This is the script for Kaguya's Arcade Mode story.
Kaguya: I'm a little behind schedule, but here I am: Kanzakai city, the stage of battle after battle. How can a city be so lacking in peace and order? There's nothing here but Voids and the Night…
Tonight, I've been ordered to approach the enemy camp all on my own. Once I'm near the Abyss, I'm to snipe our target… Aeon.
Throw me a bone here… Do the brass even understand what they're asking for? I'm supposed to retreat if I can't take my shot, or if I miss…
But I plan to ignore that part of the order and switch straight into close-quarters combat! Ooh, I'm such a bad girl! Hee hee!
Ahem… I can hardly stand the thought of ending such a life--even if it's gone on so long that he's no longer human--but letting him break the wall of the Night and unleash hell on this world is worse.
I have to stop that at all costs. I have to shoot him down. I'll focus all of my spirit into this finger on the trigger… I have to pull through…
Orie… Mika… I hope your fights are successful, but please don't push yourselves too hard. And Lex… please support everyone, but try not to get drawn out to the front lines…
I will fight my own fight. I will not back down. Nobody will take my precious normalcy away again.
Stage 3[]
Hyde: Huh? Who're you? Wait, I know that dress. You from Licht Kreis?
Kaguya: Oh… I'm flattered to hear that I'm famous, but I can't say I care for being noticed so easily. Wait… Hmm… That height… That tropical fish-like hairstyle… That sword… I know! You must be Hyde Kido!
Why do I know you? Well, no point in keeping it a secret, is there? I've heard about you from Orie. You know, the one from Licht Kreis!
Hyde: …Of course. I figured you were a friend of Harada's. Lemme guess: you're gonna tell me to "stand down" and try to stop me in my tracks, aren't you?
Kaguya: Yes, exactly. Even if I'd abandoned my mission, my department, and all my obligations to Licht Kreis… I still wouldn't forgive you if you so much as attempted to touch my precious Orie!
Hyde: Wh-Wh-What?! What the hell're you sayin'?! It's not-- I'm not-- Not with h-her-- I-- You know!
Kaguya: Oh, now that's an adorable response. Should I go ahead and tell her what you just told me? Let me get it down word for word. "Not with her," was it?
Hyde: D'aaaugh! Th-That's not what I said! It's not what I meant to say! It's not what I mean! I mean, I could-- I might-- With her, maybe-- Hopefully-- Aw, maaan! Shut up, me!
Kaguya: Tee hee hee, sorry! You're just so adorable, I couldn't help myself! But this fight belongs to Licht Kreis. I have no intention of letting you get involved. Especially not if you and Orie are… good friends.
Hyde: Phew… Why didn't you just say that from the get-go? Look, I get what you're saying, but that's it, all right? I'm not yielding to your meddlesome and, frankly, passive-aggressive tactics.
…'Sides, you and Harada are good friends, too, aren't you? If a friend of hers like you got hurt… or worse, if you didn't make it back… Harada'd be really sad. What d'you have to say about that?
Kaguya: Oh, nice comeback. I'll give you high marks for that response. Still, imagine if I were Orie's father--I'm not handing over my precious daughter just yet!
Hyde: Ugh, stop with that! Would you just say something normal? Y'know what, let's just get this over with already! You know what's coming when I win, Dad!
Stage 6[]
Kaguya: Well, if it isn't Londrekia Light of Ritter Schild! Long time no see. I'm glad to see you're well, present dire situation notwithstanding.
Londrekia: …You're Kaguya Jingu. Of course. Naturally you'd be called up to join this most crucial of battles. Coincidence or not, it's an honor to meet you here.
Kaguya: Oh, you don't have to flatter me like that! I'm only playing a back-line support role this evening. I never could handle these chaotic situations…
Londrekia: (This is her idea of "back-line"…?) W-Well, I appreciate your modesty, but I do hope to one day put our differences of affiliation aside and test each other's strength.
Kaguya: Oh? Are you sure I'd make a capable opponent for you? Well then, next time we have a chance, I'll take you up on that challenge. Do please go easy on me, okay?
Londrekia: Thank you… Anyway, time is of the essence. We in Ritter Schild have been ordered to support Licht Kreis. Is there anything I can do to assist you right now?
Kaguya: There is! You can call it a night and go home. I do hope you won't take that as a personal slight against you or your organization, though. I'd hate to ruin our relationship.
It'd be most reassuring to have backup from the the strongest Ritter Schild has to offer. However, we can't risk both of us being captured. You should fall back and prepare to move should our mission fail.
Londrekia: …Understood. On one hand, we were ordered to "cooperate," so I cannot disobey orders from Licht Kreis.
But on the other hand, I was also told I could disregard any orders to retreat. If the path leads to death, then I shall be the one to walk it. There's no need for you to throw your life away.
Kaguya: Oh, my! Aren't you a stubborn one. Let's decide who gets to move on… or better yet, who will remain here! I'll grant you the test of strength you wanted--right here and now!
Londrekia: Ah, music to my ears. I'm glad we're in agreement. Now, if you'll just let me pass…
Final Stage[]
Kaguya: Well, well, well… It was a long, hard road, but here I am at last! I've got a perfect shot at the Abyss from here. I'll have this cleaned up in no time!
Perfect spot. He'll never spot me here, and even if he does, he can't possibly retaliate. Let's see, where's my scope…? Aha, so that's the famous Kuon the Aeon! He looks exactly like the reports say.
Fighting him head-on is an absolute last resort. What kind of idiot would jump to such a brash approach from the get-go? Seriously! Oh ho ho ho!
No sound, no shadow… One shot and it's over. He'll die before he knows he's dead… The perfect end for such a fiend…
Now then, fingers crossed that this ends it all. Here goes nothing…
(Cocks sniper rifle) Goodnight, Aeon!
Yes! Direct hit! That's it! Yaaay!
Wait--! What is that, some kind of defensive wall…? Did my bullet not go through?! No way! That was my anti-EXS Ultimate Death Bullet--imbued with my own potent EXS! It can't be blocked!
What the--?! He's smiling… like he knew I was here the whole time. Huh? His lips are moving. Is he trying to tell me something?
"Come to me… or else I come to you." There's not much room for interpretation there…
Ohh, this is no good! There's no way out of it… Hee hee, oh well. Last resorts are there for a reason, sad to say… It's time to fight him the old-fashioned way!
(Left with no other option, Kaguya heads down to the center of the Abyss to confront her target face-to-face)
Kuon: Hi there. That was quite an intense greeting you sent me. Even I was surprised at its sheer power. You've certainly got conviction--the kind that speaks a thousand times louder than words.
Kaguya: (He deflected my bullet without getting a single scratch… He doesn't even look tired. His anti-ballistic defenses must cover the area, not his body itself… which means I've got a chance up close.)
My, my. You honor me with your praise. I am Kaguya Jingu, Executor of Licht Kreis. I'm a sniper by trade, so I'm not very good at close-range combat! Please keep that in mind and take it easy on me!
Kuon: You're also not very good at making jokes. Given such power, such murderous energy… you must be well-trained. There's no way you're unfamiliar with any style of combat.
Kaguya: Not at all! The only "training" I have is a bit of light cardio to keep my figure, I promise! You detected my first shot and stopped it… but if I'm lucky, I just might put a hole in you at this distance.
Anyway, Kuon the Aeon, you have a choice to make: you can carry your pesky ambition to go beyond the Night to the grave, or you can drop it right now and die unburdened. What's it going to be?
Kuon: I can't move my body… Have I lost…? Will my purpose go unfulfilled… as I return to nothingness…?
Young lady of Licht Kreis… Thank you for a splendid battle. You've managed to stop me from running rampant… Joy… Anger… None of it remains. I shall only disappear…
If I could wish for one thing… it is for the dark conviction that engulfs your spirit to brighten. The trigger of resentment is not pulled lightly. Someday, its bullet will find its way to you.
Kaguya: …
Kuon: I cannot continue talking… Let me die by your hand…
And I may be in no position to ask you for favors, but if you ever see my younger sister… let her know I've died.
Kaguya: I'll do that. Goodbye, Kuon the Aeon…
(BLAM! Kuon is heard collapsing as he is fatally shot)
"Dark," huh…? I didn't think it was that obvious. I'll have to face my past to resolve this…
Kaguya: Darkness… There's another person inside me, trembling in fear. A younger me.
The gun that took my father's life… His head snapping back in a warm spray of blood… His body collapsing like a marionette with its strings cut off… It's not exactly the sort of thing you forget.
That fear and resentment makes its way into my bullets… Aeon and Miss Silvaria both sure know how to pick at old wounds.
I lost my parents when I was small… I couldn't make ends meet on my own, and it left me in a rage… The only thing I could rely on was this gun. Miss Silvaria was the one who saved me…
(Flashback to a young Kaguya's first encounter with Silvaria of Licht Kreis)
Silvaria: "There, that's enough. You've certainly got potential, Manifesting your gun in an instant like that. But your bullets are… dark. They bear a grudge. One day, they'll pierce right through you."
Kaguya: "…Huh? What the hell's that supposed to mean? Fine, I lost. Fry me up or grill me or whatever you're gonna do."
Silvaria: "What I'm going to do is bring you with me. You'll be reborn from your very roots in Licht Kreis."
Kaguya: "Huh? Licked Cripes? What even is that?! …Whatever. If you insist, I'll come along, but you're not making me do anything weird."
Silvaria: "Oh, don't be so dishonest. You know you're glad to come along. Now that that's settled, we must go. First, we'll have to escape this place. You can manage it without your gun, can't you?"
Kaguya: "Wh-What the hell do you think I am, stupid? Piece of cake! Stop worrying about me and start worrying about whether you can keep up, you damn slowpoke…"
Silvaria: "Tsk tsk. If you've got enough energy left to get smart with me, then you can get moving. When we get to Licht Kreis, the first thing I'm going to do is fix that potty mouth."
(Flashback ends)
Kaguya: How embarrassing… I'd rather delete that whole past from memory. If only I'd had the wits to kill her and make it look like a training accident…
…No, I'm sure I wouldn't have had a chance against her anyway. Besides, I can't have her die so easily before settling my debt.
Immortalize… All I've done was save the world once. That doesn't even come close to the value of saving my life… I'm certainly not that cheap!
Kaguya: I thought I'd thrown my life away already, back in those cruel days… but now, I'm going to have to save another two or three worlds to make up for how much it's worth!
Even if… someday… that dark bullet may pierce through me after all…
(Ending theme: Peace of Mind)
Arcade Mode | |
Chronicle Mode |