Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Gyo gyo goooh! ギョッギョッギョー! |
Arrival sequence2 | Gyuoooh! ギュオオーッ! |
Arrival sequence3 | Let me have a good taste of you. 存分に味わわせてもらおう |
Arrival sequence4 | Kwehhh! キュエー! |
Arrival sequence5 | Kwoooaaahhh! キュオァアアアアアアッ |
Arrival sequence (Orie) |
Orie: I shall vanquish those desires within you, here and now. Merkava: That is the very definition of hubris, girl... オリエ「貴方の中にある想いも ここで潰えましょう」 メルカヴァ「それは思い上がりというものだ 小娘……」 |
Arrival sequence (Londrekia) |
Londrekia: I suppose this is the end of our relationship, then. Merkava: Oh, such a thing never even existed. ロンドレキア「僕たちの関係も 終わりというワケだね」 メルカヴァ「あぁ そのようなもの元より存在せぬ」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Merkava: I shall be the one to devour this world! Kuon: Are you sure you've got enough stomach for it? メルカヴァ「この世界を食らうのは我だ……っ!」 クオン「収まりきるかい? キミのその腹に」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Kyuraaahhh! キュラアアアァ!!!! |
Round win2 | Keeeoooooohhh! キイィーォオオオオオオオオオッ! |
Round win3 | I cannot contain my excitement! 昂ぶりが抑えられぬわ! |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Gwah... Gaaah, gaah! Gaaahhh, gaaahhh! グアァ…ガァー ガァー! ガァー ガァー! |
Set win2 | I savored that, little human. 享受であったぞ 人の子よ |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Thank you for the entertainment. 楽しませてもらったぞ |
Set win (Easy victory) |
How trifling. 他愛もない |
Set win (Londrekia) |
I gratefully accept your soul to augment my own power. 貴様の魂 我が力としてありがたくいただこう |
Set win (Kuon) |
I shall swallow you along with this world... 貴様も世界も我が飲み込んでくれよう… |
Victory | |
General wins1 | I woke up and found myself like this. A great misfortune. A tragedy. Should I laugh? Should I cry? As long as this power exists... I may well wake up in your form tomorrow. 目覚めればこの『姿』。不運であると。悲劇であると。笑うか。悲しむか。 『 |
General wins2 | I feel the Night as it throbs, as it undulates... The end and the beginning are nigh. Whether that is for good or for ill, I cannot tell... 『夜』のうねりを、鼓動を感じる……。終わり、そして始まりが近い。 それが『我』にとって良き事であるか、悪しき事であるかは解らぬがな……。 |
General wins3 | You must think I'm one of those mere Voids that crawls on the earth... Ha. Outrageous. Completely humiliating. 地を這う『虚無』共……。もしや、あれらと同類と見られているか。 ふっ……、なんたる心外、いや屈辱よ……。 |
General wins4 | Your flesh is powerless and empty. You're not even worth eating. I'd sooner eat those Voids that scamper in the Night like roaches. 力宿らぬ軽き身よ。我が食らうにも値せぬわ……。 『夜』に潜む |
General wins5 | Goaaauggghhh! Guaaauggghhh! Gyaaauggghhh! The EXS courses and overflows... It's swallowing even me... a Void... Fascinating... ゴアァァァァー! グアァァァァーー! ギシャァァァァーーー!! 『 |
General wins6 | Guuuaaaaaauuughhh... Easy, beast... You must not feed yet. Our true prey for the Night is still up ahead. Until then... stay hungry. グァァァァァオオオオオ……。静まれ、獣よ……、まだ食ってはならぬ。 今宵の獲物は、まだこの先だと教えた筈。それまで腹を空かせておけ……。 |
General wins7 | Such a beautiful pool of crimson blood... like a fine confection... The beast within grows hungry... Hardly able to control itself... 美しく広がる赤き血溜まり。まるで豪華に飾り立てられた馳走よ。 この身の獣。腹を空かせ、 |
General wins8 | Pure, red EXS, born of humankind... You shall quench my thirst and flow inside me... Bound within my flesh forever... 人共より誕まれし、赤く輝く純粋なる『 我が喉を潤し、全身を巡り、肉体の一部として永久に生きていくが良い。 |
General wins9 | Must I look like a human to be human? Must I not kill humans to be human? Tell me... why I must be the object of your hostility. 姿が人であれば『人』か? 人を殺さなければ『人』か……? 答えよ。我に敵意を向ける理由を。 |
General wins10 | The soul inside your body is like a bird trapped in a cage. Try as hard as you might, you cannot win against someone rattling the outside. If you want to live... you must let go. And leave the cage. その貧弱な肉体に閉じ込められた魂。 外より籠を叩く 勝ちたければ……、生きたくば |
Specific wins1 | Eat or be eaten. That is the law of nature. Adding grudges to the system only creates complications. Child, I shall devour you, along with your grudges... and so end it all. 食う食われるは自然の摂理。 娘よ。我は貴様の |
(Applicable:Orie) | |
Specific wins2 | This is no human soul... It is the soul of an old rag doll... I see... Completely inedible. The Night is full of high-quality prey. I have no time to waste on you. 泥人形に宿った『 今宵は上質な餌多き『夜』よ。 |
(Applicable:Vatista) | |
Specific wins3 | This is why humans are so entertaining... Pathetic mortal beings, and yet they can push me this far... これだから人間は面白い……。人の身で我をこうまで追い詰めるとはな……。 |
(Applicable:Enkidu) | |
Specific wins4 | Heh... Strange In-Birth, you're too arrogant if you believe you can defeat me with that level of skill. I suppose the salvation you so desperately desire for all things is yet to come... フッ……。 思い上がりも甚だしい。欲して止まぬ万物救いたる力、未だ遠いようだな。 |
(Applicable:Londrekia) | |
Specific wins5 | Keh heh heh... You call yourself the strongest Re-Birth? You may have the superior EXS, but in that pathetic human form, you have no chance. Would you like to come... to this side...? クックック……。最強を自負する『再誕』の者よ。 来るか。貴様も……。 |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins6 | Do you fear this Void body? Humans fear that which is different from themselves... I, too, know fear. I fear you In-Births... 恐れるか、この『虚無』なる姿を。『人』とは自分と異なる者を恐れる。 我も恐ろしいぞ。『 |
(Not Applicable:Merkava,Vatista) | |
Specific wins7 | What a strange child... Your EXS is not that of a Void... nor a rag doll... nor a Re-Birth... What... are you? ……不思議よな小娘。我ら虚無。 何れとも異なる面妖な『 |
(Applicable:Uzuki) |