Under Night In-Birth Wiki


Play-style: Footsies, Setplay, Mid-Range
Dash: Run
Specialty: Freeze Count


Move List[]

Normal Moves[]

Input Damage Guard Cancel
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Dash UNI B
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Dash UNI C
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. UNI A
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. UNI B
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. (Hold) UNI C


Input Damage Guard Cancel

Force Function[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
UNI B+UNI C Frozen Cleave フローゼンクリーヴ Furōzen Kurīvu
Londrekia's anti-air by summoning a spike of ice besides him.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
UNI A/UNI B/UNI C (during Frozen Cleave) Bisect バイセクトBaisekuto
This followup move act as both overhead and anti-air.

Command Normals[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
6UNI B Frozen Slope フローゼンスロープ Furōzen Surōpu
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Input Damage Guard Cancel
The only anti-air normal and its followup which allows Londrekia to evade physical attacks. However, it is not good if the wall corner is behind Londrekia. Its followup is both overhead and anti-air.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
The spear stab is wall bounce and requires to combo into Charged Circular Step.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. 3(Hold) UNI C
Air straight stab. Charged version is wall bounce.

Special Moves[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
236UNI A/ (Hold) UNI B/UNI EX Frozen Spire フローゼンスパイア Furōzen Supaia
A straight horizontal ice projectile. All regular/non-UNI EX versions has slow startup before the projectile straight to his opponent, like his UNI B version’s startup being much slower than UNI A version.
UNI B version is chargeable, which replaces projectile during a startup, usable for double corner combo ender using Dash UNI B to this charge move twice as the main ender for setplay purposes with Snow Blossom afterwards.
If Freeze Count fully glows/reaches Level 2, regular/non-UNI EX versions will freeze his opponent. UNI EX version however, immediately freezes his opponent, due to its multi-hit properties.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
214(Hold) UNI A/(Hold) UNI B/(Hold) UNI C Circular Step サーキュラーステップ Sākyurā Suteppu
Londrekia does different dance attacks:
* UNI A version goes low sweep kick
* UNI B version uses his Riddle
* UNI C version uses jumping double overhead kicks.
Whether charged or not, this move, along with its followups (sans Hydro Blading) can be followed.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
(Hold) UNI A (during Circular Step) Outer Edge アウトエッジ Auto Ejji
This move almost shares same properties as UNI A version of Circular Step on low sweep attacks.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
(Hold) UNI B (during Circular Step) Cross Sequence クロスシークエンス Kurosu Shīkuensu
This move is the same as UNI B version of Circular Step, albeit different properties.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
(Hold) UNI C (during Circular Step) Serpentine Tail サーペンタインテイル Sāpentain Teiru
This move is the same as UNI C version of Circular Step, albeit different properties.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
UNI A/UNI B/UNI C (during three certain followups of Circular Step moves above) Hydro Blading ハイドロブレーディング Haidoro Burēdingu
The dance attacks are the same as each regular Circular Steps, but act as the primary combo ender.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
22UNI A/UNI B/UNI EX Snow Blossom スノーブロッサム Sunō Burossamu
Londrekia summons a spinning blossom for setplay purposes.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
623UNI EX Frozen Vine フローゼンバイン Furōzen Bain
Londrekia’s EX only. Immediately freezes opponent on which current direction they are in. Very bad against high-airborne opponent.

Infinite Worth[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
41236 UNI D Hail Storm ヘイルストーム Heiru Sutōmu
Londrekia floats, just as he summons a hail storm. Very powerful, but slower recovery.

Infinite Worth EXS[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
UNI A+UNI B+UNI C+UNI D Cocytus Ice Prison コキュートスの氷獄 Kokyūtosu no Kōri Goku
Usable only when your own health is under 30 %

Starts with a purple pillar of light. If it hits, a special animation will be shown and around 3500 damage is dealt. Use of the move will cause GRD Break, except if the user is in a Vorpal state before using it. If used within a combo, damage of the move is greatly reduced.

Basic Combos[]


1. Frosty Knight 2. Moon Shade 3. Imperial Jade 4. Bernstein 5. Tranquille Mauve
Lnd00 Lnd01 Lnd02 Lnd03 Lnd04
6. Prototype Executor 7. Blood Oath 8. Glacier Light 9. Assassins Edge 10. Glimpse of Devil
Lnd05 Lnd06 Lnd07 Lnd08 Lnd09
11. Antarctic Emperor 12. Cyanotype 13. Vampire Lord 14. Sherwood Shooter 15. Dokkalfar
Lnd10 Lnd11 Lnd12 Lnd13 Lnd14
16. Visonary Myst 17. Rosa Moyesii 18. Zeit ist Geld 19. Styx Driftice 20. Celestial Nation
Lnd15 Lnd16 Lnd17 Lnd18 Lnd19
21. Jung Monarch 22. Morning Dew 23. Fruhling Nacht 24. Flugel Ritter 25. Eschatos Daylight
Lnd20 Lnd21 Lnd22 Lnd23 Lnd24
26. Military Officer 27. Ice Magician 28. Heartless Fellow 29. End of October 30. Grape Sherbert
Lnd25 Lnd26 Lnd27 Lnd28 Lnd29
31. Equatorial Wave 32. Inferno Blaze 33. Annular Eclipse 34. Seeds of Heaven 35. Clamorous Colors
Lnd30 Lnd31 Lnd32 Lnd33 Lnd34
36. Royal Calibur 37. Stella Nest 38. Little Briar Rose 39. Betrayal of Savior 40. Switching Contrast
Lnd35 Lnd36 Lnd37 Lnd38 Lnd39

