French-Bread Information Station | |
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Name: |
French-Bread Information Station |
Type: |
Twitch broadcast |
Runtime: |
Jul 19th 2017 ~ February 20th 2020 |
French-Bread Information Station (ふらぱん情報局) was a series of official Twitch broadcasts hosted from the French-Bread office.
French-Bread Information Station was a series of broadcasts hosted by Kamone Serizawa, the show was usually streamed on a monthly basis from July 2017 shortly before the console release of UNIst, to December 2019. The last broadcast Was streamed in February of 2020 to celebrate the release of UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late cl-r.
The broadcast usually alternated between answering fan-mail regarding the characters and developers alike, detailing upcoming events, and hosting in-house tournaments. Special guests also co-hosted episodes from time to time, such as composer Raito, and prominent UNI player and EVO 2019 champion Clearlamp.
Episode 1 (July 19th 2017)[]
Guest: Raito (Composer)
- Console Version Feature Showcase
- Kamone and Raito break down the new characters Wagner and Enkidu, as well as give an explanation of the new Tutorial and Mission Modes. They also shortly go over the changes in Training Mode.
- Event Information (Raffle Event, Autograph Event)
- In-house Tournament (9 participants, Arata wins)
Episode 2 (July 28th 2017)[]
Guest: Satocchi (Battle Planner)
- Console Version Feature Showcase: Sequel
- Showcase of the new Dummy features in Training Mode. Demonstration of how to practice defense in Training Mode.
- In-house free matches
- Event Information (Information about Japanese TV programs featuring Exe:Late[st] upon its console release: Games Maniacs and Game School)
Episode 3 (August 31st 2017)[]
Guest: Clear-Lamp
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Official frame data is available on the official site. Kamone goes over a basic explanation about how to read frame data.
- Enkidu's Birthday Tournament (7 participants, Kamone wins)
- Information Corner (Wagner and Enkidu are coming to arcades. Location tests will be held soon. ARC REVO 2017 qualifiers are about to start)
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
How was the voice cast decided? A: Kamone and staff members give suggestions and it's usually decided later down the line. How does the network color work? When does it change? Any plans to make Chronicle characters playable? I'm currently playing Phonon, but I'm also interested in picking up Yuzuriha... Tell me their shoe size. I'll pick the one that's closest to mine. Kamone mentioned Enkidu's real name during EVO. What's the writing for the name? |
Episode 4 (October 6th 2017)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Chronicle Character Explanation Part 1: Lex, Silvaria, Londrekia
- Lex is not weak, but lacks a rank in Licht Kreis because she finds the procedures for obtaining a rank to be tiresome and she'd rather skip out on them. Lex does have a weapon, but it's not specified what it is. She has a managerial position and does many jobs in the organization, and is sometimes referred to as a "scout," "mechanic," or "operator." She likes machines. She has a boyish way of speaking.
- Silvaria is the Ace of Executor of Licht Kreis. She acts as a bodyguard for Adelheid. She leans more towards defensive roles, whereas the other strongest Executor, Wagner, leans towards offensive ones. She is not that much older than Orie. She might use magic, and something might come out of her book, but no specifics were given or confirmed.
- An explanation and basic introduction is given of Ritter Schild and Londrekia.
- Chronicle Character Explanation Part 1: Lex, Silvaria, Londrekia
- Information Corner (ARC REVO 2017 is closing. A limited time UNIst demo for PS+ is available until the end of December.)
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
Any good advice on how to get better at this game? A: Offense is important. Breaking guard, optimal combos, set-ups. Why isn't there any merchandise of Mika!? DIVIDE T-shirt is great. I hope there will be more. |
Episode 5 (October 15th 2017)[]
Special broadcast. Kamone is raffling the tournament seeding for ARC REVO 2017
Episode 6 (October 31st 2017)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Chronicle Character Explanation Part 2: Murayama, Sakurai, Tsurugi, Komatsu
- Information Corner (ARC REVO 2017 recap)
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
What are the official spellings of Londrekia's and Orie's last names? A: "Light" and "Ballardiae". Is there a connection between the Sacred Shield (Ritter Schild) and the Sacred Knight (Sigurd)? Can you explain the connection between the different types of "Void Red"? |
Episode 7 (November 30th 2017)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Chronicle Character Explanation Part 3: Ogre, Zohar, Strix
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
Wagner's measurements are not written anywhere! Please tell me! A:78/56/80 Is it possible to regain your abilities after your Vessel has been broken? Strix didn't fight, but has needles and a gun. Can she fight using those? Are those outfits something Ogre just likes? Nanase is very cute. Who thought up those splendid moves of hers? Will there be another illustration contest? I'd love to participate and see other people's drawings. |
Episode 8 (December 26th 2017)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Chronicle Character Explanation Part 4: Roger, Uzuki, Azel
- Information (New posters will be available on Comic Market 93)
- End of year tournament (7 participants, Kamone wins)
Episode 9 (January 31st 2018)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Chronicle Character Explanation Part 5: Chiharu, Tomomi, Hiroha
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
Wake-up Reversal Chain Shift is difficult. I'm mashing so hard, but it won't come out. A: No tricks. Just practice. *Kamone shows in Training Mode how to create a good training set-up* I liked the Chronicle Mode. I'm looking forward to a sequel that shows Hyde's daily family life with Linne and Vatista. Is it true that Linne eats her school lunch? She knows about mathematics? Linne always seems to be wearing spats or hot pants. I'd love to see her wearing more girlish clothes. |
Episode 10 (February 28th 2018)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Chronicle Character Explanation Part 6: Byakuya's Sister, Chitose, Kuon
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
I bet Murayama is a ninja and Sakurai is a samurai. I bet Tsukuyomi uses a log as a weapon. A: Wrong. This was explained in an earlier episode. Murayama practices martial arts and Sakurai uses a bow. Byakuya's room has also great pictures. Could you sell posters of those pictures to me? During gameplay, Orie is yelling the game system names out loud. Do those things exist in the game's setting? |
Episode 11 (April 1st 2018)[]
April Fool's Special. Kamone appears as a virtual Youtuber Lex.
- Online Free Battle
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
Where does Mika live while she's in Japan? A: Mika lives at the Branch Office' dorms in the same room as Orie. Lex lives nearby on her own room. How are Indulgence Weapons made? How did Vatista's wing end up into Hyde's possession? You haven't had Q&As on the official site lately. Can you add Chronicle characters into them? Which type of chocolates does Linne like to snack? Mushroom or Bamboo Shoot? |
Episode 12 (April 27th 2018)[]
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
Is there a limit where Linne will be reincarnated. Is she in contact with the parents of her body? A: There is a limit. She can't reincarnate overseas. It also gives Linne some freedom to pick a body from a small selection from bodies with EXS. She has to stay in contact with the body's parents, so that they won't call the police to search her. I like the night sky in the stages BG. Is there a specialist in the team? Can you reveal the lyrics for Takeki Yamiyo and Kouken no Requiem as they weren't written in Force of Fragment? Please reveal Zohar's real name, height, weight, birthday, bloodtype and measurements. |
- Information Corner
- BBTAG open beta is getting close
- Illustration contest is starting
- OVER THE WORLD tournament qualifiers are starting
Episode 13 (May 31st 2018)[]
"BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle" Release Special
Guest: Toshimichi Mori, Riku Ozawa, Nobuya Narita
- Information Corner
- Illustration contest is going on
- OVER THE WORLD qualifiers going on
- BBTAG info
- BBTAG Release Tournament (8 participants, Satocchi wins)
Episode 14 (June 29th 2018)[]
- Whats-and-why of UNI
- Terminology Part 1: Hollow Night, Voids, In-Births
- Information Corner
- BBTAG DLC characters
- OVER THE WORLD qualifiers
Episode 15 (July 31st 2018)[]
- Information Corner
- Illustration Contest results (Link)
Episode 16 (August 30th 2018)[]
- Information Corner
- New DLC characters for BBTAG have been released.
- UNIst Steam version has now released.
- In-house BBTAG tournament (8 participants, Satocchi wins)
- In-house UNIst tournament (8 participants, Kamone wins)
Episode 17 (September 28th 2018)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Terminology Part 2: Void Fallen, Re-Birth, Indulgence Weapons & Regular Weapons
- UNIst 6th Anniversary Free Battles
Episode 18 (October 31st 2018)[]
- "Planners VS the Rest" Tournament (Planner Team wins)
Episode 19 (November 3rd 2018)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Organizations: Night Blade, Amnesia and Licht Kreis
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
There's this half-naked girl mentioned in Chronicle. What kind of half-nakedness is Yoshihara's preference? A: In-Births won't be notices by regular people, so many use clothes that they like. Free outdoor looks that are either visually appealing or functional for battles. It's half-naked from Wald's perspective, meaning that pretty much any modern girl could gets the same comment. Yoshihara's preferences: As long as a certain amount of skin is visible, it qualifies as half-naked. For example, bottom of the neck, back, waist and thighs are exposed. It's mentioned that abilities fade with time. Are there any other conditions? Is it possible to regain after losing them once? There is no way to regain EXS abilities after they have naturally vanished. Exist and Void vanish from the In-Birth's body, returning the it to a nearly "human-like" state. Hyde's parent are working abroad. Where? UNI is similar to modern age. What is the state of outer nations? |
Episode 20 (November 30th 2018)[]
Episode 21 (December 21st 2018)[]
- End-of-year in-house Team Tournament
Wagatsuma (VAT) | dogma (SET) |
Shin'en (GOR) | Kamikazeman (AKA) |
Satou (MIK) | Arakawa (VAT) |
Shiratori (SET) | Miso (PHO) |
Kamone (ENK) | Satocchi (WAG) |
Red team wins.
Episode 23 (February 1st 2019)[]
- Information Corner (BBTAG arcade release revealed)
- In-house Tournament (Planners VS CG & Programmers)
- Survival battle.
- Planners forced to use Random Character.
Planners: Miso, Satochii, Kamone
CG & Programmers: Kamikazeman (AKA), dogma (SET), Shin'en (GOR), Arakawa (PHO), Satou (MIK), Shiratori (SET)
CG&Programmer Team wins.
Episode 23 (February 28th 2019)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Abilities and weapons: Hyde & Linne
- Information Corner
- BBTAG arcade, UNI chosen for EVO, hiring for French-Bread
Episode 25 (April 1st 2019)[]
- In-house Battles (EVO celebration)
- Satochi (HYD) VS Miso (WAL)
- Satou (MIK) VS Arakawa (VAT)
- Danchou (ORI) VS Kamikazeman (AKA)
- Shin'en-chan (GOR) VS dogma (HIL)
- Satou (MER) VS dogma (ELT)
- Satochi (BYA) VS dogma (SET)
- Miso (CAR) VS dogma (HIL)
- Kamikazeman (AKA) VS Arakawa (VAT)
- Shin'en-chan (GOR) VS Danchou (NAN)
- Miso (ENK) VS Arakawa (LIN)
- Satochi (WAG) VS Danchou (SET)
- dogma (SET) VS Kamikazeman (AKA)
Episode 24 (May 10th 2019)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Abilities and weapons: Waldstein & Carmine
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
What kind of person is Joker? He is mentioned to be as powerful as Enkidu and Uzuki, but there is literally no other info. A: All info about Joker is fake and created for a single joke. See ARCADIA magazine No.166 for more info. It's not impossible for him to become playable, but he's definitely not high on the priority list. Pachelbel is carried in a case during the Chronicle Mode. What does it actually weigh? I got interested in this game thanks to BBTAG. I'd like to play Linne in this game, but my friends keep telling that the game system is so complex that it's not worth the trouble. Could explain what is great about UNI? |
Episode 25 (June 28th 2019)[]
- In-house Tournament (Planners use random character)
- Konatsu (ELT) VS Shiratori (SET)
- Arakawa (PHO) VS dogma (SET)
- Kamikazeman (AKA) VS Miso (PHO)
- Shin'en-chan (GOR) VS Satochi (BYA)
- Arakawa (PHO) VS Konatsu (SET)
- Miso (CHA) VS Satochi (BYA)
- Arakawa (PHO) VS Satochi (ORI)
- Kamone (VAT) VS Satochi (WAG)
- Kamone wins
- Free battles
- Shin'en (GOR) VS Shiratori (SET)
- Konatsu (BYA) VS Miso (LIN)
- Kamone (ENK) VS Shiratori (MIK)
Episode 26 (July 26th 2019)[]
- Whats-and-whys of UNI
- Abilities and weapons: Orie & Gordeau
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
What kind of weapons did Seth use before obtaining the Eliminator? A: He used to wield a similar kind of short blades. They were daggers specifically made for fighting against the Void. How is Wagner's full name supposed to be read? I love how pretty the pixel graphics in UNI are. How are they made? How long does a one character usually take to make? For example, Orie's clothes are really complex as the Licht Kreis emblem in her clothes move in the wind along with her skirt. Not to mention, she also has those metallic objects dangling from her skirt. They need to move along with Orie's actions and there was a huge number of them. Other artists drew Orie's sprites, and then we had one person to specifically add those objects into the finished sprites. If we try really hard, we can make a character in about half a year. Usually it takes from 7 to 9 months. Some difficult character have taken even a full year. |
Episode 27 (August 30th 2019)[]
- Mail Corner
Questions: |
What kind of person is Yoshihara-sensei? He almost never makes public appearances and there's barely any info about him.What's his age? Where does he live? Why was he chosen as the designer? What's the size of his shoe? What is his fetish? A: Thanks for your message. These comments always cheer me on. Thanks for your hand work at EVO. If it's not too much to ask, can you tell about your trip to Las Vegas. What kind of ice cream does Londrekia like? |
- Team Tournament
- Planners must use random character
dogma (SET) | Kamikazeman (AKA) |
Satou (MIK) | Tanaka-ya (ENK) |
Arakawa (LIN/PHO) | Konatsu (SET/AKA/VAT) |
Miso (CAR/ELT) | Shiratori (SET) |
Satocchi (CAR/YUZ) | Kamone (LIN/MER) |
White team wins.
Episode 28 (September 27th 2019)[]
Episode 29 (November 1st 2019)[]
Episode 30 (November 29th 2019)[]
Episode 31 (December 25th 2019)[]
Episode 32 (February 20th 2020)[]
External Links[]
Developers | FRENCH-BREAD |
Development | Datamine · Unused Sprites · Development Process · Prototype |
Interviews | Start-up Navi · Famitsu · Mayu Iizuka · 4Gamer-UNIclr · Wiki Twitter Q&A |
Web Series | Q&A Corner · UNIPEDIA · Licht Kreis Information Section · French-Bread Information Station |
Tournaments | OVER THE WORLD |
Other | Portal Site Dialogue · Character Statistics |