Under Night In-Birth Wiki


Health: 10601 (Originally 12600)
Play-style: Offensive, Rushdown, Pressure, High Mobility
Dash Type: Run
Specialty: Double jump and Dash Cancel
Linne is one of the two characters in this game who has a double jump. This makes all kinds of longer aerial combos possible. She is also able to dash cancel her attacks to both close the gap during pressure and/or to extend grounded combos for corner carry. Vorpal state causes her running roll and her Force Fuction to end with 2 frames less recovery as well as starting up faster by those said frames.

Linne is speedy character has a fast dash and is able to double jump. Using her double jump and Air Fang, Linne can keep the opponent busy on the defensive while she utilizes quick strikes to hammer her opponent into pressure. Like most of the weapon-based characters, she has decent priority normals that can play well in a footsies game somewhat, and tends to have a ton of mashable combo routes that lead to interesting pressure/blockstrings; this in turn, also leads to her ability to form simplistic-yet-long strikes of extended damage.

Linne can break opponents defense game with safe middle strikes like B Fog Quiver. Pressing A+B during a dash makes Linne able to move behind the opponent. She also has a lot of normal moves with special inputs like 6C>6C>6C, which enable the above in terms of combos and pressure. She can also use her dive kick for a variety mindgames, such as crossups, baits, and abare-style hit confirms that grant her solid whiff-punishing options. Her Flying Swallow is also is great as an overhead tool for mixups, with its charged B version working as a solid low attack in trade.

However, she works best up close and personal, despite having a ranged move in the form of Air Fang (which does not travel full screen) and thus gives it some gaps that can be exploited. So another notable weakness of hers tends to be lack of good zoning as others can do much better than her in that field of play, as well as having fairly weak anti-airs in trade of her powerful footsies.

Move List[]

Normal Moves[]

Input Damage Guard Cancel
UNI A 198 Crouch/Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-5a Shallow shank with the dagger. Leads into Swarm Wolf fairly easily.

Smart Steer: 5A, 6B, 2C, (6C) x2, 63214A, 214C
Input Damage Guard Cancel
2UNI A 154 Crouch/Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-2a Small cut with the dagger. Fast recovery. Standard crouching hit confirm light attack. Can be rapid-fired.

Has a new extra input version added in Exe:Late[st], where she performs a followup shank outward, which functions relatively the same as all rapid-fire light attacks. This new version however, actually hits low unlike the initial 2A.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
UNI B 418 Crouch/Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-5b Back spin kick with the following leg. Standard mid-range poke.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
2UNI B 429 Crouch SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-2b Crouches and rip outward horizontally in front of her. Has a long reach that can be used to poke-punish. Scoots Linne forward.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Dash UNI B 810 Crouch/Stand SP/EX/CS
Linne-db Wide inward reaping-slash with the dagger. Does not hit overhead despite its appearance; inflicts 3 hits which makes it a solid hit confirm.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
UNI C 702 Crouch/Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-5c Linne strikes inward swinging one step forward with her long sword. Does two hits and has additional follow-ups. Good range enables it to be a reliable hit confirm.

In comparison to her other moves, it's rather slow on start-up, but as a foil is it safe on block. Can be used for OTG pickups.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
2UNI C 660 Crouch SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-2c Sweeps outward horizontally to the ground with the long sword. Has a long reach making it a very good sweep with punishing potential, but the startup is a bit slow in comparison to other sweeps; the priority on the hitbox still makes it optimal from a set distance.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Dash UNI C 981 Crouch/Stand SP/EX/CS
Linne-dc Large slash while still slightly sliding from the dash. Her normal 5C animation only with faster recovery.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. UNI A 143 Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-ja Small inward slash with the dagger.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. UNI B 418 Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-jb Shanks in midair with the dagger.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. UNI C 616 Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-jc Diagonal inward swing cut with the long sword. Very good for cross-ups through risky for air-to-ground.


Input Damage Guard Cancel
Linne-throw Trips the opponent, before mounting on them and stabs them with her long sword. Linne then hops off.

Force Function[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
UNI B+UNI C Elusive Flash (Dodge Flash) 躱閃 418
File:Linne-ff2.png Does a stationary sidestep dodge with a short period of invincibility. In Vorpal State, it starts up faster and ends faster by 2 frames.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
UNI B+UNI C (during Dodge Flash) Divine Chains (Heaven Wedge) 天楔
Linne-ff If you press B+C again after the dodge, she'll do a launching slash that turns into a multi-strike assault if it hits the opponent; first she performs her j.C in the air behind them, followed by another warping strike with her j.6B from the other upper direction, then back on ground she finishes with a outward dagger shank while rushing past them.

Command Normals/Unique Arts[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
(6UNI C) x3 Wolf Howl (Swarm Wolf) 群狼 1469 Crouch/Stand SP/EX/CS
Linne-6c By repeating this command three times, Linne does a combination of three different slashes with her sword. First slash is a swinging inward slash up high, second slash is a back-reap back the same direction, and the third slash is a downward takedown slam that crushes the ground.

The first slash hits fairly high, so it works for an anti-air. Third strike slams the opponent to the ground. First and second inputs can be cancelled into specials; however, the third input is notably unsafe on block and/or whiff.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
UNI C>(UNI C) (Hold to charge) 880 Crouch/(Stand) (SP)/(EX)/CS
Linne-5cc Additional move continues with Linne's sword that can only be done on hit or block, where she pokes downward with her sword while standing. Second move normally hits low, but it hits overhead if charged which also allows it to be SP and EX cancellable only when it hits. Cannot be done off of the dash attack version of her 5C.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
6UNI B 810 Crouch/Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-6b Cuts inward down with the knife. Same motion as Dash B, but does only one hit. Normally used as a in-and-out poking tool.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. 2UNI B 341 Crouch/Stand
Linne-j2b Classic dive kick. Can be cancelled from her jump's rising phase. A slight delay occurs before Linne dives, but this kick like many can alter her aerial momentum.

Due to the hitbox on her heel, like with most dive kicks, it's possible to use it as a tricky cross-up, though the start up makes it not as optimal for a very quick one. Most of the time, it works instead as an air-to-ground combo extender into an OTG-pickup.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
j. 6(UNI B) (Hold to charge) 462 Crouch/Stand SP/JC/EX/CS
Linne-j6b Cuts inward diagonally downward with the knife. Decent jump-in and an extra combo tool. Can be charged, which inflicts plummet on an airborne hit.
Input Damage Guard Cancel
Dash 6UNI A+UNI B -
Linne-d6ab Roll move. Cannot be done immediately after the beginning of the dash. Can get behind the opponent.

You can use it for some pressure and cross-ups through a dash cancel. Ends 2 frames faster when in Vorpal state.

Special Moves/Sure-Killing Arts[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
236 UNI A/(UNI B)/UNI EX (Hold to charge) Sky (Air Fang)
[Twin Sky Fang (Twin Air Fang)]
Crouch/Stand/Air EX*/CS
Linne-s-kuuga Linne shoots a yellow crescent wave projectile via reaping outward with her knife, while the midair version has her flipping first then slashing inward-downward instead, and fires it down at an angle.
Charged B version causes her to release a larger air cut a set distance before performing a reversal reap that slashes out another air cut that pulls the foe towards her.

EX version fires a cross-wave cut that inflicts multiple hits and stays out for a while.

Either grounded version, later air version as of UNICLR can be dash cancelled. This move is overall focal to her blockstring pressure (along with its airborne version) if used properly in the neutral and in offense.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
623 UNI A/UNI B/UNI EX Moon Gyre (Moon Ring)
[Linked Moon Gyre (Chain Moon Ring)]
Crouch/Stand/Air EX*/CS*
Linne-s-getsurin Linne does multiple uppercut slashes with her dagger while rising into the air. Typical "Dragon Punch" anti-air, which can of course be punished if it misses and/or is blocked on ground.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
214UNI A/UNI B/UNI EX Tenacious Mist (Fog Quiver)
[Riot Tenacious Mist (Riot Fog Quiver)]
Crouch/Stand EX*/CS
Linne-s-mujin While stationary, Linne does a series of close-ranged shanks with her knife. B version causes her to perform a back-turning shank before the usual motions for the A version. EX version makes her perform a backhanded shank that launches a small bit before performing 6 strikes and finishing with a wallbouncing slash.

Can be button tapped once for a few extra shanks, or can be dash cancelled on either the base input or any hit of the extra input.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
214UNI A/UNI B/UNI EX Flying Swallow
[Flying Swallow Soar]
(Crouch)/Stand (EX)/CS
Linne-s-hien Linne leaps into the air via a forward roll and slashes downwards when she comes back down.

B version does not knockdown on grounded hit unlike the other two versions. Charging up the B version instead causes Linne to feint and perform a low sliding kick at a small distance to sweep her opponent and must be blocked low.
Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
j.63214UNI A/(UNI B)/UNI EX Dragon Fang (Biting Dragon) 咬龍 Stand (EX)/CS
File:Linne-s-koryu.png New to UNICLR. Linne flips in midair and slam-slashes down onto the ground with her larger sword. A version barely moves forward. B version moves a short distance forward. EX version barely moves forward and has fast start-up, but is reactable due to the super flash and has a higher hitbox.

Infinite Worth[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
41236 UNI D The Diviner (God Mower) 神薙 3638 Crouch/Stand
Linne-s-iw Creates an extended beam of light on her long sword towards a set distance and spins forward with both hands on it, ending with a slam into the ground that causes a launching light pillar to emerge from the crater of impact.

Infinite Worth EXS[]

Input English Name Japanese Name Damage Guard Cancel
UNI A+UNI B+UNI C+UNI D Divine Blaze (God Mower: Blazing Brandish) 神薙・焔一閃 3680
Linne-s-iwe Usable only when your own health is under 30 %

Starts with a purple pillar of light. If it hits, a special animation will be shown and around 3500 damage is dealt. Use of the move will cause GRD Break, except if the user is in a Vorpal state before using it. If used within a combo, damage of the move is greatly reduced.

Animation - As Linne charges her swords with energy, she rushes toward the opponent and slashes them multiple times. After launching them with an uppercut slash, she finishes by slashing through the opponent, causing an explosion as she yells out the technique's name. The end of the attack takes place near a city in the night sky.






2A STARTER (works from j.2B into 2A)


2A>2B>2C>6C>63214A>5B>j.B>j.6B>j.C>j.2B>2C>6C>6C>6C>236C>(dash)>B+C>B+C (100 meter)

2A>2B>2C>6C>63214A>5B>j.B>j.6B>j.C>j.2B>2C>6C>6C>6C>236C>(dash)>214C (200 meter)


j.C>5A>5B>5C>236B>dash cancel>5B>j.B>j.6B>j.C>j.2B>2C>6C>6C>6C

j.C>5A>5B>5C>236B>dash cancel>5B>j.B>j.6B>j.C>j.2B>2C>6C>6C>6C>236C>(dash)>B+C>B+C (100 meter)

j.C>5A>5B>5C>236B>dash cancel>5B>j.B>j.6B>j.C>j.2B>2C>6C>6C>6C>236C>(dash)>214C (200 meter)

KUUGA (236A/B) STARTER (works from Instant Air Kuuga)


236A/B>(dash)>5B>j.B>j.6B>j.C>j.2B>2C>6C>6C>6C>236C>(dash)>B+C>B+C (100 meter)

236A/B>(dash)>5B>j.B>j.6B>j.C>j.2B>2C>6C>6C>6C>236C>(dash)>214C (200 meter)

Notable Players[]


  • In BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Linne's dash cancel and dashing roll are respectively given these new names, while her Force Function has a new version:
    • [Dancing Leaf] Dancing Grass (舞草, Busou)
    • [Whirlwind] Wind Ring (風輪, Fuurin)
    • [Divine Chains] Heaven Wedge: Twenty Flashes (天楔: 十二閃, Tenketsu: Juunisen)


1. Canary Yellow 2. Solitude Spica 3. Rhodorite Garnet 4. Sylvania Keeper 5. Purple Powder
Linne1 Linne2 Linne3 Linne4 Linne5
6. Pure Black 7. Ore Shine 8. Blue Ocean 9. Autumnal Leaves 10. Destruction Red
Linne6 Linne7 Linne8 Linne9 Linne10
11. Brosche Saphir 12. Drought Ground 13. Acero Granizo 14. Isora Albero 15. Wind of Oasis
Linne11 Linne12 Linne13 Linne14 Linne15
16. Perfume Lemon 17. Ciruela 18. Pupil Gloomy 19. Arche wave 20. Ritual Sacrifice
Linne16 Linne17 Linne18 Linne19 Linne20
21. Spring Breeze 22. Lapin de Neige 23. Nacht Kirschblute 24. Bush Camouflage 25. Misty Crystal
Linne21 Linne22 Linne23 Linne24 Linne25
26. Exotic Coral 27. Spunky Mint 28. Burial Agency 29. Water Imp 30. Nagger Brawny
Linne26 Linne27 Linne28 Linne29 Linne30
