Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Outro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | Oh, God... You start fights with people as soon as you discover they are In-Births? Seriously, for no other reason than that? やれやれ、相手が |
Generic | Ugh... Why would you even challenge me under these circumstances? It's pretty obvious who the stronger one is by just looking. まったく……、この状況でどうして戦いを挑もうなんて思うんだろうね。自分と相手のどちらが強いかなんて見ただけで九割方解ることじゃないか。 |
Generic | I never really thought my powers were all that strong... On the contrary, it amazes me that you let so much of your potential go to waste... 僕は自分の |
Generic | Now do you understand? Neither strength nor agility alone will win a battle. 解っただろ? 勝敗を決するのは |
Generic | I bet you're thinking, "I-I lost to some scrawny, glasses-wearing hipster...?!" Well, let's just say it was your strategy that cost you this match. Nothing more, nothing less. メガネのインテリ頭脳派に戦略で負けた……、なーんて考えてないだろうね? キミに |
Generic | We're recruiting people for Amnesia right now. You seem like you'd fit in well enough, so if you're interested, come talk to me later. 『 |
Generic | I'm not one for battles with too many variables... Too many things to keep track of. On the contrary, duels allow me to focus on a single foe, making things easier. Logic wins over everything, after all. 不確定要素の多い『集団戦』というのは、どうにも好きになれなくてね。その点、1人を見ていれば良い『個人戦』というのは揺らぎが無く実に簡単だ。こうして理詰めの対応をするだけで勝てちゃうんだからね。 |
Generic | Whoa, that was close... Fights like these make me second-guess my faith in logic during battle... Maybe it wouldn't hurt to work on my physical condition... 危ない危ない。こうした紙一重の接戦を経験すると、 |
Generic | I keep beating you down, yet you insist on getting back up... I guess I should commend your efforts... Although I must say it's futile. 何度も倒されても立ち上がる、その根性は認めよう……。何度倒されようとも立ち上がる、その根性だけは認めよう……。極めてナンセンスだとも言わざるを得ないがね。 |
VS Gordeau | The better we get to know each other, the easier finding the answers becomes. In other words, the more we fight, the further my advantage against you erodes, Gordeau. お互いの手の内が知れる程に確率は収束していく。回数を重ねる程、僕の有利は揺るがないってことだよ、ゴルドー。 |
VS Hilda | You always charge into things headfirst... It gives me a migraine. あ、相変わらず力押しなんだなキミは。 |
Generic | Conjecture based on experience is prediction. Deduction based on prediction is expectation. These things in their ultimate form is foresight. I sense that you already know of these things. 経験から想像するのが『予想』。予想から推測するのが『予測』。そして予測から知り得る究極が『予知』。キミの考えの合理性には敬意を表するよ。もっとも、僕如きでは足下にも近寄れない深さを感じるけどね。 |
VS Wagner | I see that you live up to your reputation as the strongest Licht Kreis fighter. However your "flame" was too straight of an ability to do well against me. I have nothing against you, but I'm going to take you with me, for Gordeau's sake. 『 |
VS Enkidu | What's the matter, Enkidu? You're not fighting at your best today? It's hard to believe you'd let me win. I guess that's all part of your teachings. どうしたんだい『 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | It looks like I'm on cleanup duty. さて 片づけを始めようか |
Arrival sequence2 | I usually stick to more cerebral tasks... 僕は頭脳労働担当なんだけどね… |
Arrival sequence3 | How long do you plan to flail about? キミはどこまで足掻いてくれるのかな |
Arrival sequence4 | Do go easy on me. お手柔らかに頼むよ |
Arrival sequence5 | Just don't break my glasses, okay? メガネを壊すのは止めてくれよ? |
Arrival sequence (Gordeau) |
Gordeau: So you came out yourself, huh? That's rare. Chaos: You were on my mind. What other reason is there? ゴルドー「お前さんが出向いてくるたぁ珍しい」 ケイアス「キミを思っての事 それ以外にあるかい?」 |
Arrival sequence (Seth) |
Chaos: Last chance. Want to join forces with us again? Seth: Heh. A shattered plate can never be put back together. ケイアス「どうだい? 再び手を組む最後のチャンス」 セト「フッ 割れた皿は元には戻るまい……」 |
Arrival sequence (Hilda)1 |
Hilda: I hope you're prepared to be thoroughly trounced. Chaos: Hilda... You again...? ヒルダ「一方的な敗北は 想定内かしら?」 ケイアス「ヒルダ… またキミは…」 |
Arrival sequence (Hilda)2 |
Chaos: Well, at least I was prepared to run into you. Hilda: I hope you're prepared to be thoroughly trounced. ケイアス「ま キミとぶつかるのも想定内ではある」 ヒルダ「一方的な敗北は 想定内かしら?」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Chaos: If I win... you know what happens, right? Kuon: Of course. I accept it all. ケイアス「僕が勝ったら… 解ってるだろ?」 クオン「勿論さ 受け入れよう全てを」 |
Arrival sequence (Uzuki) |
Uzuki: Secrets... Conspiracies... I don't mind 'em, y'know. Chaos: The feeling's mutual. I don't mind you, either. ウヅキ「隠し事 企み事… 嫌いじゃねぇがな」 ケイアス「同感だ 僕もキミのことは嫌いじゃない」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | You're more capable than I expected. 予想よりは やるみたいだね |
Round win2 | A sensible, intelligent victory. インテリジェンスな勝ち方だ |
Round win (Gordeau) |
...You held back, didn't you, Gordeau? …ゴルドー 今の手を抜いたろ? |
Round win (Hilda) |
You never change, either. 相変わらずだね キミも |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | Sorry. Azhi Dahaka's manners need some work. すまないね こいつ行儀が悪くて |
Set win2 | I'd say that was a good bout. 良い勝負だったと思うよ |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
I'd hoped for a smarter victory. もっとスマートに勝ちたかったんだが |
Set win (Easy victory) |
I sense no intelligence in your fighting style. 君の戦い方にはインテリジェンスを感じないな |
Set win (Gordeau) |
Fighting you is fun and all, but alas, one only lives once. キミとの闘いは楽しいけど 命がいくつあっても足りないね… |
Set win (Hilda) |
Th-that was ridiculous... Are you trying to kill me? め 滅茶苦茶すぎる…死ぬかと思ったよ |
Set win (Enkidu) |
Nearly losing one's life in a test of skill is taking things too far... 腕試しで命を奪われかけるなんて たまったものじゃないよ… |
Set win (Uzuki) |
Yes, you really are fascinating. Just as I thought. うん やっぱり面白いねキミは 僕の目に狂いはなかった |
Victory | |
General wins1 | Honestly, I'd prefer not to have come into the Night. Why put one of your commanders on the front lines? It's just asking for trouble. This is real life, not some fantasy novel. ……僕は、本当はこんな『 前線に勝手に出て倒される司令塔、なんてのがいたら笑い話でしかない。 武将が先陣切って暴れまくるなんてのは『 |
General wins2 | I figured things might turn out better if someone like me were around... but I was wrong. I'll only slow everyone down. If only I could send Azhi Dahaka out into the Night alone... 僕みたいなのでも居ないよりマシだろうと考えて、来てみたんだけれど。 ……うん、確実に居ない方が良いね、これは。足を引っ張るだけだ。 |
General wins3 | How sharp did you find the Codex of Disorder, then? A toothy read, wouldn't you say? I don't want you to think I have it easy with a companion to rely on... but truth be told, I do. どうだい、『 |
General wins4 | I don't care for exercise, let alone actual fights... but it's still fun to watch my opponent move exactly according to my predictions. What I lack in physical strength, I make up for with mental acuity. 身体を動かすのは嫌いでね。人と戦うなんてのは論外も良いところだ。 ……けれど、楽しい部分もある。それは相手が計算通りに動いてくれること。 |
General wins5 | That's enough. Stay down, unless you want bite marks all over your head. There you go. Just pretend you're asleep. Is that so hard? そこまでだ。次に立ち上がったら、その『頭』を咬み砕く。 寝たフリで良い。そのまま倒れているんだ……。 |
General wins6 | Range of attack, speed, follow-through--All human mobility is bound by the laws of physics. That's where I place most of my attention. It's not the only way to win, but it'll get you quite far. Q.E.D. 攻撃の 人間の動きってのは結局物理的な限度がある。僕が主に見ているのはそこさ。 それだけで勝てるとは言わないが、割と乗り切れるものだよ。こんな風にね。 |
General wins7 | Now, now. There's no need for surprise or chagrin. It only took a little thinking to foresee this outcome. ...Are you telling me you really didn't see this coming? いや……、驚く事も悔しがることも、何も無いじゃないか。 この結果は少し考えるだけで解ること。……もしかして解らなかったのかい? |
General wins8 | Physical strength only prevails when all else is equal-- that is to say, mental prowess. Did you really think you were qualified to face me? 前提条件が間違っていないかい? |
General wins9 | I'll give you credit for defying my expectations, but don't try and tell me that you're "strong under pressure." That's no selling point at all. Consistent power--no peaks, no fluctuations--is what I call true power. 僕の予測を覆した点は褒めたいが、『追い詰められると強い』というのは、 性能としては良くないね。山無く、 それこそが本当の『強さ』であると、僕は考えているが。 |
General wins10 | I managed to overcome... but only barely. No, this time, I'm ashamed to say it all came down to luck. Unless I rethink the very basis of my opponents' strengths, I'll end up dead... なんとか勝つ事が出来たか……。いや、実際きついね、これ。 情けない話だけど、今回の勝因は『運』でしかない。 相手の戦力評価、その基準を考え直さないと……、僕が死ぬ。 |
General wins11 | That gimmick of yours may be effective, but don't you rely on it a little too much? Powerful though it may be, it's trivial to avoid if I know that it's coming. I suggest you expand your repertoire. キミのそれ。確かに有効な『技』だけど、少々頼り過ぎじゃないかな。 どれだけ強力であろうと、来るのが解っていれば躱すのは容易い。 攻撃の『 |
Specific wins1 | Game, set, and match, Princess of the Night Blade. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have much to discuss with your brother. I'm afraid eternity is nearly at an end for your family. これで 後は、キミのお兄さんに折り入って相談をするだけ。 いよいよ終わりが来るんだよ。君たち兄妹の永遠と呼べる時間の、ね……。 |
(Applicable:Linne) | |
Specific wins2 | I admire your persistence, Carmine Prime. If Amnesia is in control when the sun rises, then I do hope you'll consider what we've discussed. よくここまで暴れられるものだと感服するよ、『 『 |
(Applicable:Carmine) | |
Specific wins3 | I see you fighting all the time. I'm certain of your tactics, and with certainty comes victory. I'll settle matters with Aeon. Leave him to me. キミの動きは良く見てるからね。手の内が解れば僕にも勝ち目はある。 『 |
(Applicable:Gordeau) | |
Specific wins4 | I'd love to study you more closely, but not so close that I'm inside your stomach. Hmm... Perhaps we should maintain a cordial, once-in-a-Night sort of acquaintance. キミという存在をもっと調べたいが、僕なんか簡単に食われてしまうだろう。 ……うん。たまに『夜』で出会う友人という関係でいよう。 |
(Applicable:Merkava) | |
Specific wins5 | I don't mind terminating our contract, Seth. If you can't even keep up with me, you're of no use, anyway. キミとの 僕如きに遅れをとる |
(Applicable:Seth) | |
Specific wins6 | You're every bit the typhoon I remember. Can't you learn a bit of restraint, already? 相変わらず台風みたいな女だな、キミは……。 少しは『 |
(Applicable:Hilda) | |
Specific wins7 | Stop. Your intuition is misleading you right now. The Codex of Disorder is the one that defeated you. Don't expect me to satisfy your misplaced grudges. ストップ。今、キミが キミを倒したのは『 |
(Applicable:Enkidu) | |
Specific wins8 | An exemplary specimen of the "powerhouse" type. I'll have to keep a closer eye on you. You're from the EFG, yes? When the Night's over, I'll stop by and say hello. また、とんでもない 『 |
(Applicable:Tsurugi) | |
Specific wins9 | For all the airs you put on, your ending left much to be desired, Kuon. You aren't plotting anything else, are you? Because if you are, I'm all ears. 勿体ぶった割に意外と呆気ない終わり方だったね、『 まだなにか企んでいる事でもあるのかい? 良ければ相談に乗るよ……? |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins10 | Amnesia is always recruiting capable soldiers like you. With your skill, we'd welcome you with open arms... or at least we would, were this not the final Night. 『 君程の実力者であれば歓迎するよ。『夜』が今後も続くならだけど……。 |
(Not Applicable:Gordeau,Hilda,Chaos,Enkidu,Uzuki) | |
Specific wins11 | You've turned out to be every bit as fascinating as I'd hoped, Uzuki. I know you're no ordinary person, but what, precisely, is going on with your body? ...Actually, don't tell me. Let me figure it out on my own. キミが見込み通りの面白い人材で良かったよ、ウヅキくん。 しかし……。只者でないとは思っていたけど何者なんだい、キミの ……あぁ、話さなくても良いよ。真相には自分で辿り着きたいから。 |
(Applicable:Uzuki) |