly pursuing…?! You're not talking about ME, are you?! H-He defiled my body… and then took something very important from me. I want revenge! THAT. IS. IT!

Linne: Eh? D-Defiled?! Y-You mean in that way… Um… Well, after all… I mean, you're both young and coming of age… I'm not surprised you'd want to experiment with your bodies… Um…

Nanase: Our age has NOTHING to do with it! That horrible excuse for a man… I'm going to burn him to ashes and make him pay! And if you're on his side, I'll make sure you pay, too!

Linne: Oh, my… Your youthful exuberance and indiscretion is almost scandalous… The passion radiating from you… It's quite overwhelming. And rather appealing, I have to admit.

…But it is my duty as an elder to educate children like yourself. Very well, I accept your challenge. To achieve your goal, you'll have to overcome this ancient apparition.

Nanase: That was my intent, regardless! I WILL expose Hyde's true nature… And when I do, I suggest you keep your eyes wide open so you can see the horrible truth for yourself!

Stage 6[]

Orie: Your uniform… It's from a nearby middle school, is it not? You must be the one they call "The Windmill." I've heard rumors about you. That you have been passionately chasing after the wielder of the Insulator. I suggest you give up on him, immediately.

Nanase: What? Even the Licht Kreis is protecting him? What is WRONG with you people?!

Orie: P-Protect…?! Th-The Licht Kreis has responsibilities during the Night, and I am simply fulfilling them. A-Anyway, what is more important is the reason why you're pursu-- Er, I mean after him so much… Tell me!

Nanase: Why are you so flustered all of a sudden? Aha! I see now… He must've taken advantage of your body, too! That damn womanizer! How DARE he lay his damn, dirty hands on an old woman! I'll NEVER forgive him now!

Orie: Eh…? Body…? Dirty hands…? "TOO"?! Wh-What are you talking about? And what won't you forgive him for? (Kido! What are you doing behind my back?!)

A-Anyway… If you don't wish to tell me why you're after him, so be it… But I still must stop you, as you are using the manifestations of this place for selfish reasons.

Nanase: …I see. So, it seems you ARE protecting Hyde, after all…

That's fine. I guess there's no point in telling you my reasons now. If I beat you, I suggest you come with me to the Abyss. I'll strip away his disguise and show you how vile he really is!

Stage 9[]

Nanase: Um… Excuse me, ma'am--?

Hilda: Stop right there! I get it… You think I'm old, don't you? But I warn you, I'm really sick and tired of people seeing me that way.

Nanase: What…? Um, I think it's way too early for you to be worrying about that. I mean, you do cake on the makeup, but that's a different story.

Hilda: Aww. Well then, never mind. It seems that you have some sense as well as class. I like you. So, what say you? I'll welcome you into Amnesia with open arms.

Nanase: Nah, that's never going to happen… More importantly, is Hyde here? If he is, then I need you to turn him over to me. Now.

Hilda: The fact you're so desperate to find the little Insulator boy must mean you're… Ah, of course. The Windmill. Not sure why you came to such a dangerous place… Truly a shame. Under different conditions, we might have become friends.

Nanase: I have no interest in becoming your friend! Gah! Just answer my question! Unless… Don't tell me… Hyde isn't here?!

Hilda: Well… Technically, you're right. He isn't "here", per se, although he does seem to be nearby… Perhaps. But I'm sorry to tell you that your chances of seeing him are pretty slim.

To be honest, I'm interested in that boy myself. So I wouldn't hand him over to you even if I did have him. And if you choose to keep him from me… I'll have to spare some time specifically for you.

But don't worry… There's no way I'd finish off a cutie like you… Not right away, at least. I'll be sure to savor every moment… And when you wake up, you'll be an Amnesia puppet through and through… Now, this will only hurt a little…

Nanase: Guh…! I-I'm not sure what's going on, but… That certainly sounded like something a villain would say… Alrighty… Challenge accepted. This should be a good warm-up before Hyde shows!

Final Stage[]

Nanase: Hmph! You were hardly worth wasting my time. N-Now… Hurry up and tell me where Hyde is!

(Hyde arrives at the scene to battle Hilda, only to find she is already defeated)

Hyde: What the…? Paradox is already down…? Who the hell are you?

(The sight of the very boy she hates so much sends Nanase into a furious rage)

Nanase: …! I-I fiiiiinally foooooound youuuuuu! HYDE!

Hyde: Um… Who are you again? I-If you're looking for a fight, then--!

Nanase: Don't you "Who the hell are you" ME! How dare you forget! After you ruined my life… and stole away my chastity!

(Vatista arrives)

Vatista: Hyde… Did you force this person to wear clothes as well?

Hyde: GAH! Stay out of this! You're just making things worse! Please, just leave this whole thing to me… Wait, what the hell are you doing here anyway?!

(Linne arrives)

Linne: Hyde, I never thought you'd be so… indiscreet… But you do have a point. Those not involved in this should probably leave… The two of you need to talk about your future in private.

Hyde: H-Hey! Stop making this conversation even weirder than it already is! I have no idea who this chick is! It's all a HUGE misunderstanding… Right?!

Nanase: Wrong. There is no misunderstanding here… This is ALL YOUR FAULT! How am I supposed to get married after what you did to my body?! If you consider yourself a man, you'll take responsibility!

(Orie arrives)

Orie: Kido… I-I never knew… you were THAT type of guy?!

Hyde: You too, Harada?! Wait, why are you backing away from me?! (Think, damn it…! There has to be a way salvage this situation…!)

A-Ah, that's it! You have to fight me! Whoever wins is right. That's the rule of the Night…!




Vatista: …?

Hyde: Why is everyone looking at me like they're disappointed?! Is it me? Is it my fault?!

Nanase: So you don't even feel bad about it anymore, huh… Fine then, I accept your challenge! Years of hatred that have festered in these past three weeks… I will now have my revenge!


Nanase: I… did it? HA! What do you think about that?! One month's worth of vengeance… SERVED! For the record, I'm not done with you yet…

Hyde: A-Are you kidding me?! I'm not going to get caught, then! I'm out!

(Hyde runs off)

Nanase: H-Hey, WAIT! You cheater! How dare you run away from me again!

(Nanase chases after him)


(Eventually, Nanase grows tired and stops to catch her breath)

Nanase: Gah… How the heck does he run so fast?!

Linne: Why don't you stop for a moment… Hyde… letting his hormones get the best of him… I apologize for that… It must have been pretty tough on you, as a woman…

Nanase: Oh, you're that little girl that's always with him… I don't want an apology from you. Th-Thanks to him… I've been defiled…


Linne: Huh?

Orie: Wha--?! O-Oh?! Huh? Um… For the record, I thought this whole time that he… Well, you know…

Vatista: It appears that a magnificently human error has been resolved… I assume that it was a result of a discrepancy in communication.

Nanase: WHAT?! Because of him, or that stupid Void that bit me… I'm now some kind of monster with horrible powers! He needs to take responsibility, and return me back to normal!

Linne: Haha… So that's all it was? Just a misunderstanding. All the more reason to let it go. Chasing down Hyde wouldn't change what happened to you. You do understand that, don't you?

Nanase: Well, yeah, but… But what about my feelings?!

Linne: Being an In-birth really isn't all that bad, you know… A preternatural body with superhuman strength… It's not like you have to avoid the sun or drink blood…

Vatista: It's what fate had in store for you… That you receive the powers of an In-birth. In-births are chosen long before you gain consciousness… Your being bitten by a Void was preordained.

Orie: Also, from what I've heard, the power fades eventually, and you will once again become a normal human being… Windmill… You'll just need to be patient until then.

Linne: So, there you have it. Now that tonight's entertainment is over, I think I'm going to head home. Licht Kreis, I suggest you do the same. You seemed concerned about the relationship between Hyde and that girl, but it looks like there's nothing to worry about.

Orie: Wh-Wh-What are you saying?! I-I never thought that there was anything going on between Kido and that girl--!

Nanase: What the--?! It sounds to me like you let your perverted little imagination run wild… That's irritating, you know?

(Some time later…)

Nanase: Like that girl pointed out… No matter how hard I pound on him, it won't change what happened to me…

Hyde Kido… W-Well, until my body returns to normal… I suppose I can let you live… Maybe…

Ed nan

Nanase's UNI1 Ending CG.

Nanase: I-It's not like I'm being nice to you or anything! I-I just need you to work really hard to find a way to return me to normal! That's all!

(Ending theme: The Azure Faraway)



Nanase: Another Hollow Night, huh? Maaan, this never gets any easier! I shouldn't even have to be out here tonight…

At this point, no matter what I do, my poor, impure In-Birth body won't go back to normal. At least not for now.

On the other hand, this Hollow Night's supposed to be the grand finale, from what I hear… They say a reeeeally bad dude named Kuon is gonna fill the whole world up with Voids and destroy it…

Can I really sit back and watch that happen? I mean, what if the world really just… ends? What about me…? What about my FEELINGS?

No! Not a chance! No way, no how! Who, me, sit back? As if! I can't just leave everything hanging like this!

Not now… Not now that I've, y'know… noticed… stuff… about him… That's it. I have to be honest with my feelings.

Right… This is my final fight. I gotta get out there and put it all on the line! All right, Windmill, let's go get our proper ending!

Here goes! I'm not gonna kick back and let it all end like this! I'm gonna tell him how I truly feel! Really, truly!

Sit tight, 'cause I'm coming to give you a smackdown!

Stage 3[]

Nanase: Huh? What's a little kid doing out here?

Mika: Hmm? Who're you supposed to be? And who're you calling a "little kid"?

Nanase: D-Did I do something wrong? Quit staring at me… You're giving me the creeps! Cut it out!

Mika: Grr… Our ages aren't even THAT far apart… Wait, don't tell me I'm OLDER than you! No way! I dunno why, but I'm starting to get ticked off…

It must be, y'know, a difference in nutrition! That's it! You were stuffing your face with foie gras or whatever while I was living off scraps on a desert island! I'm gonna eat like a queen once I beat you!

Nanase: Wh-What gives? Why're you so upset all of a sudden? Foie gras? Desert island? I seriously have no idea what you're talking about. Are you hungry? Are you scared 'cause you lost your mommy?

Mika: Mrrrgh! That does it! If ONE MORE person asks if I lost my mommy tonight, I'm gonna LOSE IT! And maybe I am a little hungry, but you're the one who's ordering a knuckle sandwich!

Nanase: Geez… I guess some people just can't take a joke. From the looks of it, you're with Licht Kreis, right? Even I can tell that. Then again, I thought they were all supposed to be elegant, mature lady types…

Mika: Oh ho ho, yes, indeed. What a clever little girl! You won't find anyone more elegant or mature than me! Now why don't you go home, drink some milk, and get to bed, young lady…?

…Wait a minute, that'll make you even BIGGER! Scratch that! Someone as suspicious as you doesn't need any extra nutrition. Just stick to water.

Heh heh heh… Anyway, rejoice! For Mika, the Tenth Executor, the proud warrior of Licht Kreis, is here to take you down! …Wait a second, that makes ME sound like the bad guy.

Nanase: Hmph. You're pretty cute when you try to act tough. Rowdy kids ought to be taught a lesson! Very well, then. Come and get your spanking!

Mika: Pbbbttt! Too bad for you, YOU'RE the one who's gonna get spanked! Go home and eat your feelings some more, why don'tcha?

Stage 9[]

Nanase: Well, here I am… This must be the Abyss for this time around. Hope I'm not intruding… Yeesh, I'm picking up way more spiritual vibes than before…

Okay, so where's this Kuon? He's not the type to get beat up on the way here…

Hmm… There's somebody over there, but who? I don't recognize their outfit, so it's probably someone I don't know, right…?

In that case, there's only one person it could be: the reeeally bad dude everyone's out to get tonight! There's nobody else around… so I guess it's up to me.

Um, excuse me? Hello? Are you that Kuon guy?

Kuon: Ah, yes. Indeed, I am "that Kuon guy." A lovely young lady like you shouldn't use such sloppy language. To think that even someone like you is after my head… It's complicated, to say the least.

Nanase: Oh, good, I got the right guy. Can you imagine how embarrassed I'd be if I had the wrong person? But I gotta say, you don't really seem like such a monster. I mean, I know a guy who looks way more evil than you.

Kuon: Oh, no, I'm the evil monster, I assure you. You'll understand soon enough. You're standing in front of someone who has thrown the entire world away for his own personal gain. Fairly monstrous, I'd say.

Nanase: Huh. Is that so? Well, in that case, I won't hold anything back! I'm going to save Tomomi, Big Y--and the rest of the world, natch! I'm not gonna let you get away with this!

Besides, if the world ends now, I'll… I'll never get to tell him my true feelings! I can't let that happen!

Kuon: So that is your purpose… Strong and clear, like a spear that pierces through all things. To one bound to stagnation like myself, your resolve shines ever so brightly…

Do it, then. Please. Take your strong sense of purpose and put an end to my pathetic, worthless destruction…

Final Stage[]

Hyde: Kuon the Aeon… is dead? Already? Hey, did you… Hold up, I'm getting some serious deja vu here…

Nanase: Wh-What? What, what, what?! …Augh! It's y-y-you, Hyde Kido! What're YOU doing here? Ugh, you're the worst!

Hyde: Hey, c'mon, all I did was show up! How's that make me the worst?! Besides, I already told you I'd be here yesterday, right? Y'know, 'cause the world would end if we didn't take down Aeon, remember?

Nanase: Yeah, I know that… I-I just got a little flustered, okay?! Leave me alone!

Hyde: Flustered? What d'you have to get flustered about…? Y'know what, never mind. Forget it. Asking will only make it worse. So, just to make sure: did you take down Kuon the Aeon or not?

Nanase: Yeah… I laid my strong feelings right on him and he disappeared. Tonight's fight is all over now.

Hyde: Huh… So that's it. We're all saved.

Nanase: …Seriously?

Hyde: What?

Nanase: Who's this "we" you're talking about? Everyone else may be saved, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook, mister! What, did you seriously expect me to save YOU?

Hyde: Uh, no shit! Why should everybody get to live except me?!

Nanase: Heh… All right, then. I'll give you one more shot at salvation! Fight me!

Hyde: Ugh, not this again… What now? I thought you were over that stuff already. It was all a big misunderstanding, remember?

Nanase: Right, I am all over that stuff! But this stuff is starting right now! This is brand new stuff!

Hyde: What the hell does that even mean?! C'mon, explain yourself! I know it'll just be a bunch of nonsense, but at least lemme hear it.

Nanase: Well, who took down that Kuon guy and gave you a future to look forward to? Me, right? So it only makes sense that I get to decide what that future holds for you! It's totally logical!

In other words, I'm gonna give you a test! If you pass, then you deserve to live in the new world! Understand?

Hyde: Uh… I mean, I follow the logic and all… but what's the point of even testing me? I'm pretty sure you've already made up your mind…

Nanase: One more thing… If I win… th-there's something I need to tell you.

Hyde: Huh? Ohh… That's, uh… Wait… Wha… Wh-What is it you've gotta tell me?

Nanase: I couldn't tell you right now if I tried. Words alone aren't enough to express it fully and honestly! We've got to cross blades first! You know what I mean… Right, Hyde Kido?

Hyde: Uh… What? I mean… Yeah… I think so… All right, I guess you did save the world, so you're the boss. If a fight's what you want, then that's what you'll get!

But don't expect me to play nice or pull any punches, got it? If I'm gonna go, I'm going all out!


Hyde: Gwaugh! Man, that smarts… Geez, I'm starting to feel sorry for Kuon…

Nanase: I win! I've defeated you, Hyde Kido!

Hyde: Yeah. I lost fair and square. No excuses from me. So… You, uh, wanted to t-tell me something, right…?

Nanase: Huh? O-Oh, right… Well, you know… Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it.

Hyde: S-Sure. Go on and s-s-s-say it…

Nanase: D-D'you… wanna…

Hyde: Wanna what?

Nanase: Be… You know… Be…

Hyde: Be what?

Nanase: …Friends again?

Hyde: …Huh?

Nanase: Friends.

Hyde: You mean, like, bury the hatchet for real? You're not gonna go back to trying to fight me again in five minutes, are you?

Nanase: Give me a little more credit than that! I mean… You know… I misunderstood you and got upset. And I realized that I never properly forgave you.

That's always bothered me, and I just… I don't want it to stay that way forever. So I thought I'd be extra generous and give you another chance.

Hyde: S-Sure… I'm completely over it anyway, so… …Wait a second, shouldn't I be the one forgiving you?

Nanase: What?

Hyde: What?

Nanase: Look, I-I just want to be friends again, or… Well, maybe "friends" sounds too… friendly. Oh, I know! How about "well-acquainted"? I can roll with that?

Hyde: Huh? "Well-acquainted"? I think we're… I mean… What?

Nanase: Listen, I'm forgiving you so we can go back to normal again! How many times are you gonna make me say it?!

Hyde: Sure… Thanks very much, I guess… But still, if you're the one who misunderstood me, shouldn't you be apologizing? Am I missing something here?

Nanase: There! Great! I said what I wanted to say. That's a load off my mind. Ideally, you were supposed to man up and come say you're sorry to me, you know.

Hyde: No, because that's cr--Nah. You're right. I'm sorry. I get it. Deepest apologies for the great inconvenience I've caused you.

Nanase: Good. That's all I need to hear. Now we can put this all behind us.

Oh, but this doesn't mean you're automatically off the hook going forward! Any more rudeness from you and you're in for a world of hurt!

You hear me? Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I'm going home now! See ya later!

(Nanase leaves)

Hyde: Oogh… What's with her? First she gets everything all mixed up, then randomly beats me up to forgive me for it… I mean, what the hell?

I guess I'm not one to talk. She's the big hero who got it together to save the world…


Nanase: Phew… There. That's done with, and my insides don't feel all funny anymore.

No matter how rude he is, I just couldn't stay silent… Tch, way to make me care…

With that evil Kuon guy defeated, everything else should be resolved now, right? Ah! What about the Night and EXS? Are they gonna stick around?!

If EXS disappears and everybody goes back to normal, that's it for going into the Night. The EFG will be disbanded…


Ah ha ha… Funny, I always thought I wanted to go back to being normal. But it's fun being with Big Y and Tsurugi, too… And Hyde Kido. I guess I'll miss him too… A little…

Aw, man… Why can't time just stop when we're having fun? ….Huh? The watch I got from the old man stopped…

Oh, bummer… But it was a pretty old watch, so I guess it's not that surprising. Aw, man… Can anyone even fix this thing? Sorry about that, old man… You too, old lady…

But even if a watch stops, the flow of time doesn't. It's gonna get moving again… and when it does, I need to get moving with it.


Nanase's UNI2 Ending CG.

Nanase: The clock's hands spin like a windmill… They're proof that time is flowing. My wishes are strong, but light enough for the wind to carry them…

The hands of fortune have started to turn. I have to turn and change with them…

(Ending theme: Peace of Mind)


Story Transcripts
Arcade Mode
Chronicle Mode