Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | Hehe... It's too late for regrets. ククク…後悔してももう遅ェ! |
Generic | Weaklings should stay away... 雑魚はすっこんでろ… |
Generic | I barely need to even try with this one. 軽くひねってやんよォ |
Outro | ||
Generic | Classification complete! 格付け完了だ! |
Generic | This is nowhere close to satisfying me! まだまだ足んねーんだよォ! |
Generic | Ke ke ke ke... HYAH HA HA HA HA HAAH! クックックックックッ…ハァーッハッハッハッハッハァ! |
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | What's the matter? Come at me! どうした、かかってこいよオラァ! |
Generic | What? You scared or something? なんだ、ビビッちまったかァ? |
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Hahahaha! Be Devoured! | Just try to dodge! Hah hah hah! Devour! 避けてみやがれ…! ヒャァーッハッハッハァ! 喰らい尽くせ! |
You Shit! This is the END! | Entombed in the red coffin, skewered by the red needles... You shall die and return to the red origin. You shit! This is the END! 赤き |
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | You really are a piece of shit... How dare you waste my time and effort. テメェほんとクソだな……、オレの貴重な時間を浪費させんじゃねぇぜ。 |
Generic | Goddamn, you suck! Why'd you even bother trying to fight me, loser?! クソすぎるぜぇ……、テメェ程度のクソがこのオレに歯向かうんじゃねぇよ……。 |
Generic | Moron... Look at where getting cocky gets you. クソがよぉ……、調子に乗ってやがるからそうなるんだよぉ。 |
Generic | Damn it, how annoying... You're not good enough for me... Find me a stronger person. 胸クソ悪りぃ……。テメェじゃ足りねぇ……、もっと強ぇの呼んで来やがれよぉ。 |
Generic | You little shit! Goin' to sleep already?! I was just getting started! クソがぁぁぁぁ! もうおネンネかよぉ!! これからじゃねーかぁ!!! |
Generic | Gotta admit, this was pretty interesting. I enjoy watching weak-ass punks like you suffer. なかなか面白かったぜぇ今のは。……ザコが無駄に足掻くサマがよぉ。 |
Generic | Heh, heh... That look on your face... Like you can't believe how weak you were... That's EXACTLY the look I wanted to see. ククククク……、良いねぇ。その自分の弱さがまだ信じられねぇってぇ |
Generic | Good stuff. Those who fight back make it that much more fun to defeat them. 結構結構、テメェみてぇに反抗的なヤツこそツブし甲斐があるってもんだぜぇ。 |
Generic | Why do I fight? No reason. If I had to pick one though, it's 'cuz your face is annoying. 戦う理由? んなもんねぇよ。強いて言うならテメェの顔がムカつくからだ。 |
Generic | Yeah, just keep dancing around like that. I'll just beat the crap out of you after pass out from exhaustion. そーだよ……、そーやって踊ってろ。力尽きて倒れたら踏み潰してやるぜぇ。 |
Generic | Yeah, just keep dancing around like that. I'll just beat the crap out of you after pass out from exhaustion. 良い勝負になるとでも思ったか? テメェとオレじゃぁそれは有り得ねぇな。 |
Generic | Good stuff. Prey like you makes it hard for me to stop lurking around the Hollow Night. 上等だ。テメェみてえのがいるから『虚ろの夜』の徘徊は止められねぇんだよぉ。 |
Generic | God, this is way too much fun... I'll never get tired of making maggots like you scream. 楽しいぜぇ。吠え面ってなぁ、どうしてこうもみんな同じ顔なんだろうなぁ。 |
Generic | This is why I hate weaklings like you... How long are you going to sit there and cry? あーあぁ、やだねぇ弱いってのは。そこでいつまでも弱さに涙してんだな。 |
Generic | Now do you understand how weak you are? The reality is that I'm stronger than you'll ever be. テメェの弱さ、ちったぁ思い知ったか? オレのが強ぇ、それが現実だぜぇ。 |
Generic | You're so weak it's sad. Yet you were talkin' like you hot shit. 悲しいほどに無力だな。その程度で粋がってたテメェの弱さを呪え。 |
Generic | Yeah, that's right... Bring me your ringleader, your mom, whoever... Just be sure they'd satisfy me. いいぜぇ、リーダーでもボスでもママでもなんでも連れてきてみろぉ……。そいつはオレを満足させてくれるんだよなぁ? |
Generic | Get it now?! This is how you fight! No reason to sugarcoat it. 解ったかぁ? ケンカってなぁこうすんだよぉ。綺麗事並べてんじゃぁねーんだ。 |
Generic | Heh, being weak is so pathetic. I have zero pity for you. ケッ、哀れだぜぇ、弱いってのはよぉ。同情する気は微塵もねぇがなぁ。 |
VS Female Character | Don't worry, I don't discriminate... I crush men and women equally! Women getting a free pass actually pisses me off to no end! 安心しろよ、オレは女だろうと平等に殴ってやんぜぇ。女ってだけで許される程度のムカつき具合じゃねーんだよぉ! テメェは! |
Generic | Man, you really gross me out. What the hell's wrong with you?! 気色悪ぃヤロウだ。頭イカレてんじゃねぇかぁ? テメェ? |
VS Wagner | Hey, Licht chick dressed in red. Are you the one everyone's talking about? People have been mistaking me for you, and it's pissing me off... 『 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | Keh heh heh... It's too late for remorse now? ククク…後悔してももう遅ェ! |
Arrival sequence2 | You weaklings should keep your damn distance... 雑魚はすっこんでろ… |
Arrival sequence3 | I'm just gonna twist ya up a little. 軽くひねってやんよォ |
Arrival sequence (Hyde) |
Hyde: Yet another bastard who never learns... Carmine: Gotta have a hobby, right? Stay outta this. ハイド「懲りねぇヤロウだな お前も」 カーマイン「唯一の趣味だ 邪魔すんじゃねぇよ」 |
Arrival sequence (Gordeau) |
Gordeau: You look pale. Are you feeling okay? Carmine: Keh... Worry 'bout your own damn life. ゴルドー「顔色悪いな 大丈夫か?」 カーマイン「けっ… テメェの命だけ心配してな…」 |
Arrival sequence (Kuon) |
Carmine: Don't get cocky, kid... Kuon: Oh, you're a scary one. But I'd rather you didn't make light of me. カーマイン「気取ってんなよ ガキが……」 クオン「あぁ 見くびらないでくれよ 怖いお兄さん」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Keh heh heh heh heh... Haaa ha ha ha ha haah! クックックックックッ…ハァーッハッハッハッハッハァ! |
Round win2 | C'mon! Try a little harder! おいおい もう少し頑張れよ! |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | That's not even close to enough! まだまだ足んねーんだよォ! |
Set win2 | Now you know your place! 格付け完了だ! |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
Bastard... A dog like you should know better than to bite me! テメェ…犬が噛みついてんじゃねえぞ! |
Set win (Easy victory) |
Tch... You can't even stave off my boredom. チッ…退屈しのぎにもなんねェ |
Set win (Hyde) |
I dunno what your deal is, but you're pissing me off... なんだかわからねえがムカつく野郎だったぜ… |
Set win (Byakuya) |
Stupid kid... Go play house with your big sister. ガキが…おねーちゃんとママゴトでもしてな |
Victory | |
General wins1 | Feh... You know how long I've been waitin' for this Night? And you had to go and ruin it, dammit! クッソ……。久々の『 |
General wins2 | Hey, trash! Bet you wish you could take that back, don'tcha? Huh? クソ野郎、オレに歯向かったこと、ちゃ~んと後悔してっかぁ? なぁおい!! |
General wins3 | Man, what a bore... You seriously suck. I thought I was gonna pass out from boredom... あーぁ、ダっる……。マジクソだな。ダルすぎてこっちが倒れそうだ……。 |
General wins4 | You'll never amount to anything, you know that? Actually, hold up... Yeah! Congratulations! You're officially the most boring loser I've ever fought! こいつはクソだぜ……。いやいや、こんなつまらねー相手は始めてだな……。 |
General wins5 | Ugh, nothing but garbage... This world really doesn't have much to offer, does it? あー、クソだ、クソ。世の中ってなぁ、ホントつまんねーよなぁ、おい! |
General wins6 | Shit, it doesn't even feel good to pummel you! Hold still. I'm gonna give it another shot... クソ……。もーちっと気持ちよくブン殴らせろよ、逆らうんじゃねぇ……。 |
General wins7 | No matter how much you try, you're never gonna be worth shit! Gyaaah ha ha ha! テメェがどんなに頑張ろうとよ、クソの役にも立たねぇんだよぉ! ぎゃーーはっはっはっはっはっーー! |
General wins8 | What d'you mean, you don't know who I am? Sounds like I need to throw a bigger party... テメェ、オレを知らねーってのか? こりゃもっと大暴れしねぇとなぁ……。 |
General wins9 | What, you think I'm gonna tell trash like you my name? What'm I gonna do next, start introducin' myself to all the rocks down by the river? ザコに名乗る趣味はねぇ。河原の石に自己紹介はしねーよ普通、なぁ……? |
General wins10 | Shut up and die, already! That's what you're good for! 黙って死んどけ……。それがお似合いだぜ……。 |
General wins11 | Maybe if you go die a hundred times, you'll eventually come back as something that stands a damn chance against me. Here, I'll give you a hand with the first time... もう100回くらい生まれ変わって、出直してくんだな。 ほれ。早速1回目、逝ってきな……。 |
General wins12 | What a sweet little face... Makes me wanna dirty it, twist it up, and make it cry! 良い顔だ……。もっと汚して、泣かして、歪ませたくなるよなぁ! おい!! |
General wins13 | Well, you tried, I guess. You fought back pretty well and pissed me off juuust the right amount. ま、頑張った方か。程良くムカツく、良い~感じの反撃だったぜぇ……。 |
General wins14 | Sure, sure, I'll give you some props. Don't get carried away, though! Otherwise I'm gonna have to stop your breathing. ちったぁ認めてやっても良いが、程々にしとけよ、なぁ。 じゃねぇと、息の根止めちまうぞ……。 |
General wins15 | Gotta hand it to ya. You really gave me everything you've got, huh? I can admit when I'm damn impressed. I don't get to go all out all that much, y'know. Feels good. 全力で抵抗する姿……、感動しちまったよオレは。 おかげでこっちも全力でぶっ飛ばしちまった。スッキリしたぜ……。 |
General wins16 | Gotta say, I was hopin' you'd do a better job, seein' as you're the one who picked a fight with me and all. Ah, well. I guess you found out where your limit is. オレに楯突くくらいだから期待したんだがな。ま、この程度が限界か。 |
General wins17 | Shiiit, that hurts... But it's a good kinda pain! The kind that makes ya forget everything an' lets you go crazy! ……っくぅ~痛ぇ痛ぇ。けど、この痛みがたまらねぇよな。 全部忘れて、暴れさせてくれっからよ……。 |
General wins18 | Damn... Not bad at all. I'm gonna remember your face. コイツ……、やってくれるじゃねぇか。テメェのツラァ覚えたからな……。 |
General wins19 | Quit barkin', dog. Maybe if you knew how to keep your trap shut, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. キャンキャンうるせぇ犬だ。静かにしてりゃ痛い目見ずに済んだろうによ。 |
General wins20 | Your brain finally catch up with your mouth yet? You shoulda known not to mess with me. ようやく、理解が追いついたみてぇだなぁ。敵う相手じゃねぇ、ってよ……。 |
General wins21 | Aww, you want a do-over? Wanna get stomped like an ant again? Now that's funny! 悔しい? ゾウに潰されたアリが悔しがんのか? こいつぁケッサクだぁ! |
General wins22 | It doesn't matter how many times you try. It's pointless. You know that, right? If you really wanna die that bad, I'll help you out! 幾ら |
General wins23 | Kids, grown-ups, good guys, bad guys... All of 'em piss me off! You step to me, you better know what's coming! ムカツク奴に大人も子供もねぇ。正義も悪もな。俺の前に現れんのが悪ぃ。 |
General wins24 | Aw, gonna call me a coward? A cheater, maybe? Keh heh heh... Go on, say it! That sorta thing is music to my ears! 卑怯だとか汚ねぇだとか、言いたげな クックック……、言ってくれて良いぜ? 最っ高の褒め言葉だかんなぁ。 |
Specific wins1 | Hey, tropical fish head! Where do I know you from? Can't say I remember much... Mostly just that you pissed me off! このハタタテダイみたいな野郎、どっかで会ったよな。 よく覚えてねぇが、ムカつくって記憶だけは残ってるぜ……。 |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | I gotta say, you're a complete mess through and through. I'm gettin' depressed just lookin' at you. So should I just bury you here, or what? 最後まで面倒なヤローだ。鬱陶しいったらねぇ。このまま埋めとくか……? |
(Applicable:Gordeau) | |
Specific wins3 | Bitch, you were so worth it... Your strength, your arrogance, your sulky, dying face... A+ on all categories, would beat again. 女ぁ……、テメェは最高にツブし甲斐があったぜ。 強さ、生意気さ、悔しがるツラ、死に様……。全部に満点くれてやんぜぇ! |
(Applicable:Hilda) | |
Specific wins4 | Y'know what, brat? I like you. Well, I don't hate you, at least. So I'm gonna give you a pass for now. Go on and tell your sister how damn lucky you are. ガキ……、テメェの性格は嫌いじゃねぇ。 特別生かしておいてやる。おねーちゃんにでも慰めて貰いな……。 |
(Applicable:Byakuya) | |
Specific wins5 | You've got some damn nerve, makin' me take you out when it's not even garbage day. このガラクタのポンコツ野郎。粗大ゴミの回収日は |
(Applicable:Kuon) | |
Specific wins6 | Dammit, kid, what d'you think this is? Playtime with Carmine? You're makin' me feel old, here... こんのクソガキぃ。随分とランランだったなぁ……? ビキビキ来んぜ……。 |
(Applicable:Hyde,Linne,Orie,Vatista,Seth,Nanase,Byakuya,Wagner,Tsurugi,Mika,Phonon) | |
Specific wins7 | Aw, you've got one of those innocent faces. Like you've never seen how dirty the world can get. Y'know what it makes me wanna do? It makes me wanna show you a drainage ditch--real close and personal! あーぁ。こういう「汚れた世界は知りませーん」みてぇな、 澄ました |
(Applicable:Orie,Vatista,Nanase,Wagner,Londrekia) | |
Specific wins8 | Is that the best you can do? Put on the crazy act all you want. It's never gonna stack up to the real deal. 全然足りねぇよ。演じてる奴にゃ、この辺が限界か……? |
(Applicable:Uzuki) |