Situation | Line | Voice |
Intro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Outro | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Defeat | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Round Lose | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Idle | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
System | ||
Concentration | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Chain Shift | ||
Veil Off | ||
Veil Off | ||
Specials | ||
Infinite Worth | ||
Challenger Appears | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Generic | ||
Victory | ||
Generic | Know your place. 己が分際を弁えよ。 |
Generic | Are you after this power of mine? No, it doesn't seem that way... Frankly, I'm more interested in the strange power you seem to possess. この |
Generic | I cannot fall here, in this unknown place, without finding the answers to my questions. こんな場所で、何も分からないまま |
Generic | While I do not have the time to play around like this, I have to admit that was quite enjoyable. 遊んでいる暇はないのだが、久々に楽しませては貰った。 |
Generic | I have questions that perhaps you can answer now that the match is over. Hmm... It seems you've already knocked out. "勝負も決したところで少々聞きたい事がある。ん……? もう伸びているのか。 |
Generic | I must be going now. I have a mountain of work to address. I doubt interrogating you will do much to help matters. もう行くぞ。自分には調べねばならない事が山程あるのでな。お前を幾ら尋問しようと、真相に辿り着くことはあるまい……。 |
Generic | Impressive... I hope that the next time we meet, it will not be as enemies. やるな……。できれば今度は敵として出会いたくないものだ。 |
Generic | You've stretched your attentions too thin. The further you reach, the thinner your strengths become. That is how weaknesses are born. |
VS Hyde | It seems that both you and I dwell in the shadows. To think we'd emerge from our corners of the night, and meet upon this gloomy stage... 影の住人同士が、こんな場所で相見えようとは。折角の晴舞台が陰鬱な夜であることは皮肉としか言いようがない。 |
VS Eltnum | I feel as though you and I have much in common. Hopefully we will see each other again. お前とは何故か気が合いそうだ。また何処かで会おう。 |
VS Wald, Merkava & Chaos | How outrageous! Wh-What did you hope to achieve by creating monsters such as these...?! 何と奇ッ怪な……。このような怪物を産み出してまで、一体何を得ようと言うのか……。 |
VS Yuzuriha, Eltnum & Hilda | If you'll allow me a few words... I find it highly inappropriate that you would dress in such a scandalous manner. ひとこと言っておく。婦女子がそんなはしたない格好をするものではない。 |
Situation | Line |
Intro | |
Arrival sequence1 | I could survive even death itself! 我 死すとも死せず! |
Arrival sequence2 | Send me all your slings and arrows! 願わくば我に七難八苦を与えたまえ! |
Arrival sequence3 | Is there no end to my misfortune? 憂き事の 尚この上に積もれかし |
Arrival sequence (Eltnum) |
Eltnum: Shall we have one last dance, senpai? Akatsuki: You're as strange as ever. エルトナム「それではラストダンスと参りましょうか 先輩」 アカツキ「相変わらず妙なやつだ」 |
Outro (Round Win) | |
Round win1 | Sei! セイッ! |
Round win2 | How pitiful. Stand up! 不甲斐ない 立て! |
Round win3 | Finished already?! もう終わりか! |
Outro (Match Win) | |
Set win1 | I am the god of thunder! I am invincible! 我は雷神 絶対不敗なり! |
Set win2 | Even if my body dies, I'll fiercely defend the nation in spirit! 我が身は死して護国の鬼となりぬ! |
Set win (Narrow victory) |
You put up an impressively ferocious fight... 見事 獅子奮迅の戦いであった… |
Set win (Easy victory) |
You lack training! 練成が足りん! |
Set win (Eltnum)1 |
Farewell, my so-called junior. Keep your quarrels in moderation. さらばだ後輩とやら 喧嘩もほどほどにな |
Set win (Eltnum)2 |
Ours is a strange bond... We may meet again, if we both survive. 奇妙な縁だ……生きていればまた会うのかもしれん |
Victory | |
General wins1 | Looks like you've got a better idea of your place, now. 己が分際を……、少しは弁えた様だな。 |
General wins2 | This is my second time here; I'm much more accustomed to it now. I won't be defeated that easily. 二度目故、『 |
General wins3 | My name happens to mean "daybreak." It's hard to think it's a coincidence that I'm here for the end of your Night. 『夜』の終わり――それが我が名だ。 この舞台へ来たことに浅からぬ因縁を感じる……。 |
General wins4 | Maybe you should try sports instead. You'd probably fare much better when your life isn't on the line. |
General wins5 | No matter how immense one's power may be, humans are not gods... 幾ら強大な『力』を得ようと、人は神ではないのだ……。 |
General wins6 | I don't think you're after my Blitz Motor... But in that case, I'm not sure why you assaulted me. Are you just some kind of mugger? この『 それなら自分を襲う理由は一体……。ただの野盗か? |
General wins7 | You must be hungry after all that running around. I know I am. それだけ暴れては、さぞ腹が減るだろう。自分もだ。 |
General wins8 | What was that, sorcery? Thank you for the demonstration. Life is worth living for as long as possible. それは妖術か……? 面白い 長生きはしてみるものだ。 |
General wins9 | I didn't even have to use my Blitz Motor... That's a bit disappointing. ずいぶん 『 |
General wins10 | I'm sorry, but I cannot yield. This is not where I'm meant to die. すまんが、それには従えぬ。自分が死すべき場所は『 |
General wins11 | I'd hoped for the Seven Misfortunes and Eight Pains... but this is more suffering than I bargained for. 『七難八苦を』と願いはしたが……。 このような『 |
General wins12 | My motives are simple. I carry out my orders. I only fought you to neutralize an incoming threat. 自分は『命令』を遂行するのみ。 この戦闘は、降りかかる火の粉を払っているに過ぎぬ。 |
Specific wins1 | It seems I've spent too much time on you. I'm far behind schedule on my mission. どうもお前達に付き合い過ぎてしまったようだ。 ずいぶん任務に遅れが生じたぞ。 |
(Applicable:Hyde) | |
Specific wins2 | I don't understand you, but I don't hate you, either. Carry on as you were. It seems to suit you. 妙ちくりんだが憎めん奴だ。まぁ、お前はその調子で行けばよかろう、『後輩』よ。 |
(Applicable:Eltnum) | |
Specific wins3 | Dual-pistol combat? I've heard of that fighting style before. その二丁拳銃の戦法……、噂に聞いたことがある。 |
(Applicable:Kaguya) | |
Specific wins4 | The weapons people use here are... strange. I'll have to adjust my tactics. こう想定せぬ武器が多いと、戦術転換の必要性を感じる……。 |
(Not Applicable:Merkava,Chaos,Enkidu,Akatsuki) | |
Specific wins5 | That white hair...! It can't be-- No, no, it truly can't. My mistake. I've already sent you through hell and back. ……その |
(Applicable:Waldstein,Merkava,Vatista,Chaos,Enkidu) | |
Specific wins6 (Rare) |
Have we met somewhere before, in a different universe...? No... Sorry, I know that's ridiculous. 我ら、どこか別の いや……、気のせいならいいのだ。 |
(Applicable:Hyde,Linne,Waldstein,Carmine,Orie,Gordeau,Merkava,Vatista,Seth,Yuzuriha,Hilda,Mika) | |
Specific wins7 | I'm fully aware that I'm the invader in your territory here, and I apologize for that. But you've only interrupted my search for a way back out. お前達の縄張りに迷い込んだ自分が悪い、それは重々承知している。 ただ帰り道を知りたいだけだ。そう邪険にせんでくれ。 |
(Not Applicable:Eltnum,Akatsuki) |