Under Night In-Birth Wiki
Arcade Script

This is the script for Akatsuki's Arcade Mode stories.



Akatsuki: I've finally made it back to the mainland… But where exactly?

I must have fallen from exhaustion after smuggling myself onto that ship… The air is strange… This can't be the same country as before…

Countless secrets we smuggled out of the Third Reich as the war was ending… It was during our mission of transporting The Blitz Motor, our secret weapon, that we were shot down over the Arctic Ocean.

Going into hibernation was the only option for survival. But the war was over when I awoke, and half a century had passed.

In the event of failure, our contingency plan was to destroy the Blitz Motor and erase all traces of its existence. All that is left for me is to fulfill those orders.

It's still early evening… Procuring intelligence will be my primary objective, then I can assess the situation once more.

But first… Perhaps a light snack. One cannot hope to fight on an empty stomach.

Stage 3[]

Eltnum: Wha--?! A-Akatsuki… Sir, what brings you here?!

Akatsuki: Who are you? I don't recall having an assistant.

Eltnum: Heh… I understand. You and I simply chose to walk different paths. But no need to discuss the details. You are simply the mentor of those in the business. Not just mine, but all of ours.

But how could you walk away from NAOMI, the land you loved so dearly, and instead live for NESICA…?! And why have you returned to this place of unimaginable carnage?

Akatsuki: Is this some kind of code? What exactly are you saying…?

Eltnum: STOP! I don't want to hear any excuses. The bottom line is, you betrayed us. I, too, have fought for survival these ten long years… I'm not the helpless fledgling I was before.

Regardless of your opinion of me, this is who I am now. I can't change it, and I can't stop.

In this country, there's a saying, "If you're going to eat the poison, you might as well lick the plate." There's a certain persuasiveness to relentless insanity. Though some are beyond words…

(Akatsuki leaves mid-conversation)

Do you understand what I'm trying to get at?- Hey! Where are you going?! Akatsuki, please don't run away from me!

Argh! If I'm going to have to play the bad guy here, I have no problem with that. I'll just jump you from behind and put an end to this horrible tragedy!

Stage 6[]

Hilda: Oh? Are you supposed to be some kind of soldier? I certainly wasn't expecting to see any cosplayers tonight. You must be mocking us… Or are you extremely confident in your abilities?

Akatsuki: Cosplay…? I don't know what you're saying. Never mind that… I have some questions for you… Where am I? And who are you?

Hilda: Where are you…? Why on earth are you asking THAT? Did you hit your head or something?

Akatsuki: Times have certainly changed. Our surroundings are unlike anything I remember. And don't worry about my head, though I could use a little shut-eye.

Hilda: Your appearance… You don't expect me to believe you're an amateur who happened to stumble upon this Night, do you? You seem to possess some level of ability. Who might you be?

Akatsuki: …I am but a soldier.

Hilda: Hmm… Oh well, it doesn't matter. But don't expect to walk away with your limbs intact now that we've met. I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to die.

Akatsuki: Oh… I assumed by your appearance that you were one of those professionals who ply their trade by night, like some others I've seen before…

Hilda: What did you just say…? I don't like what you're implying. All right, how about Miss Hilda teaches you some manners?

Stage 9[]

Linne: Well, now… Despite my numerous complaints, I suppose immortality does have its upsides. I never thought I'd run into someone like you…


Linne: Granted, there was this other strange person… Examu? No, that's not right… Miss Ecto… No, what did she call herself… Anyway, you're the second anomaly I've come across.

Akatsuki: (Is she talking about that strange woman from earlier?)

Linne: It seems obvious that you've defeated Paradox. I don't know what you're after, but I can't let someone as powerful as you roam free.

Akatsuki: …I see. Though you may appear to be a child at first glance, your eyes give you away. You've killed many times before, haven't you? I've seen your type. Possessed by a demon.

Linne: Not quite, but you're not too far off the mark. So, what are you going to do? Will you do as you're told, or become rust on my blades?

Akatsuki: You've already made your choice, so I will not stay my hand, whether or not you are a child. To battle!

Final Stage[]

Hyde: Huh? What's with the uniform? Are you in the military or something? Or are you cosplaying some game or anime…? You really went all out, didn't you?

Akatsuki: Someone else said the same thing to me earlier…

Hyde: So, Linne's passed out over there with birds flying around her head… Given that you're standing right here, it's pretty easy to put two and two together.


Hyde: And as you managed to win somehow, I just can't let you walk away.

(Akatsuki powers up)

Akatsuki: Between you and me, when I use the power of the Blitz Motor, I become famished.

Hyde: Huh?

(Akatsuki powers down)

Akatsuki: That's why I need to find a decent place to eat as soon as I can. So, if you'll excuse me…

Hyde: What the hell?! Don't tell me you're supposed to be the "I'm always super hungry" character? Anyway, do you mind hanging out for a minute?

I mean, it's nice to see that Linne is all right, more or less, but I have to go through the motions of avenging her. If I let you walk without at least a black eye, I'd look like total loser!


Hyde: Owwwww… What the? Huh? That soldier guy's gone. Where did he…?


Akatsuki: That was a close one… If that fight had continued any longer, I would have run out of energy.

With no enemies on the horizon, it's safe to assume that boy was my final opponent. The oppressive atmosphere from before seems to have evaporated as well. Could it be over…?

Those people, with their weird and wondrous abilities… What mechanism would bestow such power?

Don't tell me… Could the source of their powers be…? The Gesellschaft of the Third Reich were working to develop "Super Soldiers"…

If so, that would make that young man I just fought a child of the Lebensborn, and a product of their selective breeding program.

In any case… If someone is using that power for evil, then I must put a stop to it as soon as possible. First, I will head to our headquarters in Fuji to check on the state of our laboratory.

Ed aka

Akatsuki's UNI1 Ending CG.

Akatsuki: It looks as though dawn is breaking… Farewell, dwellers of the "Night."

(Ending theme: Heart beat breaker)



Akatsuki: Hmm. It seems I've gotten lost. It's been half a century… Long enough for time to do a number on the scenery.

It happened a while back. I woke from a long slumber and headed home. What awaited me there was a strange Night, and foes with mysterious powers. Luckily, I managed to drive them away.

After escaping from the Night, I fulfilled my last remaining order: head to Aokigahara. There, I was to destroy the research lab's remaining confidential documents, along with the Blitz Motor.

The sea of trees there makes for difficult terrain to traverse, but it's an ideal spot for military ordnance. Of course, all of us knew the way to the laboratory.

Or so we thought…

The atmosphere grows tense… Have I wandered into that world again? It feels like this sort of thing has been happening more and more frequently ever since I woke up…

The Wielders here are extremely similar to the Gesellschaft's androids. I must annihilate any of them I encounter.

I have enough fuel left. Now then, it's time to blitz through this night…

Stage 3[]

Akatsuki: A pair of students… Siblings, perhaps… You two! Go home, already! It's too dangerous out here.

Tsukuyomi: Who are you…? I mean… Ah… What is it, sir? Oh, dear… How does my hair look…?

Byakuya: What's with that reaction, Sis? I didn't think pointy-browed, quiet guys with a strong sense of duty and a stubborn streak a mile wide were your type. Personally, he makes me thirsty for blood…

Tsukuyomi: M-My type?! If he's "my type," that's because the exact opposite "type" is stuck to me twenty-four-seven! You always do this, Byakuya!

Akatsuki: You two seem to get along well enough. Now, if you'll excuse me…

Byakuya: Hold it. I'm not just letting you walk away like that. Not after you stomped all over my relationship with Sis.

Akatsuki: Looks like I've found yet another nuisance. Normally I'd tell you to cool your head and that would be that… but in your case, words might not be enough.

Byakuya: You think you can "cool my head" at all, words or no words? All right, let's test that theory. I was hoping to find out whether that disgusting body of yours is really human or not anyway.

Akatsuki: "Human or not"? How philosophical. Well, it depends on your definition of huma--What am I saying? I'm just an ordinary soldier, obviously. To hell with your ontological accusations!

Byakuya: Mmm, got to love false modesty. You're looking tastier by the second. You putting the moves on my sister has got me awfully stressed… Luckily I've got you here to take it all out on.

Akatsuki: I thought you were running some kind of pair scam here, to be honest… but it sounds like things really are complicated between you two.

Regardless, it looks like I have no other choice but to punish you.

Stage 6[]

Tsurugi: Hoo boy, here comes another crazy dude. How many is that, now? Good on you for not letting your lack of EXS get you down! You're more of a "won't lose" type than a "can win" type, huh? Nice. Real pro.

Akatsuki: Another student? From the looks of you, I'd say you can use it… Are you one of those crazy, so-called Wielders?

Tsurugi: Crazy? Sure, if you mean crazy strong! I guess game recognizes game.

Akatsuki: Unfortunately, I don’t have time for any kind of game at the moment. If you've stopped the wrong person, then I'm sorry, but move along and keep looking.

Tsurugi: Well, I can't just back down now, can I? Man, how did I get into this mess? All right, guess I'll start with the usual…

I'm Tsurugi. I didn't get to participate in the previous Night, y'know, because of reasons. But I've heard enough rumors to get up to speed. How 'bout you, soldier boy? Looking for something important, right?

I'm hoping to learn the details of what happened in that last Night and maybe some of the dirt on you, too. You'll fill me in, won't you?

Akatsuki: It seems like you already know more than enough, Tsurugi. If you're really a Wielder, this isn't going to be easy.

Tsurugi: Oh yeah? Why's that, lots of pop quizzes? Astronomical tuition? Not bad. A tense atmosphere can be conducive to learning. C'mon, Teach, take this rookie to the school of hard knocks!

Akatsuki: (sweat drops) Oof… So this is what a masochist looks like… I'd better forewarn you, I don't hold back.

Final Stage[]

Akatsuki: I'm tired… How many foes have I fought? And still no way out… I must refuel soon. Fortunately, I've still got plenty of food.

Ahh, that's more like it. Everything I eat today tastes delicious, for some reason… This world's become a better place, indeed.

…Hmm. There's someone nearby.

(Akatsuki heads deeper towards the center of the Altar, where he encounters a familiar purple-haired uniformed lady…)

Eltnum: Shoot, you found me. Well, I guess it was bound to happen. There aren't a lot of people out here who deserve to wrap things up for you.

Last time, I popped in out of nowhere as your third CPU opponent. But check it out--I've been upgraded to final boss! Since this is the last stage, we can fight to our hearts' content, Akatsuki!

Akatsuki: You again? I'm sure you only randomly wound up in this Night again, like I did. Wouldn't it be fruitless for us to fight at this point?

Eltnum: Who said anything about fruit? I'm just looking for a nice, leisurely battle. Come on, while we're both still ripe.

Akatsuki: A leisurely battle…? It's apparent you won't hesitate, but…

Eltnum: Me? You're Mr. No Hesitation, here! We've got that much in common. We're just walking slightly different paths, that's all.

Akatsuki: You've got a point. Very well. If this is truly a final battle, I'll treat it like one.

Eltnum: I appreciate it, Akatsuki! Now, if we keep talking any longer, everyone back home will yell at me for blabbering on and on. So let's wrap up this pointless, shallow, ambivalent conversation up here!

All the world's a boss stage, and all the rebels and anomalies merely characters… Now get ready, because this little drama's coming up to the grand finale!


Akatsuki: I'm sorry to have hurt you again… But your wounds aren't so bad. I'm sure you'll wake up soon enough.

I should get out of here before then, or things might get messy. I'll leave a little food and water behind, just in case. Farewell, young Eltnum, if you will…

(Akatsuki leaves)


Akatsuki: Phew… I've walked quite a bit. This must be the Abyss of the Night, the bridge back to my world… Oogh… Wha… What is this light?!

(The background suddenly turns white)

Oh! That's… That's the Fuji Laboratory!

So I've made it through the sea of trees… The laboratory must be completely ruined by now. Honestly, I'm impressed that any of it remains.

That's right. Everything started here.

Before the Great War, we'd been receiving information on military technology from Germany… Including some of uncertain principle or use.

Needless to say, neither the army nor the navy showed any interest in this technology. They demanded only battle-ready weapons. Then, on the very eve of war, the brass approved a certain secret project…

Under their orders, the army built the Fuji Laboratory. We were deployed to investigate the equipment within.

Ironically, all of those uncertain, unnecessary technologies were no longer so unnecessary. The Blitz Motor, Hibernation Control Unit, and Body Replicator.

We were soon dispatched to the Gesellschaft…

…Hm. I sense… an ambush.

Whoever it is, they must have found this place before I did. With any luck, all the documents inside were already destroyed after the war…


Akatsuki's UNI2 Ending CG.

Akatsuki: No matter whom I may face, this body of mine was revived to fulfill its duty! Now, on a new mission I embark!

(Ending theme: Peace of Mind)


Story Transcripts
Arcade Mode
Chronicle Mode