Under Night In-Birth Wiki


Situation Line
Arrival sequence1 I shall pluck the fruit of your life.
Arrival sequence2 Let us begin. The final Night, that is.
それじゃあ始めよう 最後の夜をね
Arrival sequence3 Learn firsthand the meaning of my power.
この力の意味 身を以て知ると良い
Arrival sequence4 As you wish, I'll face you with my full strength.
望み通り 全力で相手をしよう
Arrival sequence
Hyde: All right, time to drop the curtain!
Kuon: ...An eternal tale needs no curtain call.
ハイド「さぁ 幕と行こうぜ!」
Arrival sequence
Kuon: How many times must we repeat this?
Linne: Not to worry. It'll all be over soon.
リンネ「安心しろ もうすぐ終わるさ」
Arrival sequence
Waldstein: I'll have you accept my fists!
Kuon: Ah... Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, my friend.
ワレンシュタイン「この拳 受け取って貰うぞ!」
クオン「あぁ 待たせてしまったね 我が友よ」
Arrival sequence
Carmine: Don't get cocky, kid...
Kuon: Oh, you're a scary one. But I'd rather you didn't make light of me.
カーマイン「気取ってんなよ ガキが……」
クオン「あぁ 見くびらないでくれよ 怖いお兄さん」
Arrival sequence
Orie: I'll stop you in the name of Licht Kreis!
Kuon: Do you really think you can?
ミカ「へっ お前ばかりに良いかっこはさせられねぇ!」
オリエ「その気持ちだけで十分だよ ミカ」
Arrival sequence
Merkava: I shall be the one to devour this world!
Kuon: Are you sure you've got enough stomach for it?
クオン「収まりきるかい? キミのその腹に」
Arrival sequence
Kuon: You did me quite a service back then, heavenly messenger.
Vatista: Fate turns in its cycle. Now we stand opposed.
クオン「彼の時は世話になったな 天の御使い」
バティスタ「巡る縁 今は相対する者」
Arrival sequence
Seth: I've been waiting for this moment, Aeon!
Kuon: As have I. And now all the players are assembled.
セト「このときを 待ち兼ねたぞ……『永劫』!」
クオン「僕もだ 役者が揃う この瞬間をね……」
Arrival sequence
Kuon: Stagnation is death. To live is to change, is it not?
Yuzuriha: That's why I'm gonna change things up! Your fate included!
クオン「淀みは死 生きるとは変わること だったね」
ユズリハ「だから変える アンタの運命も」
Arrival sequence
Hilda: Do you have any idea how long it took me to get here?
Kuon: If you seek eternity, get accustomed to waiting.
クオン「永遠を望むなら 待つ事には慣れておくんだね」
Arrival sequence
Chaos: If I win... you know what happens, right?
Kuon: Of course. I accept it all.
ケイアス「僕が勝ったら… 解ってるだろ?」
クオン「勿論さ 受け入れよう全てを」
Arrival sequence
Enkidu: You should be able to show me the answer I seek.
Kuon: Bold of you to step into this realm with a mere human body.
エンキドゥ「お前なら見せてくれるはずだ 答えを」
クオン「人の身のまま この領域へ踏み込むか…」
Arrival sequence
Kaguya: Do you have any final words?
Kuon: None. I have no need for your concern.
カグヤ「言い残すことは ありませんか?」
クオン「無いよ 君に心配される必要は ね」
Arrival sequence
Kuon: I'll endeavor to entertain you.
Uzuki: Then I hope you're ready to scream your head off!
クオン「楽しんで貰えるよう 努めるよ」
ウヅキ「そりゃ テメェの悲鳴次第だなぁ」
Outro (Round Win)
Round win1 You haven't given up yet, have you?
Round win2 You're a bit beneath my expectations.
Round win3 Good grief. I overestimated you.
やれやれ 見込み違いか
Round win4 I'd hoped you would show me more of your power.
Outro (Match Win)
Set win1 I shall surpass you and forge ahead.
君を超え 僕は先へと進ませて貰う
Set win2 Your skills are impressive. However, they're not impressive enough to touch mine.
見事な腕前だ しかしそれでもまだ届かない
Set win3 Ah, I'm brimming with power...
ああ 力が満ちてくる……
Set win4 Soon everything will end...
もうすぐ 全てが終わる……
Set win
(Narrow victory)
I'm surprised. I didn't think you'd manage to push me this far.
驚いたよ 僕をここまで追い詰めるなんて
Set win
(Easy victory)
Do you understand the overwhelming difference in our power?
理解できたかな 圧倒的な力の差を
Set win
Now, then. Return your power to me.
さぁ その力返してもらおうか
Set win
At last, the time has come for this power to become whole.
ようやくだ この力が一つになる時が来た
General wins1 No aging. No death. No destruction. No perishing. Permanent existence.
It all sounds pretty in words, but none of it is pleasant in practice.
Everything requires an end.
General wins2 This is the land of the end--the End of Dawn, if you will.
This is where EXS and the Night and everything related to them will
cease to exist. Let us exceed the summit. Let us set the world free.
General wins3 The Immortalize will begin soon, and once it does, it will last for
seven days and seven nights. I'm sure you can see them, too...
The countless eyes in the depths of the red darkness...
General wins4 You are to be sacrificed to kindle the flame of the Night. I'm sure you
will burn beautifully. The flame shall eventually scorch through the
gates of the Night sky and clear the path to the other side...
General wins5 The true, deep Night is the False Parallel. If our lines are fated
never to cross, all that's left is to poke a hole through it.
General wins6 I don't have a particularly tough body, nor do I excel in combat
in any notable way. What I do have on my side is cowardice.
That's how I've lived as long as I have.
General wins7 I'd say you lack an understanding of the true meaning of death.
Your moves show no spirit. No matter how much speed and power you can
manage, it's not enough to scare me.
General wins8 It seems I have too much power. Even against someone as strong as you,
the battle turned out remarkably one-sided.
General wins9 Odd... Has this body not yet reached its peak condition?
I spent such a long time in a child's body that my sense of distance
is slightly off. Though not off enough to lose to the likes of you.
Specific wins1 Unknown Actor...
What a perfect name for someone like you, who knows no limits.
Anyway, I'll be taking this sword. It's just the key I need.
不明なる演者(unknown acter)』。底の知れないキミに相応しい名だ。
Specific wins2 Linne, my dear sister.
I'll have you return the Power of Sealing within your body now.
With that, nobody can stop me... Nobody...
Specific wins3 Can we call it quits at last, my friend?
Looking back on it, we have quite a history together.
I'm glad we were able to do this here in the final Night.
Specific wins4 None of this surprises me. I've faced many of your kind in the past.
Granted, only about once a century or so. You are indeed a rare one.
Specific wins5 It's time for you to return that which I lent you.
Since you're dying, you no longer need it, anyway.
Rest in peace. Allow me to put an end to the Night Blade.
Specific wins6 After parting ways with us, you continued your studies down a different
path. That, I can respect. In your conviction, you shouldn't be compared
to someone like me, whose soul has been corrupted by vengeful wrath.
Specific wins7 Your Vessel is so powerful, it's nearly that of a Re-Birth.
Taken on its own nature, it's far superior to mine... but that wasn't
enough, now was it? The Abyss is far deeper than you ever imagined.
Specific wins8 I'd hoped to meet with your master, Adelheid, at least once.
Please send her my regards, should you make it out alive.
Specific wins9 I sometimes find myself shocked to encounter someone so strong,
so ahead of their times. The idea that people were stronger in past
generations might be a foolish assumption, born of bloodlust...
(Not Applicable:Linne,Waldstein,Merkava,Vatista,Eltnum,Akatsuki,Kuon)
Specific wins10 You fight with excitement, as if you'd just obtained your powers.
It reminds me of my past self. The Hollow God... I can't even remember
his face... Should we meet again, perhaps I can return to those days...
(Not Applicable:Linne,Waldstein,Merkava,Vatista,Eltnum,Akatsuki,Kuon)


Hyde · Linne · Waldstein · Carmine · Orie · Gordeau · Merkava · Vatista · Seth · Yuzuriha · Hilda · Chaos · Nanase · Byakuya · Phonon · Mika · Wagner · Enkidu · Londrekia · Tsurugi · Kaguya · Kuon · Uzuki · Ogre · Izumi · Eltnum · Akatsuki