Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | This is also a part of my mission これも僕の任務だ |
Generic | Suppressing the In-Birth |
Generic | Seems like a tough opponent, but I'll overcome you. 手ごわそうな相手だが…やってみせる。 |
Generic | Your ability matters not. I'll freeze you. どんな能力だろうと、凍らせてみせる |
Generic | There is nothing that cannot be frozen 森羅万象、凍らぬものはなし |
VS Orie | So you're that Fifth Executor. 君があのフィフス・イグゼクターか。 |
VS Orie | I request a match! お手合わせ、願おう! |
VS Merkava | A large Void in a place like this... こんなところに大型の虚無が… |
VS Merkava | To think we would meet again. 君とまた、出会うことになるとはね |
VS Mika | A Tenth Executor!? テ……テンス・イグゼクター!? |
VS Mika | Weren't you supposed to be under a house arrest...? 君は謹慎中と聞いていたが…? |
VS Wagner | I shall freeze those blazing flames! 燃え盛る炎だろうと、凍らせてみせる! |
VS Wagner | Let's duel, Void Hunter! 勝負だ『虚無狩り』! |
VS Wagner | I'll defeat you for the Ritter Schild's fame! 君を倒して、『 |
Outro | ||
Generic | Thank you. That was a useful experience. ありがとう、いい経験になったよ |
Generic | A fine bout. いい勝負だった |
Generic | Mission complete 任務完了だ |
Generic | To think you'd give me this much trouble... よく僕をここまで追い詰めた |
Generic | I still need more training まだまだ訓練が足りないな |
Generic | Learned your lesson? Better not think about coming here again. これに懲りたら、もう『夜』に来ようと思わないことだね |
Generic | I would've liked to solve this peacefully if possible... 出来れば平和的に解決したかったな |
VS Orie | How's that? Ritter Schild is pretty amazing, right? どうだい? 『 |
VS Merkava | This outcome was inevitable, but a shame nonetheless... こんな結末、残念だけど仕方ないか… |
VS Mika | Should I deliver her to the Licht Kreis? この子の事、『 |
VS Wagner | Have you learned your lesson? これでわかっただろう? |
VS Wagner | You aren't the only "trump card" here. 切り札は君だけじゃないんだ |
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | My name is Londrekia Light, and I am the ultimate Anti-Licht Kreis weapon. It doesn't matter if my opponent is unrelated. I cannot be defeated. |
Generic | You have immense, dreadful "power," but you know not how to use it. No matter how many times we fight, you will never defeat me... 恐るべき強大な『力』を持っている。だが、正しい使い方は理解していないようだ。それでは何度戦おうと、僕に勝つことは出来ないよ……。 |
Generic | Impressive skills. But you need to refine them a little more. You have natural talent, so you'll grow quickly if you train seriously. なかなかお見事な腕前だ。けどその腕、もう少し磨いておくべきだったね。素質はあるのだから、真面目に修練を積めばすぐに伸びるよ。 |
Generic | Your moves were magnificent, straight out of a combat textbook. You'll get even stronger if you learn the underhanded tricks the books won't teach you. まるで戦いの教科書でも見ているかのように、素晴らしい動きだったよ。あとは『 |
Generic | ...Can we end this now? The difference in our power is so obvious that it's painful to watch you struggle pointlessly. If you still seek a fight, at least do it after taking a break. ……そろそろ終わりで構わないかな? 実力差は明白、無駄に足掻く様は見ていて辛いものだ。それでも、まだ戦いを続けようというのなら、しばしの時を置いてからとしよう。 |
Generic | That was close... I can't say I'm thrilled about such a lucky victory. Let us save this fight for another time. Then we can settle the score. 危ないところだった……。こんな偶然の勝利など、喜べたものではない。この勝負は預けておく。次こそ、完全なる決着をつけよう……。 |
Generic | Whew... To be honest, I never thought I'd get backed this far into a corner. The world really is a big place. I see that Licht Kreis aren't the only worthy opponents out there. My vanity almost got the best of me. Thank you for opening my eyes. ふぅ……。正直、僕がここまで追い詰められるだなんて、考えもしなかったよ。やはり世界は広い。戦う相手は『 |
Generic | How does it feel to be in a coffin of ice? Quite cool, isn't it? どうだい、 |
Generic | Personally, I don't really enjoy brawls like this. Nonetheless, I can't just leave dangerous people to wander around freely. Forgive me. 個人的に言うのなら、こんなケンカみたいなのは好きじゃないんだけれど。危険な者を野放しにも出来なくてね、許してくれ。 |
Generic | Stop right there... Cease your futile resistance at once. There are things I want to ask you. If you answer peacefully, I won't have to resort to violence. そこまでだ……、これ以上の無駄な抵抗は、止めておいてくれ。君には少々聞きたい事がある。大人しく答えてくれれば手荒なことはしないよ。 |
VS Female | Rest for eternity in my coffin of ice. Such a beautiful flower blooming within the ice. It will never, ever, melt... 我が氷の棺に抱かれ、 |
VS Female (Rare) | Whew... I always get nervous when I have to face a woman. It's almost like the scars in my heart start to ache. This has gotta be some kind of psychological trauma... ふぅ……。女性の相手をするのは、やはり緊張するものだ。心の傷が疼き出すというか、もはや立派な |
VS Orie & Mika | While you may be a member of Licht Kreis, I have no personal grudge against you. I apologize for getting too emotional. I still have much room to improve... 『 |
VS Wagner | No matter how much we fight, this is little more than training. Without being able to use your true power, a victory against you is meaningless. I only hope that I can face you in your true form someday. こんなもの、幾ら戦おうと練習試合でしかない。本来の力を出すことが出来ない、不完全な貴女に勝利しても意味などないからね。いつか、本気の貴女と戦えることを願おう……。 |
VS Waldstein | If only you hadn't did what you did in the past... I can't help but think that way sometimes. But it's pointless to say that now. I'm sure Lady Adelheid doesn't wish for that either... 過去の貴方がもう少し上手く立ち回ってくれれば……、と思わないこともない。だが、それを今言っても無意味なこと。 |
VS Merkava (Lets Him Live) | We've only ever spoken once, so I have no obligation to let you go. ...And yet, I still want to take a chance on the humanity I saw within you. Go, leave at once. 1度話しただけの関係、見逃す義理などないのだが。……それでも僕は、お前の中に見た『人』の可能性に賭けたい。立ち去るが良い。 |
VS Merkava (Kills Him) | We've only ever spoken once, so I have no obligation to let you go. ...The "Void" harms humans. I cannot let it roam freely... This is your end. 1度話しただけの関係、見逃す義理などある筈がない。……人に害成す『虚無』を野放しには出来ないんでね。ここで終わりだ。 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | This is another part of my duties. これも僕の任務だ |
Arrival sequence2 | In-Births must be kept under control. 偽誕者…鎮圧する |
Arrival sequence3 | A formidable looking opponent... but I'll prevail. 手ごわそうな相手だが…やってみせる |
Arrival sequence4 | By the name of Ritter Schild, I will not lose! 負けるワケにはいかない リッターシルトの名にかけて |
Arrival sequence5 | There's nothing in all creation that cannot be frozen. 森羅万象 凍らぬものはなし |
Arrival sequence6 | A fair and honest match, with honor on the line for both of us. 互いの誇りにかけて正々堂々 勝負だ |
Arrival sequence7 | Regardless of your abilities, you will be frozen. どんな能力だろうと 凍らせよう |
Arrival sequence (Orie)1 |
It's an honor to meet you. 君との出会い 光栄に思うよ |
Arrival sequence (Orie)2 |
I request a duel! お手合わせ 願おう! |
Arrival sequence (Merkava) |
Londrekia: I suppose this is the end of our relationship, then. Merkava: Oh, such a thing never even existed. ロンドレキア「僕たちの関係も 終わりというワケだね」 メルカヴァ「あぁ そのようなもの元より存在せぬ」 |
Arrival sequence (Mika) |
The... The Tenth Executor?! テ……テンス・イグゼクター!? |
Arrival sequence (Wagner)1 |
I'll show you that even blazing flames can freeze! 燃え盛る炎だろうと 凍らせてみせる! |
Arrival sequence (Wagner)2 |
Face me, Void Hunter! 勝負だ『虚無狩り』! |
Arrival sequence (Wagner)3 |
I shall defeat you and prove the superiority of Ritter Schild! 君を倒し 証明しよう 僕たちの方が上であるとね |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Surely that's not all you've got. こんなものではないだろう? |
Round win2 | Please don't get back up. もう立ち上がらないでくれ |
Round win3 | Do you still refuse to stand down? これでも引いてくれないか… |
Round win4 | You don't know when to give up. 諦めが悪いね |
Round win5 | Let's build this up little by little. 少しずつ積み重ねていこう |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Thank you. That was a valuable experience. ありがとう いい経験になったよ |
Set win2 | Quite the good match, if I may say so. 中々の勝負だった |
Set win3 | Mission complete. 任務完了だ |
Set win4 | I would've liked to solve this peacefully, you know. 出来れば平和的に解決したかったな |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Still not enough training. まだまだ訓練が足りないな |
Set win (Easy victory) |
I hope you've learned at last to stay out of the Night. これに懲りたら もう『夜』に来ようと思わないことだね |
Set win (Orie) |
Well? Ritter Schild is also quite capable, wouldn't you say? どうだい? 『聖盾』もなかなかやるだろう? |
Set win (Merkava) |
A regrettable ending, but perhaps there's no choice... こんな結末 残念だけど仕方ないか… |
Set win (Mika) |
Should I contact Licht Kreis about this child? この子の事 『光輪』に連絡すべきだろうか…? |
Set win (Wagner) |
You understand now, don't you? You aren't the only ace in this hole. これでわかっただろう? 切り札は君だけじゃないんだ |
Victory | |
General wins1 | A transient yet dazzling illusion... Platinum dancing through the falling snow... I hope you enjoyed it. Now rest... and pray your sleep isn't eternal. 儚くも そのまま、永久なる眠りへと墜ちてしまわぬ事を願うばかりだ……。 |
General wins2 | O, warrior whose dream must go unfulfilled! I leave you this flower of ice, which neither wilts nor bears fruit! May its unchanging blossom console you... 志半ばで倒れた者……、穢れ無き氷の 不変なる姿で寄り添い、 |
General wins3 | I can't take any more of this. If we continue, you'll only end up with even more grievous wounds. Please, accept your defeat. I'm sure you see the difference in strength between us now. ……流石に付き合い切れないな。これ以上続けたら大怪我をさせてしまう。 敗北を認めて欲しい。この実力差、キミに理解出来ないハズはあるまい。 |
General wins4 | All sorts gather in the Night, both strong and weak. Which am I...? Well, let's say my particular circumstances defy categorization. There's no shame in losing to one so unique! この『夜』には多様な者達が集う。強い者も、弱い者もね。 僕は……、そうだな。『特殊な事情を背負った人物』という この結果を嘆く必要はない。特殊なんだ、色々とね……。 |
General wins5 | You've got an admirable passion for victory, and your fighting spirit blazes like a flame. Unfortunately for you, though, I am quite used to putting out fires. Extinguishing fiery passion is my specialty. まるで燃え上がるような闘志。凄まじい勝利への熱意、感服するよ。 だが生憎、僕はその手の情念への対処には長けていてね。 炎の如き意志、それを鎮めるために僕は存在する。負けられないんだ……。 |
General wins6 | What would Ritter Schild think if I reported that you'd pushed me so near to the brink? What's going on that makes the Wielders here so strong--and so numerous? こんなに苦戦を強いられただなんて『 |
General wins7 | I only meant for this to be a warm-up session, but it turned into quite a doozy of a fight... I'll have to take my training back to day one. If I make it through the Night alive, that is... 軽い肩慣らし……、 1から鍛え直す必要があるな。『 |
General wins8 | Pardon my imprudence, but it's not every day that I meet my match. I couldn't help but get carried away... 不謹慎ではあるが、『実力伯仲』というのは面白いものだね。 この状況で、つい楽しんでしまっていたよ……。 |
General wins9 | Aren't you a bit chilly? I suppose I don't know whether or not In-Births can catch colds, but it's better safe than sorry. 寒くはないかい……? 『 |
Specific wins1 | So you've defected to Aeon's side, I see... I wish you'd given a little more thought to the circumstances. You certainly haven't improved the image of men among the Night Blade. 『永劫』の 今度は『夜刀』内部に、男性嫌いの禍根を残す事になるじゃないか……。 |
(Applicable:Waldstein) | |
Specific wins2 | We are strangers--That's what we agreed on, isn't it, strange Void? I suppose our bizarre relationship will soon end along with the Night. 僕らは知らぬ者同士、そういう ……なんて、この奇妙な関係も間もなく終わる。最後の『夜』と共にね。 |
(Applicable:Merkava) | |
Specific wins3 | I regret that I wasn't able to fight you at your full strength, Wagner, but it will have to wait. I must be going now. The end of the Night awaits me just ahead. Farewell! 本気の『 この先に待つ、終局なる『 |
(Applicable:Wagner) | |
Specific wins4 | Maybe it's my fault for letting rumors get the better of me, but you truly disappointed me. If there's any good to come of this, at least perhaps Ritter Schild's triumph over the mistakes of the past is done. 噂だけが1人歩きし、随分構えてしまったが拍子抜けだったよ。 『 そうであるなら、喜ばしいものだ……。 |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins5 | Worry not, ladies of Licht Kreis. Ritter Schild will take care of this enormous crisis in your stead. I'd also like to settle things with you more directly later, so do please make it back alive. この 実績としてはそれで十分なのだが、直接の決着も僕は成し遂げたい。 だから、必ず生きて還ってくれ。『 |
(Applicable:Orie,Mika,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins6 | Seeing you students, I can't help but envy your ordinary lives. ...Well, at this point, it's a dream that can't come true. Enjoy it for me, won't you? 君達のような学生を見ていると、僕も『普通の生活』に憧れることがある。 ……まぁ、叶わぬ夢だ。僕の分まで楽しんでくれ。 |
(Applicable:Hyde,Seth,Nanase,Byakuya,Tsurugi,Phonon) | |
Specific wins7 | My goodness... If I were driven to such exhaustion as this every time I fought a woman, I couldn't even dream of defeating Licht Kreis! やれやれ……、女性と戦う度にこんなに気疲れしているようでは、 あの『 |
(Applicable:Linne,Vatista,Yuzuriha,Hilda,Nanase,Phonon,Eltnum,Uzuki) | |
Specific wins8 | Taking down the Re-Birth Aeon might be considered our most difficult mission yet, but he's nothing compared to a certain Crimson Knight. I'll take him on with a smile--not even a hint of melancholy. 『永劫』たる『 『 気分的には楽なものだよ。微塵の憂いも感じぬ程にね……。 |
(Not Applicable:Wagner,Kuon) | |
Specific wins9 | Remember who defeated you: Londrekia of Ritter Schild! Make sure Licht Kreis gets word of that name! 僕の名はロンドレキア。『 君を倒したる者の名、覚えておいてくれ。『 |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Wagner,Mika,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins10 | I have to say, I'm surprised that a lone In-Birth managed to hone their power as far as you have. Look at me--I have my training and the full support of Ritter Schild behind me. 一介の『 僕など『 |
(Not Applicable:Merkava,Vatista,Wagner,Kuon) |