Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | Good grief... Yet another nuisance appears. やれやれ…厄介なのが現れたな |
Generic | Good grief... I seem to have met a troublesome opponent. やれやれ…面倒なのと出くわしたな |
Generic | Fine. I'll be your opponent. 仕方ない…付き合ってやるよ |
Generic | Ready yourself. I'll show how it's done. 構えろ。お手本を見せてやる。 |
Outro | ||
Generic | Hmph. Too slow. ふん、遅すぎる。 |
Generic | Did that wake you up? 目は覚めたか。 |
Generic | "Well done", is all I have to say. よくできました、とだけ言っておくよ。 |
Generic | Not bad. That was pretty fun. 悪くない、楽しめた方だ。 |
Generic | Worst of the worst... Not worth my time. 下の下だな…、話にならない |
VS Hyde | You're not yet ready for actual battles. お前にはまだ実戦は早いよ |
Defeat | ||
Generic | 納得…いかない… |
Generic | くっ…押し切れず、か |
Generic | なんて硬さだ… |
Round Lose | ||
Generic | 態勢を立て直す |
Generic | だが動きは読めた |
Generic | 同じてつ轍は踏まない! |
Idle | ||
Generic | Are you even trying? やる気はあるのか? |
Generic | Isn't that just a waste time? 時間の無駄じゃないか? |
System | ||
Concentration | The power of the Night... 夜の力よ…… |
Chain Shift | 力を! |
Chain Shift | ほとばしれ! |
Veil Off | 終わらせる! |
Veil Off | 手負いの獣というやつさ |
Specials | ||
Wolf Howl | 崩れろっ! |
Sky Fang | 風よ! |
Sky Fang | 空牙! |
Sky Fang | 食らいつけ! |
Twin Sky Fang | 双空牙! |
Twin Sky Fang | 切り裂け! |
Twin Sky Fang | 食い破れ! |
Tenacious Mist | Tenacious Mist! 霧靭! |
Chaotic Mist | Chaotic Mist! 乱霧靭! |
Moon Gyre | 落とす! |
Moon Gyre | 切り上げる! |
Moon Gyre | Moon Gyre! 月輪! |
Linked Moon Gyre | Linked... Moon Gyre! 連… 月、輪! |
Flying Swallow | Flying Swallow! 飛燕! |
Flying Swallow | こっちだ! |
Soaring Swallow | 神速!飛燕翔! |
Infinite Worth | ||
The Diviner | Look to the heavens... The Diviner! 天を仰ぐといい… 神薙ィ!! |
The Divine Blaze | The unblockable and inescapable blade which mows down even the gods. The Divine Blaze 躱すことも受けることも叶わぬ、神をも薙ぐ真なる刀! 神薙・焔一閃! |
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | A challenger appears, huh. Bullying weaklings isn't exactly a hobby I have. 挑戦者現る、か。弱い者いじめは趣味ではないんだがなぁ… |
Generic | This presence... Goof grief, how many there are after this body of mine. この気配…やれやれ、この身を狙う者のなんと多い事か。 |
Generic | I'll praise your guts to challenge me... But that's all. The result will always be the same. ふん、挑もうという根性だけは褒めておこう。何度やっても同じ事だがなぁ… |
Generic | You'd repeat this endlessly, huh... It's like watching my own way of life. 何度でも繰り返すか…まるで我が生き様を見ているようだな。 |
Generic | So, who's coming next? I'm pretty busy, so I'll be ending this quickly. さて、次は誰が来るんだ?私も忙しいんでなぁ。手早く終わらせるとしよう。 |
Victory | ||
Generic | Princess of the Night Blade? Sorry, you must be confusing me with someone else. Better luck next time... 夜刀の姫? あぁ、それなら人違いだ。他を当たってくれ……。 |
Generic | I've faced far worse over the years... There was no way I was going to lose. But don't feel bad. It's more about experience than skill. 私とて幾多の窮地を越えてきた身。お前程度の手合いなど腐るほど見てきた。これは実力差ではなく経験値の差だよ、落ち込むことはない |
Generic | Not bad, but you were no match for me. Your skill level is nowhere close to mine. ふむ、良いスジだな。だが及ばない、それが私とお前との差だ。 |
Generic | What's the matter? Decided to show me some mercy after seeing how tiny I am? That compassion will get you killed someday. どうした? この幼い身を見て仏心でも湧いたのか。だとしたらお前のその甘さは命取りだ、遠からず死ぬぞ。 |
Generic | Try using your brain. There's always a way, even if you're not strong enough. Fight thousands of battle like me, and you'll eventually catch on. 頭を使えば凌ぐ方法はあるものだ、たとえ力で及ばなくともな。こんなもの、お前でもあと千の修羅場をくぐれば身に付く。 |
Generic | You let your emotions get the best of you. Might want to work on that. Just a bit of friendly advice from an old lady. 感情が表に出すぎだよ。身体を満たすのは構わないが漏れ出すのは良くない。なに、老婆心からのアドバイスだとでも思ってくれ。 |
Generic | What a flamboyant fighting style you have... As a fellow wanderer of the Hollow Night, I suggest that you rein it in a little. 騒がしい戦い方だな……。共に夜を纏う身、もう少し淑やかにできないものか。 |
Generic | Stop wallowing in self-pity. Time isn't exactly on your side here. 項垂れている暇などない筈だ。お前達にとって時間は有限なのだからな。 |
VS Hyde | Can't bring yourself to hurt someone you know, huh? You're still way too soft. 知った顔は斬れないか。相変わらず考えが甘いな、お前は。 |
VS Waldstein | Worried about me? I suggest you hold nothing back, Hecatoncheir. In this place, not going all out is an insult. 私の身を案じてか……。加減にも程があるぞ |
VS Seth | I will put an end to this story with my own two hands. There's no reason for a young one like you to continue with this charade. この物語の幕引き、それは私自身がこの手で行おう。お前のような若者までもが、こんな馬鹿げた喜劇に付き合う必要はない……。 |
VS Nanase | Gosh, you're so young. It's embarrassing just watching you. I wonder if I ever humiliated myself like that... Most likely. やれやれ、若いものだ。見ている方が恥ずかしくなるよ。私にもそんな初々しい頃があった……、のだろうな。 |
VS Mika | What do you say? Now do you understand that our tiny difference in size has no bearing on strength? *Sigh*... We're at the same level as children. どうだ。身長の1cmや2cm、強さに関わることではないと、これではっきりしただろう。……やれやれ、これではこの子供と同レベルじゃないか。 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Here comes trouble. 厄介なのが現れたな |
Arrival sequence2 | It looks like I've bumped into a real bother. 面倒なのと出くわしたな |
Arrival sequence (Hyde) |
Hyde: I'm not gonna be the same old Hyde forever, y'know. Linne: Obviously. You don't have to tell me that. ハイド「いつまでもあの頃の俺じゃないぜ?」 リンネ「解っているさ それくらいな」 |
Arrival sequence (Waldstein) |
Linne: It's been a while since I had a serious fight. Waldstein: Hmph. At least this might be a little enjoyable... リンネ「真剣勝負は 久しいな」 ワレンシュタイン「ふん 少しは楽しめそうか……?」 |
Arrival sequence (Seth) |
Seth: We talked about this. I'm the one who's supposed to go, remember? Linne: Ah, when you live long enough, you start to forget things. セト「俺が行くという約束 覚えていないか…?」 リンネ「あぁ 長生きすると物忘れが な」 |
Arrival sequence (Hilda) |
Hilda: I'll defeat you, and then all the rest, by myself. Linne: Not the way you are now, you won't. ヒルダ「アンタも倒す アイツも倒す このアタシが」 リンネ「出来やしないさ 今のお前にはな……」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Kuon: How many times must we repeat this? Linne: Not to worry. It'll all be over soon. クオン「幾度繰り返せば良いのだろうな…」 リンネ「安心しろ もうすぐ終わるさ」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Are you awake yet? 目は覚めたか |
Round win2 | What? It's nothing to get discouraged about. なに 悲観する事は無い |
Round win (Hyde) |
Are you even trying? やる気はあるのか? |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Well done. That's all I'll say. よくできました とだけ言っておくよ |
Set win2 | Hmph. Too slow. ふん 遅すぎる |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Not bad. That was actually entertaining. 悪くない 楽しめた方だ |
Set win (Easy victory) |
Worse than bad... Unremarkable. 下の下だな… 話にならない |
Set win (Hyde) |
You've come a long way. But leave the rest to me. 成長したな 後は私に任せろ… |
Set win (Waldstein) |
Enough games. Rest now. 手合わせも最後だ もう休め |
Set win (Kuon) |
My long journey... comes to an end here. 長い旅路…ここで終着点(おわり)だ |
Victory | |
General wins1 | We are the Night Blade. Steel honed through thousands of battles under cover of darkness. But I don't need to tell you how sharp we are now, do I? 我ら『夜刀』。幾千の夜闇を駆けし刃。 斬れ味は、その身体に残る傷跡どおり……。なかなかのものだろう? |
General wins2 | Here, let me give you some advice on how to live a nice, long life: Stay away from danger. That's all. Maybe I didn't seem dangerous enough to you. そうだな、お前には長生きの秘訣を教えておくよ。 『危うきに近寄らず』、これに尽きる。危うくは思えなかったか、私は。 |
General wins3 | Relax a little. Even if your form is superior, you'll never win with all that wasted movement. それだけの無駄があっては勝てる筈などない。 |
General wins4 | Sorry, but I don't have time to play around. Even at this age, I'm much busier than I look. すまないが、こちらには遊んでいる時間はもう無いんでな。 これでも必死なのさ。年甲斐もなく、な……。 |
General wins5 | I appreciate all the consideration. If you'd put a scratch on this face, I don't know what I'd tell its owner. その気遣いと手加減、痛み入る。 顔に傷でもつけられたら、『 |
General wins6 | I'll spare your life. Take what's left of it and live it out to the fullest. 命だけは置いていこう。残りの人生、悔い無きよう生きることだ……。 |
General wins7 | I respect your momentum. Sometimes such boldness is necessary. 勢いは評価する。時としてそのような大胆さは必要になろう……。 |
General wins8 | What overwhelming spirit. As someone who's lived an eternal life, that's the one thing I lack. まったく、凄まじい気迫だ。永きを生きた私に一番欠けたものだな。 |
General wins9 | I feel light... The EXS swells like it's about to burst through. I must not have much time left with this body... Please, just hang on and get me through the end... 身体が軽い……。『顕現』は この身体に残された時間も僅かであろうな。最後まで耐えてくれよ……。 |
Specific wins1 | I don't have a drop of resentment for you. Nothing but gratitude, really. Just leave the rest to me... お前には、感謝こそあれ恨みなどない。後のことは私に任せてくれ……。 |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | You're getting sloppy, Hekatoncheir. It looks like you and I have both lived for too long. Wait for me on the other side. I'll be there in no time... 衰えたな『豪腕の巨人』。互いに長くを生き過ぎたようだ。 一足早く向こうで待っていてくれ。すぐに私も逝こう……。 |
(Applicable:Waldstein) | |
Specific wins3 | I don't like having to rely on you, Licht Kreis, but at this point, I can't afford to complain. Everything else is up to you now. Especially him. Take good care of him. 『 後のこと、特に |
(Applicable:Orie) | |
Specific wins4 | Sorry, Seth. I won't burden you with this power. Once the Night is over, it's time for you to live your own life. すまぬな、セト……。お前に『 『夜』が明けたら、お前はお前自身のためだけに生きろ……。 |
(Applicable:Seth) | |
Specific wins5 | It's the final Night, and you Dual Moons still can't stop poking your noses in... This is our problem, and we'll deal with it. You go home and spend the Night in bed. まったく……。このような最後の『 これは『 |
(Applicable:Yuzuriha) | |
Specific wins6 | You stay here and sleep off the rest of the Night. I can't have two idiots strutting around plotting evil. 今『夜』ばかりは、そこで大人しく寝ていてくれ。 |
(Applicable:Hilda) | |
Specific wins7 | This is it... The end of our long journey. We shall both perish here, dear brother. ……我らの長き旅の終着点だ。共に此処で潰えよう、我が兄よ。 |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins8 | That's right... I am the Princess of the Night Blade. Surprised, are you? Allow me to mark a glorious end to this final Night... あぁ……、人違いではない。私が『夜刀の姫』だ。驚いて頂けたか。 最後となる『夜』、精々華々しく散らせて貰うとするよ……。 |
(Not Applicable:Hyde,Linne,Waldstein,Seth,Yuzuriha,Kuon) | |
Specific wins9 | I wouldn't expect someone who lives in peaceful times to understand... The murderous gazes. Hostility on the breath. Resentment oozing from the blade itself... I can feel it all. This was settled before the fight. 平和な現代を生きる者には、解らないのだろうな。 視線を伝わる殺気。吐いた息に混じる敵意。刃に纏わり付く怨嗟の念……。 私には見える、感じられる。勝負以前の問題であると理解出来たか? |
(Not Applicable:Linne,Waldstein,Merkava,Vatista,Eltnum,Akatsuki,Kuon) |