Under Night In-Birth Wiki
Arcade Script

This is the script for Gordeau's Arcade Mode stories.



Gordeau: Red sky… It looks like another "Night" is about to begin. How many of them does this make?

Chaos: You're going out again tonight, Gordeau?

Gordeau: Yeah… Hilda's off doing her thing again. I have no idea what's going on inside her head. If she keeps this up, her power will overwhelm her and she'll become another Void.

Chaos: Most likely… Should that occur, she will just become another troublesome enemy to deal with.

Gordeau: Knowing how much of a bitch she can be, we need to stop her before that happens.

Chaos: Agreed. Still, it would be to our benefit if Hilda managed to distract everyone else. All that's left is Void-hunting… Or rather, In-birth hunting. And for Licht Kreis to fall into our trap.

Gordeau: Six months already, huh…? I've heard the rumors, but I have no idea what they've been up to. Makes you realize how powerless you really are.

Chaos: Don't let it bother you, Gordeau. Just think of it as taking out one person at a time.

Gordeau: Yeah… Anyway, I'm going to head out for a bit. Stay put and wait here for the master to return.

Chaos: Hm? Master? Who are you referring… No… Whose master are you…?

Gordeau: Hahaha, I'm just pulling your leg. Damn, same as usual, aren't ya?

Stage 3[]

Gordeau: I was wondering why such a little girl was out so late. It's an honor to meet you, Princess of the Night Blade.

Linne: Hard to believe this is our very first encounter… Gordeau, Harvester of Greed.

Gordeau: So it'd seem. But fighting a little lady like you isn't something I'd like to do, win or lose. Hardly something I'd want to remember, really.

Linne: Heh, you don't sound too happy. Let me assure you that one's physique has very little to the outcome of battle.

Gordeau: This is more about appearances. Think about it… a scruffy old man like me, beating up on a little girl? People would think I was the monster here…

Then again, I am the bad guy, so… Missy, you plan on waltzing into the Abyss tonight?

Linne: I am. I'm going to put an end to your precious Paradox's scheming. So, what now? Apparently, this is a battle you don't want. I would appreciate it if you would just leave me be.

Gordeau: Correction… I'm no longer a part of Amnesia. Which means I could care less about what happens to that woman.

Linne: "However"…

Gordeau: Heh, heh… "However," I can't just walk away from a prize like you. You might be connected to my main target, the Crimson Knight of Licht Kreis.

Princess of Eternity, Treasure of the Night Blade… The Pulse of the Hollow… The power you hold, the perseverance of the ages. Maybe you could teach this young pup a thing or two.

Linne: I see… Why don't we consider this our formal introduction? But I warn you… This may cost you more than you think.

Stage 6[]

Yuzuriha: Hey… You're that belly-flasher from before. You'd better not be here causing trouble again…

Gordeau: Whoa… Are you really one to talk?

Yuzuriha: My belly's super cute! I'm doing the world a favor by showing it off!

Gordeau: Fine… I'm sorry for grossing you out. Anyway… Looks like we're both busy tonight, so why don't we just go our separate ways?

Yuzuriha: Hold it! I'm not letting you get away. If you're still looking for that crimson person from that lightning squad, I'll stop you, just like I did last time.

I thought I made myself clear… You're not wanted here. Why are you looking for that crimson guy in the first place? Tell me! Uh… G-Gordo the Exhibitionist!


I'd probably die before I finished explaining everything to you.

I'll spare you the details, but basically it's about revenge. A friend of mine devolved into a Void and the Crimson Knight cut him down. Necessary or not, I can't let that go.

Got it? Now get the hell off my back and off the stage. I'm moving on and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Don't expect me to hold back like I did the last time…

Stage 9[]

Gordeau: Hey, little miss… You're one of those Licht Kreis drones, aren't you? What brings out into the Night? I take it you're here to bring down Paradox.

Orie: I see there's no point in hiding. You are correct, and… Judging by your attitude, you seem to harbor some resentment against Licht Kreis. What is it that brings you here?

Gordeau: Well, I don't have anything against you personally, but I do have a grudge against your organization. Why you want Paradox is none of my concern. I'm just gonna have to stop you here and now.

Orie: In our pursuit of justice, we may do things that incur the enmity of others, for which we cannot apologize nor deny. Yet, I will not be defeated, whether or not you harbor a grudge toward us.

Gordeau: I didn't expect you to… This would get really awkward if you didn't fight back.

Orie: Before we begin, I need to ask… Not why, but against whom in Licht Kreis do you hold this grudge?

Gordeau: Hm… I wouldn't want your ghost to come back and haunt me for killing you, so I might as well tell you.

The Crimson Knight… Rings a bell, doesn't it? The Crimson Knight is going to join you in the afterlife, so why don't you find out why I hold a grudge then?

Orie: The Crimson Knight… The Void Hunter, Wagner. In all honesty, the Crimson Knight is a bit of a thorn in Licht Kreis's side as well… Very well. I shall bear your grudge, as well as the weight of your soul in battle.

Final Stage[]

Gordeau: So, this is the Abyss… The center of the Hollow Night. Paradox… I mean, Hilda… I know you're there, so just come out already!

(Hilda appears)

Hilda: Oh? Look who's here… Gordeau the Harvester. Welcome to the place where my desires hold sway, the altar where light and darkness meet. So, finished avenging your little friend yet?

Gordeau: Ah, the avenger thing really isn't my style. Solves nothing. Still doesn't mean I don't want to pummel that Crimson bastard down to the knees. Principles, you know?

Hilda: Are all men this dumb? Why waste time like that when you can help me? I'm going to destroy Licht Kreis and the Night Blade. Doesn't that sound fun? The Night will soon belong to Amnesia!

I'll even track down and throw this Crimson Knight at your feet… After that, it's up to yo whether you'd like to flay or burn your captive alive. Ahahahahaha!

Gordeau: And in order to do that, you'll need the power of the Hollow Night, EXS. Once you become drunk with it, the power will eventually destroy you. At that point, you'll become a Void.

You know, I'd hate to see even a ditzy broad like you turn into a monster. As a friend, let me warn you. Quit while you're ahead.

Hilda: So, that's why you tried to lead me from the Abyss? To pierce this Vessel… You came here to take everything with that greedy sickle of yours. It all makes sense now…

How cute! A once dear friend of mine has come to destroy me! Ah, the drama! Just for old times' sake, I'll spare your life, Gordeau!

Gordeau: Damn it… Why do I care about my friends so much?


Gordeau: Your time's up, Hilda… Or should I say, Paradox of Amnesia? It's time to destroy that Vessel of yours with this sickle.

Hilda: Not a single ounce of mercy, even for a friend? Fine… Take what you want, Harvester.

Gordeau: That's "former" friend, to you… See 'ya, Hilda. You were one hell of a woman…

(The screen turns red as Gordeau delivers the finishing blow)

Good night, Paradox. May your existence live in people's minds as but a mere legend…


Chaos: Welcome home, Gordeau. While I wasn't worried about you, it's good to see you back in one piece. So, how did it go?

Gordeau: It sucked. Man, that Hilda… She's still as crazy as always.

Chaos: Hahaha. What did you expect? She isn't called a witch for nothing. Her appalling lack of tactical skill was what saved your hide, Gordeau.

Gordeau: Well, it just goes to show how dumb she is.

Chaos: Shattering the Vessel inside her will suppress her powers as an In-birth for now. Even if it regenerates, it'll be a while before she risks being turned into a Void. She could use the rest.

Gordeau: Oh yeah, that reminds me… I ran into a young lady from Licht Kreis. There sure were a lot of other In-births besides Hilda wreaking havoc throughout the Night.

Chaos: An Executor, acting alone? So the Crimson Knight has yet to move forward? Things are getting worse. The Princess abandoning the Night Blade, Hilda and Kuon, and the coming Immortalization

With everything that has happened, it's only a matter of time before Licht Kreis responds. Or so one would think, anyway… I guess it'll take a great deal more before they act.

Gordeau: You make a good point there, my faithful servant. No reason to rush into anything. I'll wait for things to drop into my lap.

Chaos: That's a good idea… Save it all for the next Night. Wait… Who are you calling a servant? No… Whose servant am I supposed to be? Granted, I'm always on the receiving end, but still…

Ed gor

Gordeau's UNI1 Ending CG.

Gordeau: You're taking all of this way too seriously…

(Ending theme: Heart beat breaker)



Gordeau: So this is the rumored Night where everything comes to an end? I can feel the restlessness oozing from every which way…

Enh, no surprises there, though. Whose idea of a joke was all this "world-destroying Immortalize" nonsense, anyway? It's blown so out of proportion, it can't be real.

Real or not, I've gotta do something tonight. If I sit back and play nice, the whole world could be destroyed… Plus Hilda practically skipped away, humming about revenge… That can't be good.

Heh… I wonder what you'd say if you were here to see all this… Nothing like, "Let's take vengeance on the Crimson Knight!" or, "Let's go save the world," that's for damn sure…

"I can't have anyone destroying this world yet. Not while there are still places here I haven't seen. Sure, I guess I'll clean up all this 'Immortalize' mess." Does that sound about right to you?

What do you think, Roger…?

…If you came back and the world you'd always wanted to see wasn't there waiting for you, I dunno how I'd look you in the eye.

Fine… Since you're not around, I guess I'll go stop the troubled young man who's trying to bring the world to an end for you.

Besides, even if I can't pull it off, the only thing I have to lose is my life. That's nothing. You can have it.

There's not a shred of "greed" in what I'm feeling right now. Lessee… Maybe I should call myself, uh, Gordeau the Harvester of Selflessness for the Night.

Stage 3[]

Gordeau: Oh, hey, it's the Night Blade kid. Seems this Night's got you working pretty hard. You look like you could use a break.

Actually, I can guess the real reason you look so tired… I dunno what you're carrying back there, but it sure looks heavy.

Seth: Hmph. Save your concerns for someone else. I need you to shut up and step aside.

Gordeau: Okay, okay, suit yourself. I'd hate to bother someone who's so busy. It's none of my business anyway, so I'll just walk away. See ya.

Seth: Hold it. You're acting suspiciously agreeable. You're up to something. At least tell me what it is before you go.

Gordeau: My dude, you're thinking way too much about this. I'm not up to anything at all this evening… unless you call being selfless "up to something."

Seth: "Selfless"? You? The Harvester of Greed? So you've been defanged, unshackled, and tossed out like a stray dog, without a scrap of greed to your name? Am I getting that right?

Gordeau: Jeez, there's gotta be a nicer way to say that. You sure shook me awake with that one.

Seth: Good. I'll need you awake for this one, otherwise it's no fun for me. I just remembered that I've got something to pay you back for. Let me get it over with right here.

On top of that, back when I helped out your people with your scheme, I heard a bunch of rumors about you… I've always wanted to challenge you and see if they're true.

Gordeau: I'm truly honored. The old me would be happy to hear it. …Just one thing, though. That wasn't "our scheme." That scheme was all Chaos.

Seth: If we're going to do this, then hurry up and get ready. Wipe that dumb expression off your face or you'll end up dead.

Gordeau: Aw, so no time for a leisurely warm-up session, then? Pedal to the metal from the get-go, huh… Here I was hoping to get some stretching in.

…Ah well, I guess I'll entertain you for a while, Mr. Seth the Assassin, leader of the Night Blade!

Stage 6[]

Gordeau: You… You're the Crimson Knight! …Well, go figure. If you don't defeat Aeon who will, am I right?

Wagner: I know you as well… You've got connections to one who fell into Voidhood, yes? If not, don't take it personally. I can't be expected to commit everything to memory.

Gordeau: Hmph. Don't sweat it. I don't care if you remember me or not. All that matters is that I remember you.

Wagner: Alas, I have duties to fulfill on this restless Night. But I see that you have no intention of simply letting me be. Do you really wish to cross blades with me in the name of vengeance?

Gordeau: Good question. It's not like taking you down would change anything. Still, at the end of the day, I can't just let you go without a fight.

I mean, what if the world ends and I never got back at you? I wouldn't be able to stay dead! So how 'bout it, Miss Crimson Knight? Let me take you out so I can rest in peace.

Wagner: Heh. If that's what you're worried about, don't bother. Rest assured I'll destroy Aeon and save both you and this world. If that doesn't comfort you, I'll burn your soul to a crisp right here.

Gordeau: Aw, shucks, you mean it? You'd go through all that trouble just for me? Unfortunately, my master wouldn't want me to leave without a fight. I gotta take this final chance to settle all sorts of beef with you.

(And then my self-indulgent vengeance spree will be all over, too. Fair enough, don't you think, Roger?)

Wagner: I see. Pathetic though you may be, you choose martyrdom. If you think defeating me will bring you what you seek, you're welcome to try. I'd rather exterminate you than let you reach the Abyss anyway.

Gordeau: To be clear, this final showdown here isn't a grudge match or anything. Just a fight between two people who got caught up in the Night. You'll accept my challenge, won't you, Crimson Sorceress of Licht Kreis?

Wagner: As you wish. You know, I find this much more pleasant than facing a raging boar who charges at me out of dumb anger and resentment.

Now… I must focus. If this man is truly freed from his anger, his prowess must be far beyond what I've seen from him before…

Final Stage[]

Gordeau: This place is thick with EXS… this has gotta be it. Oof, what a mess… Welp, this is my final stop. May as well clean up.

Hey, Mr. Aeon! Kuon the Eternal! I know you're here! C'mon out, you've got a guest--and a real pain in the ass at that! I'm here to pay you back for something!

(Kuon appears)

Kuon: An unwanted guest, at least for now. Let's see… You were a member of Amnesia, if I'm not mistaken…

Gordeau: Great. If you already know who I am, I can cut right to the chase. I'm sure Chaos told you all about me.

Kuon: …I'd rather you pretend you didn't know about that. Now, I don't recall whatever it is I did that made you so upset. What is it that you want from me, exactly?

Gordeau: Word has it you're trying to throw open the door of the Night… and if you do, the Immortalize will ensue--ending the world as we know it. First things first, I wanna know if that's true. Spill it.

Kuon: It's most likely true, though I don't have the experience to say for certain. Countless Voids have gathered to tear down the weakened wall of Night. Then this world will be overcome by evil Voids.

Gordeau: Gotcha. That's what I thought. Thanks for the straight answer. All right, I guess that means I've gotta stop ya. It's nice to have an excuse not to hold anything back this time.

Kuon: Ah, it figures… This is why I didn't really want to tell you. At least you appreciate that I told you the bare, naked truth.

Gordeau: Don't sweat it. I don't think it would've mattered either way. Even if you'd told me the world wouldn't be destroyed, I'd still kick your ass just in case.

Anyway, let's get this show on the road… …Oh, I almost forgot. Can you do me one last favor? Let's say I lose and you make it to the other side…

I got a friend who's over there already. If you run into him, give him this message for me:

"How long are you gonna keep screwing around? Hurry the hell up and come back home, you idiot!"


Kuon: I've lost… You're quite skilled… I didn't think you'd be able to win through sheer numbers of EXS alone…

Gordeau: What's wrong, Night Blade boss man? You're dragging your feet. You're telling me your body's about to hit its limits?

Kuon: It is… But in the end, that is only one part of my weakness… It seems my end is near… Will you hear my last wish?

Gordeau: I mean, I can't possibly refuse, since I asked you for the same thing. Go on, shoot.

Kuon: Let me choose… how I die. There's a slim chance I might reach the other side… Let me sink into the Abyss and bet on that chance… if this life is going to end either way…

Gordeau: Sink into whatever you want. As long as this world stays intact, there's no reason for me to stop you. After a life as long as yours, I'm sure you're ready for it to end. Take care out there.

Kuon: Thank you. If I can remember our deal from before… No… If I keep my human consciousness… I promise I'll deliver your message.

Gordeau: Thanks… I owe you one, boss.

(Kuon vanishes)

He's gone… It's all over now.


(Sometime later, at Gordeau's Bar…)

Hilda: Of all the nerve… You just had to steal the spotlight, didn't you? My final Night was so dreadfully boring…

Gordeau: Aw, c'mon, don't say that. 'Sides, I heard you spent half the time passed out. Who was it who knocked you out?

Hilda: …Tch! Th-Th-That doesn't matter right now!

Chaos: Settle down. Gordeau's victory is synonymous with our own. I also managed to get close to the Abyss, but… I didn't want to deal with Kuon, and so… Well, to put it bluntly, I ran.

Gordeau: You really never change, do you? Ah well. You did yourself a favor by not showing up.

Hilda: …Now, then. What are YOU doing here?

Enkidu: …Hmm.

Hilda: "Hmm" yourself, mister! Last time I saw you, you literally announced that you'd betray us!

Enkidu: Aeon was an interesting character. With him gone, I came back to find someone else as interesting. You can lower your eyebrows now.

Gordeau: Heh… Par for the course with Enkidu. Who cares, anyway? It's not like his betrayal was all that drastic. Nothing to get your hair in a twist about.

Hilda: I DON'T care--and you can leave my hair out of this.

Gordeau: Oof… There's always something to fuss about with these guys…

(And that was the so-called "Final Night." The world wasn't destroyed, as you can see.)

(Just like everyone else, we lost our powers. No clue what caused that. I hear some folks out there are slowly regaining theirs… Who knows?)

(Chaos theorizes that, when Aeon's Power of Sealing fell into the Abyss, it took all nearby EXS along, leaving their hosts temporarily hollowed. Now we're recovering from it, or so he says.)

(But I guess this is a good opportunity for me to rest up… Too much stuff happened in such a short time, so now I gotta reorganize my thoughts for a bit.)

At least I'd like to get some rest… but under these guys' watch…?

(door chimes)

(Huh? Who's dropping in at this hour? Don't they know how early it is…?)

Since that whole end-of-the-world fiasco, we haven't had nearly as many guests as we used to. If they're coming in at a time like this, I better treat them with extra care…



Chaos: Is something wrong, Gordeau? …Gordeau? Hey, what--?!

Hilda: Huh…? No way!

Enkidu: Hmm…

Gordeau: You… You idiot!

What is this, some kinda miracle brought on by the destruction and reconstruction of EXS? …Or am I just already drunk?


Gordeau's UNI2 Ending CG.

Gordeau: Oof… I guess I gotta thank the Eternal boss…

(Ending theme: Peace of Mind)


Story Transcripts
Arcade Mode
Chronicle Mode