Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Outro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | Now that we've crossed fists you must understand. This body's power of the manifestation is at its lowest. Despite having an abnormal amount of power, you were defeated by one who has none. I suggest you go search why you lost. With your heart, that is. 拳を交え理解したであろう。この身体。顕現の力は極小。その影響は極僅か。謂わば生身よ。超常の力を持ちながら、持ち得ぬ者に敗れたのだ。敗因を探るが良い。心でな。 |
Generic | A manifestation, huh? A truly interesting magic trick. It's surprising, however it was not enough to defeat me. 顕現か。誠に面白い手品だ。驚かされる。驚きはせど我が肉体には届かぬがな。 |
Generic | If you refine your art, then you shall see. A dot that is a dot. A line that is a line. The core that is the heart. All you have to do is strike at its center, and it will all come crumbling. 武を極めれば見えてくる。転であり点。旋であり線。芯であり心。後は『 |
Generic | The more you train your body, it will become an unfaltering Vessel. The power of the manifestation passes through that. You only need a faint amount. 肉体は鍛える程に淀み無き『器』となる。そこを通る顕現の力。それは僅かが |
Generic | My strikes are slashes that will cut through sins. I pray that after I slice through a thousand bodies, my curse will be lifted. 我が一撃は罪斬りの一太刀。千の身を斬り削いだとき、我が呪縛も解けると願おう。 |
Generic | You can not break one's philosophy with either force or technique. You need both. One cannot fly with just one wing. 力だけでも技だけでも道理とは砕けぬもの。共に必要だ。片翼では飛べぬ。 |
Generic | The art of war can be found beyond training. What have you been watching? Manifestations... Beyond the point where you use your power, what awaits you? 武とは修練の着く果てと見る。お前達は如何様に見ているのか。顕現。このような力を振るうその果て。何が待ち構えるので在ろうな。 |
Generic | Be released from what shackles you. That match was something beyond my imagination as flesh. You've shown me how limited my imagination could be. For that, I thank you. 常識の束縛から放たれる。生身では想像も及ばぬ手合い。深き戦いであろうよ。己がいかに狭い思考であったか思い知らされるというもの。礼を言おう。 |
Generic | Winning or losing is just a byproduct of your attempt to climb to the next level. What I wish is to exist on something beyond victory or loss. I still have not seen it yet. Since I am still inexperienced. 勝敗とは高みへと昇る課程が生み出す副産物。欲するは勝利も敗北も超えたところに在る何か。まだ見えぬ。未熟故に。 |
Generic | The fine powers shall unite one day. With all of them together, you could even break down a boulder. This is so mesmerizing. |
Praise (Normal) | Under this Night where many gather, The feeling of the Void when up against those who are drunk with their power. I am glad you are not one of those lowlifes. I am sure we will meet once again. You take care. 多くの者が集まるこの夜の下。力に浮かれた者と拳を交える虚無感よ。お前がそのような足らぬ者で無く良かった。何時か再び出会うこともあろう。達者でな。 |
Criticism (Rare) | Under this Night where many gather, The feeling of the Void when up against those who are drunk with their power. For your sake, if you have learned a lesson from this Night. Never step foot in here again. There will be no next time for you. 多くの者が集まるこの夜の下。力に浮かれた者と拳を交える虚無感よ。悪いことは言わぬ。これに懲りたら《夜下<ここ>へは二度と踏み入らぬことだ。次は無い。 |
VS Waldstein | That was commendable. You live up to your name, Hecatoncheir. Your heroic defeat, I shall etch in my heart. May you rest in peace. 誠に見事であった。さすがは『豪腕の巨人』よ。その勇猛な死に様、我が心に焼き付けておこう。安らかに眠るが良い。 |
VS Amnesia (Gordeau, Hilda & Chaos) | What's the matter? Are you feeling ill? I expected more from you. I shall wait for a true rematch next time. どうした? 具合でも悪いのか? 側で見ていた貴様達、その実力。この程度では無かった筈。 真の勝負。次の機会へ持ち越すとしよう。 |
VS Night Blade (Seth, Yuzuriha & Linne) | Your emotion... Your style. I can see that you've trained quite a bit. However, you are still shallow. You must train more deeply. ……気の満ち加減。体裁き。相応の修練を経た者と見る。だがまだまだ薄く浅い。厚く深く修練せよ。 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | I'll test your strength. その力 試させてもらおう |
Arrival sequence2 | ...Here I come. …参る! |
Arrival sequence3 | ...A strong wind blows. …風が 強いな |
Arrival sequence4 | Now. Let us have a match. さぁ 仕合おうぞ |
Arrival sequence5 | Have you readied yourself? 覚悟はできたか? |
Arrival sequence6 | I've been waiting anxiously for this! 待ち焦がれたぞ この時を! |
Arrival sequence7 | The time has come. 時は満ちた |
Arrival sequence (Gordeau) |
Gordeau: Found anyone who measures up yet? Enkidu: Yes. I'm looking at them right now, in fact. ゴルドー「お眼鏡に叶う者は見つかったかい?」 エンキドゥ「あぁ 今丁度な……」 |
Arrival sequence (Hilda) |
Hilda: You must have been dreadfully bored until now. Enkidu: It was all worth it for this moment. ヒルダ「今まで退屈だったでしょ~?」 エンキドゥ「この瞬間のための 代償であろう」 |
Arrival sequence (Chaos) |
I challenge you, child of chaos! 混沌のものよ いざ勝負っ! |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Enkidu: You should be able to show me the answer I seek. Kuon: Bold of you to step into this realm with a mere human body. エンキドゥ「お前なら見せてくれるはずだ 答えを」 クオン「人の身のまま この領域へ踏み込むか…」 |
Arrival sequence (Uzuki) |
Enkidu: None would find fault with you for losing to me as I am now. Uzuki: Pfft! As if anybody'd find fault with me anyway! エンキドゥ「今の俺が相手なら 咎める者もなかろう」 ウヅキ「んなモン 最初からねぇよ」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Still too green. まだまだ未熟よ |
Round win2 | This must be a joke. まるで戯びだな |
Round win3 | Is that all? その程度か? |
Round win4 | Take this more seriously. もっと本気を見せてみろ |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Interesting. As a battle should be. 面白い こうでなくては |
Set win2 | You and I are both woefully inadequate. 至らぬな 俺もお前も |
Set win3 | I won't forget this bout. この勝負 忘れぬぞ |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
This bout found only a razor's edge between us. この仕合 紙一重であった… |
Set win (Easy victory) |
You're still too green. Try again later. まだまだ未熟…出直すがいい |
Set win (Gordeau,Hilda,Chaos) |
I appreciate your help, but I can't hold back in a match. 世話になった身ではあるが勝負とあれば手は抜けんのでな |
Victory | |
General wins1 | I'm sure our battle felt different from others you've fought, because your opponent was just an ordinary martial artist. That's right--almost entirely human. 他の『 なにせ、お前の相手は『ただの |
General wins2 | I'll take on any comers in the form of a human, whoever they are. Otherwise, why would I be here in the Night? Inhuman challengers should find a beast hunter to face instead. 『人の でなければ『 ……だが。人外の相手は、 |
General wins3 | The quality of an EXS is not determined by its size alone. Weapons and tools come in all sizes, and each person chooses the tool that suits them. In my case, a toothpick-sized EXS is the perfect fit. 『 武器や道具には、その者に適した大きさが存在する。 ……俺には |
General wins4 | In the grand scheme of things, special powers don't matter much. The strong will win. The weak will not. 『 |
General wins5 | One must read their opponent's breath, measure their range, step in, and strike through. These fundamentals don't change, with or without superpowers. Though they do add a lot of unpredictability. 相手の呼吸を読み、間合いを測り、踏み込み、打ち抜く。 |
General wins6 | Just like a balloon full of air, a Vessel full of power is easy to burst. Does that sound familiar? 風船を突く様なものだ。『 今のお前の様にな……。 |
General wins7 | Your fists will never reach me. My EXS desires strength. If you wish to pierce me, you'll need a spear that can surpass it. 届かぬな、その『拳』では。 強さを求む我が『 |
General wins8 | Trace how your enemy's power flows, and you'll find their weak point. Open your eyes and look closely. That is all you need. 力の『流れ』を辿れば見えてくる。突けば崩れる箇所がな。 目を開け。凝視せよ。必要なのは |
General wins9 | Your plans look foolish against the raging of the storm. No matter how strong you are, careless movements will only get you swept up in the wind. 吹き 無理に動けば飲み込まれよう。それがどれ程に強き者であろうと。 |
General wins10 | Don't neglect your fundamentals. Whatever powers you attain, they're useless without a flawless foundation. 基礎を怠るな。如何なる『 |
General wins11 | I didn't imagine this would be a tough fight, and I was punished for that arrogance. It was an immature mistake. Truly embarrassing. 苦戦などあり得ぬと思っていたが、ここまで追い込まれようとは。 思い上がりであったな。己の未熟さ、恥ずかしい限りだ……。 |
General wins12 | What unique tactics you have! If I'd walked the path of an ordinary fighter, I'd never have encountered someone like you. This must be a milestone on my journey to greatness... なんとも、奇想天外な攻防よ。 愚直に『武』の道を歩んでいれば、出会うことなど無かったであろう、な。 これも高みを目指すための、貴重な『糧』に違いない……。 |
General wins13 | Only the strong are entitled to survive. Yet I, a weakling, am kept alive... To assuage this guilt, I must prove my strength. 本来生きるべき『強き者』を差し置き、弱き 晴らすには、俺が強き者であると証明するしかあるまい。 |
General wins14 | I'm used to fighting those with powers, but it seems like you've got little experience against normal humans. It must be a bit like fighting a southpaw for the first time. 俺は『 『左利き』との試合のようなものだ。 |
Specific wins1 | Fellow warrior, tell me the reasons behind your change of heart. Without ambition, a warrior turns brittle and weak... 武人よ。その心境の変化、 志を失った者とは、こうも脆く、弱くなるものなのだな……。 |
(Applicable:Waldstein) | |
Specific wins2 | I suspect that was only a scrap of your true strength, but the fight was satisfying nonetheless. I'll pray to fight you again, when you're in peak condition, until that day comes. 実力には程遠いと見るが、満ち足りた勝負であったと言えよう。 万全な状態のお前と、再び『拳』を交える機会。それを願い止まぬ……。 |
(Applicable:Gordeau) | |
Specific wins3 | What's changed you in such a short span of time? I'm surprised. Here I was hoping that you'd do more than carelessly swing your powers around. この短期間で、なにがお前を変えたのだろうな。驚いたぞ。 『 |
(Applicable:Hilda) | |
Specific wins4 | I'm fond of your unclouded, straightforward spirit, but you're still rough around your edges. Until you refine your technique, I'll be able to read your moves like a book. Come back after more training. 荒削りではあるが、曇り無き真っ直ぐな闘気。気に入った。 だが……、それだけでは勝負にならぬ……。出直せ。 |
(Applicable:Tsurugi) | |
Specific wins5 | Between the amount of EXS in your body, your hardened Void flesh, and the number of bloodbaths you've endured, your monstrous reputation is well-earned. Thank you for the greatest treat I've ever received. 『顕現』の量、『虚無』たる強靱な肉体、潜ったであろう修羅場の数。 噂通りの『化物』と呼ぶに相応しい。最高の |
(Applicable:Kuon) |