Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | I'll rout you magnificently! 派手に蹴散らしましょう~! |
Arrival sequence2 | Here I come! Get ready for a challenge! それではいきますよ~ いざ勝負! |
Arrival sequence3 | You know what? I'll take you head-on! ここは正攻法で挑むと致しましょう♪ |
Arrival sequence4 | Oh, dear! Do you need punishment? あらあら お仕置きが必要かしら? |
Arrival sequence5 | Let's see what you have to offer. お手並み拝見といきましょう~ |
Arrival sequence (Hyde) |
Hyde: I didn't wanna fight you. Kaguya: Don't worry about it! I don't mind! ハイド「アンタとは やり合いたくねーんだが」 カグヤ「お気になさらずに 私も気にしませんから♪」 |
Arrival sequence (Orie) |
Kaguya: The job will only get dirtier from here on out. Just leave it to me. Orie: I cannot depend on you forever. カグヤ「ここから先は汚れ仕事 私に任せておきなさい」 オリエ「いつまでも 貴女に甘えていられないから」 |
Arrival sequence (Byakuya) |
Byakuya & Kaguya: I'll wipe that smile off your face. I'll wipe THAT smile off YOUR face. Byakuya: Stop copying me. Kaguya: ...Stop copying me. ビャクヤ・カグヤ 「その笑顔 消してみせよう」 「その笑顔 消してみせましょう」 ビャクヤ「……被らせないでよ」 カグヤ「……貴方の方こそ」 |
Arrival sequence (Mika) |
Mika: I'm gonna win this one! Kaguya: Oh? Don't jinx yourself, or you'll regret it. ミカ「ミカちゃん ここは勝たせて貰います!!」 カグヤ「え~? 絶対後悔させますよ? 今のセリフ」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Kaguya: Do you have any final words? Kuon: None. I have no need for your concern. カグヤ「言い残すことは ありませんか?」 クオン「無いよ 君に心配される必要は ね」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | An excellent showing. 結構な御手前でした |
Round win2 | There. Consider yourself punished! はい お仕置き完了です♪ |
Round win3 | How did my bullets taste? 銃弾のお味はいかがでした? |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Oh, dear. Had enough already? あらあら もう終わりですか~? |
Set win2 | Okay, that's enough. Now sit right there and think about what you did. は~い おしまい そこでしばらく反省してくださいね |
Set win3 | You'll catch a cold if you fall asleep down there! そんなところで寝てると風邪ひいちゃいますよ~? |
Set win4 | Hmm... Your mischief went a little too far. う~ん ちょっとおいたが過ぎるわね~ |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Phew! That was dangerous. ふぅ 危ないところだったわ~ |
Set win (Easy victory) |
Oh, dear. I may have overdone it a bit... あら~ やりすぎちゃったかしら…… |
Set win (Hyde) |
Hmm... I don't think I can leave Orie to you just yet. うーん これじゃあオリエのことは任せられませんね~ |
Victory | |
General wins1 | There! No more fighting. I can't look the other way while evildoers plot to corrupt EXS... Shall we settle the rest of this with words? Don't worry, it won't be but a minute or so. はい、オイタはそこまでにして下さいませ♪ 『 では、あちらでお話を伺いましょう。えぇ、お時間はとらせませんので♪ |
General wins2 | Oh, my. Here I thought you would wind up looking like Swiss cheese once I was done with you. You must be very tough. You see, most people-- Ahem. I mean... I've actually never pointed a gun at anyone else. あらあら、私の『 大抵の者は……。あらやだ、人に向けて撃った事なんて勿論ないですよぉ? |
General wins3 | My pure, white bullets pierce through evil and leave the innocent unharmed. What have you to fear? ...Sorry, that was just an impression of a scary Executor friend of mine. My bullets pierce everyone! この白銀の銃弾は悪しきを見抜き、心清き者には無害ですから。 ……なんて、私の友人のこっわーい 貫きますよぉ? 全て等しく、ね? |
General wins4 | They say EXS has deep roots here in the East, so I was looking forward to seeing what crazy fighters I'd meet here... but, honestly, it's been a bit of a disappointment. Certainly not worth the trip... 『 大したことなく残念です。これなら私が来る必要は無かったですねぇ。 |
General wins5 | There's only one reason you lost: an overwhelming lack of experience. Your powers are strong, but in actual combat, you wield them like an amateur. You're practically a sitting duck on the battlefield! 敗因は1つ、圧倒的な経験不足です。 『 その程度の力量では、本物の戦場に出向いたら良いカモですからね……? |
General wins6 | I may have underestimated your combat abilities a bit. Well, I did want a bit of a challenge, after all--it gets so boring otherwise. Next time, I'll know to get a little more serious with you. ……貴方達の戦闘能力、少々侮っていました。 まぁ少し位は刃向かって頂かないと、私の方も張り合いがないですし。 次は、もう少しだけ本気になって戦っても大丈夫そうですね♪ |
General wins7 | Even if I hit you, the wound shouldn't be fatal. You anticipated the low firepower of my guns and decided to risk being shot to force me into close combat. I must say that was the correct decision. Good call. 命中しても致命傷にはならない……。 この『銃』の低い火力を見越し、被弾覚悟の接近戦を挑む。 最も正しい選択と言えましょう。お陰で苦労させられました……。 |
General wins8 | No matter what the circumstances are, there's always a path to survival. The greatest chances are found in the tightest spots. Once you realize that finding those chances is real strength, I'll take you seriously. どのような状況にも活路はあるもの。『 それを見いだす ……これが |
Specific wins1 | Ah! Aren't you Orie's friend? Thank you for always looking out for her. I made sure to shoot you with special care as a sign of my gratitude. Just lie still for a while and let the thanks wash over you! あらら、貴方は。オリエがいつもお世話になっております~。 お礼として特別念入りに撃ち込んだので、暫くそこで倒れていて下さいな♪ |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | I'm glad to see that your technique remains sharp, Orie. But as elegant as it may be, such a clean, civilized fighting style won't get you far in the outside world. Shall I teach you a few dirty tricks later? 腕は鈍っていないようで安心しましたわ、オリエちゃん。 ……けど、その綺麗な戦い方だけじゃ『 ちょっと |
(Applicable:Orie) | |
Specific wins3 | Is it just me, or is there something about your aura that's completely different from everyone else's? It seems like you're used to dealing with guns, too. Do you have any friends here with you? ……なんていうか、1人だけ『 銃への対応にも手慣れている様子。……お友達でもいらっしゃるのですか? |
(Applicable:Akatsuki) | |
Specific wins4 | Oh, no, Lady Erika! You must be quite exhausted, falling asleep in a place like this! Do please feel free to stay there and rest a while. あらあら、エリカ様ともあろうお方が……。 このような場所でお眠りになられるなど、相当お疲れのご様子。 しばしそこでお休み下さいな~。 |
(Applicable:Wagner) | |
Specific wins5 | I say this every time, Mika, but your simplistic, power-centric offense has its limitations. But that said, if you'd really caught hold of me, it would have been all over. I'll admit that's quite scary. いつも言っているでしょ、ミカ。『 まぁ、捕まったら終わりというのは、充分脅威ですけどね……。 |
(Applicable:Mika) | |
Specific wins6 | Well! Close-range combat went exactly as I expected. Now, would you get up, please? There's a lot I want to ask you. 予想通り、 さて、起きられます? 貴方にはお聞きしたいことが山程ありますので……。 |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins7 | My name is Kaguya, Licht Kreis Executor... Oh, but don't ask me what my rank is! I'm much too embarrassed to tell! 私の名はカグヤ。『 あぁ私ってば官位低いので、恥ずかしいから尋ねないで下さいね~♪ |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins8 | I'm not much of a "tank." I'm more "ranged DPS." In other words, melee combat isn't my forte. If you can't even beat me hand-to-hand, you won't stand a chance further on. Go home before you get hurt! 私の本職は その私程度に敗北を喫するようでは、どの道この先へは進めませんよ? 大怪我なさる前に、このまま大人しくご帰宅下さいな♪ |
(Not Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) |