Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Outro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | Surging courage! Overflowing power! With just a hint of justice! That is the recipe for VICTORY! I can't afford to lose to yuuu! 漲る勇気! 溢れるパワー! そしてほんの少しの正義の心!! これが勝利の合・言・葉! 負けるわけにはー……、いかないんゆー!! |
Generic | Not bad at all! I'm a little surprised, yuu. But this is mere child's play for Licht Kreis! お主、なかなかやるでわないですか! 少しだけ驚いたんゆー。けど。アチシ達『 |
Generic | Heh, heh, heh. Your powers are feeble. Did you really think you could get through Mika's defenses? That's ridiculous! ふっふっふ。それしきの。豆粒ほどの小さな《力<ぱぅわー>で。このミカちゃんの |
Generic | When I've got Pachelbel, I'm invincible, yuu! I still had put up a fight this time, so don't be so bummed about losing, yuu. この |
Generic | Hahahaha! That was pretty fun! I almost lost, but experiencing that isn't bad from time to time, yuu! きゃははははー♪ なかなかに楽しい勝負であったー!たまには紙一重の勝利っつーのも悪くないもんゆー♪ |
Generic | *Pant* *Pant*... *Cough* *Cough*... I-I completely underestimated you... You should be proud that you put up a good fight against me... ぜぇぜぇ……、はぁはぁ……。ゆ、油断したんゆ……。このアチシをここまで追い詰めたことをホコリに思うと良いんゆ……。ゴホゴホ。 |
Generic | I-If I weren't so hungry, I could've had a better victory... Are there any cooks in the house? お、お腹さえ空いていなければもっとスマートに勝てたのに……。お客様の中に、コックさんは居ません……、か……。 |
Generic | Dear rival, fate brought us together on this faraway eastern island. I will never forget you... Rest in peace, dear friend... この極東の島国で偶然に出会った |
Generic | Now shut up and go home! There's a scaaaaary demon lurking under this Night, yuu. The Licht Kreis's worst, evilest god, the Fifth Exectutor will come and eat your brains! How scary, yuu! さぁさぁ大人しく帰った帰った! この『夜』にはこわーい悪魔が潜んでいるんゆ。我等『 |
Generic | All right! Your soul was in that last punch! Amazing! Let's meet again sometime! Although you may not want to see me after all this! ちぇすとー! 魂が込められた今の一撃! 見事であった! またどこかで会おう! 会いたくないだろうけどー!! |
Generic | Don't feel upset about losing. To lose is to die. That's the world I've lived in. It wasn't as lukewarm as this, yuu! 悔しいなんて気持ちは持ち合わせないことだ。負けることは死ぬことだから。 私がずっと生きてきた世界。そこはこんな温い世界ではなかったんゆー!! |
Generic | This is a Licht Kreis mission! Always staring Death right in the face! You gotta be hardy to do this! A tough workplace for a woman! And that's why! You get hungryuuuu! |
VS Orie | Orie-chi?! You were safe, yuu? Hey, wait... Orie-chi...? W-Wake up! A-Aww, guess it can't be helped. Leave your mission to me! オリエーっち!! 無事だったんゆー?……って、あれ? オリエっち……? め、目を覚ますんゆー! し、仕方ない。後の任務はアチシに任せるんゆー! |
VS Linne | Shorties are weak, yuu! This made it clear, yuu! 背が小さいヤツは弱いんゆー♪ これではっきりしたんゆー♪ |
VS Waldstein | Hi, Sensei! That was a great battle, sir! Let's train again sometime! Sir! 押忍! 先生! 良い勝負だったであります! また胸をお借りします! 押忍押忍! |
VS Wagner | Hey, you're the Licht Kreis's Red Witch! You should be on probation! Well... technically me, too... HAHAHAHA. Why don't we both pretend this didn't happen, yuu! 誰かと思えば『 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Heyyya! おいーっす! |
Arrival sequence2 | Ta-dah! Mika's here! ミカちゃん参上っ! |
Arrival sequence3 | I'll be your opponent! アチシがお相手するんよ~! |
Arrival sequence4 | It's me, Mika! Let's do this! ミカちゃんです!よろしくぅー! |
Arrival sequence5 | Just lemme squeeze by, 'kay? ちょっと通らせて貰います! |
Arrival sequence6 | Whoopsie! Get ready! あだっ 覚悟するんゆー! |
Arrival sequence7 | Bwah! Here comes a challenge! ぶっ 勝負するんゆー! |
Arrival sequence8 | Ouch! Time for your just deserts! いでっ いざ尋常に成敗いたす! |
Arrival sequence (Waldstein) |
Waldstein: Let's allow the immense powers we've kept hidden to do the talking. Mika: Sounds good! We both speak fluent fist! ワレンシュタイン「秘められし強大なパワー 存分に語り合おうぞ」 ミカ「良かろう! 我らが共通言語 拳でな!」 |
Arrival sequence (Orie) |
Mika: Heh! I'm not letting you come outta this looking cool! Orie: Those feelings are enough, Mika. ミカ「へっ お前ばかりに良いかっこはさせられねぇ!」 オリエ「その気持ちだけで十分だよ ミカ」 |
Arrival sequence (Kaguya) |
Mika: I'm gonna win this one! Kaguya: Oh? Don't jinx yourself, or you'll regret it. ミカ「ミカちゃん ここは勝たせて貰います!!」 カグヤ「え~? 絶対後悔させますよ? 今のセリフ」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Full speed ahead! 全速~ 前進んゆー! |
Round win2 | V for victory! 勝利のぶいっ! |
Round win3 | That settles that! 決まったんゆー! |
Round win4 | Woohoo! I won! 勝ったんよー! |
Round win5 | All right! Next! Next! よっしゃー! つぎつぎ!! |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | I did it, I did it! Ow... That hurt... やったやったー! って… あいたー… |
Set win2 | Wah ha ha ha ha! Huh? Urk... うははははーっ! あれぇ? うごぉ… |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Big, biiig wiiiiiin! Oh? Aw, why? 大ー勝ー利ー! おっ? なんでぇー… |
Set win (Easy victory) |
No match for me! Huh? Gyaaah! アチシの敵じゃないんゆー! えっ? ぎゃふん! |
Set win (Orie) |
Aw, yeah! I beat Orie! Huh? Talk about cruel and unusual punishment... オリエっちに勝ったー! あれ? こんな罰はひどいんゆー… |
Set win (Kaguya) |
I'm not gonna lose to the rear guard! Curses come home to roost... 後衛に負けるわけないんゆー! 人を呪わば穴ふたつー… |
Victory | |
General wins1 | Now do you realize the true power of the winner standing before you?! That's right, it's Mika! Nobody in Licht Kreis hits harder than me! Ka-blam! 皆まで言うな! やっと気づいたか、目の前に立つ 以上、『 |
General wins2 | There's nothing me and Pachelbel can't crush with our whirling, musical power! You should be glad you're still in one piece instead of shattered to bits! Now, go home and get to bed! アチシと 爆発四散せず、五体満足で |
General wins3 | Enough! The match is over! I guess I'm just way more fired up for battle than you are. Can you blame me? You-know-who would totally annihilate me if I lose... Ahahaha... そこまでんゆ。もう勝負はついている。お前とは戦いへの『覚悟』が違う。 アチシは敗れたりヘマしたら |
General wins4 | That should do it! Easy-peasy! Pachelbel didn't even have to get his hands dirty to beat you! ...Yeah, good point! I guess all he has are hands! ま、こんなトコですかね。 |
General wins5 | We may not have the same perspectives... or the same values... We aren't walking the same path... but I sure do respect your strength! Still, when the fight's over, it's over--so no hard feelings! 互いの立場。主義主張。歩む道は違えど。その『強さ』に敬意を表するんゆ。 ま、 |
General wins6 | Heh heh... Pretty nice punches you're throwing there! I've gotta keep up with your blazing passion... Now I've got another reason why I can't lose! へへっ……、良い『 これでまた1つ、負けられない理由が増えちまったんゆー! |
General wins7 | I'm all worn out... If this keeps up, I'll be a goner for sure. What are you, some kinda psycho? Please just try not to hurt anyone else on your way home... コイツはマジしんどい……。こんなん続いたら、こっちが先に この方なんなん? バケモノなん……? 丁重にお帰り下さい……。 |
General wins8 | DIVIDE! You're finished! Any more fighting is just a waste of energy... and I'm already starting to get hungry! でぃばーいど! おっしまーい! これ以上は無益な争いんゆ~。お腹が空くだけんゆ~! |
General wins9 | Witness! The power! Of justice! And glorious light! No evil shall flourish on my watch! God watches over us all... even in the middle of the Night! Probably! 見たか! 光り輝く! 正義のパワー! 悪の栄えた試しナシ!! お天道様は見ているんゆー♪ ……ここが例え『夜』であろうと、多分! |
Specific wins1 | I was put here for one reason and one reason only: to defeat you. And surpass you. Is that two reasons? I dunno, I just came up with all that out of the blue. Thanks for the fight, old-timer! Now, step aside! あちしが『 ……った この出会いに感謝しているんゆ。あとは若い者に任せるんゆ! ご老体! |
(Applicable:Waldstein) | |
Specific wins2 | I can't let you take the lead in a scary place like this, Orie! Let me go on ahead! I'll clear the path for you! こんな危ない『 アチシが先行って、あらかた掃除して、道作っておくんゆー!! |
(Applicable:Orie) | |
Specific wins3 | Hmmm... Hey, Erika, aren't you a bit too stiff? Oh, I know! You must've been nervous to fight such a crucial match! Aww, that's so adorable! ん~、エリカっちさぁ~。ちょ~っと堅くなっちゃってるかな~? この |
(Applicable:Wagner) | |
Specific wins4 | Wh-Whoa, what a stud! ...Oh, I see. You're from Ritter Schild. You'll really stoop to any low to get me all fired up, won't you? な、なんたるイケメン! イケボ! ……なるほど、『 こんなところでミカちゃんに対抗意識を燃やしているのですね……。 |
(Applicable:Londrekia) | |
Specific wins5 | Aha, a giant shield... Great defensive and destructive potential, yes, I see... That's a pretty interesting piece of gear you got there! Here's hoping we cross fists again someday! ほぉ『大盾』ですか……。その防御力&破壊力、 非常に見所があると言っておきましょう! また今度、拳で語らうんゆー! |
(Applicable:Tsurugi) | |
Specific wins6 | Something's not right... That shouldn't have been enough to beat her. Her spirit's already moved on. Her brittle human shell just lost one of many hearts... Maybe I should stomp on her head, just to make sure. なんとか勝てたが、おかしい……。この女、この程度で倒れる 魂は既に転移済み、脆いな人間の体は、複数ある心臓の1つを失っただけ、 それ位平気で言い出す女んゆ。念のため、頭を踏み抜いておこうかな……。 |
(Applicable:Kaguya) | |
Specific wins7 | That's the best you can do? And you call yourself the strongest guy around? Tee hee hee hee hee, that's ridiculous! You're not the only one who's got a lot to get done on this Night, y'know! その程度の この『夜』の下、自分1人が |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins8 | You should stay here and behave like an adult. Or actually, maybe you should go play like a child. Here's what I'm gonna do: run up the steps like Cinderella! 皆さんはそこで大人しく……、いや、子供らしく遊んでいると良いんゆ~。 アチシはその間に、この階段を駆け上がるんゆ~! シンデレラのようにっ! |
(Applicable:Linne,Vatista,Nanase) | |
Specific wins9 | You're pretty strong, but nothing compared to my friends in Licht Kreis! They may look cute on the outside, but trust me, they've all got a bunch of nasty tricks up their sleeves... But don't tell 'em I said that! お主も中々の強者だが、『 ……おっと。『 |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Wagner,Mika,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins10 | Hmph... You sure pack a punch for someone so puny! I guess we've got something in common... I pack a punch, too! And I'm darn proud of it! ふむ。矮小な生命体でありながら、なかなか アチシも同じ |
(Not Applicable:Merkava,Vatista) |