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Under Night In-Birth Wiki
The Insulator


Indulgence of Insulating: Insulator (断裂の免罪符(「インスレーター」))

Weapon type:

Indulgence Weapon (Katana)

Wielded by:

Vatista (Originator)

The Indulgence of Insulating, otherwise simply known as the Insulator (断裂の免罪符(「インスレーター」)), is a legendary Indulgence Weapon that has heavy ties to the history of the Hollow Night, formed from the wing of the Autonomic Nerve, Vatista. Originally wielded by Kuon, the weapon has now made its way into the hands of Hyde Kido. It is one of three only known Indulgence Weapons in existence, alongside its opposing force, the Eliminator[1], and the mysterious Initiator.


The Insulator was originally created during the apex of the Licht Kreis War when Vatista, who was observing the battle from afar, intervened in order to assist Kuon with saving Waldstein, who was in the process of transforming into a Void.


The Insulator in its original form

Using the sword, Kuon cut through Waldstein's Vessel, erasing the EXS that was overflowing it.[2] After this event, the Insulator mysteriously disappeared after the war ended, and what happened to it during the time-frame between then and now is unclear.

In the year 20XX, the Insulator resurfaced again in the hands of Hyde Kido after he was attacked by a Void. After being bitten, the sword manifested through the EXS Ability that Hyde awakened to - Void Red, the EXS of Darkness. Hyde immediately slew one of the Voids attacking him via a large, uncontrolled burst of pure energy; a feat that impressed Linne.[3] Since then, Hyde has become a target for those who would seek the Insulator for their own purposes, and has been trained by Linne and Waldstein in how to fight with it.

In its original form, the Insulator was nothing more than a slab of raw EXS that was roughly shaped like a sword and completely red in coloration from hilt-to-blade. However, over time, the weapon began to take the shape of a katana, based on Kuon's natural aptitude for swords.[1] In its new form, the Insulator keeps its distinct red coloration for the blade, but it now has a pale-yellow hilt and pommel concealed by brown wrappings. Unusually, the Insulator has no guard, as commonly seen on katanas. This, combined with its curved blade, give it more of an appearance similar to that of a scimitar.

Being an Indulgence Weapon, the Insulator is one of the most powerful weapons in the Under Night world, thanks in part to its unique ability: Eternity Killer: Loop End (永遠殺(「ループエンド」))[4], which can destroy EXS at its source, completely erasing it. With this ability, the Insulator is the only thing in existence that is capable of killing the immortal Re-births.

The Insulator, being a powerful weapon, requires a lot of dexterity in order to fully use it. Kuon, being a Re-Birth, seemingly wields the Insulator with no trouble at all. However, Hyde, who is a lot more inexperienced, becomes visibly exhausted after performing especially powerful attacks, and at times, finds his right arm, the arm he most commonly holds the sword with, overcome with pain after overexerting himself.

When not in use, the Insulator vanishes into thin air. Hyde is able to manifest the Insulator from one of his hands in the form of a red mist, which then solidifies into the form of the sword.


  • As users of the Insulator and at least one or more of Vatista's wings with the power of Void Red, both Hyde and Kuon have typical Japanese named attacks that uniquely have all of their hiragana-based particles formatted in katakana instead; only Hyde has his techniques share alternate names in English with them loosely based on their original Japanese names.
    • Both of them also share 2 similarly-named if not 1 exact same technique:
      • A "drilling shadow" technique: Chi wo Ugatsu Kage/Earth-Drilling Shadow (地ヲ穿ツ影, AKA Shadow Scare) for Hyde, and Kokū wo Ugatsu Kage/Empty Air-Drilling Shadow (虚空ヲ穿ツ影) for Kuon.
      • Both of them also possess a technique named Enkan no Maga'uzu/Torus' Misfortune Vortex (円環ノ凶渦, AKA Black Orbiter), both as projectile attacks with opposite inputs of each other.
  • The Insulator is the weapon that has been owned by the largest amount of people in the series. From Vatista, to Kuon, to Higan and lastly, Hyde.


  1. 1.0 1.1 French-Bread Information station, September 28th 2018
  2. Under Night In-birth Exe:Late[st], Chronicles Mode, Vatista - Nighttime Void 3
  3. Under Night In-birth Exe:Late[st], Chronicles Mode, Linne - Child of Darkness
  4. Under Night In-Birth, Arcade Mode, Hyde


Indulgence Weapons
Regular Weapons