Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Outro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | Your attitude is totally unacceptable. You're in the presence of Paradox, the leader of Amnesia. Do you honestly believe I could favor one such as you? How do you expect to atone for your sins? この |
Generic | You're still alive? I suggest you scurry away, and spread the legend of the infamous Demon Queen Hilda! AHAHAHAHA! 生きてるぅ? ならさっさと逃げ帰って俗世に語り伝え広め讃えなさいな。この魔王ヒルダの恐怖の伝説を! ……なーんてね、あーはっはっはっ! |
Generic | Oopsie, did I go too far? Done so soon? Well, you're no fun... あら、ちょっとやりすぎちゃったぁ? もう終わりなんて張り合いないわぁ。 |
Generic | AHAHAHA! I can't get enough of watching bottom-feeders like yourself struggle to stay alive! No stopping now. Dance for me, puppet! あーはっはっはっ! 無力な雑魚が足掻く姿ってほんっとに愉快ねぇ! ほら、もっと踊りなさい。足が止まってるわよぉ? |
Generic | You should feel honored. After all, you get to be the sacrifice that will catalyze my Re-birth. I promise to not let my newfound powers go to waste. 光栄に思うことね。大いなる再誕の贄としてあの世に行けるんだから。アナタが貢いでくれたこの命、無駄にはしないわぁ。 |
Generic | How does it feel to be forced to crawl through the dirt like that? People looking down on you, mocking you, trampling over you... You must feel like a worm... ねぇ? そうやって地面に這い蹲ってるときってどんな気持ちなのぉ? 見下されて貶まれて躙られて。蟲にでもなった気分かしらぁ? |
Generic | Even if the outcome was obvious, nothing feels better than victory... Just looking down on losers writhing on the ground. Ahh... It's so addictive! 例え結果が分かり切ってても勝利ってのは嬉しいものねぇ。 無様に地を這う敗者の姿、それを見下す愉悦。あぁ……やめらんないわぁ!! |
Generic | Looks like you were having quite a bit of fun. WITHOUT me? Don't make me crush you like a grape. アタシを差し置いて愉しんでくれちゃってたわねぇ。潰すわよぉ? ぷちっと。 |
VS Hyde | Aw, you fought VERY well, little Insulator boy. I'll let you keep your life for now, but if you persist in opposing me, I'll have to take it away. 良い戦いっぷりだったわねぇ『断裂』のボウヤ。 今はその命、預けておいてあげるけど、あんまりしつっこいと消すわよぉ? |
VS Linne | Now do you see the cosmic difference in our strength, little Night Blade Girl? A random, worthless bit of history is all you are... From now on, it's MY time! 歴然とした力の差ってヤツがこれで解ったぁ? 夜刀の小娘ちゃん? 古びた歴史には一片の価値もない、これからはアタシの時代ってヤツよぉ。 |
VS Gordeau | The "Harvester" known to take everything has fallen. Poor Gordeau the Greedy. Your pride was your downfall. Why don't you give up and come back another time? I'll welcome you back with open arms. あらゆるものを奪ってきた |
VS Chaos | Aw, bedtime already? Perhaps I overestimated your abilities. Since I'm such a nice person, I won't get angry at you for your bout of naughtiness. Keep up the good work, Chaos. あら、もうオネンネ? アンタのことちょっと買い被り過ぎだったかしら。優しいアタシはこの程度のオイタに怒ったりしないから、これからも『 |
VS Nanase | Oh, my! I was not expecting such a fine young woman like yourself to show up. I love the energetic ones. This makes tormenting you all the more fun! これはこれは、 |
VS Phonon | Does the phrase, "Out of the mouth comes evil," finally make sense to you? Someone as weak as you are should never attempt to fight during the Night. When you're ready, why don't you visit Amnesia? I'll be happy to teach you some manners. 口は災いの元だって、解ったかしらぁ? この程度でお仕舞いのザコが、夜の下で粋がっちゃダメじゃないのぉ。気が向いたら |
VS Wagner | So weak for someone with such a big mouth, Little Miss Licht Kreis. Your "flames" could barely singe my ambitions. 偉そうに大口叩いたわりに大したことないのねぇ、『 |
VS Enkidu | What's the matter, Enkidu? Are you under the weather today? This is totally not like you! This is why I keep telling you to keep warm, so you won't get sick. どうしたのぉエンキドゥ。今日は具合でも悪いのぉ? アンタらしくもない。ちゃんと上着を着ないから風邪引くのよぉ。 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Hee hee hee... Make this fun for me, won't you? うふふふ 楽しませて頂戴? |
Arrival sequence2 | Sing my praises! Let me hear you! 讃えなさい このアタシを…! |
Arrival sequence3 | Hmm... I suppose I can spare some time to play with you. どぉ~れ 少し遊んであげようかしら? |
Arrival sequence (Hyde) |
Hilda: So cheeky. You're making light of me, aren't you? Hyde: What can I say? I'm a rebel. Nothing personal. ヒルダ「その余裕 舐められたものね」 ハイド「開き直ってるだけだ 気にすんなよ」 |
Arrival sequence (Linne) |
Hilda: I'll defeat you, and then all the rest, by myself. Linne: Not the way you are now, you won't. ヒルダ「アンタも倒す アイツも倒す このアタシが」 リンネ「出来やしないさ 今のお前にはな……」 |
Arrival sequence (Gordeau) |
Hilda: Let's settle this, shall we? Gordeau: Watch your step. Go too far, and you might get hurt. ヒルダ「白黒つけましょ? ねぇ……?」 ゴルドー「踏み込みすぎると 大ケガするぜ?」 |
Arrival sequence (Chaos)1 |
Hilda: I hope you're prepared to be thoroughly trounced. Chaos: Hilda... You again...? ヒルダ「一方的な敗北は 想定内かしら?」 ケイアス「ヒルダ… またキミは…」 |
Arrival sequence (Chaos)2 |
Chaos: Well, at least I was prepared to run into you. Hilda: I hope you're prepared to be thoroughly trounced. ケイアス「ま キミとぶつかるのも想定内ではある」 ヒルダ「一方的な敗北は 想定内かしら?」 |
Arrival sequence (Enkidu) |
Hilda: You must have been dreadfully bored until now. Enkidu: It was all worth it for this moment. ヒルダ「今まで退屈だったでしょ~?」 エンキドゥ「この瞬間のための 代償であろう」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Hilda: Do you have any idea how long it took me to get here? Kuon: If you seek eternity, get accustomed to waiting. ヒルダ「ホントここまで長かったわぁ……」 クオン「永遠を望むなら 待つ事には慣れておくんだね」 |
Arrival sequence (Uzuki) |
Uzuki: Don'tcha see? We were fated to end up this way. Hilda: How kind of fate to include your crushing defeat. ウヅキ「な? こうなるのは運命なんだよ」 ヒルダ「貴方が敗れるところまでが ね」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Hee hee... I've got nothing to say to a weakling like you. ふふっ 雑魚過ぎて話になんないわぁ? |
Round win2 | This is what we call power. Overwhelming power. これが力というものよぉ 圧倒的なねぇ |
Round win (Chaos) |
Splendid, Chaos. Maybe I misjudged you. さっすがケイアスぅ 見直したわぁ |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | ...Heh heh heh... Ahh ha ha ha ha haaa! …んっふっふっ…あーっはっはっはっはっは! |
Set win2 | Hee hee... How very wretched... ふふっ 惨めなものね |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
I was holding back, you know. I wonder if you noticed. 手加減してあげたんだけど 気づいたかしら? |
Set win (Easy victory) |
Oh, dear. How weak. あらぁ 弱いのね |
Set win (Hyde,Linne) |
Ahh ha ha ha haaa! I feel amazing! あーはっはっはっはっ! 最高の気分だわぁ |
Set win (Gordeau,Chaos,Enkidu) |
Keep your mouth shut and come along with me. 黙ってアタシについてくればいいのよぉ |
Set win (Kuon) |
Looks like rebirth isn't all it's cracked up to be. 再誕も大したことないのねぇ |
Victory | |
General wins1 | Did you get a good taste of my powers? ...Seeing you lie there like that, it appears you took a whole bite. 最強たるアタシの『 ……どうやら見るだけじゃなく、全身で味わいながら逝ってくれたみたいね。 |
General wins2 | I suppose, in your last moments, you finally understood the sheer difference in power between you and me. That's what you get when you strut around other people's territory! And don't you forget it. このアタシとの明確な 人様の |
General wins3 | Tsk, tsk. Using your head when you've got perfectly good powers to swing around? That could not be me. Why, don't you know that overwhelming force is the easiest path to victory? ただ『 ……面倒よね。最大の出力でぶっ飛ばしまくる方が、簡単に勝てるんだもの♪ |
General wins4 | Now do you understand the tremendous difference between our powers? Oh, I suppose not. Honestly, some people wouldn't know true strength if it repeatedly skewered them alive... 理解出来たかしら、アンタとアタシの圧倒的な実力差って ま、無理よね。何されてるのかも解らず、串刺しになって果てたんですもの。 |
General wins5 | How unpleasant... Couldn't you have found someone else to clean you up? ホンっト不愉快だわぁ……。 |
General wins6 | True royalty reigns so mightily, the meek don't dare come near... You lowly thieves must not be allowed into this realm. 近づく事もままならぬ圧倒的な支配……。これが『王』たる者の この閉ざされた |
General wins7 | Until your eyes lose their glimmer... Until your will can no longer hold your battered body up... Until your soul bursts red hot from your Vessel... That's how long I'm going to skewer you. Start counting. その両目が輝きを失うまで。その意志が身体を支えられなくなるまで。 そして、その赤熱なる偽りの魂が『器』に止まって居られなくなるまで……。 刺し貫くだけ。さぁて、何本目まで耐えてくれるのかしらねぇ……? |
General wins8 | You knew you couldn't win, and yet you chose to struggle needlessly. You disgust me. If I were you, I'd have chosen death a long time ago and spared us all the trouble. 呆れたわぁ……。勝てないって解りきってるのに無駄な抵抗しちゃって。 アタシだったら、とっとと死を選んじゃ~う。 |
General wins9 | Oh, I suppose at your level, it only stands to reason that you'd get carried away and challenge me. I'll give you some credit... It's not every day you meet a sandbag that occasionally hits back. ま、その強さだったらアタシに挑もうとか、調子に乗っちゃうのも仕方ないか。 認めてあげるわ……。適度に反撃してくる最上の |
General wins10 | How I love taking straight shooters like you and twisting them down into the ground! That's just the way I am. No complaints here, darling. アンタみたいに真っ直ぐなのを、『 これこそがアタシの在り方。いつもながら気分良いわぁ~。 |
General wins11 | Imagine that... You managed to back me into a corner. But you only got lucky. I wouldn't get used to it. やってくれるじゃない……、アタシをこうまで追い詰めてくれるなんて。 けど、こんなの |
General wins12 | Oh, do forgive me, won't you? I may have mistaken you for a pathetic, powerless small fry. Can you blame me? The way you fought back so meagerly, I just couldn't help getting irritated! ゴメンナサ~イ。アンタのこと、無力なザコだと侮っちゃってたから。 そのささやかな抵抗に、少しイライラしちゃったわぁ~♪ |
Specific wins1 | Thanks for ruining my plans, Judgment Boy. Well, all's well that ends well... or not! Now then, are you prepared to die? 随分とアタシの計画を狂わせてくれちゃったじゃない『断裂』のボーヤ。 ま、終わり良ければ全て……、良いワケないでしょ? 死ぬ覚悟OK~? |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | How are you feeling on this final Night, Princess of the Night Blade? Because I'm feeling fabulous. And why shouldn't I? I have the pleasure of ending your life right here... この最期の『夜』に、ご機嫌はいかがかしら。『夜刀』のお姫様。 私は最高に機嫌が良いわぁ。こうしてアンタにトドメを刺せるんだからね……。 |
(Applicable:Linne) | |
Specific wins3 | Lose myself? Get swallowed by my own powers? Moi? If that's what you really think, you're free to try and stop me. Don't worry, Gordeau. The new me will take good care of you, too. アタシが 新しいアタシになっても仲良くしてあげるから、じゃあねゴルドー……。 |
(Applicable:Gordeau) | |
Specific wins4 | Your dodgy tactics are so annoying! Strategy can only cover up a lack of power for so long... アンタのその パワーで劣るから作戦で……、ってのにも限度があるでしょうが……。 |
(Applicable:Chaos) | |
Specific wins5 | You may be the strongest in Licht Kreis, but you fall far short of my real target tonight. You're nothing but a warm-up session to prepare me for the real deal... 『 今のアタシにとっては本番前の |
(Applicable:Wagner) | |
Specific wins6 | You really don't use your gifts much, do you, beast? If you're ever in the mood for another beating, come by any time. I'll be happy to oblige. 流石というか、これで『 アンタに |
(Applicable:Enkidu) | |
Specific wins7 | Is this really the Aeon I've been pursuing this whole time? You must be kidding me! I suppose the old legends are just that: old, worn-out garbage. And garbage belongs in a dumpster. アタシが追い求めた『永劫』がこの程度~? 冗談よしてよ~。 やっぱ古い伝説なんてのは |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins8 | The Re-Birth who lived for an eternity... King of the end, destroyer of the key to the Night, grasper at the door... Unfortunately for you, my ambitions override your Immortalize. Partings are such sweet sorrow. 永劫を生きた『 けど残念ね……。『 永かった物語はここに潰えた。今のお気持ちは如何なモノかしら……? |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins9 | You've certainly got potential. Have you considered a career in Amnesia? アンタには素質を感じるわ。いつ『 |
(Applicable:Carmine,Byakuya,Phonon,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins10 | Damned Licht Kreis, befouling my sight wherever I go... You want to regulate EXS? Control EXS? Now, of all times? Are you out of your minds? When I become a Re-Birth, you're the first to go. ……ったく、『 この期に及んで「 アタシが『 |
(Applicable:Orie,Mika,Wagner,Kaguya) | |
Specific wins11 | I suppose you're not exactly the type to lay low. Everything in your mind may as well be written on your face. So now you've faced me for real. Was it everything you dreamed of? Think you might try it again? ま、大人しくしてるタマなんかじゃないわよねぇアンタ。。 敵意むき出し、っていうか企み事丸出しって顔、隠してなかったし。。 で、どうだった? 実際の『 |
(Applicable:Uzuki) |