Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Outro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | Dealing with an opponent as weak as you are doesn't require any planning... or rational thought, for that matter. Learn your lesson, rookie? You've got nothing on my ten years in the industry. 貴方ごときの相手、計算も予測も高速思考も必要としない。身に染みましたか |
Generic | This battle is over... Though, considering how easy it was to win, it's hardly worth considering it as one. 戦闘終了……とも呼べぬものでした。あまりの低レベルさに呆れます。 |
Generic | Exerting power without reason serves no purpose. You need to be calm and collected during an emergency. If you want to survive, rookie, you'd better learn how to control your emotions. 闇雲に暴れても状況は変わらない。窮地に求められるのは冷静な判断です。生き延びたければその身に刻むことだ、 |
Generic | Probably the worst thing about this whole deal for you was that there was no way you could account for my existence. 貴方の最大の |
Generic | You're way too naive... You won't last long in this industry, kid... You need to take a long hard look at yourself... I mean, there has to be a reason why you're an In-Birth, right? その甘すぎる思考、それではこの世界は到底渡っていけない。自分が何を手にして |
Generic | Not bad... But you haven't surpassed the realm of the ordinary. That is all you are. "意外とやる……が、常人の域は出ていない。つまりはその程度ということです。 |
Generic | Even though I don't have the home field advantage here, that was way too close for comfort. To think I'd have to pull out all the stops against a total rookie... 慣れぬ |
Generic | ...Hmph. I thought you were a rookie, but you're more of a "monkey." You have the brawn, but little else. Your one-track mind makes fighting you hardly worth the effort. ……ふん。 |
Generic | Had this outcome been fated through the ages? The old me would have denied such a thing, but having survived this long, I can understand it more readily. But don't get me wrong. Leaving things to fate is after you've done everything you can. 勝負は時の運……か。昔の私なら否定していたところですが、長く戦いを切り抜けてきた今なら理解はできます。だが誤解はしないように。運を天に任せるのは万策を尽くした後での話だ。 |
Generic | Maybe the concept of In-Birth applies to me as I am now. It goes without saying that I'm currently performing on a false stage. |
VS Hyde | Do you now understand the weight of being the main actor? The curtain has just been drawn for you. You keep acting until your life expires. その双肩に背負わされた |
VS Guests | Now, this is a surprise. Running into a fellow veteran of the industry wars here, of all places. There's nothing like chaos to shake up even the most meticulous of plans. A welcome surprise, nonetheless. これは珍しい、 |
VS Akatsuki | I can't stay a mewling newbie forever... The next time we meet, I will not back down from your challenge. 私とて何時までも出会った頃のような |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Time for your punishment. お仕置きの時間です |
Arrival sequence2 | I'll show you what a difference experience can make. 見せてあげましょう 年季の違いを |
Arrival sequence (Akatsuki) |
Eltnum: Shall we have one last dance, senpai? Akatsuki: You're as strange as ever. エルトナム「それではラストダンスと参りましょうか 先輩」 アカツキ「相変わらず妙なやつだ」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | You ought to look up the word "reckless" sometime. 貴方はまず 無謀という言葉を知るべきだ |
Round win2 | These numbers are below the estimates... How shameful. 予測数値以下とは……情けない |
Round win3 | Hmph. How wretched... ふん まったく嘆かわしい…… |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | And we're finished! No surprises there. 以上です 解りきった結末でした |
Set win2 | Have you learned your lesson? お分かりいただけましたか? |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
You surpassed my calculations... Impressive, but it doesn't change the results. こちらの計算を超えますか…お見事です 結果は変わりませんが |
Set win (Easy victory) |
That was a simple problem. 易しい問題でした |
Set win (Akatsuki) |
I'm grateful for this chance! このめぐりあわせに感謝を |
Victory | |
General wins1 | I can tell you've grown a bit more conscientious after so many battles. Conscientiousness is fundamentally different from fear or cowardice, but are you sure you have what it takes to make the next step? 数々の戦いを経て、あなたも少しは思慮深くなった様子。 だが……、恐れ、怯える事と 踏み込めますか? ここより先へ……。 |
General wins2 | That was a good match, but please don't misunderstand. I'm holding myself back for all my battles in this realm. If I were to use every skill at my disposal, your whole world would be destroyed. なんとなく良い勝負になっていましたが、誤解なきよう。 この『 考え得る全ての策を講じて良いのなら、私が |
General wins3 | I'm sure you think I have incredible speed and inhuman powers... Here's my secret: I can calculate at light speed and act without hesitation. A quick mind's a certain advantage on the battlefield. 目にも止まらぬ速さ、人間離れした 一瞬で計算し、迷い無く全力で動けるからこそ、速度も威力も 『高速なる思考』は、戦いにおける決定的な |
General wins4 | Geez... I don't know where you get your ideas about alchemy, but would you stop talking as if I'm only interested in creating gold and people out of thin air? まったく。『 |
General wins5 | That was a close one. I almost thought I might lose for a moment. Ha! Look at me! A regular Blood Liar, here in the Night. ...Look, I'm not here to tell jokes, all right? 非常に際どい勝負でした。この私が敗北の未来を垣間見てしまう程に。 ……以上。 笑えない |
General wins6 | You really haven't grown a bit. Accurate analysis and speedy decision-making are critical to victory. いつまでも成長しない者だ。 的確な分析と高速な判断。それを養わなくては勝てませんよ? |
General wins7 | I may blend in to the point that people treat me like a local, but at the end of the day--or maybe the Night-- I am, in fact, a guest character. We're literally from different worlds. すっかり馴染んでしまい、ここの住人扱いされていますが、私は 文字通り『住む世界が違う』のです。重ね重ね、そこを忘れないで頂きたい。 |
General wins8 | In-Birth... Re-Birth... I don't care what kind of birth you're working with, it wouldn't have made a difference here. Ready to give high-speed reincarnation a shot? 偽りに誕まれようと、再び誕まれようと、なんなら三度誕まれようと。 結果は変わらぬでしょう。この |
General wins9 | This is the last time I'm coming here--as I believe I've said. Don't get cocky just because you made a good first impression ten years ago! Are you really making me go through all of this again...? 言ったはずです、『 それを1度ウケたからと調子に乗って。しかも10年経った今になって! こんな |
General wins10 | Did you know that I first showed up back in the original arcade version of UNI? That means I was here before most of the other twenty-four! So let me hear you address me with some respect, got it? 知ってますか? 私の初登場は初代 今や24名になろうという大半の者達より先に登場しているのです。 『さん』を付けるべき始祖なる存在であると、再認識できましたか……? |
General wins11 | Let go of me this instant! I'm not even supposed to be here tonight! I must return to my luminous realm! えぇい、離しなさーい! 私が居るべきは此処ではないでしょう!? 一刻も早く帰らなければ! あの『輝かしい場所』へと!! |
General wins12 (Rare) |
Nice job, French Bread. You can say you've put up some pretty decent achievements--even the Americans seem to think pretty highly of you. But you still haven't taken down BlazBlue, have you? Be honest. ……まぁ、北米での評価など、 『一定の実績』は納めたと言っても良いでしょう。 しかしまだ肝心の『 |
Specific wins1 | So you're the star actor with all the juicy scenes here... You're a bit lacking in the character department, but there's not much else I can teach you. You should be able to make it to your curtain call. 幾度もの上演を重ねてきた『 ……まだまだ風格としては頼りないが、私の教えなどもう必要ない様子。 後は今夜の『幕』を綺麗に下ろすのみ。今の貴方になら造作もないはずだ。 |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | I've been through hell since coming here, but it was all worth it to meet a vet like you. For us to meet again like this... Maybe lightning strikes twice after all. Fate can be hard to predict. 『 過去に違えたハズの道がこうして再び交わるなど、奇跡的な偶然だ。 本当の『運命』とは予測不能であるのかも知れない……。 |
(Applicable:Akatsuki) | |
Specific wins3 (Rare) |
You used this world as a springboard to cross over to yet another realm, didn't you? I can't believe it! You traitor! At least take me with you! ……先輩め。ここを踏み台に、更なる『 この裏切り |
(Applicable:Akatsuki) | |
Specific wins4 | I must have misjudged you. I'm forced to re-evaluate your prowess; I can't call you a rookie anymore. But it's still too early for you to get arrogant... ですが、この程度で調子に乗られては困りますよ……? |
(Not Applicable:Eltnum,Akatsuki) | |
Specific wins5 | Your behavior is scattered and hard to read... Maybe that's because we're from different worlds. Ah, well. It's not like a little extra difficulty detracts from my victory. 住んでいた世界が違うせいか、あなた方の行動は ……まぁ、多少 |
(Not Applicable:Eltnum) |